علوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیادبیات و زبان

زبان انگلیسی سال دوم درس 9

صفحه 1:
IN THE NAME OF GOD Lesson nine www. englishhome.ir

صفحه 2:
LESSON NINE ?Who is speaking

صفحه 3:
week: ‏هفته‎ wash: woman: ‏زن‎ this is Reza: Bie ea gtd lo, yet: be late: ‏دير كردن‎ 06 ۲6۵0۷: رضاح‌ندوب‎ begin: ‏شروع کردن‎ call: Ba, Spal was les drink: ‏نوشیدن‎ ‎leave: ‏ترك‌کردن‎ ‎make: ‏درستکردن‎ ‎practice: ‏تمرین‌کردن‎ ‎put on: ‏پوشیدن‎ ‎say...prayers: ‏نماز خولندن‎ talk: ‏صحبتکردن‎ پشمیز :(1۵016 21(۲06 بچه ها لباس‌ها لنجام دادن مس ‎sho‏ ‎ol‏ ‏نامه ‏مامان ‏روزنامه ‎Ve‏ ‎ol‏ ‏يا ‏جاي children: clothes: do: face: for: it: letter: mum/mom: newspaper: now: oh: or: tea:

صفحه 4:

صفحه 5:
He’s saying his.3 -prayers now He’s washing his hands.2 -and face Ali’s getting up.1 now

صفحه 6:
He’s going to.6 «school -He’s eating his breakfast.5 He’s putting on.4 his clothes

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
My name is Javad. This is my mother. She makes breakfast for the family every morning. Now she is -making tea

صفحه 9:

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:

صفحه 13:
Now answer the question in complete sentences. 1.who is making tea? Javad’s mother is making tea. 2.what is my father is drinking? Your father is drinking tea. 3.what time does he go to work? He goes to work at 7:00. 4.Am | putting on my jacket or my shirt? You are putting on your jacket. 5.What is my sister doing? Your sister is sitting at the table.

صفحه 14:
Basic structure 6-6-0

صفحه 15:
Simple present 1 You We .English every day sundy they 1 He Studies She Present continuous

صفحه 16:

صفحه 17:

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