آموزشعلوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیادبیات و زبانسایر

زبان انگلیسی سال دوم راهنمایی (درس دوم)

صفحه 1:
2010 oracoll get = [etl si A ‏توالت‎

صفحه 2:
Questions 0

صفحه 3:
: do you know our new teacher? : no | ‘don ’t who's she? Nahid : Mrs is tehrani. she teaches us English . : Is she a good teacher? : yes she is . all the students like her very does she speak persian in the classroom. No she usually speaks English Our English Teacher Nahid zahra zahra Nahid much. zahra : Nahid :

صفحه 4:
ic A) 1: | need apen. Give me pen please . 2: We need a book . Give usa book please . 3: He wants a ruler . Give thema ball please . 4: They need a ball. Give her a cup please. La

صفحه 5:
۱908 1: | usually go to school at 7. 2: The teacher always speaks English in the classroom . 3.We sometimes play football at school. 4.loften do my homework in the evening. 5.I never go to bed late. 6. In the morning we are usually at school. 7.My father is always home * on Fridays La

صفحه 6:

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
+ Which sentence is correct ? She always helps us in schoo! She always us helps in school. She helps always us in school. » 2A: Do you ever come with your father ? B: Yes, | often come with .... us them him 3A: What time do you get up in the morning ? B: . | sometimes get up in the morning at 6:30. I sometimes get up at 6:30 in the morning. 3.1 get up sometimes at 6:30 in the morning, ‎his bicycle to school.‏ . عله ب ‎rides ‎2.learns ‎gives ‎SThere are 30 days ina ‎

صفحه 9:
1 ‏سوال‎ ‎1.She always helps us in school 2 ‏سوال‎ ‎3.1 get up sometimes at 6:30 in the morning 3 ‏سوال‎ ‎1.1 sometimes get up in the morning at 6:30. 4 ‏سوال‎ ‎1.1 sometimes get up in the morning at 6:30. سول

صفحه 10:
My father has a lot of books. He reads different books. He Usually reads after dinner. He says books are our good fiends. They teach us a lot of things. He buys several books every month. He buys some books for me and my sister .too my sister is about 4. She likes books with picture in them. She learns many things from them. | like my books very much. They are my good friends and teachers. | usually read them after | do my homework. ‏پدر من تعداد زیادی کتاب دارد . او کتاب های گونا گونی می خواند . او معمول یعد از‎ ‏شام ) کتاب( می‎ ‏خواند . او می گوید کتاب ها دوستان خرب ما هستند . آن ها چیز های‎ ‏می دهند . او هر ماه‎ ‏چندین کتاب می خرد . او تعدادی کتاب برای من وخواحرم نیز می خرد . خراهرم‎ ‏حدود ۴ سال سن دارد‎ . ‏او کتاب های تصویر دار را دوست دارد , او چیز های زیادی از آن ها عی آموزد .من‎ کتاب هايم واخيلى آن ها را بعد از انجام تکالیفم می خرانم

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