کسب و کارمنابع انسانی و مشاغلمدیریت و رهبری

رهبری کتاب رفتار سازمانی ارین قلی پور به زبان انگلیسی

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 50 اسلاید رهبری کتاب رفتار سازمانی ارین قلی پور به زبان انگلیسی


صفحه 1:
Gholipour A, 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 2:
anagers and Leaders 1. Administers 1. Innovates 2. A copy 2. An original 3. Maintains 3. Develops 4, Focuses on system and structure 4. Focuses on people 5. Relies on control 5. Inspires trust 6. Short-range view 6. Long-range perspective 7. Asks how and when 7. Asks what and why 8. Eye on the bottom line 8. Eye on horizon 9. Imitates 9. Originates 10. Accepts the status quo 10. Challenges the status ۳ 11. Classic good soldier 11. Own person ۹ 12. Does things right 12. Does the right thing ‏مه‎ Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 3:
Gholipour A, 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 4:
1- 1۲۵1۲ ۵۲۵ Traits Theories of Leadership Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Gholipour A, 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 5:
- Trait Perspective * Gender and leadership men were seen as displaying more overall and task leadership and women were perceived as displaying more social leadership. - women used a more democratic or participative style than men, Past evidence that women rated less favorably than equivalent male leaders due to stereotyping * Recent evidence that women rated more favorably than men, particularly on emerging leadership styles (coaching, participating) Gholipour A, 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 6:
he Glass Ceiling * Glass ceiling — A metaphorical transparent barrier that keeps women from rising above a certain level in organizations as a result of discrimination that decreases their upward mobility. * Glass walls — Barriers that channel women into staff/support positions rather than allowing them to move to positions of responsibility that directly contribute to the _ profitability of the organization. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 7:
x-Role and Managerial Stereotypes ° Wemen - ‏فتاه و۸3‎ - Namtiminy - GSpiititious — Coyapetitive | — Wainy like a leader A © Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 8:
Evaluating Female Leaders * Past evidence -Women rated less favorably than equivalent male leaders due _ to stereotyping * Recent evidence —Women rated more favorably than men, particularly on emerging leadership styles (coaching, teamwork) Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 9:
High need for socialized power 1 to accomplish team’s or firm’s goals دس Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 10:
Seven Leadership Competencies (con’t) * Strong belief in one’s ability to lead others * Can analyze problems/opportunities Knowledge of ‏عط‎ 5 Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. + Above average cognitive ability |

صفحه 11:
Competency Perspective Limitations * Implies a universal approach ° Alternative combinations of competencies might work just as well ° Assumes leadership is within the person — But leadership is also about relations with followers Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 12:
Behavior Perspective The Iowa Leadership St Ohio State Studies identified two critical dimensions of leader behavior. 1.Consideration: creating mutual respect and trust with followers 2. Initiating Structure: organizing and defining what group members should be doing University of Michigan Studies identified two leadership styles that were similar to the Ohio State studies. . employee centered . job centered Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid represents four leadership pits 25 PPR AyabYa ROP SAMAR OF reargpuction and concern £6: . Authoritarian . Democratic . Laissez-faire و بر ی تن ne

صفحه 13:
- Behavior Perspective * People-oriented Behaviors — Showing mutual trust and respect — Concern for employee needs — Desire to look out for employee welfare * Task-oriented Behaviors — Assign specific tasks — Ensure employees follow rules — Push employees to reach peak perfor Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 14:
‎the‏ هب ‎Managerial‏ 8 ‎Grid‏ ‎(Blake and‏ 7 8 ‎Mouton)‏ ۳۱۱۱ .2" 6 3 3 5 ق با | ۱ ع 4 5 6 3 ‎A nine-by-nine matrix‏ 2 | ‎outlining 81 different‏ ‎low 1 leadership styles.‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎۳ 2 9 ۳ 5 ۵ 7 8 low ~€— Concem for production —> High ‎Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
andinavian Studies Development-Oriented Leader One who values experimentation, seeking ne’ ideas, _ an neratin: an Ett Sa fp th URE tung, ere are only two _ dimensions (production-orientation and employee-orientation) that capture the essence of leadership behavior. Their premise is that in a changing world, effective leaders would exhibit development-oriented behaiginour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 16:
3 - Contingency Perspective Fiedler’s Contingency Model The Path-Goal Theory H. & B. Situational Leadership Theory Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 17:
Findings of the Feidler Mode

صفحه 18:
۲۱۵0۱8۵ 5 ۲۵۲-۰ Than: 4 Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 19:
h-Goal Contingencies Employee Contingencies _PirectiveSupportiveParticipative Skill/Experience 1dlsWYAGH™ high Locus of Control external external internal internal Environmental Contingencies DirectiveSupportiveParticipative ‏هریت ۳ تست ای(‎ 2 Dewo Oprnnvies ‏صصح عد‎ bw oes te wore 2 Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 20:
Hersey and ۵ 6 Situational Leadership Theory Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) A contingency theory that focuses on followers’ readiness. ‎ble cred‏ ام اه ام ی ‎iter causes iter‏ 7 ‎ ‎ ‎Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. ‎

صفحه 21:
ee ee ee ee a Situational Leadership vad REOTY = = Ferrera see $3 ۳ 7 5۳2۲6 10625 274 28 4 facilitate ir 0 Casa ir) Pree 4 ‏ع0 انا‎ ‏یر(‎ Vaio 0 ‏ممأ رازه ور‎ Relationship Behavio (supportive behavio: Low! Task Behavior Follower Readiness High Moderate Low ‏سم‎ BB Follower-Directed Leader-Directed Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 22:
der Participation Mode Cwpbper kwovewedt Ovi Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 23:
Contingency Variables in the Revised Leader-Participation Model . Importance of the decision. . Importance of subordinate commitment to the decision. . Whether leader has enough information to make a decision. . How well-structured the problem is. . Whether autocratic decisions would be supported by subordinat . Whether subordinates “buy into” the organization’s goals. . Whether subordinates disagree over solution alternatives. احم نح بن حر ين به ات مم . Whether subordinates know enough to make a good decision. 9. Time constraints that may limit the involvement of subordinate: 10. Cost justification for gathering geographically dispersed subor 11. Importance of minimizing the time it takes to make a decision. 12. Importance of participation to developing decision-making skil Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 24:
Transformational Perspective Transformational leaders Leading -- changing the organization to fit the environment Develop, communicate, enact a vision Transactional leaders Managing -- linking job performance to rewards Ensure € have necessary resources Apply contingency leadership Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 25:
ransformational Leadership at P&G Procter & Gamble CEO A. G. Lafley practices transformational leadership without using charisma. By forming and communicating a _ clear vision and modeling that vision, he has transformed the consumer goods company. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 26:
Transformational v. Transactional Leaders * Transformational leaders -Leading -- changing the organization to fit environment — Change agents * Transactional leaders -Managing -- linking job performance to rewards — Ensure employees have necessary resources — Apply contingency leadership Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 27:
۰ ‏و[‎ . charismatic leadership essential for transformational leadership? * Some experts say yes, but emerging view is that: -Charisma 15 distinct from transformational leadership — A personal trait that might help transform, or might just help the leader - Charismatic leadership might have opposite effect -- creates dependence, not empowerment Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 28:
sformational Leadership Elements Creating a Vision و( ‎Commitment‏ Communicating the Vision Modeling ‏نانفا‎ Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 29:
Transformational Leadership Elements 1.Create a strategic vision -Vision * Depiction of company’s (or work units) attractive future * motivates and bonds employees —May originate from others, but leader becomes a champion of the vision 2.Communicate the vision —Frame message around a grand purpose —Create a shared mental model of the future —Use symbols, metaphors, symbols Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 30:
iransformational Leadership Element (con’t) 3.Model the vision —Walk the talk —Symbolize and demonstrate the vision through their own behavior —Builds employee trust in the leader 4.Build commitment to the vision * Increased through communicating and modeling the vision * Increased through employee involvement in shaping the shared vision Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 31:
Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 32:
Strong convictions Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 33:
AN Type of Charismatic Leadership Styles 1. Envisioning 2. Energizing 3. Enabling 4 Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 34:
arismatic Leadership - use visionary and inspirational messages - rely on non-verbal communication - appeal to ideological values - attempt to intellectually stimulate employees - display confidence in self and followers - set high performance expectag Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tel

صفحه 35:
harismatic Leaders . Vision and articulation. Has a vision—expressed as an idealized goal—that proposes a future better than the status quo; and is able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others. . Personal risk. Willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision. . Environmental sensitivity. Able to make _ realistic assessments of the environmental constraints and resources needed to bring about change. . Sensitivity to follower needs. Perceptive of others’ abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings. . Unconventional behavior. Engages in bel\p | perceived as novel and counter to norms. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University]

صفحه 36:
1 6۵ ۱,6۵۵0/61-<۲ Exchange (LMX Model) * This model is based on the idea that one of two distinct types of leader-member exchange relationships evolve, and these exchanges are related to important work outcomes. - in-group exchange: a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect and liking - out-group exchange: a partnership characterized by a lack of mutual trust, respect and liking * Research supports this model Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 37:
bstitutes for Leadership * Substitutes for leadership represent situational variables that can _ substitute for, neutralize, or enhance the effects of leadership. Conditions that limit a leader’s influence or make a particular leadership style unnecessary. * Research shows that substitutes for leadership directly influence employee attitudes and performance. Examples: - Training and experience replace directive leadership — Cohesive team replaces supportive leadership — Self-leadership replaces achievement-oriented leadership Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 38:
Is Leadership Always Relevant? Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 39:
5 Nbstitutes for Leadership Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 40:
substitutes for Leadership (cont) Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 41:
rvant and Superleadership * Servant Leadership represents a philosophy in which leaders focus on increased service to others rather than to oneself. * A superleader is someone who leads others to lead themselves by developing employees’ self- management skills. * Superleaders attempt to increase emplove feelings of personal control and motivation. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehra

صفحه 42:
haracteristics of the Servant: Leader 1. Listening Servant-leaders focus on listening to identify and clarify the needs and desires of a group. 2. Empathy Servant-leaders try to empathize with others’ feelings and emotion. An individual’s good intentions are assumed even when he or she performs poorly. 3. Healing Servant-leaders strive to make themselves and others whole in the face of failure or suffering. 4. Awareness _ Servant-leaders are very self-aware or their strengths and limitations. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 43:
haracteristics of the Servant-Leader (continued) 5. Persuasion Servant-leaders rely more on persuasion than positional authority when making decisions and trying to influence others. 6. Conceptualization Servant-leaders take the time and effort to develop broader based conceptual thinking. Servant-leaders seek an appropriate balance between a short- term, day-to-day focus and a long- term, conceptual orientation. 7. Foresight Servant-leaders have the ability to foresee future outcomes associated with a current course of action or situation. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 44:
haracteristics of the Servant-Leade1 (continued) 8. Stewardship _ Servant-leaders assume that they are stewards of the people and resources they manage. 9. Commitment to Servant-leaders are committed to people beyond their the growth of immediate work role. They commit to fostering people an environment that encourages personal, professional, and spiritual growth. 10. Building Servant-leaders strive to create a sense of community both Community within and outside the work organization. Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 45:
What Is Trust? Integrity: honesty and truthfulness Competence: knowledge and skill Consistency: reliability and predictability Loyalty: willingness to protect Openness: give full true Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 46:
Employees’ Trust in Their CEOs 20% Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 47:
Three Types of Trust Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 48:
Building Trust . Practice Openness . Promote Fairness . Express Feelings . Keep Confidences . Be Consistent . Keep Promises . Tell the Truth . Show Competence Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. دم ‎Ww‏ حم إن ته ‎orn‏

صفحه 49:
Confident Hopeful Optimistic Resilient Transparent Moral / ethical Future oriented Associate building Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. an og PF ey Pp

صفحه 50:
Level 5 Leader Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

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