صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
صفحه 3:
صفحه 4:
What are they? ي
- ۱
Faults are blocks of the earth’s crust that meet together.
Scientists identify four types of faults, characterized by the
position of the fault plane, the break in the rock and the
MRO VEMENt af theLWA-LOGKBIOCKS.§ cain coi دانشمندانآن هارا باتوجه به
Faults lines are under enormous pressure from the two
pieces of the earth's crust pushing together.
ار یی از دو تطعهپوستهزمینهستند که ه هم قشار میآورند
خطوط كسل تحت
The faults will eventually give way to the pressure causing earthquakes and creating
كسل ها به زمين لرزه وليجاد مناطق كوهستائى منجر ميشوئد Mountain ranges.
د تست
صفحه 5:
= = ۷ DS
صفحه 6:
احلا ليلعت
صفحه 7:
صفحه 8:
During the last 500 years, surface ruptures
associated with large earthquakes have
appeared and documented in various places in
lran [2, 15]. Most of these ruptures occurred
along the active faults which have moved
ne Sane ل NRL RON LM IN RCN زو وا
evidence that these active faults have the _—
صفحه 9:
Seismogenic و
An underground fault which generates an earthquake but does not
leave ruptures on the ground surface can be called a seismogenic
fault in order to distinguish it fronvanceatthquake-fault: This types
Besumiesitedd@ntitxdary Fault
This type is recognized to be active based on
observation of offset Quaternary landforms, however,
they are not known to be seismically active. This
could be due to a very long recurrence interval along
۱ One Piper trae RYE ear nn Rey smre en
صفحه 10:
Tectonic setting of Iran and its subdivisions
صفحه 11:
The Iranian plateau is situated between the Arabian plate
to the south, and the Eurasian plate to the north. As a
part of the active Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, it is
compesedof-complexsmierecontinéntal-biocks-and ocean
floored basins separated by major fracture zones.
درایننحیهحرکت صفجهات عربی توسط ضخیمشدن پوسه رای و فورانش لیتسفری دبای عمان در زیر مکران به تحوی جبرن ده وحرکات کلی این صفحات به
Pe en eres
In this convergent zone, the overall northward motion of the een 0
being compensated by, 1) folding and reverse faulting, resulting ina
continuous thickening and shortening of the continental crust [10, 40], 2)
strike slip faulting [24, 52, 67, 73], and 3) subduction of oceanic lithosphere
Pane ae eee eee SU TRG ey eR و oe Fer ere See
صفحه 12:
GPS horizontal velocities show that Arabia moves at 2.1-2.5cm/yr
due north relative to Eurasia [47, 67]. However, deformation is
distributed differently over several active deforming zones.
:درمتن ذيل نيز مقدارهاى جابه جابى ها درمناطقى لزايران كه كسل هاى شاخص را بررسى كرده ليم بر اساس مقياس سانتى متر برسال بيان كرده ايع
In eastern Iran shortening is distributed over the Makran subduction
complex (up to 1.9cm/yr) and the Kopeh-Dagh Mts. (about
0.6cm/yr). To the west, shortening is distributed over the Zagros
(about 0.8cm/yr) [33], and Alborz Mts. (about 0.5cm/yr) [6
صفحه 13:
The area located between Zagros and Alborz (Central = 3
1 000
قاری بلا
0100700 Vari MRT
«اوراسیا حرکت ی کند در ال
The contrast between the velocity vectors in west-central and eastern Iran
takes the form of right-lateral strike slip motion along the north-south trending
۱۱ le ecleRaRT Raut Ratan CU etch Ty
diverse in different regions of Iran, an attempt is made to introduce the active
Mee aM ay clean و
Be eT aol حا وت ۰( ورمع !و عدءل ودف وعاوبيوطعوء ايو idences
صفحه 14:
نقشه کسل های فعال ایران
صفحه 15:
۱ nut
۱ eae tee Slee عط
Caucasus to the north and the Zagros Mountains to the
هط خمعوونه عصعن۵0ط066 اه06؟ عاهنوط:۴۵ ,طانامی 6
0 ا ل I Pe
0000 acaneeten و100 right-lateral
ریا ره یت با رت عط ع6 ی ak? tec انيد صطاهمع)ا ات نون
NW Iran of the North Anatolian fault and other right-lateral faults in SE
Turkey. However, right-lateral faulting in the SE Turkey-NW Iran region is
not continuous but consists BoA See NTA GL بات age
Three of these segments ruptured during earthquakes in cre 1966
صفحه 16:
The North Tabriz fault segment, however, has been
Poe e NAL at ike Mant Rea ae ancoRe tt ecm Male
PMU aoe Cn cen ura aera te i
Gnome ear ate ار
1641, 1717, 1721, 1780 and 1786 earthquakes), the
ار ره رت وت
۱۱ ارام
عوونامهه خاباه) عمهزهه مه ما م۵۵2۲ عیععر 60 ۲۵۵ وووه تزع پا ایا نیوج و
۱ haem Crm Ura Ikea
rR cere tM Le CCM ete OCCULT aa
مه ارايت عجا مز هده ره عطاش هجا نو مع وروسع 65[4] نريععا بك صل برقم ني بع عهمررنه روهو).
صفحه 17:
000 horizontal slip rates are
1۱ ee ier nents
northwestern segment of the North Tabriz fault [35]. The
Khoy fault, the continuation of the Chaldiran fault, was
براساس انحراف زهکشی نرخ لغزش افقی در داسه شمال غربی| قتع قارعطآر بصعاج یی 6-68۳۲ 2و 19:07 ite eco mii Sec
براساس روادید یه سمت راست گزارش شده ات
00 یر زر et eR Can
و che anrctaradcs rane Ren er enc a PE) a)
eet eet aeRO uM ل testa aur gee cicl
eT RCM RM uur esl cueuid CAPE) MK eC Lat aaa)
DORE sl Re oa aes a Sena raw Ula جر 9قر:0 3ه ركه وراد
ا ا ل eure marae ala
صفحه 18:
SOW ea cine و
Peet ل
0 ke tceeael
1 eae
۱ ی ele ML tcs
Mal ل ۰ Cover Ar scel¢ 44 1s) fe i alae aa a a
fk unmet ag دی در
activity has been documented using both seismicity and
The North Tehran fault, Mosha fault, North Qazvin fault, and Damghan fault (3, 5, 9,
FR NESW 801005 376:
10, 19, 21]. Seismic activity of Torud, lpak and Abdarreh faults to the south of the
Alborz mountains were followed by surface faulting [1, 2, 12, 69]. The focal
mechanism solution of the 1962.9.1 Buin-Zahra and 2002.06.22 Changureh
Oa ی cll aso Le UIE Nelo mile? all
صفحه 19:
The Khazar fault, a reverse fault with a southward dip direction, is the longest active
fault in the Alborz, and is located in the northern edge of the Alborz mountains. This
Rea ee emu UN ann uMuCeA Cle auc ee y
Rene ae a eR nue Cle auc TCU Eel
Cretan Meee Mecca ey Ma Leilene eas
1990.6.20 was associated with 80km of discontinuous earthquake faulting [18]. The
ree unmet ear) Clits oe ciara) il Mura arats
CRS e ren cece cme Cena Mit ecor rl acct
۳ ی ری
نامع ععربؤعوا لوعزوو اوراص را er
ae ee ا ا peat are ee a ae
و ۳
صفحه 20:
In the Kopeh-Dagh, a region in northeast of Iran, strike slip
MRR -طعممم عط1 .ئغانه؟ معد عقون
ممعندوع عط ما غمهمتحمملعة كغانة؟ ومتلمععع معنو رطمم
POSTEO ال emer iae len ett car
عون مفوه عز طءنط۷ اووه-ط۵۵۵ وا عاهتوطهه براصه عط
His رل يا 2 4 1 1 a
motion (right-lateral and 2 ان
Peeters mera Pane Set ۳ ar 5
I ات الا کارت کل 00 فا ریت رن ات ی
erent oa 8 ie 00 27۷
stern trends indicate a combination of left-lateral strike slip and 0
ee بت میت ات ی و RE
097۳0۵1 ۵50۳93۵۵2 رش مت يو رامع ما مر سردم
صفحه 21:
بازگشت به صفحه eee
The focal mechanism solutions of the 1970.7.30 and 1974.3.7 earthquakes in
Ree ل ل لل ae a cuea ice)
ات ری ری رت rca
CO CMC ieee LC Co AER lous CCR ee arate ens
reer ec ois y ا ل یر
Cs TR} بر را ی یر
۱ Renta cunt ا ney
۱ ا
12 زر کر و om cesta
activity of Kashafrud and Quchan faults within Kopeh-Dagh has also b
صفحه 22:
۱ 5ا0 ع مناه 3 in Eastern and Central Iran
۱ ee an
ل RCS eRe Curse
رت زر ور Rete
eee eek ل
sane Peace er cuca 00 ce] 1
cmicieliat ا ری ی era
eee UR ace ee a a ۱
a teen crs ۱
ما لا
ee eT NS PS eg Se re
صفحه 23:
ae sen sate ne RUM ci Rea Mena are] ا
eel erect em RUT Coen aio) عط ماين علبروع مطعميمهم عطة 6ه طغنامد
Ca Cleat Nae) ی یت 00
predominant left-lateral strike slip movement along its east-west trend [2, 40, 70]. In
ا Emenee ese Pa Teme ce cee nah
BMT oti ل ا ا ل 0
ا ا 00
borders of the Lut region and are known to be active [13, 70]. Occurrence of the
et ene ee ا ا ا Reso RSS Ed
Cee ma uteri anes decte Ol oar Yaar ce eo ۱
Ce Clee Cincinnati ett ال Peete CCR
صفحه 24:
۱۱ Order ae kame race eee enc nae eel
ومغابة؛ عع كرد ومتممعى الالال 6ه ]16[.
0 ا ل ل ora}
ا ا ی ل یزیر
MN NaC) ی |
bedding plane-slip on a growing anticline [14]. Recent studies used SAR interferogam
ec Rana ل ا م ا Reece Ur
Rat ee Rte Onn Cm cc 0
eaceie een CT a ECO Mae ut: eran aT و Gee
CCa aca EN serene ره ۱
ا s each 000
صفحه 25:
کشت به صفحه اصلی ..
۱ زر aMi eum eae ten een cy
Cretan CM AU sata enc ل RTS
1968:9.1 Bae eee ا ا
راعهه موه ج۵ بط فعنوهمطمعه عهلا حعنط ۱ 6اهاوطاهه محطعامعععه 89 9:.16 :1978
Nee ecICtcll ی را ی سیر ۱
strike slip component [11, 71].
Meee Cert Rien Cee ae Ceviche RT
Ree ier acu rons Cm a Re eeu nea CT a Tema crs
Po oe eG ens Wen de ee ee hese Sen eo eau eal ae
PLT ace ا ل یر ی sleeve mc ves [ncaa
صفحه 26:
The Makran ranges are formed due to subduction of oceanic crust of the Oman Sea, with a
6km thick sedimentary cover, beneath the Asian margin [29, 75]. The eastern limit of the
Makran is marked by the Chaman and Ornach-Nal faults of Pakistan. The NNW trending
Zendan-Minab-Palami fault zone marks the western limit of the Makran subduction zone
and connects the western Makran to the eastern Zagros deformation domain. Recent GPS
studies [6] as well as geomorphic investigation [51] suggest that the Minab-Zendan-
یر یر یت عم 3 غ3 ومألامم ذأ ممعغؤولاد غانة؟ أممواوم Ree RR ci)
Makran (in Pakistan) where historical and recent earthquakes occur [25, 49], there is little
مماععنلطنك (صقعا مأ) مقعلقاا ممعؤدعيى عط كه ناا أمواعد لمة كغاناة؟ عباغعة عطغ مه ممغقمممكما
اا ا ل 0
UMMM ec وک مر بر ناوناوه' ف هام غنم رات تسبل فقت وماد
عت ارت نت وو ياد بابي سني ماي للك ی ی
صفحه 27:
In view of lack of data indicating occurrence of large recent and
historical earthquakes, and insufficiency of evidences in the field
یا tec Ie eee Ue)
Een eS Cn Men om Tee cne eer cane ines Mae 1
باتوجه به كمبود داده ها نشان مى دهد ك رقر 138 اكع جرع تربع ماء تمع عطع قرط IS ۱
S00 pea See e eT CeS ان SU rN hn eC
rsh ac Seren etree مجلق ام كرام كجاوا فمنط لقا ولسمة مويرم 1 كوه مم رامنا
Meech eek cll علطن غابية؟ ماعمعمين عبتاعق مه ذأ ابرع عمع عق 1۳
individual fault segments (i.e., Morvarid, Sahneh, Garun, Nahavand and Dorud [63)). T}
رف رت ری و یی یر ور مر رد هار ا
صفحه 28:
۱ emir] 1
۱2 رت eee ist ae Masa Meese}
ee ena ل ROU es Ute tec
PNR U ار R CT Us
۱ nea eae eee ل ا
زر mUIeert ee MM ا ie utes
ا رو aan
Pee RMS Meu Ra ی eto ieee
۱ ey EOD CON Reon em Cee =r
Ce ate Naar eee eee a Bape athe eens eRe ed
of So تس ات tall اوسا نا
oo ا
صفحه 29:
کشت به صفحه اصلی ..
ae Ree eeu Seu Rec tele Cea enc nee ا to
have been associated mainly with right-lateral strike-slip motion along faults that
1:۱0 ۷۰
ا ا ل ل رو
ا ری Cerne
ا ری یر
ل ee IM eset ور ۱
uc ay Nees ی fe ey ROR
La ela ee eae a ل ee eo Be atts li
CaS acer eons See ae POM ee Nea طامع معط
صفحه 30:
۱ Rt ee aCe
۱ er a ately ee
00 یر ec CS
within the belt [4, 7, 8, 36, 56]. Lateral offset of Zagros fold = ot
۱ DUO EAM SCLC LUC is re 1111
رت یر ای رت رس ی پر ی ار حز بر cl” Run كمع نادمه ععطته ممه مبمعده
۱ ی یر ا و
ری رت رو
areca Crees ا یر ی ی زر
EPSP ات nero N tt mete ie OM ا cocnerect iat
0 tea el eRe vat
صفحه 31:
بازگشت به صفحه اصلی .
Although many of the active fault zones of Iran have been determined,
many of the individual active faults are yet to be studied. Due to the
geological characteristics and scarcity of accurate seismic data in Iran, it is
(10 to el ny geodetic and geomorphologic methods in the
اكرجه بسيارى ازمناطق كسل فعال در ايران تعبين شده استء اما بسيارى از كسل هاى فعا فردى هنوز مورد مطالعه قرار نكرفته اند . ب توجه به خصوه
3207 ee active CEU
شناسی و کمبود دادههای لرزه ای دقیق در ایران؛ توصیه می شود روش های ژئودزی و ژئومورقولوژی در مطالعه رب
غم ذأاغأ رمهما كه كغاناة؟ عاتاعج عط Qe تس ات ات Tama Mel
.باسطح فعلى اطلاعات در مورد كسل هاى قعال ايران» امكان ايجاد رزيم كسل غالب براى كل كشوروء
possible to establish a dominant fat 30 3 4 =
صفحه 32:
Strike-slip faulting in the Central and Eastern Iran.
اها۲0- ل نا
offsets across Dehshir (D), Anar (A), West Lut (WL,
Se a
indicated in km. ce
rae وع2) وتمم نع عاطما م علتتواع معتقكءماءيا 5م
ees MN eel) 0
Beare a eeu eee ee
individual faults (green numbers in mm/yr) is
صفحه 33:
Schematic illustration of the main
کااناعع۲ ۵۲ 6۴5 5۲0 0۴۷۵۲۵۲۰
Ll cee eed
000 Lact
Sma eect a) ea
SRN eteant econ uCceLactr|
eC Uv tra ل
erst emer ire ai
GPS, geological evidence and ۱ عم اقرع ]نمال
Fault and the associated ای رای میت را پر زر
geformatian.zane the,velocity is deduced from the REVEL model (Sella’
صفحه 34:
۰ ات
Ree eu eerie ela ۱۱
lines. Arrows and red uncertainty ellipses are
ل اك
volcanoes related to collision between the
Arabia and Eurasia (Kheirkhah et al. 2009). The
0 CRO Ac
Perec etn
Sao ve ne ا ECE GERM 0 د
ا ا ا ل ان
RML SCS raciencam staat} ا ا ee ea Cpa
all ل ا لك لك ل ناویات رز رت مرت ری
خلاصه نقشهپهنه بند
صفحه 35:
eee a ۳
22112 ا
stations (light gray triangular) and IIEES
VAUCUrl Ema Relce ec 9۳۵ 02۲۲) عوهناهای
Fee PEER CU eyecare) Lancome
ROPE Ut Ne Nalco Ses ۱
tet CONC ۱
selection criteria, gee the text) for local
ye cima anes ses رهق e Came ck as en gt
At ear aia ane CoRR TIC CRallechitncre cence
Nei ذا
ee _
صفحه 36:
cialized study
he Lake Urmia area
سی تخححی کسل دریاچه ارومیه
صفحه 37:
صفحه 38:
۱ دمم+أ سم 0(
برخی از گسل ee gh فعارادر ايران» از جمله گسل اصلی اخیر مطته مورد مطالعه در شمال غرب ایرانواقع شده است
a) Some major active faults in Iran, including the Main Recent Fault. The
study area is located in the NW of Iran. b) Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission (SRTM) image from NW Iran and location of the Lake Urmia area.
Fault plane solutions of recent earthquakes are presented. Active major
faults around the Lake Urmia-area’are‘showf bY black lines (Main Recent
Fault, North Tabriz Fault, Salmas Fault, Serow Fault, Piranshahr Fault,
Urmia Fault).
Extension direction marked by white arrows parallel to as aa vector
measured on the exposed no;
صفحه 39:
Different parts of a fissure-ridge type travertine in the Azarshahr
area. a) Ridge, looking from top. b) Central part of the ridge
containing vertical veins:-€} Horizontal-aragonit هس ical
pasa coca rats 7
صفحه 40:
Schematic stages (left) and
equivalents in the field (right)
صفحه 41:
—— ell أ7_17
Schematic stages (left) and their equivalents in the field (right)
presenting generation and development of a travertine ridge and its
central vein. a) Initiation of extensional fracture and generation of
travertine ridge (for location, see Figure 2). b) Travertine ridge with
recent travertine layer in white (for location, see Figure 2).
c) Travertine ridge with more than 100 m height سي 1km
i ee ee ee a: oe =
صفحه 42:
a) Younger horizontal travertine
layers cover the steeply dipping
travertine layers. Yellow arrows mark
the unconformity surface.
b) Paleosoil exists subparallel to the
travertiné ayers. “~
صفحه 43:
Rose diagrams show the strike of the measured data. Red open
arrows present the exte
Figure 2).
نمودارهای گلسرخی
صفحه 44:
Traverine ridge en
a) Subhorizontal layers of travertine are cut by subvertical fractures.
i by younger.
b) Fractures are filled by travertine breccii
aragonites (marked by white arrows).
ee) Ore هاي باز يدون حايجابىي عمودى توليد
صفحه 45:
صفحه 46:
a) Flat layers of pink travertine (left) are cut by the stripped vertical
white travertine veins (write) containing aragonite fibers perpendicular
to the fracture. Later extension gash was produced between pink and
white travertine (center). Consider the long fibers perpendicular to the
wall and angular patches inside the gash.
صفحه 47:
صفحه 48:
a) Active travertine ridge is cut and displaced by younger active
normal fault; the older ridge is seen to top of the ridge (see the
locations of a-c in Figure 2). b) Layered travertines were cut by
younger normal faults. c) Faulted layered blocks were rotated due to
further extension resulting normal faults. d) Google Earth image
presents the travertine ——————— 6: 9 -
صفحه 49:
3D SRTM image of NW Iran. Lake Urmia area is surrounded by several
major active oblique normal faults and fi is rtines:
صفحه 50:
Authemayou, C., Bellier, O., Chardon, D.,
Malekzade, Z., and Abassi, M. (2005). “Role
of the Kazerun Fault System in Active
Deformation of the Zagros Fold-and-Thrust
هدقع و لودلا لمعه ¢AFEndT"V.B2RASami,
K., Kozhurin, A.l., Ivanova, 1.8, Rogozhin,
E.A., Hademi, M.C., and Jamali, F. (2004).
“Active Faults in the Zagros and Central
Baker Tectpnanysifs تم
(1993). “Earthquakes on the Kazerun Line
the Zagros Mountains of Iran: Strike-Slip
Faulting within a Fold-and-Thy
Geophys. Journ. I
Abdalian, S. (1963). “Le Seisme du Premier
September 1962, Lihistoire Geologique et
Tectonique”, Report on the Great Buyin-Zahra
Earthquake of Sep. Ist 1962, Inst. Geophys.,
Tehran Univ., 15, 43-72.
Ambraseys, N.N. and Melville, C.P. (1982). "A
History of Persian Earthquakes”, Cambridge
University Press, p. 219.
Ashtari, M., Hatzfeld, D., Kamalian, N. (2005).
“Microseismicity in the Region of Tehran”,
Tectonophysics, 395, 193-208.
صفحه 51:
— the end
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expectations about this
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