8 صفحه
388 بازدید
23 بهمن 1400


صفحه 1:
Nz Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Faculty of Science Department of Biology Histology and Embryology Lab

صفحه 2:
=) Fertilization ذاعم Shahid Chamran Universi of Ahwaz

صفحه 3:
ae Shahid Chamran Universi of Part two

صفحه 4:
ae Sah rac Sperm pass through Corona Radiata and Zona Pellucida Universi 1- Through Corona radiata

صفحه 5:
Wa Sah rac Sperm pass through Corona Radiata and Zona Pellucida Universi of 2- Through Zona Pellucida Cell membrane Nucleus Acrosomes Pore formation | Enzyme liberation Inner acrosomal mem- brane

صفحه 6:
ص doen 1-Changes in Spermatozoa during Universi of Ahwaz Roo Ot SS Acrosome ntact SS يا First fusion Se = Stages of sperm entry into the ovum during fertilization, NUCLEUS OF SECONDARY ‘oocyte

صفحه 7:
ae Shahid Chamran 2-Changes in Ovum during Fertilization Universi of Ahwaz 11. release of cortical granules causing the zona reaction, preventing further sperm penetration 5 2 0 bodies Zona pellucida 1 Cytoplasm 2. completion of the ۱ 2۳ meiotic division and 2 pronuclei extrusion ofthe 2% polar body 3, formation of, female pronucleus male pronucleus

صفحه 8:
ذاعم 0 Block of Polyspermy Universi of Ahwaz 1-Fast Block of polyspermy 2-Slow Block of polyspermy Before the addition of sperm, the potential difference across the Cell membrane is about -70 mV. 1 Within 1-3 seconds after the fertilizing sperm enters the egg, the potential shitts in a positive direction.

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