صفحه 1:
In the name of God
صفحه 2:
Lesson 1
Saving nature
de from water every livin
Al_anbia 30
صفحه 3:
Part one
putting out the fire
cutting down the trees
hurting the animal
helping the injured animal
.A. Match the pictures with the phrases
صفحه 4:
?B. Which is good for nature? Which is bad
صفحه 5:
Part Two
WWE Elcom ane silastic Modi m ۱6 ۵5
صفحه 6:
2B. Can you divide the above animals into two groups? How
صفحه 7:
ذ'ع55 .ع]1الاألالا عمة عتبطهلة آه جمناعدنا! عط وماعأوأنا دأ ممهلموالزر
talking to Mr. Razavi, who works in the museum.
Excuse me, what is it? Is it a leopard?
No, it is a cheetah.
Oh, a cheetah?
/ 1 Yeah, an Iranian cheetah. It is an endangered anir
| know. | heard around 70 of them are alive. Yes?
Smee lem Sele ental nal l-Uan Lol k t-te
Really?! How?
1 9: Well, we have some plans. For example, we are go
to protect their homes, to make movies about their life,
and to teach people how to take more care of them
صفحه 8:
Answer the following questions orally.
1. Where aneytheyiking in the muse
صفحه 9:
New words and
A. Look, Read and Practice. expressio ns
۱۱ تا ۱۱2 COLT e Lod
صفحه 10:
SO nen eee ener ln
01 هماع موؤلومعم عط
P11! ا
prone) 2 9
۱۱2۱ ات
injured animal
Moghan _is anice place
the north-west of Iran.
صفحه 11:
B. Read and Practice.
not many; a small number of things or
Dae ace Pac eat
> :a person
Se eT ev nat 1ك
____:in place of someone or something else
Cree eE SoM CTC Ta Sr ea tic 7
00200 الامص ماع36 عمطلا قط
لض ى مل قتة عاممطااءهلالا ,ناملا قه الاغيهم مغ م6 .ع6
صفحه 12:
PN tly
Today, there are some endangered animals on
Earth. It means that we
can find only a few of them around us. Some
examples are whales,
pandas, tigers and Asian elephants.
Humans destroy the natural homes of the
animals in the forests,
lakes, and plains. When the number of people
on Earth increases, they
wl i ee a ee eee ck و
صفحه 13:
The Iranian cheetah is among these animals.
This wild animal lives
only in the plains of Iran. Now there are onl
توات تفیل یقرت
alive. If people take care of them, there is h
for this beautiful
animal to live.
Recently, families pay more attention
to nature, students learn about saving
wildlife, and some hunters don’t go
hunting anymore. In this way,
alate a OTC يك يت فإقوكانق
«ce !0 2 0و9و۱
صفحه 14:
A. Choose the best answer. ‘Ng
1-Which of the followings is not an endangered اك
animal? 5
ae reer OY aa Qs 7
مقامقعا عط آه عمصمط اومنغهم عط ذأ عمعطللا-2
فلت ره
Ose ya c)mountain
اأننا كه عمصمط أهئبطهم 3 غمم ذأ ععقام طعاتطلالا -3
لانن ( 32084
صفحه 15:
۹ ممعم
لیات یر
1. In the past, many hunters paid attention to الل oe 2
2. Families are interested in protecting ۱1 wy 3
(۱ goo
3. When people take care of cheetahs, the number of these | 2 ۳"
20۱۴۵۱۶ ۷۱۱۱ elk t- lo
صفحه 16:
ال ا ۹ ۱ 2۶۵01۳3
۲. ۷۵۲6۱ ۱۷۵ ۵۰
1. When only a few numbers of an animal live on EarthO
2. If we take care of Iranian cheetahs. 8|
3. People need more places for living, 3
ال ا ييا ايف اليك كن
للا ریت را ات یات یر ۱:۳
¢. somé hunters go hunting.
.ع اناعناء قغطغ ص عناذ! الأنس لاعطع .ل
صفحه 17:
28 و9
A. Read the following texts.
صفحه 18:
.B. Read the following examples
۳ 5
5۳۰ از 52۷ ۰ ۰
هم رک ۱۱۱
صفحه 19:
.B. Read the following examples
0 will not نت area ieee
We (won’t)
Serre come tas CORRS ae A
SPO a Ae aCe A ey
صفحه 20:
.B. Read the following examples
Will سیب em OM Mtl ale) ied
+ Will our family buy a new car next year?
* Will Reza have an exam on Monday?
صفحه 21:
C. Tell your teacher how ‘simple future’ is made. ۳
D. Read the ‘Reading’ and underline all ‘future verbs’.
E. Read the following paragraph and choose the best verb forms.
Alfredo is an Italian tourist. He lives/will live in Rome.
He likes/
will like to travel and see different places of the world.
PVA IM Cm Rem cor N Mme غ38 .كلهمستصح
month, he
and his wife travel/will travel to Iran. They go/will go
to Tooran
Plain tn caa animale Thay ara hoanafi] tn cac Parcian
صفحه 22:
F. Read the following wh-
۳ ای uestionsi وت رولیت tie
Who Who will visit Shiraz next summer?|
When When will the tourists visit Shiraz?
۷۱۷۳۱۰۲۰ sum
What What will the tourists do next summed
صفحه 23:
.G. Work with a friend
_, Make sentences with these beginnings using the ‘future
2.0n Friday morning,t
Te ۵ 10۵۲۲۵۸ ,و
. Now ask your friend ‘future tense’ questions with the following words.
تن ۵
3. Who
ele delete ale Moly a) وا یا
and C.
صفحه 24:
. Read the following examples with ‘to be going
7 a house soon. They have enough
لاع زومر ©
Look at the sky! It 3 4
Alice is free tonight. She some poems. AY
Reza TV tonight. The program is O
very boring.
عنق عاق عللا .عنائهم علالا 0]
۱ am
a (ol)
are going to play ~— tomorrow. علا
He 8
Sits ۳
3. Go to Part Il of your Workbook and do D.
صفحه 25:
Listening Speaking sterategy
and ۱
7 schedules/plans
Pe CUM ال ا ل ا ل ل auCiie
plans or talk
Ea ON 6۰
| hehe on ea
۱ ecce era
Cr nt enatie e ecard
RPNCS COVEY Tet Car nici)
صفحه 26:
What will you do? / What are you going to do?
Iwill... ./ 1am going to ... .
Where will you go? / Where are you going to go?
I will go ..../ I’m going to go... .
صفحه 27:
. Listen to the following conversations and complete the
وروت رت
1. Alice is going
Pair up and ask your friend about the things they are going to do
this weekend. You may use the verbs in the box.
stay home, read a book, go to the museum, visit our
go shopping, study English
صفحه 28:
17 ALY. ooeev Oooo neon nr ene
ممعم ونع ءءء اكبيد
Pair up and ask your friend about the things they will or won't do to
save nature. You may use the verbs in the box.
take care of endangered animals,
protect forests, hunt, hurt
صفحه 29:
_. Listen to the following sentences. They have falling
رتیت نیا
]۱ Tet ey amu ether Cen 2
_. What does your brother do? ل ,موه ما مود
1۱ ace مق دراوم ofdCaptop doesn't work x
۱۳9 ری تیا ات irr eae ry 8
When you ask for or give new inform.
use falling intonation.
صفحه 30:
B. Listen and fnd where the sentences end. Do this by putting a period
(.) and/or capitalizing words.
SAR Oe WU ee sL3 tg
Ce a aL at ne Le
animalslike birds andgiraffes
don'thaveanyseaanimals now
~wewill havesome next yearwe
aremaking new buildings for
Re a ea etd
PO Raa
(Om CORN Tem A Mm le ate) alien: Conia
صفحه 31:
: Creators
Shadi Eshaghi
= Maede Shurmeyj
Hanie Gholipur
Narges Laktarashi
Mona Dajliri
صفحه 32:
\Thanks for your ۳