صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
اك ل ا ان
ad ل ۰ ۱۱۳۰
ger ne eer On A nS ree ger ean
صفحه 3:
" The main objective of this paper is to
investigate the application of relationship
market ing in the context of corporate
banking using McKinsey's Seven-S
framework of shared values, strategy,
,واا5 ,5026۲ ,5۷566 ,ع۲نتاباااه ۵۳۱0 ۰
لا از SPUR Da ME Tee ۱
بانكدارى شركتى با استفاده از جارجوب اس vow
است كه ارزش , استراتزى . ساختار . سيستم
ها , کارکنان و مهارتهای آن ها را بررسی می کند .
صفحه 4:
* Personal interviews with 42 account
relationship managers from a large
multinational bank in Singapore, with a
strong niche in corporate banking,
provided the inputs for this investigation
SPEC OS MOLNG a VAC ل ا ا Tits
PONE PO Cag) Pvt ara T YL COST) PIB Ce Oe Fe
مناسب برای بررسی در زمینه بانکداری شرکتی
انتخاب شده است ک اطلاعات ورودی مناسبی را در
زمينه اين تحقيق در اختيار ما قرار مى دهد.
صفحه 5:
to the رت و۱
identification of major conditions,
which should be present for the
imple mentation of the relationship
marketing concept in an
organization. © 1997 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved
صفحه 6:
صفحه 7:
" Today's competitive banking environ
mentdemands an ever-increasing consumer
responsiveness. With deregu lation,
globalization and automation, corporate
customers now have a wide array of choices in
banking services
" در محيط بانكدارى رقابتى امروزه نياز به ياسخكويى به
نيازهاى مشترى رو به افزايش است. با مكانيزه و
tube Morro eta ا ا 0
خدمات بانکی مشتریان بانکداری شرکتی به گستره
Ibi Mee Teny )1 ا ا POS] POC] MCL
دسترسی پیدا کرده اند
صفحه 8:
These environmental changes, coupled with
the saturated demand for banking products
Banks are realizing that marketing is more
than just acquiring new customers; it also
involves retammg existing customers and
selling them a wider assortment of products
and services. This realization has led many
to practise what has been commonly
referred to as ‘relationship marketing’. In
explaining the relationship marketing
concept, Kotler (1994) observes that
صفحه 9:
* اين ميزان از درخواست براى خدمات بانكى
ا ا ا onl Pare cree
oS rigs ا we
aL grate) ل ا Pum] Bat -mgeptnue
حفظ مشتريان موجود با ارائه خدمات وسيع
تر باتكى به آنها در اولويت قراز دارد اين
مفهوم از بانكدارى به اصطلاحا " بانكدارى
رابطه " نامیده می شود
صفحه 10:
Smart marketers try to build up long-term,
trusting, ‘win-win’ relationships with customers ...
That is accomplished by promis ing and delivering
high quality, good service, and fair prices to the
other parties over time. It is accomplished by
building strong economic, technical, and social ties
with other parties
Pe Pape ROSS new! Fa Fes TE Ee PRC Pe ee FY
Pen ene nan le
Oa ere RC Wepre more ha ede pe art B)|
. مناسب نسبت به سایرین , سعی در حفظ مشتریان می کنند
اين مهم با ایجاد یک شرایط قوی اقتصادی با تکلونژی بالا و
روابط اجتماعی بالا محقق می شود
صفحه 11:
" The relationship concept, when
properly implemented, cuts down on
transaction costs and time, thus
providing banks with critical
competitive edge (Turnbull, 1983;
Turnbull and Gibb, 1987).
*" مفهوم رابطه بين بانك و مشترى زمانى به
درستی انجام می شود که منجر به کاهش و
SOP MINT Carpe) ۱[
صفحه 12:
" Personal interviews and self-adminis tered
questionnaires using a sample of
" 42 account relationship managers (ARMs) from a
large multinational bank in Singapore, which we
shall term Delta Bank, provided the inputs for this
[RO eer ek RSC ern D RCS eat nee keel
استفاده از مدل سون اس است.
ار اک 5 ueeery clhyrred bars cl
ان شركت ها داراى حساب در يك بان ب
نوأ برودی این ت
صفحه 13:
" We believe that perceptions of Delta
ARMs bring into focus the
interrelationship between the Seven-
S framework and relation ship
marketing in the banking sector
" ما معتقديم كه تجزیه و تحلیل بر روی حساب
كاربرى مديران(/811 ) و تمركز بر روى
SI el Peer pierre oe 5300000
رسيدن به به نتايج خوبی شود
صفحه 14:
2& Delta Corporation
صفحه 15:
" Founded over a century ago, Delta today
operates with hundreds of branches in
over 50 countries around the globe. Delta
enjoys a strong image, high recognition
and a premier bank status, particularly in
markets of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
oC Pewee ne eer Ee TOR ROCs NG TOC > ie
امروزه به وسيله بيش از 100 شاخه از بانك ها در
سراسر دنيا اجرا ميشود . دلتا بانك از يى تصوير قوى
و شناخته شده دربين بانكها برتر به ويزه در حوزه
520 eae perry rept iey fer |
صفحه 16:
" Historically, the bank leveraged its
international network to support the
trade finance business, but now Delta
has realigned its strategy to focus on
two additional areas:
از لحاظ تازیخی دلتا بانک یک شبکه بین المللی
براى حمايت از كسب و كار و تامين مالى تجارت
است اما در حال حاضر دلتا بانک بیشترین تمرکز
خود را بر روى دو استراتزى معطوف كرده است .
صفحه 17:
* ¢ personal banking to exploit emerging
opportunities in the high-growth middle class
in Asia;
» ٠ fee-based (non-lending) products for
corporate customers in areas such as capital
markets, treasury and cash management.
* 1: بانكدارى خصوصى با توجه به فرصت بهره بردارى از
eaere rt) ا ا ا
* 2: محصولات مبتنی بر هزینه برای مشتریان شرکت های
PCO USC arUe yin bh net ener wires er reeee
مدیریت پول نقد.
صفحه 18:
* Delta is a highly profitable bank, with
assets of nearly £30 billion; over half
of its £1 billion earnings come from
Asian operations
Ee ene ree arene Oa Age
۳ | به ۳۰ میلیارد است.
خود را از عملیات در آسیا بدست آورده است
صفحه 19:
Corporate Banking, by comparison
5 Commercial
تناف ون
+ Basie Account Services * Buianess/ Current Accounts
* Cash and Checking * Working Capital Loans
* Consumer Loans * Cash Management Services
* Mortgage! Vehicle Loans * Investment Services
+ Small Business Lending * Wealth Management
* Credtl Debit Cards
* Investments
۱ + Deposits + Project Finance
صفحه 20:
Corporate banking, also known as business
banking, refers to the aspect of banking that
deals with corporate customers. The term was
originally used in the United States to distinguish
it from investment banking , after the GLASS-
Steagall act of 1933 separated the two activities
بانکداری شرکتی که به عنوان تجارت بانک نیز شناخته میشود *
OR See irc Foe on cae Pre ee cele er err
ارتباط دارد . اين اصطلاح اولين بار در ايالت متحده براى
000 ا اا
يس از قانون شيشه ١3031ع56 در سال 1933 بانكدارى
ا ا ا irre Be
صفحه 21:
= While that law was repealed in the 1990s, corporate
banking and investment banking services have
been offered for many years under the same
umbrella by most banks in the United States and
elsewhere. Corporate banking is a key profit center
for most banks; however, as the biggest originator
of customer loans,
زمانى كه اين قانون در سال 1990 جايكزين شد .سرويس هاى "
بانکداری شرکتی و بانکداری سرمایه گذاری در آمریکا و در
ره هر اد ات
صفحه 22:
Retail Banking Products and Services
PEE ye Oe Ce NC MOLE De aa grrr pent)
Retail Banking & It's Objective
صفحه 23:
Retail banking encompasses a wide variety of products
and services, including
* بانكدارى خرده فروشى شامل طيف كسترده اى از محصولات و
خدمات: از:جمله:
Checking and savings accounts - customers are
generally charged a monthly fee for checking accounts;
savings accounts offer slightly higher interest rates than
checking accounts but generally cannot have checks
اتب ی یت هزین
* حساب های حسابرسی و پس انداز - مشتری معمولا هزینه ماهانه برای
pea by ren ere rep yCaics ان Foor
re Mop iCaee Teno MN RTC eT 000
نمیتوانند چک بر روی آنها نوشته شوند
صفحه 24:
" Certificates of deposit (CDs) and
guaranteed investment certificates (in Canada)
- these are the most popular investment
products with conservative investors, and an
important funding source for banks since the
funds in these products are available to them
for defined periods of time.
Sy13F alow slo aleS 9 (CD) 0240 slo aoluwleS *
| mt et)
lle pio 9 ا ا alow
مهم برای بانک ها است؛ چرا که وجوه این محصولات برای
oer] Ee pren Dep Mee-t we One
صفحه 25:
" Mortgages on residential and
investment properties - because of their
size, mortgages account for both a
substantial part of retail banking profits,
as well as the biggest chunk of a bank’s
exposure to its retail client base
Jo a - SylF alo pw وام هاي مسكن و خواص
مهمى از yy Pa) vt ne vareet mrt | Pn On] eS] BU
eC RUSS SO Ne TT MIE rye RSE tec el ere)
رویارویی بانک با مشتری خود را تشکیل می دهند.
صفحه 26:
* Automobile financing - banks offer loans for
new and used vehicles, as well as refinancing
for existing car loans.
" تامين مالى خودرو - بانك ها وام ها را براى وسايل نقليه
30 ORG Tre ا ل 2
ely sly refinancing ماشين هاى موجود
" Credit cards - the high interest rates charged
on most credit cards make this a lucrative
source of interest income and fees for banks
* كارت هاى اعتبارى - با نرخ بهره بالا براى اكثر كارت
های اعتنباری یک منبع درآمد سود آور برای بانک هاست
صفحه 27:
Lines of credit and personal credit products -
home equity lines of credit (HELOC) have
diminished significantly in their importance as a
profit center for banks after the U.S. housing
collapse and subsequent tightening of mortgage
lending standards.
Re re ا
5 ا
خطوط اعتبارى واعتتارى شخضى - اعتنارات اعتبارق غانة
0 0 ا ا ا (3) -1K0/@)
بانک ها پس از فروپاشی مسكن در ايالات متحده و به دنبال ان
eat Sere ا ا ل ا CMC Se] Pelee]
یافته است.
صفحه 28:
" Foreign currency and remittance services
- the increase in cross-border banking
transactions by retail clients, and the
higher spreads on currencies paid by
them, makes these services a profitable
offering for retail banking
خدمات ارزى و يولى - افزليش معاملات بانكى مرزى
مشتریان خرده فروشی و گسترش بیشتر
ner Tee Te سم ۳
خدمات جزو خدمات سود آور برای بانکهاست
صفحه 29:
۱ Var em Ce me mem tate
ee aN ل MECC ae meme emer arg
صفحه 30:
* مشتريان بانكى خرده فروشى نيز ممكن است خدمات زير
DOr By ا 0 ا ل 2
Stock brokerage (discount and full-service) =
Insurance =
Wealth management =
Private banking *
* كاركرارى سهام ( تخفيف و خدمات كامل )
مديريت ثروت
صفحه 31:
" The level of personalized retail banking services
offered to a client depends on his or her income
level and the extent of the individual's dealings
with the bank. While a client of modest means
would generally be served by a teller or
customer service representative
CURSO ل OLE Dea evel
OL BSea ا ا ا ا لل | Peper ey
كلى به وسيله ابزار معقول كه در اختيار مشترى است از
خدمات بهره مند مى شود
صفحه 32:
* a high-net-worth individual who has an
extensive relationship with the bank
would typically have his or her banking
requirements handled by an
account manager or private banker.
" يك فرد با ارش خالص كه روابط كسترده اى
yl SLL معمولا نيازهاى بانكى خود را با یک
مدير حساب ويا بانكدار خصوصى برقرار مى
صفحه 33:
* Although brick-and-mortar branches are still necessary to
convey the sense of solidity and stability that is crucial to
banking, the reality is that retail banking is perhaps one area
of banking that has been most impacted by technology,
thanks to the proliferation of ATMs and the popularity of online
and telephone banking.
Fes ees ger ey Pr OWe ااال
[1 roan ree ne eve aren cer pc resem from emer Parrentty Pe fe
CAPO Pee Ia re Pear ere ere en nek aC Own Nuc Mee
كسترش دستكاه هاى خوديرداز و محبوبيت بانكدارى آنلاين و تلفن.
صفحه 34:
Corporate Banking Products and Services
محصولاتو خدماتب انکدارعشرکتی
صفحه 35:
" The corporate banking segment of banks typically
serves a diverse range of clients, ranging from small- to
mid-sized local businesses with a few millions in
revenues to large conglomerates with billions in sales
and offices across the country. Commercial banks offer
the following products and services to corporations and
other financial institutions:
Te ل ا ا Re Ue er كن
(armerna' ee Revie res rae) prey ۱
با درآمد جند ميليون دلارى و همجنين شركت هاى بزرك با درآمد
میلیارد دلاری در فروش و دفاتر در سراسر کشور. بانک های تجاری
ی 0
:ارائه می دهند
صفحه 36:
* Loans and other credit products - this is typically the
biggest area of business within corporate banking, and
as noted earlier, one of the biggest sources of profit and
risk for a bank.
" Treasury and cash management services - used by
companies for managing their working capital and
0۱۲۲۲6۵ 6۵۳۷6۳60۱ ۲6۵۷۲6
eC Ose eer er emer Races) id kon ee CSE REE)
HS eA Cont omy coin تس کت ها رود رانک
قبلا اشاره شد, یکی از بزرگترین منایع سود و خطر برای یک بانک
صفحه 37:
" Equipment lending - commercial banks
structure customized loans and leases for a
range of equipment used by companies in
diverse sectors such as manufacturing,
transportation and information technology.
FC ip Ces PC anes cl ees ee
سفارشى و اجاره براى طيف وسيعى از تجهيزات
Ree ep mOUg erin wri S Cre] Iper yy
مختلف از جمله تولید, حمل و نقل و فناوری اطلاعات
صفحه 38:
*" Commercial real estate - services
offered by banks in this area include
real asset analysis, portfolio evaluation,
and debt and equity structuring.
املاك تجارى - خدمات ارائه شده توسط بانى ها
ul yo ا 0 ا blo 02
ارزشيابى نمونه كارها و ساختار بدهى و حقوق
صفحه 39:
= Trade finance - involves letters of credit, bill
collection and factoring.
yes re sere C ere oe ace) rae ee CW Pees | Ose ile
akg SD
" Employer services - services such as payroll and
group retirement plans are typically offered by
specialized affiliates of a bank.
۳ 0
هاى بازنشستكى كروهى معمولا توسط وابستكان تخصصى يى
Co cel
صفحه 40:
The Bottom Line
وف ی
1 ۳ ل 725 9۲ ا bs 8
و ۳ Mere LO a ae تاه
صفحه 41:
* Retail and commercial banks are essential
for the smooth functioning of an economy.
Most large banks have specialized divisions
that deal in retail banking and corporate
banking; both businesses are among the
largest profit centers for most banks
* بانك هاى خرده فروشى و تجارى براى عملكرد صحيح
clout Sy ا ا 2 dbaidl
1 TIC ee mee te ert ine ire)
دارند؛ هر دو كسب و كار در ميان بزركترين مراكز
ا 5
صفحه 42:
۱ Em oD)
Turnbull, P (1983) ‘Corporate
"كع امعد عامهط 5ه نام
Te ac eae)
Turnbull, P and Gibb, M (1987)
Peta nae ae oa
err set
STN eel
'كمأطكمماغ قاعم
00 la a
۸2۳۷۵۷9 5)1( 19-6
0 eed
SRC الل
0 RT
00 Re eR rad
* Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
ل ل 02
ع لمعه
CRS eee ee Re a
= (March/April) 118-126
الا ا ل د See
دمنهد)عناهد ea . «
زیر تاه
لك 07
/ ا 0