صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
What is a salt marsh? * “A community of emerged halophytic vegetation in areas alternately inundated and drained by tidal action.” ° “Expansive inter- or supratidal areas occupied by rooted emergent vascular macrophytes and a variety of epiphytes and epifauna.” Emerged: sticking out of the water; Halophytic: salt-loving; Inundated: flooded; macrophyte: plant that’s large enough to see; epiphyte: plant growing on another organism but not a parasite; epifauna: animal version of epiphyte

صفحه 3:
Where are salt marshes found? * Along intertidal shore of estuaries - Flat, protected waters * Extensive from Maine-Florida, along Gulf coast from Florida-Texas ¢ In FL, most abundant north of the freeze line (70% of state’s salt marsh)

صفحه 4:
The salt marsh community * Plants - Marsh grasses - Associated halophytic (salt-tolerant) ۱35 * Animals - Permanent residents - Visitors

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صفحه 6:
Associated plants * Many are succulent - Exceptions include saltgrass'” glasswort, sea purslane) * Form transitional zone between salt marsh and maritime hammock

صفحه 7:
Salt marsh zonation * Intertidal— Spartina, Juncus ٠ High marsh (above mean high water) —Distichlis spicata, Batis maritima, Salicornia spp., Borrichia sp., Sueda linearis, Limonium carolinanum ¢ Upper edge of high marsh—/va frutescens, Baccharis halmifolia * Marsh-mangrove transition zone

صفحه 8:
Resident animals ¢ Littorina irrorata - Marsh periwinkle (snail) * Crabs - Fiddler crabs (Uca spp.) - Marsh crabs (Sesarma sp ‏وتيك کت‎ - Ribbed mussel ' 7

صفحه 9:

صفحه 10:
¢ The majority of commercially- important marine species rely on estuaries/salt marsh at some stage of life - Examples include blue crab, oysters, hard clams, shrimp, red drum, seatrout, sheepshead, bluefish, mullet

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:
Productivity * Biological term—amount of carbon produced per m? per unit time - 3 kg (ash free dry weight)/m?/year - Limiting factors include nutrients, light * Salt marsh plants provide detritus for the estuarine food web - Few grazers on blades (< 10% of biomass) - Large detrital biomass supports broad food web

صفحه 13:
Partial salt marsh food web Dolphins Mussel Zooplankto nf Detritus ۱ Phytoplankt on

صفحه 14:
* Feeding grounds * Microhabitats ee centile toh. ‏دده و‎ a uals 0/7 علأوناوم- a ater depth, dissolved oxygen - Sedimentation

صفحه 15:
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