آموزشعلوم تجربیعلوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیادبیات و زبان ریاضیسایرعلوم پایه

زبان انگلیسی-سال دهم-دوره ی دوم متوسطه-درس دوم(2)-(Wonders Of Creation)

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: ۱۲ اسلاید


صفحه 1:
6 © قد هاى از نشانه 2 i ‏و‎ ‏ماوت رز‎ همه ی ‎ul‏ nae © ©

صفحه 2:

صفحه 3:
Galaxy ۰ river |

صفحه 4:
۱ يون زندگیکنند تا ۱9 em et eal) ان أ ‎©@Antsareamazing animals.‏ سدعف قصصدف ومسورقج ‎Which one ts more interesting for you? Order the words based on‏ @) Our body is a wonderful (© Camels can live without your interest. system. water for a long time Camels Ants Planets

صفحه 5:
5B. Put te above vars into the following groups.

صفحه 6:
۱ | [108 ‏دنم‎ visiting an observatory. He is talking to Ms. Tabesh \ al 3 ‘who works there. / Ms.Tabesh: Are you interested in the planets? era ‘Yes! They are really interesting for me, but I don’t know y orbit, much about them ' Ms.Tabesh: Planets are really amazing but not so much alike. Do you know how they are different? eza Umm... know they go around the Sun in different orbits. Ms.Tabesh: That's right. They have different colors and sizes, too. Some are rocky like Mars, some have rings like Satu and some have moons like Uranus. era How wonderful! Can we see them without a telescope? Ms.Tabesh: Yeah... we can see the planets nearer to us without a telescope, such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. We can see Uranus and Neptune only with powerful telescopes. 0 And which planet is the largest of all? Ms.Tabesh: Jupiter is the largest one. It has more than sixty moons. Do you want to look at it? za I really like that.

صفحه 7:
0000001 ۴ reg | | ca ۳ Gar Lae i fons forts ‘The heart fps bood Warr is ype of quid There ar seme drops of ۳ ‏وی‎ ‎aint on is hi om APB. Read and Practice. healthy: ! strong and well He isa heathy boy. ‘Blood colle ae red and wie bot ane theusind people lve un tis valage A heclthy breakfast con give you more energy. 3 for your body سلول ها ‎defend to protect someone or something from danger‏ ‎The brave solders defended our country in war‏ 1: fo move someone or something fom ene pce te another Morley carry ther bebies al daylong collet to go and get someone or something “The school us calls the cicreneoch mening daily exercise fact things that ace true or tat really happened elf regen Ta fact that Earth goes eroue the Sun ‏ورزش کردن‎

صفحه 8:
DA wonderful Liquid The human body is a real wonder. It is sometimes good to think about our body and how it works. Our body is doing millions of jobs all the time. One of the most important parts of the body is blood. The heart pumps this red liquid around the body. This keeps us healthy and alive. More than half of blood is plasma. This is a clear and yellow liquid. Tt carries red and white cells. There are millions of red blood cells im one small drop of blood. They carry oxygen round the body and collect carbon dioxide from body parts. There are thousands of white cells in a drop of blood. They are bigger than red cells. They defend our body against microbes. This wonderful liquid is a great gift from Allah. We can thank Allah ١ by keeping our body healthy. One way to do that is eating healthy food i doing daily exercises. Another way is to donate our blood to those o need it.

صفحه 9:
B. TrueFalse 1. There are only white cells in plasma 2. Red cells are smaller than white cells 3. The number of red cells is more than white cells. ‘C. Match two halves. 1. The heart pumps blood round the body .CL 2. Our body is really wonderful... 3. Red blood cells carry oxygen round the body C a. soit is sometimes good to think about it b. then it is dangerous. ¢. and collect carbon dioxide 4. to keeps us alive A. Choose the best answer, 1- What color is plasma? a) red b) yellow 9 c) white 2- How can we keep our body healthy? a) By eating fast foods b) By doing daily exercises) ¢) By sleeping late 3- How many white blood cells are there in a drop of blood? 0) hundreds © b) thousands c) millions

صفحه 10:
Read the following examples. Adjectives 1 Many interesting animals live in forests of Iran. «Robert's father is a very tall man. Adjectives as kind as as big as 1 His grandfather is os old as my grandfather. 1 Tigers are as dangerous as lions.

صفحه 11:
Adjectives Dena. Europe Reza. djectivesy»> mountain of Iran. of all. student of our class. Comparative ("Demuvend be taller than Asia is Omid is = Karoon is longer than Atrak = Mars is smaller than Jupiter. wiative A Damavand is the tallest Asia is the biggest Omid is the youngest « Karon is the longest river of Iran. » Jupiter is the largest of all

صفحه 12:
Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms.

صفحه 13:

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