صفحه 1:
In the name of god Lesson one

صفحه 2:
abandon OMeans : desert ; leave without planning to come back + Example: The soldier could not abandon his friends who were hurt in battle Because Rose was poor , she had to abandon her idea of going to college. * Words: Looking for-poor-idea-college ترک کردن ,رها کردن ,بیخیال شدن

صفحه 3:
keen : (مشتاق) 63967 : (تیز)503۲0 : ۲6۵۳5 حاد و شدید ‎sensitive(wlhus) ; intense(,‏ (تند Example : keen mind ; keen knife ; keen sense of smell Bill’s keen mind pleased all his teacher Words : butcher ;cut ;meat ;pleased ‏تيز حساس, برّنده‎

صفحه 4:
jealous Means : wanting what someone else has; afraid that the one you love might prefer someone else Words : danc@,as, ;cheerleaders ;neighbor ‏استخدام,(جاره ۱۳6: کاراگاه0661۷6: همسایه‎ ‏بیوه/۷/00۷‎ A detective was hired by the jealous widow to find the boyfriend who had abandoned her. حسادت تنك فرق

صفحه 5:
tact means : Ability to say right thing Example : my aunt never hurts anybody’s feelings because she always uses tact. Your friend will admire you if you use tact and thoughtfulness Words: calm ; thoughtfulness ;)thought:, azgig Sai jb ‏(تحسینو تعری فکردر20۳01۳66 , (انديشه‎ کار حساب شده,سنجیده,تدبیر ۰ ۰

صفحه 6:
oath قسم ,سوگند ,فحش و بد و بیراه means: a promise that some thing is ۲۲6 : ‏(لعنو نفرینو ناسزا)0۲۳56‎ Example : in court the witness(, »Lw ols 5) took an oath that he would tell the whole truth. Words : discovered

صفحه 7:
vacant خالی,پر نشده Empty or not filled ‎Fill 6255-4), landlord(aileszlLe) ,‏ (قطعه زمیرن‌نسهم »زیاد)۱01 ‎When the landlord broke in , he found that apartment vacant.

صفحه 8:
Hardship Some thing that is hard to bear , difficulty The fighter had to face many hardship before he became champion. Abe Lincoln was able to overcome one hardship after another . On account of hardship , Bert was let out of the army to take care of his sick mother.

صفحه 9:
Gallant ‏احترام گذار بحه زن‌هاءشجاع,استقبا (ک‌ننده‎ Brave ‏:(شجاع استقبا لک ردنا ز)‎ ‏(سوگند در دادگاه)5/0۲0 ز (خلبانراهنماییک ردریاه ام‎ ‏(شواله داراعل قبسر)0196: (رفیق‌داداش)00باط‎ : enter (1.8 315); contestlulsy ails) ‏(تقدیم کردن‌هدیه)ا 91۷6 :(شاهزاده)0۲۱۳۵‎ : ‎Seathlio)‏ (رله زیر زمینیمترو, قطارزبرزمينو]لاةالاهاناة ‎ ‎Many gallant knights entered the contest to win princess/ the pilot swore a gallant oath to save his buddy/ ‎Ed is so gallant that he always gives up his subways seat to a women/

صفحه 10:
data Means : facts ; information Example : after studying the data we were able to finish our report Words : robbery ; math ; unless ; problem داده,اطلاعات

صفحه 11:
Unaccustomed ‏خو ن گرفته,عادنتکرده‎ ۰ ۸60۱50۳060 ‏(خو گرفته)‎ * Obey , king , heat , quickly * Unaccustomed as he was to exercise, Vic quickly became tired.

صفحه 12:
bachelor Means : A man who is not married Example : before the wedding ;all his bachelor friends had a party Words : oath ; remain ; movie ; mistake عزب , مجرد و بدون همسر

صفحه 13:
qualify * Means : Become fit ; show that you are able * Example : | am trying to qualify for the job that is now vacant * Words: carryhs)SJai 9Je>) ; tune(Srllgiyrt) ; surebliebl) ; chorusOLLw ‏(بلند قد)ااه]: (هم‎ : ۷0۱ مناسب شدن,نشان دادن توانایی و لیاقت ©

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