صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
اتكلسق سنادة ‎Plain English‏ ا ‎Teen Sie‏ ال ‎ES‏ ‏به مقصد و درك مطلب با يك بار 9 Topic sentences

صفحه 3:
peers Airey EVO EQraN cy gery OOS ‏ا‎ Ve CD CEE ES ‏و فشرده.‎ ترجيح خوانندكان : حداقل تعداد لغات در جملات و ياراكرافها. ا ا لت ا 01م جملاتی بیش از 000 کلمه یا دو خط تایپی » بلند محسوب ‎snaky sentences) 454 .«‏ (.

صفحه 4:
9 ‎٠‏ استفاده از كلمات با معنى روشن و عدم نياز به تفسيرن. ‎* After six days, the symptoms had improved. ‎+ After five days, the symptoms had "(0

صفحه 5:
9 higher, lower, : cS 5 eye GUIS ‏عدم استفاده از‎ decreased, increased دقیقا اشاره به میزان کمی تغییر ایجادی. The treatment group did better than » the control group (p <0.005)

صفحه 6:
عدم تكرار عدم استفاده از جملات كليشه اى و تكريارى . ا ا ا ل 1 كم در مقدمه و بحث بجای ردیف کردن مطالعات دیگریان به ترتیب و با یک اسلوب ۰ سعی شود نتایج با هم ترکیب شده و به صورت مقایسه ای مطلب ارائه شود. از تكرار مواد و روشها در قسمت يافته ها و نيز تكرار يافته ها در قسمت بحث اجتناب شود.

صفحه 7:
عدم تراکم * عدم تمایل در خواندن صفحه ای مملو از اختصارات » اعداد» اسامى فنى و ‎١310©‏ .و

صفحه 8:
۲ ‎٠‏ در بردارنده هدف اصلی نویسنده در هر پاراگراف. ‎kee ee wena‏ ا 2 به طورى كه که خواننده بتواند به افکارش سامان دهد.

صفحه 9:
روان بودن مطلب ۶ استفاده از قیود اتصال. ۳

صفحه 10:
CAUSE The experiment was unsuccessful the measuring instruments were inaccurate. The experiment was unsuccessful the inaccuracy of the measuring instruments due to (the fact that) as on account of (the fact that) because in view of (the fact that) since

صفحه 11:
RESULT The measuring instruments were calibrated accurately, the experiment was success therefore as a result (of which) consequently which is why hence 50 ‎Dont start sentences with so to communicate a result; it's too‏ هو ‎informal.‏ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 12:
CONTRAST/DIFFERENCE British students are all vegetarians, Norwegian students eat meat every day. however on the other hand whereas while but by contrast on the contrary and conversely don't fit into this category because they don't only communicate difference; they communicate the fact that ‘exactly the opposite is true, so you can’t use them in the sentence above (because vegetarians and meat eaters aren't opposites, they're just different). However, you could use them in the following sentence: Some experiments used uncalibrated instruments and succeeded; conversely, other experiments used carefully calibrated instruments and failed. Be careful when you use while; it is also often used to mean ‘at that/the same time’, so if there's any possibility of confusion, choose a different connector.

صفحه 13:
UNEXPECTEDNESS (a) it was difficult, a solution was eventually found. (b) the difficulty, a solution was eventually found. (c) It was difficult; a solution was eventually found. (a) Although (b) Despite (c) nevertheless (a) Even though (b) In spite of (c) however (a) Though (b) Regardless of (c) yet (b) Notwithstanding (c) nonetheless (c) even so

صفحه 14:
ADDITION We used a batch processing system because it was more effective it was faster. in addition also moreover secondly (etc.) furthermore in the second place (etc.) apart from that/which what is more © besides has more or less the same meaning as the items in the list above, but it’s more powerful and is therefore better used in more persuasive contexts,

صفحه 15:
COT PCM Crores + There were more cases of esophageal cancer in our follow up study of patients with Barret’s esophagus than there were cases of gastric ‏هروه‎ * Patients with Barret’s esophagus were more likely to develop esophageal cancer than gastric cancer.

صفحه 16:
کوتاه نوشتن + Sexual assault against a child presents a significant problem to society and there is much evidence that sexual assault impacts negatively on the psychological development of children. * Sexual assault has a negative impact on the psychological development of children. 9 By Tol co R110) Pre ‏ا‎ ‏است.‎ ‎+ Doctors workload reduction program + Program to reduce the workload of doctors.

صفحه 17:
اعدادو فرمول ها ‎eS eS Sno‏ ا ‎In the study group, nine patients underwent PCI.‏ ‎we 41D 31 Sj hse!‏ ‎There were 320 participants in this study.‏ عدم شروع جملات با عدد: در صورت اجبار شروع با حروف . ‎Forty percent of participants had diabetes .‏ ع ا ‎SCO SIS BIC Re‏ 0 ‎In the study, 18 boys and 9 girls had insomnia.‏ شروع اعداد کوچکتر از ) با صفر ‎The p value was 0.020‏

صفحه 18:
اعدادو فرمول ها عدم فاصله بين عدد و علامت درصد در سمت راستش ‎In total , 45% of patients had diabetes.‏ * وجود فاصله قبل و بعد از علائم رياضى +2 » - » + وجود فاصله بين عدد و واحد يس از آن. ‎The mean height of the group was 175‏ * ‎cm.‏ ‏براى بيان درصد . جنانجه تعداد كل بيشتر از (0000 ‎٠‏ رقم درصد را تا يك رقم اعشار ل ۱ ‎In our sample of 245 children , 11.8% had diabetes.‏ + ‎In our sample of 58 children, 10% had diabetes.‏ + ‎Pep ee aor ok ees etm Peers Ise a0 eh‏ ‎In our sample of 15 children, 3 had diabetes.‏ +

صفحه 19:
اعدادو فرمول ها استفاده از نمادهای مخصوص کوچکتر. مساوی (<) و ‎ee TSE"‏ (>). خط انداختن ممنوع. ‎RE MBETey INE ReG‏ ل ا ا ‎PEPE‏ ‎to 2.31.4 (LP O.9) (C.9-..F)‏ در اعداد منفى » ‎to -2.3 1.4- de to‏ ميانكين و انحراف معيار به سه روش: ٠ ‏(ا39.4)5‎ 18.5(, 39.4)18.5( 39.4 + 18.5

صفحه 20:
۱۳ eee es ABBREVIATION پسندیده ولی نه در عنوان CT, DNA, AIDS , EKG ‏بار اول » شكل كامل سيس اختصار.‎ ‏از همان لبتدا لشكالندارد.‎ 10,0

صفحه 21:
ترشیت data, media, formula, criterion, ) 2% jul « datum, medium,) es =“! s( child .( formulae, criteria , children iJ ae) ‏و وروت‎ indicate, suggest, support, confirm, (imply, need observe, record, compare, ) : ‏فقط فاعل انسانی‎ + identify, describe, see, speculate, (conclude, believe, know , collect, aim

صفحه 22:
زمان فعل در بخشهای مختلف مقاله اقايع يذيرفته شده علمى ... ل ا ا ا ل ل ‎Srey re erie Tes‏ مقدمه: زمان حال براى شرح 00 2 eRe ‏مواد و روشها : زمان گذشته‎ 0 ‏اه‎ ‏يافته ها : زمان كذشته براى ارائه يافته ها‎ We found that... 1 eT es) 2 ۱ 00 ‏زمان حال برای بحث درباره متون علمی‎ ‏ی‎ ‏زمان كنشته براى بحث درباره يافته هاى اين مطالعه‎ We found that...

صفحه 23:
انتخاب درست کلمه No case, subjects, asthmatics, diabetics ; use participants, asthmatic patients , patients with diabetics. ۱۱۵ ۴۵۱6, ۲6۴۵۵۱6: ‏مصعم عدن‎ , ۰ No level ; use concentration( serum protein concentration) relation no relationship : ‏قدو وزن‎ 4 e.g ( example gratia » that is 2 i.e. (id est ) .» ls! : for example There were six subjects with solid tumors (e.g. breast cancer, lung cancer,) There were four subjects with solid tumors (i.e . breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and stomach cancer). عدم استفاده از کلماتی نظیر , ‎surprisingly , interestingly‏ ‎unfortunately‏

صفحه 24:
Shorter or more correct version Assess, measure, investigate Associated Because Concentration Documents Considered Dose Explain Function If, when Lessen, ease Methods Near Now Most Pairs Rank Relation Risk factors Symptoms Term To Use Table 10.4 Using the correct word. Long or incorrect version Determine, detect Correlated (as an adjective or verb) Due to the fact that, for the reason that, on account of, owing to the fact that, on the basis that Level Documentation Taken into consideration Dosage Elucidate, clarify Functionality In the event of, in the eventuality of Alleviate, moderate Methodology In close proximity to At the present moment, at this point in time The majority of Dyads Prioritise Relationship Adjuvants Symptomatology, complaints, events, clinical picture Terminology In order to Usage, utilise

صفحه 25:
علامت گذاری + نقطه: در نام افراد » مخفف ها و در عنوان لازيم نيست. ‎DrjJ Aronson, HIV, 8 pm, 70 kg.‏ * الات 00 علامت سوال : نادرست در هنكام نوشتن يك جمله يرسشى The patients were asked how often they experienced each of nine symptoms of depression.

صفحه 26:
علامت گذاری ۰ کاما: وقتی که جمله با جمله واره وابسته شروع می شود ‎Before the study begins, you should be able to write a well-‏ + ‎developed study question.‏ ‎Ree re eT este oe Ta‏ ‎However, it is not known whether treatment of patients earlier‏ + ‎in the course of MS is of value.‏ 3 یج راز مکی غیر ضروری ؛ درون یک جمله واره مستقل یا در پایان جمله قرار می ‎aes‏ ‎The concept of self-management, which is based on patient‏ + ‎autonomy, is problematic.‏ 0 ٠ Iron deficiency , the leading cause of anemia worldwide, is most frequently caused by occult blood loss. ل 1

صفحه 27:
علامت گذاری ۱ معريفى ليستى ان اسامى: We collected data from the following centers: Tehran, Shiraz, Bushehr, Kaki, Dyeilam and Gonabad. 0 Ree Tee ae Es Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the Bushehr province: new trends in incidence and prevalence ee eee See) Mean age was 53.4 years; 51.5 were women. 2 Sons abit

صفحه 28:
Table 8.4 Style table for scientific weting, Tp Action Write the topic sentence Begin each paragraph with 2 topic sentence end use the main Follow the topic sentence wit supporting sentences Put the sentences i (Check for logic in the order in correct order wihich you present ideas Eliminate fog Simplify your thoughts anc your sentences Avoid Jargon and acronyms Use everyday words xy what you mean Inspect word orders and word Encure flaw between sentaness Link end cf one centonee to ginning of next of use transit words Write tight Doleto all non-essential words, phrases, and clauses CChop up the snakes Use short sentences of about eck For nom tan consistent view i ordors within and 6 Think of your audience Imagine you are explain Make your paper look attractive Chop up walls of toxt and keer hanges of topic visual (new paragraph) and verbal (new te ntance)

صفحه 29:
Table 11.2 Use of apostrophes to Indicate possession. Condition Examples For singular or plural nouns that do The doctor's stethoscope not end in “s”, add an The patient's belongings apostrophe and an “s” The children's toys For plural nouns that end in “s”, The patients’ waiting room add an apostrophe For singular nouns that end in “s", Dr Barnes's paper add an apostrophe and an “s (with the exception of a few words such as Jesus’, Moses’ where last syllable is pronouned) For phrases, add the apostrophe The Chief of Staff's book and an “s” to the last word For joint ownership, add an Barnes and Smith’s paper apostrophe and an “s” to the last name When there is no joint ownership, Smith's and Miller's papers add an apostrophe and an “s” to each name Pronouns that are already possessive —_His, hers, its, theirs, yours do not need apostrophes

صفحه 30:
Some points The patients were referred from the neurology department to our center for the assessment of brain If this is the official department title (as listed in the hospital directory), it should be capitalized. If this is the official department title (as listed in the hospital directory), it should be capitalized. Use abbreviation if more than 2 times aterm is repeated during a manuscript. ع مز لإاتدمعغما ۵۲۵ ۷۱۵ حازلانتع صرح کز ۲6۲6" stomach wall than in the heart on both stress .... ‏دص توا ۸ مق ذأ معط‎ stomach wall than in the heart on both stress ...’. When you use “more”, you must indicate ‘more ‏اقترا مقط‎

صفحه 31:

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