صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Name Student ID Responsibility Kwok Wan Wan 99086250 -cortent -techrical support Lui Ching Lam 99243090 -editor -conte nt Mok Hei Man 99200420 -editor -visual design Ng Wai Han 99242910 -irformationsearch -techrical support Soo May Kei 99200750 -irformationsearch -conte nt

صفحه 3:
Target audience: * £.5 chemistry students ° Averageability Pvorposes: * Introduce acidrain by lecturing * Provide Q&A section for uation

صفحه 4:
2 7 ° Generally, rainwater hasapHvalue of 5.6 because of the carbon dioxide fromair dissolvedinit * Anyrainfall hasapHvaluelessthan 5.6is definedasacidrain

صفحه 5:
9 Hioxide, nitrogen dioxidedissolvein rainwater,various acids are formed. CO,+Wz0 > ‏ین‎ (cerboxir anid) وله نینط فد میا +60 wid) @MO,+WZ0 > ~~ WOOS (citer arid) + WOO, (site wid)

صفحه 6:
of) CAUSES OF ACID RAIN O.: I% 0 : 0 ۳ X= dere

صفحه 7:
© ‎—_#£60,,(u)‏ م0 + (م900 )09( ۱ Formation f Mirvric Acta GINO,) 9000) + ۵۵0 9000)( > )0۵۵ + () م9۳ + (مو۳00۵؟ ‎€LOO, (sa)‏

صفحه 8:

صفحه 9:
ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS 4. Vegetation * Washawayessential nutrientsionsfrom soil * Poor growthof plants

صفحه 10:
DAGuaticLife ° Inflow of acidicwater containing poisonous metal ions ° Kill thefishandwater plants 1

صفحه 11:
2. Building * Acidrainattacks the building materialsandcauses corrosion.

صفحه 12:
2 ‏تن جماعصوه‎ 1. Whatisanacidrain? Answer AT 2.What isthemain air pollutants for theformation of acidrain? Answer

صفحه 13:
3.WhatisthepH rangefor theacidrain? 200 NEUTRAL ALKALINE i 4. What are themajor sources of air pollutants? i

صفحه 14:
5. What isthe side effect ofacidrainon plants? i 6. What isthe side effect ofacidrainon marinelife? Answer

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
2 On-Line References ° fittp://igc.apc.org/acidrain/ * Attp://beakman.com/acid/acid.fitml * Attp://qlink.queensu.ca/~¥0rm4/

صفحه 17:
‎ap‏ و ‎1. AcidRainis rainwater withpH valuelessthan 6. Thisisthe rainfall withacidity Cevel beyondwhat is expectedinunpolluted rainfall ‎ ‎2.Themainairpollutantsare sulphur Hioxideand nitrogen dioxide. ‎sO, NO,

صفحه 18:
Answer 3.Theunpolluted rainwater is slightly acidic withpH about 5.6 because carbon dioxidein theair dissolvesin rainwater to formaweakacid. So,the pH of acidrain water isbelow 5.6. ‎NEUTRAL ALKALINE‏ = ممم

صفحه 19:
Auswer 4. Themajor sources weremotor vehicles, factoriesandpower stations. 5.Acidrainmakes soils become acidic. When the soil becomes acidic, theplant will not grow well. /

صفحه 20:
Answer 6. Whenacidrainrunsinto rivers or Cakes, thepH value of water will goes down below 5.Theaquaticlifein water may die because of this.

صفحه 21:
Answer 7.Most buildingmaterials made of Cimestoneandmarble. Theacidrain watermainly sulphuricacidwill react withcalciumcarbonatefrom Cimestoneandmarbletoformcalcium sulphate.

صفحه 22:

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