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نانوبیوتکنولوژی و آینده سرشت انسان

تعداد اسلايدهاي پاورپوينت: 47 اسلايد در این پاورپوینت به مباحث اخلاقی پیرامون کاربردهای نانوبیوتکنولوژی و تاثیر آن بر جامعه بشری پرداخته شده است


صفحه 1:
a es ۳ rn Nanobiotechn beyond human n 1 زمعحطظ 0دززجو :صمناهاصهعع۳ Ph.D. student of Nano-biotechnology, School of Sciences, Razi Uni. Kermanshah, Iran =

صفحه 2:
Two terms, that is necessary to know their concepts > Cyborg : A cyborg, short for ' ۳ ‏تم‎ organism", is a being with both organic and I ic body parts. The term cyborg is not the same thing as bionic, biorobot or android; it applies to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback. While cyborgs are commonly thought of as mammals, including humans they might also conceivably be any kind of organism

صفحه 3:
>» Post-human : Post-human is a concept originating in the fields of science fiction, futurology, contemporary art, and philosophy that literally means a person or entity that exists in a state beyond being human. The concept addresses questions of ethics and justice, language and trans-species communication, social systems, and the intellectual aspirations of interdisciplinarity. The notion of the post-human comes up both in Post- — humanism as well as Trans-humanism.(These two | terms in the past, had two different meanings, but now they are very close together. In the philosophy of, modern science, they are refer to a single concept) ۱

صفحه 4:
CYBORG AS A RESULT THE PROCESS OF HUMAN EVOLUTION > Main peculiarity of modern attempts to change human corporeality from those committed previously, is that the current technology is really reached a level of development that is able to modify the actual person. ۲ Today some people have synthetic prostheses and implants: pace- makers, heart valves, knee joints, hip prostheses, etc. v The rapid development of science, generates new technological possibilities of transformation of biological organization of the human body. The next step in this direction would be a Radical Transformation of the person. v v Already outlines the prospect, that the second half of the twenty-first century is quite commonplace for people to become more rapid acquisition feet, ultrasound hearing ears, seeing eye radio and other artificial organs.

صفحه 5:
aa ۱ aa This situation can be described as output per person per its own limits. There is every reason to believe that human evolution is entering a new phase related to its biological transformation by high technology.

صفحه 6:
CYBORGS NANOTECHNOLOGY » In scientific discussions, nanotechnology are considered as the basis of a new technological revolution that will lead to fundamental changes in all spheres of society, a change in its quality of life and, as a consequence, the social aspects. >» In fact, the basic principles of nanotechnology research, assume the character of an interdisciplinary methodology, the main application area where physics, chemistry and biology. » In nanobiotechnology research, programs involved a growing number of scientists. So, one of its destinations is to create special molecular devices for the detection of certain substances present in the human body, to detect specific nucleotide sequences, indicating a change in the genetic material of cells and mutations and ....

صفحه 7:
Practical tasks Nanomedicine is the application of high technology for the treatment of human and rejuvenation. Experimental studies in this area are associated with the use of nanosized particles, which in human blood can pass to any body even under the most narrow capillaries. Known for the development of: a robot repairman mechanical «surgeon» in the circulatory system and «assembly» a device to repair living organisms. Currently, research is underway to create microdevices are capable of functioning within the body. It can be expected that the yield on a Commercial Biotechnology market, for new systems that enhance human abilities to happen in the foreseeable time for us.

صفحه 8:
Affirms the thesis that replaces human biological evolution, which has come to its limit, comes the technological evolution of man, in which further changes occur in the human side of his transformation into a cybernetic organism. As a result of these transformations, person receives a cybernetic body.

صفحه 9:
Ideally, such a body (cybernetic) would not be subject to aging, his physical abilities will also be commensurate with human features. Intelligence and memory of man- modified can be many times higher than the human, by its parameters. As a cybernetic organism is to some extent a result of the application of certain technologies, So this creature will have its own behavioral character. A kind of identity that is somewhat alien to the natural world.

صفحه 10:
The Technoscapes and Dreamscapes of Nanotechnology » K. Eric Drexler, pioneer and popularizer of the emerging science of nanotechnology, has summarized the ultimate goal of his field as “thorough and inexpensive control of the structure of matter.” » Many scientists involved in this ambitious program envision building nano machines, often called “assemblers” or “nanobots,” that will be used to construct objects on an atom-by-atom basis. » With its bold scheme to completely dominate materiality itself, nanotechnology has been prophesied to accomplish almost anything called for, by human desires. » Many universities, laboratories, and companies around the world are investigating nanotech possibilities, constituting a dense discourse network—a technoscape—of individuals and institutions interested in the potential benefits of this nascent discipline

صفحه 11:
» The U.S. National Science Foundation supports a National Nanofabrication Users Network to coordinate efforts at numerous sites, and the National Nanotechnology Initiative, proposed by the Clinton administration in 2000 and augmented by the Bush administration in 2001, offers funding and guidelines to promote nanotech breakthroughs. > Offering intellectual and commercial attractions, career opportunities and research agendas, nanotechnology foresees a techno-cultural revolution that will, in a very short time, profoundly alter human life as we know it.

صفحه 12:
> our relation to the world will change so utterly that even what it means to be human will be seriously challenged. But despite expanding interest in nanotech, despite proliferating ranks of researchers, despite international academic conferences, numerous doctoral dissertations, and hundreds of publications, the promise of a world violently restructured by nanotechnology has yet to become reality.

صفحه 13:
Some scientists do not take nanotechnology ‏ادن‎ note hole science or ficti pan Nene Jones, Ph Fe at the Unter of Newcastle, insinuates that nanotech is not a “realistic” science, and that, because its aspirations seem to violate certain natural limits of physics. “nanotechnology need not be taken seriously. David Edward Hugh Jones (20 April 1938 - 19 July 2017) was a British chemist and author

صفحه 14:
» Several critics have stated that direct manipulation and engineering of atoms is not physically possible for thermodynamic or quantum mechanical reasons; others have suggested that, without experimental verification for its outrageous notions and miraculous devices, nanotechnology is not scientifically valid. >» These attacks have in common a strategic use of the term “real science” as opposed to “science fiction,” and, whether rejecting the entire field as mere fantasy or attempting to extricate the scientific facts of nanotech from their science- fictional entanglements, charges of science- fictionality have repeatedly called epistemological status of nanotechnology a eee

صفحه 15:
On the other hand » Nanotechnology has responded to these atta with various rhetorical strategies inten distance its science from the ‏هع‎ ‎of science fiction. ~ Nanotechn ly 3 ‏توت‎ 6 illustrating the complex inte 200 09 ‏لیا تحت ترفن‎ 1 more significantly, nanotechnology is c engineering the future in its own-hybrid image. Unleashing its science fictions as science and ~~ thereby redrawing the contours %efstechnoculture, 7 nanotechnology instantiates 5 1 fictionizing of the world. Va

صفحه 16:
Donna Haraway has argued that the science-fictionizing of technoculture, or the post-modern, revelation that “the boundary between science fiction and social reality is an optical illusion,” gives rise to a “cyborg” epistemology threatening humanistic borders. Donna J. Haraway (born September 6, 1944) is a Distinguished American Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, United States.

صفحه 17:
Nanotechnology as Science, or, The rhetoric, ae an >» Nanotech is a vigorous scientific field anticipating a technological revolution of immense proportions in the near future. >» Nanotechnology is a_ realistic science, many researches claim, because biological “nanomachines” like enzymes and viruses already exist in nature; there is no reason, then, why human engineers could not construct similar molecular devices. > But unfortunately, even with nature as a model, the tangible products of nano-research are extremely preliminary. The more celebrated experimental results, in no particular order, for example include:

صفحه 18:
. Engineered proteins and synthetic molecules with protein-like capabilities .An organic molecule pinned to a surface with a scanning tunneling electron microscope (STM) . The widely publicized construction of the IBM logo on a silicon chip by pushing individual xenon atoms with an STM . The production of fullerines and their applications, such as “nano-pencils” . Invented nano-novelties, such as rotating molecular motors, a “nano-abacus,” and a “nano-train” panzer 8 EB

صفحه 19:
» Further evidence that nanotechnology is a real science, rather than a misguided fad, comes from its many signs of proto-disciplinarity. » The fact that professional scientists are actively working and staking their reputations on it, is sociologically — significant, and the visible confrontation between various nanotech research programs seeking to shape the field is symptomatic of the efforts of nanotechnology as a whole to attain the status of an acknowledged professional discipline. These agonistic struggles within the technoscape have stabilized a field-specific lexicon as well as institutional structures(marked research funds, industrial conferences, and university:-programs) supporting nanotech research. ۲

صفحه 20:
ععمعاءى ة 5أ لإوهاهمطءع همهم غهط ‎RST RM CMe a‏ ‎al‏ ا 0

صفحه 21:
Cyborg or Implant ?? » It is important to have a clear idea on the differences between Cyborg and Implant and the role of Nanotechnology in these fields >» Implant: is a prosthesis an artificial device used to restore bodily functions. Dental Implants Heart valves bone Skin Brain electrodes and chips Implanted drug delivery sys (for insulin)

صفحه 22:
w a ° « 5 oO 5 ‏لقا‎ RECEIVING

صفحه 23:
» Nanotechnology can help to making new and more efficient Implant, also this approach can improves the ones that are already available, based on nanoscale specific properties include: — Biocompatibility Biodegradability Scale and stability Electromagnetic properties Flexibility Creation new materials - And so on

صفحه 24:
۴ The question then is if Nano-Implant will turn us into Cyborg? Or perhaps we are cyborg already ?!! But what a bout Cyborg? » Cyborg: Refers to hybrid Organism. (partly Animal and partly machine) In deed, Cyborg is symbiotic relation between human and technology. It means cyborg is not depending on technology, actually technology must be considered as a half part of being Cyborg. Maybe Cyborg is not a human with Implants, it can be a machine with several organs and tissues of human’s body | know it's hard to believe, but, Human-Machine, is not an unfamiliar term for medical and military companies. دورد

صفحه 25:
Cybernetic human >» Kevin Warwick , (born 9 February 1954) is a British engineer and researcher at Coventry University in the United Kingdom. He is known for his studies on direct interfaces between computer systems and the human nervous system. Probably the most famous research undertaken by Warwick is the set of experiments known as Project Cyborg, in which he had an array implanted into his arm, with the goal of "b 1 tt People know him as Captain Cyborg

صفحه 26:
g Neil Harbisson British artist Neil Harbisson has a cyborg antenna located in! his head that allows him to extend his perception of colors beyond the human visual spectrum through vibrations in his skull

صفحه 27:
Cyborg is a post-human » Cyborg, can has different abilities: Longer life and health More powerful Higher ability in memory and mental calculations Establishing brain network communications with computers and the Internet or other cyborgs ( using chips and electrodes made based on nanotechnology) And so on... If companies that do not have a small number, create cyborg human, Most likely, of course, one should expect a new fashion trend called Cyborg among the class of people who are able to pay exorbitant fees and the demand and supply markets. So, we should expect a new social class too : Post-Human : A rich cyborg ره

صفحه 28:
The reality is that there is not a great deal of distance fro! a new generation of human beings called Post-human | do believe, the post-human is another Dark side of the science Just like the atomic weapons

صفحه 29:
THE IDEA OF «IMPROVING» THE HUMAN BODY AND MIND IN PHILOSOPHY If we look at the history of the human spirit searching for enlargement their limits, we can see that this topic has always troubled mankind. >» Human desire to overcome their physical and mental limitations, improve your body and mind are still present in the pre-scientific mythological worldview. > Person-limited, contrasted mythological hero (man-infinite), endowed with special qualities and is able to break the physical laws of this world. > The basis of the religious worldview is the idea that after death the soul, finding a new form of disembodied existence in the world of the hereafter, bliss or suffering, received the reward for their deeds.

صفحه 30:
Renaissance characterized as the era of creative freedom and bold daring man, the era of new talented people, sought to God equality of human creativity. G. Pico della Mirandola one of the first in the European philosophical tradition, expresses the idea of infinitely human nature. If the essence of all living beings, according to the Mirandola’s words, have their own nature, is responsible for their actions (the dog is the essence of a dog, a lion shows the essence of the lion), then the person is essentially a kind of «chameleon» that can manifest as angels, and demonic form

صفحه 31:
Man finds its essence in action, and it appears as an incomplete implementation of features such as self-adventure. Revealing the nature of man, his nature, it is appropriate to bring the metaphor is not «closed vessel» and «open door», further leading to another open door, again inviting on a long journey. To gain its essence a person must go through a number of routes to actualize its enormous range of possibilities, in which both represented as sublime and lowly. Because of this, a person has the opportunity to rise to the stars and angels, and so there is a risk of falling to the animal state. But what will be the place of man in the hierarchy of entities defined by themselves, their free and responsible choice. Enlightenment, marked the pathos of scientific and technological transformation of the world. Subject to improve the human body and its consciousness becomes instrumental, technocratic and scientistic motives. 5 a

صفحه 32:
In the late nineteenth century in his theory of the founder of the philosophy of technology, E. Kapp carries 2 on of the human body to the outside world. Culture as a whole and technology, in particular, it is seen as an extension of the human body and mechanical imitation of his various organs: « All means of culture, whether they will be roughly the thinnest material or construction, are nothing more than a projection of human organs». E. Kapp comes from anthropological criterion, actually proclaiming human center of the universe, the starting point and ultimate goal of all achievements. In the early twentieth century in the works of Russian cosmists (Vernadsky Kuprevich, Fyodorov,) universe and man appear within a single system, evolving in space, which is subordinated to the common universal principles,....,.02;

صفحه 33:
So, according to E Kapp, the definition of the existence and essence of man is no longer limited to their internal nature. This concept, in the presence of man in the larger world and beyond his own body, must be defined. Hence, the human is a part of this great complex world, which, of course, can dominate all its existence and the whole world around it. ره

صفحه 34:
Put forward the idea of active human evolution: a person must transform not only the external world, but also his own nature. Attracts special attention work «Philosophy of common cause» Fedorov. Thinker has no doubt that science will reach a level of development when humanity will learn to collect the scattered molecules and atoms to «put them in the body of the fathers», overcome illness and achieve immortality. In the late twentieth early and twenty-first centuries, topic T no form of human finds design in the philosophical systems of post- humanists (Bolonkin, Vishev, Moravec, Reynolds, Fukuyama, Ettinger) In post-humanism, improvement of the human body through the use of technological methods, going beyond the usual limits of human existence, become targets. on

صفحه 35:
> In post-humanist concepts, approved by the idea that as a result of scientific and technological revolution to replace the man come man-modified, which will have a fundamentally new _ abilities. Among the means of becoming a_ post-human, mentioned: nanotechnology, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, medicine for mood changes and memory enhancement, anti-aging therapy and embedded computing devices. ره

صفحه 36:
Human nature from the pe German philosopher; Jurge In the case of a changing the human natul ‏ار ول رد۱‎ ad أقم كه ات ات تیان انریا ‎evolution and the engineered evolution is @‏ ‎Pe PMU ba‏ There is a huge difference between being a body and having a body ‎lalla)‏ من عع اللااعط رقن 3 ‎Lalit:‏ توف ‎Creating a new class divide in society‏ ‎Valuing people's lives, is this ethical ? Whi cf ‏ات وت یر‎ changed ? This is an instrumental ‏یی انا

صفحه 37:
Determinisn> a man-modified, if built for a particular kind of life (for example: military services), so this phenomenon is a manifestation of determinism. Because this creature is a tool and no longer himself, and maybe he will never be able to return to his humanity.

صفحه 38:
There are two kinds of change using technology A) Fixing a defective condition : rehabilitation of a defective hand or defective eye with new technology ) Improving and promoting a healthy person to achieve a fantastic and unusual ability : third Eye with higher pixels, Intra brain memory chips and so on.. * If this phenor and organs) of their children as a changeable commodity, they will take the control of their children. this phenomenon, effects the physical foundation of the relationship to humanity nature and freedom of morality of children. ۱۱۱! ۲0۱6 problem just relates to a cyborg child . while the soci, problems still remain on their own. ‏موه‎ » As soon as rich parents can deal with the physiological traits (genes \

صفحه 39:
The main problem is that the person does not have time to adapt to change. During ‏ولط‎ statistical and long-term research, Dr. Raymond Kurzweil (is an American inventor, and futurist), concluded that technological advance has an exponential growth. In deed, advancement of technology in the next century will not be as old as 100 years, it will be equals to 20,000 ۱۷6۵۲5 ۲

صفحه 40:
>» Science and technology are developed in a very short time so fast, that a person does not even have time for a rational understanding of what is happening. >» New technologies can lead to quite unexpected results. When introducing technological innovations in the first place are economic efficiency, social risks and the possible ethical implications of such introductions almost nobody miscalculate. In deed, nobody thinks a bout it. < On many social and ethical implications, people do not even realize. Technological innovations are always presented first person as a «thing in itself», but also predictability horizon recedes as their complications.

صفحه 41:
> Possible scenario, when a group of post-human, having the opportunity to transform their mental and physical abilities, acquire dominion over those who upgrade to this will not be enough funds. » Risk of ongoing processes of transformation of life for each person is that they are able to destroy his existing structure of human existence, many of which are inherently fragile and vulnerable to various kinds of deformations. >» New technologies have a huge impact on a person, but even experiencing transformation of his life, a man must keep his balance and not lose harmony with the world.

صفحه 42:
>» Modern technology has reached a level of development that is able to modify the actual person. > Radical idea to «improve» the functioning of the human body and consciousness present in the culture at all times and found its ultimate design in post-humanist concepts. » Unfolding process of informatization and computerization has changed the socio-cultural reality. There are fears that the situation in the further development of technology, users already experiencing abnormal cravings for unhealthy virtual world, will be satisfied with the role of information technology gadget.

صفحه 43:
>» Nanotechnologies developed to replace human biological evolution, technological evolution of man comes, in which further changes occur in the human side of his transformation into a cybernetic organism. » New technologies can lead to quite unexpected results. Possible negative social consequences of the technological evolution of man. Man must maintain balance and not lose harmony with the world in the unfolding of scientific and technical progress. ره

صفحه 44:
Ethical Regre Ethics has now regressed and become the “melancholy science”. Because it allows, at best, only scattered aphoristic “reflections from damaged life”. Theodor W. Adorno (Germa psychologist wz

صفحه 45:
Perhaps it's better to just take a step Back, just ۱۱۵ ‏ه‎ ۵ look atwhat we have.painted on the canvas of this world.

صفحه 46:
WE a Ct For Your kttention

صفحه 47:
References 1) O. |. Elkhova. Cyborg As A Result The Process Of Human Evolution. Methodology Of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 18, No. 5 (66), Pp. 118-121, 2014. N. Katherine Hayles. How We Became Posthuman. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1999. 2 3) Mesut Cetin, Salih Gumru, Feyza Aricioglu. Nanotechnology Applications in Neuroscience: Advances, Opportunities and Challenges. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2012;22(2):115- 20. Colin Milburn. Nanotechnology in the Age of Posthuman Engineering: Science Fiction as Science. Configurations, 2002, 10:261-295 © 2003 by The Johns Hopkins University Press and the Society for Literature and Science. Bostrom, Nick. (2018). Transhumanist Ethics 1. Anderson, Joel. (2005). Jurgen Habermas, The Future..of Human Nature , translated by Hella Beister, Max Pensky, and William Rehg:The Future of Human Nature. Ethics. 115. 816-82 4 5 8

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