علوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیادبیات و زبان

آموزش زبان - درس دوم: Many cars

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:

صفحه 3:
Answers of ۳ questions ee. Se nc there three soldiers in the pic} “© yes, there are. There are three soldiers i in 2-۰ picture. 4 te 2: - Are there ten windows on the wa’ no , there aren’t. there Are two ‏م‎ on ۳ the wall. . 3: = == Are there six glasses on the table es _, there are. There are six glasses on ae

صفحه 4:
اد ۶ ۲ ۱۱۶ ۱۴ 6۵۲ 006 ۲۳۱6۲6 عم ,عد ‎no, there aren’t. there are many cars in t‏ 2 street. a ae 5. ‏هد‎ Are there one bag under the desk ? yes, there are. there are one bag under the = . “te =A. a car in the picture. ‎There is‏ ل ‎There are many cars in the park .‏ .2 ‎3. There are twelve oranges in the ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏محر ‎ws‏ ‎kK.‏ 1 . ‎many books sin thelibrary — ake‏ سيا .5 ‎as ‎ ‎basket. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 5:
ee 1. There is one watch on the 1 ie table. 1 2< 2. There is one book under the د ‎table.‏ ید ‎are many (eight) oranges in the vos‏ مگ ‎BF rer are six students in the cossrod ae ‏رز‎ bo 2 There are four desks in the ‎classroom. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎۲

صفحه 6:
ae =e 5 000 0 1. Is there a basket in the — = picture? ۷ there is . i ۱ ۱ ‏شام‎ ‎2.۸۵۲6 1۳6۳6 ‏صا كععغ واه‎ 1۳6 4 ) a © park? = Yes, there are. ۱ 9 32 3. Is there one book on the table? j ۴ ۲ No, there isn’t. there is three book on oe the table. - 4. Are there many oranges in the baske' No, there aren't . There are three oranges in a the basket ۳ Are 5 man. oks in the i ‏ا مهن‎ —

صفحه 7:
od = ‏و‎ a ao = se => ee 1. is there a teacher in the classroom? 4 x Yes, there is a teacher in the classroom. 2 ae ¢ ? 2. are there two oranges in the ‏م‎ basket? =, Yes, there are two oranges in the Basicetthere seven pictures on = the wall? 2 a= Yes, there are seven pictures on 5 se theavafihere many trees in the =>, park? ‎Yes, there are many trees in the‏ سح ‎a desk in the (‏ 161 وم = ‎room ———‏ > ‎eS there is a desk in the> a ‎ ‎

صفحه 8:
2 2 7 | twewve There aren’t twelve oranges in the oe [es | aren't | =

صفحه 9:
There are many forks on the sail airy A. Maryam: Are there many plate on the table? Zahra: Yes, there are.

صفحه 10:
Me Are there ten students in the classroom? > Hello. How are you? Is there a map on the wall? Are there two desks in the classroom? 2 = Just fine. Yes , there Is a map on the Yes , Malle are two desks in the classroom

صفحه 11:

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