صفحه 1:
Life Support System and
Main Concepts
صفحه 2:
مفهوم پایداری و اجزای اساسی آن
* تعریف پایداری: ظرفیت و توان سیستم طبیعی کره زمین»
سیستم فرهنگی انسان و سیستم اقتصادی برای بقا و تطبیق
با تغییرات زیست محیطی بصورت دائمی است.
٠ اجزای اساسی پایداری:
- الف: سرمایه طبیعی شامل منابع طبیعی و خدمات طبیعت
-ب: سرمایه خورشیدی
- توان بازتولید اکولوژیکی
- حمایت از راه حلهای زیست محیطی
صفحه 3:
سرمایه طبیعی پا 0۵0110۱ ۱۱۵۲۱۲۵۱
۰ تعریف: سرمایه طبیعی حیات را ممکن و حمایت میکند و اقتصاد را پشتیبانی
مینماید و شامل منابع طبیعی و خدمات طبیعت میگردد.
٠ منابع طبیعی یا 2650۱۲665 Natural شامل مواد و انرژی در طبیعت
استکه برای زندگی لازم و حیاتی است. اين منابع شامل منابع تجدید پذیر ما
هواء آب خاک و گیاهان و غیره و تجدید ناپذیر مانند نفت» زغال سنگ فلزات
و غیر فلزات میگردند.
۶ خدمات Gab cle ous IS Natural Services Gxpb !5 جمله
شامل خالص سازی آب و هوا برای حمایت از زنجیره حیات و اقتصاد» خدمات
اکوسیستمی بدون Maa ASA اصلى «al NS چرخه تغذیه Nutrient
0۷9 جهت چرخش مواد شمیمایی مورد نیاز انسان از طبیعت به
ار کاس و مهن زا کشت ه طرت من
صفحه 4:
سرمایه خورشیدی و اصول دیگر
سرمایه خورشیدی موجب حمایت از سرمایه طبیعی از طریق
عملیات فتوسنتز در گیاهان و تهیه غذا برای آنان و سایر گونه ها و
رها سازی اکسیژن و جذب اکسید کربن میگردد. همچنین موجب
جابجایی در جریانات هوایی و آبی و خاکی زمین میگردد.
توان باز تولید اکولوژیکی یا 203617 Carrying بمعنی عدم
عبور از توان طبیعت خصوصا منابع تجدید پذیر در تولید مجدد
حمایت سیاسی و اقتصادی از راه حلهای زیست محیطی برای
جلوگیری از تخریب محیط زیست و ایجاد بالانس بین نیازهای
زیست محیطی و مقتضیات سیاسی و اقتصادی است.
صفحه 5:
Energy cycle and
Carbon dioxide + water + solar energy = glucose (carbohydrate) +
6002 + 6 H20 + solar energy = C6H1206 +
C6H1206 + 6 O2 < 6002 + 6۳20 + ۷
صفحه 6:
چهار اصل علمی پایداری
* دانشمندان توصیه میکنند بمنظور زندگی بر اساس الگوی
پایداری انسان نیازمند به مطالعه دقیق مسیر حیات در زمین
و آموختن نحوه بقای حیات و انطباق با تغییرات عمده
زیست محیطی در طول میلیونها سال میباشد.
)9 اين اصول عبارتند از: 0) اتکا به انرژی خورشیدی» ٠
تنوع زیستی و بهره گیری از روشهای انطباق با شرایط
متحول زیست محیطی» 9) کنترل و تعادل جمعیت با توجه
به محدودیت منابع برای تغذیه و رشد و تولید مثل» (4) و
چرخه تغذیه و انتقال مواد شیمیایی مورد نیاز گیاهان و
جانوریان از طبیعت به ارگانهای زنده و بعکس
صفحه 7:
Main Concepts
صفحه 8:
Main concepts
Element (»<©) is a fundamental substance with unique set
of properties that cannot broken down into simpler
substances by chemical means.
Matter (++) is any thing that has mass and taken up space
and composed of elements and compounds, which are in
turn made up of Atoms, lons, or Molecules
Compound وأ(تركيي4 combinations of two or more different
elements held together in fixed proportions .
Atom is the most smallest of matter in which an element
can be divided and still retain its chemical properties.
Molecule is a combination of two or more atoms of the
same or different elements held together by forces called
chemical bonds.
Chemical formula is used to show the number of each type
of atom or ion in the compound.
Energy is the capacity to do work or transfer heat. W=F.D
ات has two form. Kinetic E (4#s)and potential Energy
صفحه 9:
قوانین مهم در محیط زیست
۰ "۲۳66 ۱۵۷۷ 0۴ 60066۳۷۵00 0۲ ۲۱۵۲۵۲ (قانونبقاءماده)
When matter undergoes a physical or
chemical change, no atoms are created or
* The first law of thermodynamics (55 4st@20 siL4):
when energy is converted from one form to
another in a physical or chemical change, no
energy is created or destroyed.
* The second law of thermodynamics (ps0 54
(ترمو : ۷۷/۱۵۲ energy changes from one form to
another, it always end up with lower quality or
less usable energy than started with.
صفحه 10:
Ecology cClassincation-
+ To understand مهو OSM sified to: Atom,
Molecule, Cell, Organism, Population,
Community, Ecosystem, and Biosphere.
* Ecologists study Organism, Population,
Community, Ecosystem, Biosphere
* Ecology contains:
— Organisms; Organisms is a living substance
on surface layer of earth (biosphere), air
(atmosphere). land( lithosphere), and water
* Every organism is a member of certain
species with certain traits.
* Species: A set of individuals that can mate
and produce fertile offspring.
* There are 1.8 millions identified species, it
guests that there are 10-14 mm species
and estimated that earth probably have till
100 mm species.
صفحه 11:
Ecology Classinication- Population
— Population; یگ Sommunity. of the same
species that living in the same place at the same
time. They are varied genetically.
* Genetic diversity: variation in a population, don’t
all look or act alike
Habitat: a place where population or an
individual organisms live in. it has certain
resource such as water. It contains
environmental conditions such as temperature
and light. It maybe as large as an ocean or as
small as timber of a tree and called Natural
Address of a specie.
— Community;
—Biological community: consist of all populations
of different species that living in the particular
place and many of them interact with one
another in feeding and other relationships.
صفحه 12:
SS eee eee
Ecology come 9م 5) to live) and
logos (study of) used by Ernst Haeckel in 1869
Ecology is the study of how organisms interact
with one another (biotic) and with their physical
environment of matter and energy (abiotic) or
the science of connections in nature.
It can range in size, natural and artificial, has
no clear boundaries and are not isolated from
one another.
Matter and energy move from one to other
The ecosystem is composed of various of
inputs, processes or stores and outputs.
It should maintains its dynamic equilibrium.
صفحه 13:
Ecosystem definitions
* A.G. Tansly definition: A particular category of
physical systems consisting of organisms and
inorganic components in a relatively stable
equilibrium, open and in various kinds and sizes
وضعیت خاصی از سیستمهای فیزیکی مشتمل بر ارگانهای زنده و مواد غیر زنده
است که بصورت باز و در اندازه و اشکال متفاوت پایداری خود را بصورت
نسبی برقرار میسازد.
٠ 1.G Simmons definition: A unit of space-time
containing living organisms interacting with each
others and with their abiotic environment by the
interchange of energy and materials
یک مجموعه یکپارچه چهار بعدی فضا-زمانی مشتمل بر ارگانیزمهای زنده است
که در تعامل با یکدیگر و با محیط ابیوتیک پیرامونی انرژی و مواد مبادله
صفحه 14:
Ecology classification-
* It consists of the parts of the earth’s
air, water, and soil where life is
* A global ecosystem in which all
organisms exist and interact with one
صفحه 15:
Sustaining lite on Eartn
Life is sustained by flow of energy from sun
through the biosphere, cycling of nutrients within
the biosphere, and gravity. The earth depends
on three interdependent factors:
1)Energy flow: One-way flow of high-quality
energy from sun for feeding interactions of
organisms. It changes to low quality energy and
cannot be recycled. (First and 2th laws of
2)Cycling of matter or nutrients through part of
Biosphere for survival. Because Earth is closed to
space matter, nutrient should be recycled to
support life. (law of conservation of matters)
3)Gravity enable the movement of chemicals
through air, water, soil, and organisms and held
its Atmosphere
صفحه 16:
Life-support system
Four major components
Atmosphere: it(air) is a thin spherical
envelope of gases surrounding the earth’s
Hydrosphere: it(water) consists of all water
on or near the earth’s surface and covers
71% of the globe.
Geosphere: it(rock, soil, sediment) consists
of the earth’s intense.
Biosphere: it(living things) occupies those
parts of other 3s where live exists.
صفحه 17:
* Troposphere: is the inner layer of
atmosphere with the extension of 17 km
above sea level at tropics and 7 km at poles.
* Greenhouse gases: are the 1% of remaining
gases (H20, CO2, CH4) out of 78% N2 plus
21% of O2 which make up air in troposphere.
* Stratosphere: is the upper layer next to T
stretching 17-50 km with O3 to filter harmful
ultraviolet radiation of sun and allows life to
صفحه 18:
Liquid water: exist on the surface
and underground
Ice: in form of polar ice and iceberg
Permafrost: the ice frozen soil layer
Water vapor: the water which exist in
the air
saline water: exist in the seas and
oceans and cover 71% of the globe
صفحه 19:
Geosphere and Biosphere
Geosphere consist of hot core(ss«) , a thick mantle
(se), and a thin outer crust (i534) .
Biosphere is a thin layer of the combination of A, H,
and G extended from 9km above earth surface to
bottom of the ocean where life exist.
Biomes: a large region of terrestrial part of
biosphere such as forest, desert, grasslands etc with
distinct climate and certain specious
Aquatic life zones: watery part of biosphere which
consists of freshwater life zone and marine life zone.
The goal of ecology is to understand the interactions
in this thin layer of air, water, soil, and organisms.
صفحه 20:
Ecosystem components
Abiotic consists of nonliving
components such as water, air,
nutrients, rocks, heat, and solar
Biotic consists of living and once living
biological components such as plants,
animals, microbes, dead organisms,
dead part of organisms, and the
waste products of organisms.
صفحه 21:
Ecosystem and population
+ Range of tolerance: each population in an
ecosystem has a range of tolerance to variations
in its physical and chemical environment.
* Ecological principal of limiting factors: Too much
or too little of any abiotic factors can limit or
prevent growth of a population, even if all other
factors are at or near the optimal range of
* Main abiotic limiting factors: A) include
temperature, sunlight, nutrient availability, low
solubility of O2, and salinity in aquatic life zone.
B) include Precipitation, soil nutrient,
temperature in biomass.
صفحه 22:
Ecosystems’ producers &
Every organism GONSWLAKSssign to a feeding
level or trophic level.
Trophic level: is the feeding level of every organisms
in an ecosystem that transfer energy and nutrient
from one to another level and can classify to P & C.
Autotrophs: or producers or self-feeders make the
nutrients they need from compounds and energy
obtained from their environment such as green plants,
algae, and phytoplankton. They changed solar energy
(1%) and stored chemical energy through
photosynthesis. There are bacteria using geothermal
energy (H2S) by process called chemosynthesis in
deep oceans.
Heterotrophs: or consumers or other-feeders obtain
their nutrient by feeding on other organisms,
producers or other consumers, or their remains and
not produce their needs though photosynthesis.
صفحه 23:
Heterotrophs or consumers
Primary consumers or herbivores: plant eaters
Secondary consumers or carnivores: meat eaters
Higher-level consumers: carnivores that feed on the
other carnivores
Omnivores: feeding on both plants and animals
Decomposers: release nutrient from dead body of
plants and animals to soil for reuse 4 5 isla
Detritus feeders or Detritivores: feed on waste or
060 ۵۵0۷ ۵0۲ 01۳6۲ 0۲9۵۲5۳05 ,۸ کرم خاکی کرکس کنه
صفحه 24:
Energy flew
* All Producers, Consumers and Decomposers
use chemical energy stored (glucose) to fuel
their life processes and release this energy
by aerobic respiration (5! su-44)
C6H1206 + 6 O2 = 6CO2 + 6 H20 + energy
* Some decomposers use cellular respiration in
the absence of O2, called anaerobic
respiration or fermentation (.244)and end up
by producing methane gas CH4 or ethyl
alcohol C2H602, or acetic acid C2H402
* Energy flews through ecosystems in food chain and
web while the amount of chemical energy available
to organisms at each succeeding feeding level
صفحه 25:
Food chain in Ecosystems
+ Food chain determines how chemical energy and
nutrients move from one form of organisms to
another through the trophic level in an ecosystem
through photosynthesis, feeding and decomposition.
It chnges some useful energy to the heat.
+ Food web is a complex network of interconnected
food chain which shows how a consumer organism
feed on one or more type of producer organisms in
the natural ecosystems.
* Food chains and webs demonstrate how producers,
consumers, and decomposers are connected to one
another as energy flows through trophic levels of
صفحه 26:
Differentiation of Ecosystems by
Energy usage
Loss of energy in organisms; the more trophic levels there are in food
chain, the greater is the accumulative loss of usable chemical energy
as it flows through the T.L.
Ecological efficiency of energy ranges from 2-40% (loss of 60-98%),
depending what type of species and ecosystems are involved, but
10% is typical.
Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) is the rate at which an ecosystems
producers (plants) convert solar energy into chemical energy as
biomass found in their tissues. (kcal/m2/yr)
To stay alive, grow and reproduce, producers must use some of
chemical energy stored in the biomass they make for their
Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is the rate at which producers use
photosynthesis to produce and store chemical energy minus the rate
at which they use some of this stored chemical energy though
aerobic respiration.
NPP =GPP-R __ Ris energy used in respirations
Ecosystems differ in their NPP and decrease from equator toward
صفحه 27:
Ecosystems classification
* Terrestrial Ecosystems
— swamps and marshes (9600 kcal/m2/yr)
— Tropical rain forest (8800)
— Temperate forest (5600)
- Savanna (3200)
- Agricultural lands (3000)
- Woodland and shrub land (2800)
- Grasslands (2400)
- Alpine and Tundra (700)
— Desert (250)
— Extreme Desert (100)
* Aquatic Ecosystems
- Estuaries ( 8800)
— Lakes and streams (2300)
= Continental shelf (1500)
- Open ocean (1100)
صفحه 28:
Biological diversity: is a variety of the Earth’s species, the
genes they contain, the ecosystems in which they live,
and the ecosystem processes such as energy flow and
nutrient cycling that sustain all life. It is a vital renewable
Genes diversity: is a part of BD that enable life on the
Earth to adapt to and survive dramatic environmental
changes and sustain the life of Earth.
Species diversity: is the most obvious component of BD.
There are 4-100 million species, 1.8 M identified including
a million of insects, 270000 plants, 45000 vertebrate.
Ecosystem diversity : is a storehouse of genetic and
species D.
Functional diversity: is the variety of process such as
matter cycling and energy flow taking place within the
ecosystems as species interact in food chains and webs