تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 22 اسلاید


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pulsed light

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ood Gontel 12 (2021) 107947 (Contents lists available at ScienceDirect COM 0 0 Food Control Lan Nhe ‏مت‎ ELSEVIER journal homepage: www-elsevier.com/locate/foodcont = CONROL fo Effect of pulsed light treatment on inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli (MTCC 433) in fruit juices P. Preetha®, R. Pandiselvam >”, N. Varadharaju*, Z. John Kennedy *, M. Balakrishnan®, Anjineyulu Kothakota® + Ati! Pebeorhe Cae nd Rear ste, Tan Kad Asura ners Ctr, 640, da ‎ely Dio, ICR Cena Pan rope Ree an Kes 671 124, Ker,‏ ها سا که ماما موز ‎Ago rece 4 Tesnalagy Don, CSR Narn sie for ers Senza Teco (MUST), Taran, 695 019, Kel, nia‏ ‎

صفحه 3:
Objective ٠ Investigation of Effect of pulsed light treatment on inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli (MTCC 433) in coconut water, orange and pineapple juice Materials and methods * The selected fresh fruits were used for juice extraction. * The sterilized liquid samples were inoculated with E. coli of 1 x102° CFU/mL * The E. coli inactivation was examined by the effect of pulsed light fluence rate (0.18, 2

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ad ۳4 ۵ ۱8 + Log reduction of maximum 4.0, 4.5 and 5.33 was determined in orange, pineapple juice and tender coconut water, respectively, when treated with the pulsed light doses of 95.2 J/cm2. * The results shown that PL treat-ment could be more effective in transparent juices like tender coconut water than cloudy juices.

صفحه 5:
Food Control 110 (2020) 107005 7 ‘Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Ent Food Control ELSEVIER journal homepage: wwww.elsevier.com/locatelfoodcont ‏شتا‎ Inactivation of Salmonella in cherry tomato stem scars and quality ® preservation by pulsed light treatment and antimicrobial wash* Juncai Leng*®, Sudarsan Mukhopadhyay”, Kimberly Sokorai”, Dike O. Ukuku‘, Xuetong Fan”, Modesto Olanya‘, Vijay Juneja” Key abarary of eed Maron and Say, Mir of Eun of China, Colo ued Engr and Bitzi, Tain Univers of Seance and Tecnology, Ta, 30047, PR Chi "Residue Chemis & Predictive Merb Rescarch Uni US. parent of Arata, Agclrl Research Srvc, Basten Regional Rezrch Center, Wyo, 1, 19058, USA ‘Food Safety IneretonTecnalgy Research Uii'S. Dgaromet of Apical, Acura Research Servic, Baton Regional Research Cntr, ‏موز‎ ‎10038, USA

صفحه 6:
0 Objective * The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of pulsed light (PL) treatment, a novel antimicrobial (LAPEN) wash and combinations there of in inactivating Salmonella on stem scars of cherry tomato.

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Materials and methods Three serotypes of Salmonella enterica were chosen to prepare inoculum for the current investigation for their link with tomato and produce outbreaks. Stem scars of tomato were spot inoculated before being treated with PL (1-63 J/cm2), LAPEN sanitizer (2 min) or combinations of PL with LAPEN ‏وتو‎ Tomatoes were exposed to PL for 1s (1.05 J/cm2) to maximum 1 min(63 J/cm2).

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Materials and methods Tomatoes were washed with a novel sanitizer formulation for 2 min at room temperature (22 2 7 Ae), For PL-LAPEN combination, inoculated tomatoes were initially exposed to optimum PL dose (31.5 J/cm2) and then washed 2 min in LAPEN sanitizer whereas for LAPEN-PL combination, tomatoes were initially immersed 2 min in LAPEN prior to PL treatment.

صفحه 9:
LWT Volume 112, September 2019, 108231 SVIER Effect of Pulsed Light treatment on B-lactoglobulin immunoreactivity Janire Orcajo, Marfa Lavilla& ®, Inigo Martinez-de-Maraiién| FE Show more https: //doi.org/10.1016j}.1wt.2019.05.129 Get rights and content

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Objective * Thise study investigates theeffects of different pulsed light treatments on the immunoreactivity and digestibility of B- lactoglobulin (B-lg), one of the main allergens in milk.

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Materials and methods *B-lactoglobulin lyophilized powder (LO130) from ‏یی‎ ۱ ‏رف ۱۱۱۱۱۰ رز ارات در‎ )8- Ig) were prepared with PH (4.6 , 6.8, 7.4) +300 uL of the different B-lg solutions were poured in a quartz cuvette and were placed at 6 cm from the upper Xenon lamp «Samples received four different total fluences: 3.85 J/cm2 (7pulses), 8.25 J/cm2 (15 pulses), 12.1 J/cm2 (22 pulses) and 15.95 J/cm2 (29 pulses).

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۱-۶ findings show that PL _ significantly decreases the recognition of B-lg by both IgG and IgE, up to an average 85% and 45% of reduction, respectively, compared to the untreated protein, especially when the protein is treated in a solution at pH 68.

صفحه 13:
Food Research Internation! 37 (2016) 189-195 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Food Research International E LSEV 7 R journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/foodres Effect of pulsed light treatment on structural and functional properties of Qo whey protein isolate Md Abu Bakar Siddique *, Paola Maresca >, Gianpiero Pataro**, Giovanna Ferrari *® * Department of adil Ener, Universo Ser, ix Gorn Pal 122404 Fc, A tly ® Pod Scarl, Va Ponte dn Nil 4084 Fin, A, ely

صفحه 14:
& Objective * This study aimed at investigating the effects of Pulsed Light (PL) processing at different fluences (from 4 to 16 J/cm2) on the structure and functional properties of Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) solution.

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26 4 5 ‏اه‎ 2 ۵ Materials and methods + Powder of WPI (UltraWhey 90 instant) derived from sweet cheese was purchased with the weight composition of the powder was as follows: 90% proteins, 1.0% fat, 2.0%lactose, 2.2% ash, and 4.0% moisture. * Before undergoing PL treatments, WPI powder was dissolved in Sodium phosphate buffer (50 mM; pH = 7.5) and maintained under gentle mixing in a water-ice bath in order to obtain a homogenous solution. e« Camnlec were exnoced to irradiationwith PI for2167 902

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26 ‏م‎ 5 ‏اه‎ 2 ۵ Materials and methods + The determination of the free and total sulfhydryl (SH) groups was used to detect the variation of WPI tertiary and “0 ‏يت‎ + Additionally, PL-induced changes in secondary structure were determined by FT-IR spectroscopy and the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and primary structure by carbonyl content.

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* The experimental data demonstrated that PL treatments increased the concentration of total and free sulfhydryl groups and protein carbonyls. * The extent of whey protein structure modifications was fluence dependent. . Solubility and functional ‏ان‎ were significantly 1

صفحه 18:
Ieveratonal jaro Food Microbiology 158 (2012) 2-48 Contents lsts available at SciVerse ScienceDirect International Journal of Food Microbiology ELSEVIER journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijfoodmicro Pulsed light treatment for the inactivation of selected pathogens and the shelf-life extension of beef and tuna carpaccio Eva Hierro *, Monica Ganan *®, Elvira Barroso *, Manuela Fernandez ** * Departamento de Nuri, roma y Teco des Ames iclad de Veterinaria, Unies Computes, 25040 Mad Spin cl campus Mono, UO UPM e NA, Maid Spain

صفحه 19:
Objective * The efficacy of pulsed light to improve the safety of carpaccio has been investigated. Materials and methods Beef and tuna slices were superficially inoculated with approximately 3 log cfu/cm2 of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhimurium and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The PL device was operated with both lamps and fluiencec nf NI 91 ADBA and 1190

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Treatments at 8.4 and 11.9 J/cm2 inactivated the selected pathogens approximately by 1 log cfu/cm2, although they modified the colour parameters and had a negative effect on the sensory quality of the product. Pulsed light showed a greater impact on the sensory quality of tuna carpaccio compared to beef. None of the fluences assayed extended the shelf-life of either

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The end

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