صفحه 1:
به نام خدا معرفى سبى نكارشى ‎IEEE‏

صفحه 2:
IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers سبک نگارش ]۱۴ امروزه به طور وسیعی برای نگارش های الکترونیکی و دستی مورد استفاده ی نویسندگان برای ارنه ی هر نوع مطلبی اعم از :نشریات .مجلات . مقالات .روزنامه و . . .. می باشد. معرفی منابع : استناد درون متنی ‎In-text references‏ فهرست منابع ‎Referenc list‏

صفحه 3:
online ches shin > Example of this pag : In-text refrences SR Books SAN Journal article SRN theses or dissertation 1 Electronic sources » SAN Electronic book ~ AS Onlin journal article 8 مق فد ‎Conference ۲ ۳‏ ‎ea +‏ : ‎Webit > a‏ > فیرست متابع Referenc list »

صفحه 4:
استناد درون متنی ۲6۲6۲6۳665 1۳-1671 » "The theory was first put forward in 1987 [1]" "Scholtz [2] has argued that....... 9 "Several recent studies [1], [3], [4], [15], [16] have suggested that..." (4, [9]. (6) (4,9, 9] 1-9 (0) د _

صفحه 5:
BOOK : 3 Author(s) First name or initials. Surname, or < name of organisation, Title of book followed by fullstop if no edition statement, or comma if there is an edition statement, ed., Edition (except the first). Place of .publication City: Publisher, Year Publication —

صفحه 6:
Example Book : C. W. Lander, Power Electronics, 3rd. ed., London: McGraw-Hill, 1993. B. Hancock, Advanced Ethernet/802.3 Network Management and Performance. Boston: Digital Press, 1994, pp. 5-8. Note: Fictitious example, edition statement has been removed

صفحه 7:
Journal article: ‏مقاله مجله‎ » Author(s) First name or initials. Surname, "Title of article," Title of journal, vol. volume, (issue number), pp. first and last pages of the article, Date of issue month if available year. _

صفحه 8:
Example : K. P. Dabke and K. M. Thomas, "Expert ” system guidance for library users," Library -Hi Tech, vol. 10, (1-2), pp. 53-60, 1992 _

صفحه 9:
‎Theses or dissertations :‏ جایان نامه با مقالات ‎Author(s) First name or initials. Surname, "Title of thesis," Type of thesis PhD dissertation or doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, Department, University, Place, State, Country, Year of Publication. ‎_

صفحه 10:
Example: » S. Birch, "Dolphin-human interaction effects: frequency mediated psychophysiological responses in biological systems," doctoral dissertation, Dept. Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 1997. _

صفحه 11:
Electronic book: » Author(s) First name or initials. Surname. (date of publication year, month day). Title. (ed. edition except the first) [Type of medium]. vo/ume number if needed. (issue number if needed). Available: site/path/file _ 3

صفحه 12:
Example: A. K. Salkintzis. (2004). Mobile Internet: enabling technologies and services. [Online]. Available: http://www.engnetbase.com/books/1253/1631_f m.pdf V. Guruswami. (2004). List decoding of error- correcting codes: winning thesis of the 2002 ACM doctoral dissertation competition. (2nd ed.) [Online]. 3282. Available: http://portal.acm.org/3540240519.pdf _

صفحه 13:
Online journal article: Author(s) First name or initials. Surname. * (year, month). Title of article. Title of Journal. [Type of medium]. volume number (issue number), pp. pages. Available: site/path/file _

صفحه 14:
Example : J. S. Fulda. (2000, Mar.). The Internet as an ~ engine of scholarship. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society. [Online]. 30 (1), pp. 17-27. Available: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/572217.572222 J. Farrell. (2007, May). In Wikipedia we trust? Cosmos Online [Online]. Available: http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/node/133 9 _

صفحه 15:
Elements of the citation: ‏مقلات کنفرانس‎ Author(s) First name or initials. Surname. (year, month). Title. Presented at Conference title. [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file _

صفحه 16:
Example: X. Yang. (2003, Aug.). NIRA: a new Internet ” routing architecture. Presented at ACM SIGCOMM FDNA 2003 Workshop. [Online]. Available: http://www.isi.edu/newarch/DOCUMENTS/ya ng.nira.pdf _

صفحه 17:
Website : Author. (year, month). Title. [Type of » Medium]. Available: site/path/file : Example” Dr Jean Armstrong: Brief .(.Mar COO?) * Biography [Online]. Available: http://www.ecse.monash.edu.au/staff/jeana/ aboutarmstrong.html _

صفحه 18:
Reference list : ۶ ]1[ » C. W. Lander, Power Electronics, 3rd. ed., London: McGraw-Hill, 1993. [2] » B. Hancock, Advanced Ethernet/802.3 Network Management and Performance. Boston: Digital Press, 1994, pp. 5-8. ۶ ]3[ » G.K. Knopf and A. S. Bassi, "Biological-based optical sensors and transducers," in Opto-mechatronic Systems Handbook: Techniques and Applications, Hyungsuck Cho, Ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2003, pp. 195-210. _ |

صفحه 19:
www.lib.monash.edu.au/tutorials/citing.ieee.html * د _

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