علوم مهندسیتکنولوژی

زیر ساخت سازمانی

صفحه 1:
Chapter 7 Enterprise Infrastructure, Metrics, and Business Continuity Planning: Building and Sustaining the Dynamic Enterprise McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. A rights reserved.

صفحه 2:
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES هه لوصو و ‎Oesoribe how‏ .)0 ‎kardwore od‏ حون لا ماو لمه عنوظ) ,ه ۳ ۱ ف ‎PY‏ ‎Por‏ وی لو رام باه له صوووون ‏ و ‎success oP IT spstews.‏ هذا 55255 ‎Opsoribe busicess voctiouiy phroricy (BOR) ord‏ .+ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 3:
STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIGS ITSELF OUT OF A TECHNOLOGY HOLE © CalPorcta’s Boverwor Crack ‏عسل وولو‎ voents the state oP be oc “elite” tP prozac ‏نوكصاصجاعها‎ ‎ig ۳ ‏ع‎ 0 choleagicgy task Por ‏وه‎ qoverned Ect Der Dubai, the Pirst statewide C10, kas ker works pat out Por ker

صفحه 4:
STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIGS ITSELF OUT OF A TECHNOLOGY HOLE © ‏مرس‎ 1۲۱ stroteqies uross IPP state ‏سره‎ ‎ed deportes 0 O@reuk dows tendiivod silos ‏دصوصكاا عوصدده‎ depotweds ced ogee ° Qeevoluae the state's curred project bist, uwhick fuhides suwe projevis that wil take ID peus to ‏ام‎ ‎(G,OOO) oF‏ 99۸۵ و من ع ‎Placing Por‏ ا ‎the state's VT workPore‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 5:
STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIGS ITSELF OUT OF A TECHNOLOGY HOLE a. Okat sont oP. pow puter-bused interuniioas have pou fred with: pour tov, Doi, or state yovercnneddt? ©. Ia whet wap(s) did teckooloqy supper or hier Private sevior to the use oP teva?

صفحه 6:
CHAPTER ORGANIZATION ۱ Ietreoduction: GoD ‏مه موسر‎ 0 ‏بو‎ Werdworr ord GoPiware TeProsteucture ‏وله مورا‎ #2 9. ID Guovess Detrivs ‏سم مسا‎ #O 00. Ousicess Cvcticuity Phrccicy ‏مورا‎ Outcowe #

صفحه 7:
INTRODUCTION: SoA ‎ta Chapter O‏ وه لد صميو ا ‎© Geruice-vriewted achtevture (On) - perspevive that Poowses oc the developwedt, use, od reser oP sed seP-opociced bloke oP pode (coled servires) to weet oll opphcdivg soPtwore weeds ‎© GpPwware code is oot developed solely Por ‏علدو ه‎ ‏عا ‏لو لوك صط ممص امكل لايجا جعي ددر مدع او[ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 8:
INTRODUCTION: SoA © Coo exteod Go to ‏تمس صضی جوا‎ 0 ‏لب وتو 69 وظ‎ be... © bec ‏داك عه كجه‎ nesvurves to the best wo 0 rountve ic oddressiog chooges ic the worket D Quick to respoed ood adopt io odveures ia techovlogy ج)ملا/ لمه وسخصماك ,وووعوع صم صا بأ أموم ار رن ۱۱9 ‎WworkPorce‏ مره له ربمم و موی وا عورشان 78

صفحه 9:
INTRODUCTION: SoA © Go Pooused speciPicaly va VD | Custowers 1! Gud users D GoPwoure develppwect © dePorativa weeds 0 Wherdwvare ‏ونم‎

صفحه 10:
INTRODUCTION: SoA CUSTOMERS * Multi-channel service delivery * Consistent, high-quality interactions regardless of the venue * Customizable product and service capabilities Custowers should be uble to “phic aed plop” tat pour ‏و له تم‎ the sve Pleusuruble experieuse revyardiess of the chucet

صفحه 11:
INTRODUCTION: SoA END USERS * Fully integrated ERP system among vendors * Interoperability of modules by the same vendor * Interoperabil ‘* Mobile computing (access to information and software regardless of location and device) @ad wers shad hwe uscess to whoever ‏روا موه اجه موم وخ‎ ceed reqardess oP where they (he ead ers) oF

صفحه 12:
INTRODUCTION: SoA OvPware developwet should Poous va ‏عاتادصيجه‎ ‎vowpourds (services) ‏رو امه وت‎ develppwed ‏وله بنله له عص الاو‎ of Pravin Deb C.D upplications.

صفحه 13:
INTRODUCTION: SoA INFORMATION NEEDS * End users with access to all types of information * Integrated information, business intelligence, and knowledge + Data warehouses * Standard information formats * Integrity controls * No duplicate information 4ePorwwotive would be treated approprivtely us a ۱ resource — protevied, wonned, oryenized, od wade available to everpour Who weds it.

صفحه 14:
INTRODUCTION: SoA HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS * Integration of different technologies and technology platforms * Large storage capacity * Your focus on logical, not physical * Safe and secure telecommunications platform Wardwere is bok intecrated ed troasporeut. 214

صفحه 15:
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE INFRASTRUCTURE 0 4ePrastructure — the structure beau o structure 0 40 iPrasteuvture is the isoplespectatiod DP pour or<peizeica's unckiterture

صفحه 16:
ERP Revisited © @row Chupter C, @uterprer ‏ار ور‎ (ERE) syste — colevivs ‏وراه اوه اه‎ Por bustuess wornyeweu, uscvuctiog, Procace, supply ‏واه راو موه ی‎ wore went, روصشلسوحادأمصدب ,أمجدوجوحوحهم وكاعحصتماصه عجووكصاط جر Pic. 1 ERO ts big business D Cederd qoveravedt wil speod $P.P bios vo CRP it ۰0009 هو عصمموی 166 یو ‎OO% of‏ 5 درو

صفحه 17:
ERP Revisited © Opxwicert CRP providers — GBP, Orcte/PevpteGoht, GG Clobd, ond ‏مهن‎ ‎7 @bou SO or sv established ewerxiery BRP Invensys www. invensys.com Cincom www.cincom.com Visibility vww.visibility.com Verticent www.verticent.com 12 www.i2icom Extensity wwwextensity.com QAD www.gad.com Epicor www.epicor.com IFS www.ifsab.com Ceecom www.ceecom.com Exact www.exactamerica.com Ramco www.ramco.com

صفحه 18:
ERP Evolution © MRP -— 19° Os; Poous va productive phos, ‏عدالداجادس‎ fae requineweus, pocurewed) basic ‏سنجمه موه‎ Poms © ORE 11 -— 900: ‏ط مسا لا تحعطه‎ tached Piccocidl cod ‏مه مرو پم‎ serve usu decisive support tool Por wooagers DSS 81S crm &.scm MRP a ‏موع‎ Ea 1970 180 1980 2000

صفحه 19:
ERP Evolution © ERP = bate (OCDslewl) (O0O0s; Pocus va priticd “feos to socket”; shorter bead fieoes} pustowers wot it aU 2 ERE 11 = today; Povus vo vowplete CRP iteyrative with ORO, busiaess inteligguce, ud u host 0558: 85 CRM & SCM fad ۴۴۱ ‏ام موع‎ 1970 1980 1990 2000

صفحه 20:
ERP and SoA D Por CRO to integrate evervikiog, everyikiacy cust be phepond-play powpourds or services © Oh woddes oP oa CRE vector wust be interpperabhe 0 GpPiwore Pow wutiple BRC vecdors wust be interpperabhe ‎Whe foPrastructure beacuh wuet be hiddeo Pro‏ ا ‎wwers und mustowers‏ ‎ ‎7-20 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 21:
ERP and SoA

صفحه 22:
SoA-Enabled ERP Advantages © Rethabhe Porccticd 0) Gasp ucaptabilipy 5127255 ‏بلااطادادجك لور ووو ]| ا‎ © Quid dota ccd @bbd vureack pperdives recede 1 (-busivess support 0 ‏دون صاصرص لجه بصدمذاع()‎ ‏سل‎ Oost reductiva

صفحه 23:
SoA-Enabled ERP Disadvantages نو ادوج حاصو وو ا ‎L Dime poasusvicny‏ وله عاطه موی 0 0 ] 0 ‎Oot euough exteuded‏ 0 خام رلاوسرص اومن خاو عاعمرا ]1 ولو لبون[ 0 Dov wep Pecks

صفحه 24:
7-24 Supporting Network Infrastructures 0 ‏را وی امومولمیط - رنه -ولمججوو)‎ ‏هط‎ Por wp VP ‏موی‎ ‎© Oevediraized © Opctratzed 2 Optrbuted © Chea server 1 ered

صفحه 25:
7:28 Decentralized Network Infrastructure © Oepeutratzed — iavolves tithe or ow shorter oP ID ed other resvurves suck us iPod ‎worxisteat today‏ ایآ[ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 26:
7-26 Centralized Network Infrastructure ۱ — sharicy icPorwuiion systews ia vo peuicd aned or oo ‏وهای اه ور‎ 0 bike depedirdized, kvost uscextistect today

صفحه 27:
Distributed Network Infrastructure © Otstibuted — distributtry the tcPorevatiog ord provessivy power oP VD systews vid a ‏وه‎ | ‏ا ل‎ ieProstructune (ك)دصهما جكا صا لصتدصصاه جا ‎@rovessiog uivity‏ © عوصك ججا بلأمصصة نات أووجه جوج اذ ‎where‏ 2727

صفحه 28:
Distributed Network Dallas Office

صفحه 29:
Client/Server Infrastructure ‎tProsiructure (aetwork) — var or wore‏ لسن[ ‎vowputers that ure servers Wwhick provide servives tv‏ ‎viker powwputers, othed chests‏ ‎D Gervers ocd cheots work toyether ۰ ‏وه‎ ‎processing, inPorwotive storage, ‏عاج‎ ‎0 Okeo pou surf the Deb, ‏جار طلسن هذا‎ cetwork ‏امه ها عمجم ام‎ ‎ ‎7:29 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 30:
Client/Server Infrastructure Client Database Server Application Server

صفحه 31:
Tiered Infrastructure 0 Dered (kver) — the VP spstew is pontiticard iat ters ‏ات۳‎ ‎| eter — state wackice ‏رت‎ bosic clea! server relaivoship O-ter — chest, oppliccivg server, dota or database server O-ter — sodible O-ter structure wi wore servers 731

صفحه 32:
7-32 Tiered Infrastructure 523 1 ۲ Sion Data Tier tier Business Logie Tier ig Application Server

صفحه 33:
CLOUD COMPUTING ۱ today © Oud vowputeay — sovdel it hick coy ood of IP resources ure delivercd us u set oP services vin the ‏اوه‎ ‎/ ‏ا‎ ‎D @rocessicy power D Date storey Backup Porites © Developed tovks © Diteraly ever visi 7:33

صفحه 34:
7-34 Protection (Wirus, spar ete) CLOUD COMPUTING ‘THE CLOUD Application Servers (SCM, CRM, et.) Bookup Faciition ouseblo Softwar Components Processing Powor (cru) Information ‘Storage Software evelopment ‘Tools

صفحه 35:
Many Implementations of the Cloud Dt voted ???-as-c-service, pr Pak © Gea (spPiwere) — poy Por soPwore vou pop-per- use busis 2 Ae® (hatdeae) — poy Por the use oP hardware ‏جه جود واج نووم د وم‎ © Aga (iePrastructure) — poy Por the use oP foPrestructure vowpoards (cow ‏ره هط‎ etwork servers, piv) va 0 pop-per use basis BaaG (everyitay) — poy Por the use oP prevorities ‏و00 وتو‎ 735

صفحه 36:
Advantages of the Cloud 0 Device aortic — se wey ‏لو‎ user device to woess what pou oped oa the cloud © Othe coeputeg — pay Por coy whet pou use tostecrd DE bupicry techoology 0 Gieviar to utiles Hike electricity ood voter D Gieviar to tobi o ‏روا اه لصو مها‎ a oor 7:36

صفحه 37:
Advantages of the Cloud © bower capita ‏موه‎ 0 Lower bariers to esr 0 oowedate uess too brood rea oP upplivaivd ‏جمورر امو‎ / svutablty

صفحه 38:
IT SUCCESS METRICS 0 Dp justify costs oP teckuloop, pou ceed to weosure its UDC SS Optics are dso vole beackwarks, bosrlice ude UW spstew seeks to utc. © @eackworktay — provess oP ‏سوه باتوی‎ syste rests ond powporiey thew to beakworks

صفحه 39:
Efficiency & Effectiveness Metrics DOP Rptecwy — die sowethiag right 0 dq the least fie 0 lowest cost Dik the Pewest errors 1 65 1 ‏ص۳۵‎ - oie the ‏رجا نطو‎ 1 ‏توا مارب رها وا صوموصم ممزو)‎ visit your site ۲ @eswertey the right question witk the right coswer the Pirst twe ص 1 7:39

صفحه 40:
شم ل 111 Efficiency & Effectiveness High Efficiency Bottom-Line Initiatives, such Transformational as SCM 0 Initiatives Top-Line Initiatives, such \ 9 as CRM ottexo-hor tataives tupicdly Pocus oo ePPicteugy, ushie top-hoe tettaives trod to Poms High Effectiveness ‏.عجوو اناج د‎ 7-40

صفحه 41:
Types of IT Success Metrics ‎wetrice‏ موه اه ‎Oeb-veutric wetrice‏ © ‎© Cod vecter wetrice ‎© Piccarial wetrice ‎741 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 42:
Infrastructure-Centric Metrics | ‏و11‎ were - erasure oF ePRiewyp, speed, ced/or capariiy oP ‏رای‎ Do Dkrpugkput— acount oP icPorevatiog thot met puss through ‏ممه مجر و جز ومصاصرك ه‎ oF fie | 17! ‏لججمد - لجوجو وطادوحوي‎ ot whick o spstew vot ۳۲۲7۲۲9۶ ۲ ۳۵۵۵ جه اجه اجسمجوجن - رول‌لمری مویرق !1 مصوورو و ‎fice‏ اه موه موه اه رحمتمربول همم عه ‎fs downs‏ 7-42

صفحه 43:
Infrastructure-Centric Metrics 0 *hPrestruture-peuire weir — worse oF ePRiewyp, speed, ced/or capariiy oP ‏رای‎ ‎wesured iaversely os err rote, vr‏ - روج محد )8‏ ا ‎a‏ ما ما لهج ‎the cucber oP errors per‏ حصاه ۳۲ ود ‏وجب ه صا لجوج صا جرا بت ورن - و8 ‎espouse‏ © ‎yeurroted eved like a wouse click‏ ‎© Gpukbiip — cooweptud wetric related to how well o spstess ooo be adapted to ‏جلجومهل مهو‎ ‎7-43 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 44:
Web-Centric Metrics Oeb-peuric were — wesasure of the sucess ‏خا‎ ‎pour Deb und e-busivess inifvives © Outque vetors — # oP usigue visiiors too site (Diesed Ort Ruitge privary wetriz) © Dore kite — wocber of visits tou vite 0 age exposures — wenn pore exposures ti ot © Opwersird rae - % oF poteotal mustowers who visit pour site cod who uct buy soswethioy 7-44

صفحه 45:
Web-Centric Metrics ‎eure oP the success of‏ - جفؤوب جهو وباو( !ا ‎pour Deb on e-business iviivives‏ ‎© Olet-tavuck - # oP people who vlick vo oo od ood we fokeu to cater site ‎° Opstper-touscdd — sles dollars yecrruted per ‎© @beadbued reystrutpas - # who stort to reqister ut pour site ced theo uboedod the process ‎© @beadbued skoppiay verte - # who rede ou skoppiccy pet ced theo oboerdza it ‎7-45 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 46:
Call Center Metrics Odi puter ‏وین‎ — weosures the survess oP ‏لمج‎ ‎veder EPP pris © @bardeo rate - % cucvber oP colers who bey uz white uvcitiogy Por their call to be answered © Querne speed @ aswer (PEO) — were te, ‏الوم‎ ia sevoeds, thot it takes Por o coll to be eswered by oa acted perso 7-46

صفحه 47:
Call Center Metrics Odi puter ‏وین‎ — weosures the survess oP ‏لمج‎ ‎veder EPP pris © Deoe service Pactr (TGP) - % oF vx ‏ات روم‎ 0 spevitic tite Prone, suck os 90 ow 9O serous © Pret od resvhiod (POR) - % of calls thot vot be resvved without haviery t7 val back 747

صفحه 48:
Financial Metrics © Obicoately, a VD spstess wust woke Prococtd seus [ ‏الم‎ wetdos ore uso dled cupid! ‏تراهم‎ ‏عاصلج دنتسم‎ | Oeap ed varied Do Yow wil teara these ced their upplicatives to vier ‏یمام‎ 7-48

صفحه 49:
Financial Metrics Financial Model Formula ‘Type of Result Payback method (in years) ‏او‎ = time to pay back Annual net cash flow Cost-benefit ratio (as a factor) Benefits = cost-benefit ratio Costs. Return on investment (Benefits — cost — depreciation) = net benefit (ROI, as a percent) useful system life Net present value (NPV, in $) Total net present value of all cash flows” _= value today of return in future Internal rate of return ‘The NPV represented as a percentage return’ = expected return (RR, as a percent) ‘The net present value and internal ate of return cleulation ate too comple to summarize above. So both are detined completly below rn of he presen value of al futur payments les the ita cost y+ S{Cralt +f] where CF = the inal cost ‏سس‎ future payment ۳ rate {5 the numberof te Ue payment Net present value the rate thot completes the following summation equstion con 7-49

صفحه 50:
IT Metrics and Service Level Agreements 0 ) ‏امحصحصيه أصحا حرمو‎ (GL) — Por, © GLO@s wost twhide WP surcess wetrics D GLOs we betwees ‏له تمه سم‎ 0 GL@s dePiae kow pou wil weosure the putsmurcicy prvsizaicd's ePPpris 0 Dhese weusures ure iu service bel sped (CL®) or serve buel vbpcives (CLO)

صفحه 51:
IT Metrics and Service Level Agreements 0 GLOs we dv betwers ‏جه له شمه مه‎ © @ppicuca serve provider (BGP) — supplies Aetercet thot would viherwise ‏توص من لو‎ Do wputers 0 4B pow eocage oo OG, pou would do sv wi ot GLO

صفحه 52:
BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING 0 Ouokese cocina PRR) (®C@)- ‏لعج‎ © @CO@ ts very vevessury today qived terror threats, ioreused ‏ماه‎ volatility, et

صفحه 53:

صفحه 54:
BCP METHODOLOGY ‎phot‏ سوه امن عصرهه) .5 ‎Oesicn‏ ‎Ieoplespectatios:‏ . ‎Pesticry‏ . مهوت( ‏۵ ۵ و ه هم ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 55:
Organizational Strategic Plan ۲ oll starts here DD ke ‏موم مزب بو‎ dePioes vot is ood ust is at inppprtcat 0 You wust hove u busicess pocticuity phoo Por wht ‏دا‎ ‎inppprtcat 7-55

صفحه 56:
Analysis © (eopant wlysis — risk assesswed, evotvratiocy IT sees, their inpportoee, un susveptbiliiy ‏اما و‎ 0 Diredt ocdlysis — domusvedt of possible wajor throects to oryprcizaiocdl ussets ° 4popact soecario ‏جاور راوجه‎ — build worstoouse ‏اما اه سا مود‎ ©) Qequrewed recovery dbouwed — dectPies oriical sees, threuts to thew, wed Woretouse svesrios

صفحه 57:
Design 7 uid disaster reppvery pk, tetcited pho Por revoveriog Pro u disaster. Dap iochide © Oplbrutcs Partly — rested spare ‏همهم موه کمن‎ ۳۳۳۲ ‎Puly equipped Poctliy where pour copay cot‏ - هو سرا 9 موه ‎Ook ste — Paci where pour cowpooy cos wove ty but hos ov powputer equipsect ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 58:
The best disaster recovery plan in terms of cost and time Be od Peursem 7106 CR) PETES a ‏ای یی نی أه ری ول‎ eee ena ied ‏زوه أمماعه‎ Ceca ty 1 2 3 4 5 Time from Disaster to Recovery (in hours) Oiscster recovery plo should tockide «dbase repovery poet purve, whick charts te post of wouvudble tePorwuticatecharoey compared ty he cost to recover Prow a disaster ver koe. 7:58

صفحه 59:
Implementation وصتامعصلامت جلتصمح لأببد تدكا جعدكجوأصرجا ‎coy‏ ممرم) 0 ‎kot sites, ond old sites‏ ركص لاص 0 4eoplesment provedures Por revoverioy Prow a disaster دججررصاصرصج ۱ 0 @uduote cack VP spstesn to eosure thet itis ۱ Pro uo disaster 7:59

صفحه 60:
Testing DOs vpposed to tantiioca GOLC, testiccy ics BOP © Gioutite disuster svewarivs ‎ewplpers execute disuster recovery phos‏ رورا آ ‎@uduote suspess ued refice us uevessurp‏ ] ‎7-60 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 61:
Maintenance 0 @erPors testiocy crouch, ofa wicca pirotesio pho chores © Cuchrote ced react to ceu threats Dp “systesn” is ever vowplete 7-61

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