کامپیوتر و IT و اینترنتعلوم مهندسی

Acquiring IT Applications and Infrastructure

صفحه 1:
Ckoupter IS Acquiring IT Applications and Infrastructure ‘kPorwatos Terkoby Por Ounnewed Of 20۰ urban, betdaer, Opvecd, Detherbe: Lecture Glider by L. @ecubiew, Provideure Ovlece oko Otley & Goo, ‘tev.

صفحه 2:
Learciag Objectives © Oesurbe the provess ‏خان‎ 141١ ‏+ملاعفوحه‎ اع 7 5 ۲۹ ۱ ان ‎AD project i‏ 1 )4 89 .كك كدوام © List the war VP ‏وه تج‎ ced the criteria Por © Oise veins VDP ‏اوه تمه‎ © Oesorbe the criteria Por selection a vecdor

صفحه 3:
Learciag Objertives (Ovatcued) © Oesuribe the oriterta Por seleviiog a veudor © Oesurbe the provess oP veoder ocd soPiwore ‏.امامو‎ ها ماو وت و طولب( © ©) Ocderstodd the issue oP ‏موه 1۱ شم‎ thitcbases, viker ‏له ,اوه راومه‎ busicess purtters. ۶ Oesuribe the weed Por busicess process redesign ocd

صفحه 4:
‎Por (rquiriay alas (ppicaivas‏ زره ظ) ‎®w the upphoctions (oPP-tkhe-skelP approak)‏ © ‎ beuse the upphoctives‏ ‎© Developing the ‏اه اوه‎ (Iasvurvicr) ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 5:
9 The Pive Oujor Gteps ve Orquisiioa 0 0 il 1 Management Yendor management ct managomsst raion Businoss Partners Project identification, Justification, and Planning Step 1) Tan nab ‘gen projec ‏موی و کش و‎ Sey trent System-tequlted tunctionalties Need to soWve problems 1 Tr Architecture (Step 2) Information ‏ااه اميه‎ ۱ ‏و‎ Organization architecture ‘Application arenitecture Foastoitty t 1 ‘equisition (Development) Options Steps) Hoi, whieh methodology Wht, rom whom Wht, rom whom Which partner, how to partnor 1 Testing, Installation, and Integration (Siew 4) ‏وراد‎ instellaion. integration, wana, escurky, conversation, deployment, et. 1 ‘Operations, Maintenance, and Updating (Step 6) ‘Operations elnienarce and updating Replacement Business prosase ۳ ‏رن‎ Bushose ‏تس‎ سوه ‎Parts‏

صفحه 6:
bos ‏بو‎ A: AnIT project B: An IT project is managed stumbles on crises ‏مه امه‎ Asan IT project is developed Time Cost Time Cost Performance Performance Underun A. Deviations trom original estimate

صفحه 7:
ee mene Disadvantages of the “Buy” Option + Software may not exactly meet the company’s needs + Software may be difficult or impossible to modiy, or it may require huge bus ess process changes to implement. ‘+ The company will not have control over software improvements and new versions. (Usually it may only recommend.) + Purchased software can he difficult to integrate with czisting systems. * Vendors may drop a product or go out of business ۳۳2 Advantages of the "Buy” Option + Many diferent types of off-the-sbell software are available. + Much time ean be saved by buying rather than building, + The company can know what itis getting before It invests in the software, + The company is not the first and only Purchased software may avoid the need to hire personnel specifically dedicated toaproject. + The vendor updates the software frequently. + The price is usually much lower fora buy option. Cheyer 05, 8

صفحه 8:
@vquidey 17 @pplicaices Optioa ‏سره‎ © ۳۷۵۵ 0۵6 ۵۵۵106 0020000000 ‏مورا‎ ‎want be door io coe oP too wos. OD ke First way ip to lease the opphooiog Proce oct puteourcer ued fasta too the cowpouy's prewises. The veador cod kely wits the tostolaiog cod Prequeciy ‏وی ماه و له ارت‎ Po the vpercdice cod woicteocae oP the systew. Daa vowedtivcd uppicoicgs ure feused this way. O De seooed way, ustay oo uppicaivg sysiew provider (®G@), is bevowiey wore popular.

صفحه 9:
9 ۰ عنم و() عشسنمم ‎@vquiday IP‏ Potential Ricks Loss of control and high level of dependence on ASP Inability of ASP to deliver qualty of service; lack ofeklle andl expenence Level of customization and legacy application intograton offered! by ASP is inaufficient Low reliablity and spoed of delivery due to bandwidth limvations Low capabilty of ASP to deal with secumy and confidential Issues Pricing changes by ASP unpredictable for application updates and services ‘Modificaton may not fit our neece exactly Becoming the vietim of pass-the-buck syn ‘drome when you call for tochnical support ASP may not contol all these processes of a system failure Bonefite Reduces tho need to attract and retain skied IT professionals Enables companiss to concentrate on strategic use of IT Enables smal-and medum-sizedl companies to use tie-t applications (©... BL ERP, SCM, ard CRM) Application scalability enables rapid gronth of ‘companies Fast and casy application deployment Higher dearce of application standardization ‘Accass to wide range of applications ‘Apolication mantenance simplified and performed by ASP. ‘Sinaliied user support and training Low total cost of ownership Low up-Font investments in hardware and softwere Improved cost control as result of predictable subscription costs Maintenance is done by vendor to many customers ‘Can select another application from the ASP to mest changing needs Not 20 further invest In upgrading the existing pe Business Technical Economic Maintenance

صفحه 10:
@vguiday IP Bpplicaicas Dore Optio ... ۰ ‏را دم‎ ۱06۵۵ 006/۱۳0۵۵ ۵۵۵۵0۵۵0۲9۸۵۵۰ here ary tw ۱ ۳ © @ull Brow soraick. Dhis option should be covekdered oy Por spevtikzed Lopphouiows Por whick pesopoceus are wl wvdkibke. Ue os ‏سوه لجی سوه‎ process, but it wd provide the best Pa. © @ukl Brow opxoproedis. Oowpanies wil expericaed 1D stoPP rac use stacked property (rch, a semure Deb server), some soPivare keeneney (ex, dart, Otrrd Bese, or Perl), oad thicchpany sdbrouices to ‏مدب لمت صصح‎ ‏او‎ on herr mu. (Or, sxpies ‏صقت جه سمحت جمد‎ process ‏و با موه با و مه وا‎ ( (Prow ‏مه و‎ ‏بط اه مرت نج موه‎ reais! Mesdbity ol act be the ‏اس‎ ‎sarees ova ‏ع جا جيه 5 © قحب سبط ی مرها مد مسا‎ ون ‎othe “bu”‏ ی ی Chat 08 0

صفحه 11:
Trodiiccd Gystews Develppwerd bPe Opole © CoPwware developed IPe opel ‏جز‎ the trentiircral © COLO processes we sysiews iwesitaiod, systews wnsis, systews desiqa, prowranwicny, testis, iwplewerutaiod, pperoicd cod ‏جحو وص كدص‎ © OcterPul upprowk is wheo techs fe coe phos ore vowpleted beRore the work proceeds to the cext stage.

صفحه 12:
م د ما

صفحه 13:
0 ۲ سوه | | 11 جر موی ‎Pott Vendo ha Eton Cr‏ ‎Citoia‏ مه | سید ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:
Gpstew Oevelppwed ٩۳۵ © Oxers we ewpbpees Prow of Puantivod areas oad levels oP the ‏او مرب تمه‎ wits the systew, vier direviy o- ‏.م سل‎ © Opstew unbsts we 6 proPessioads who ‏راو‎ ١ ody ziogy cod desiqnicgy Is. © Cropecwers ore 5 probessiocds who wodPy exotic ‏عاج 75ك سوماج عاصاك 7إجكصص‎ Lurie ‏صا ككس ممم عصان دمج ننج‎ scisPy Ser requireweuts.

صفحه 16:
Gpstew Oeveltppwedt Meas (Ovaicued) © Deckard speciiists ure experts va o certad upe oP teckulowp, suck us databases or ‏موس‎ © Gpstew stukeholers oe ofl people oPPevted by ‏ارو ماه لا و كام‎

صفحه 17:
Cheyer 05, 9

صفحه 18:
سس مه رو تاو( ‎problew (or opporturity)‏ ع‌صا ما اب مهو ۶ .كاد دده راصي مه رای © وی 0 ‎O Crowe‏ ‎®rkaord‏ © م0 06 ‎ColOv-Bv Devivion‏ ©

صفحه 19:
GOLC — Cpstews Ouapsis 845 the exacvicstiog oP the busicess problecn that the ‏رو موه و كتانب جسامج صا جكدوام تومیر‎ © Die purpose is to yother iePorevotica ‏اعوج لحك‎ spstew to deterwice requireweuts Por the aew or improved systew. © Oelvercble is a set oP spstew requreweus.

صفحه 20:
GOLC = Cpstews Design © Desoribes how the syste will wocowplsk this task. © Delverable is the techutrd! destya tho! species: OGpstew vupus, tapus, user toterPaces} O1berdwore, soPwore, dotobuses, teleoooeicativcs, persowet & procedures; O@leprtat of how these cowpoursis une ‏باه‎

صفحه 21:
GOLC = Cpstews Desicn: (Cvcticned) © bowed spstew design states whut he syotew wil do, ‏سنجمه اوه روص‎ © @hysied spstew desiqa states Aow the systew wil perfor its Puactioas, with usted physicd ‏تمه‎ © Goope creep is coused by ‏عمط رل‎ oPter the

صفحه 22:
Ce HY Cregg & ‏وه‎ ۶ ‏م۳‎ wolves the trocstaiva oP ot systew's desiqa spevificuiva ito cowpuier code. © Destag check to see Phe cowputer ode wil produce Opxtex errors ( x), wisopeled word oro wisplared pow) ont bye errors thot peri the prograc to rot but result ic fpr ert pulpal.

صفحه 23:
GOLC — Gpstews | ‏تاك ساورب‎ ۳ deploysedt is the provess oP pouweriog Proow the oll systesv to the ue systew. 0 ‏و‎ Rik ar a ies | pordlel , ‏تحص‎ , pilot cord phased. © Cadel cowersins. ‘hoplewectaiva provess ia Which the ol systes ued the ue systew vpercie ‏و رام ومد‎ uo period oP tice. © Orest po wersios. ‘Ieopleweutaiva process fa Wwhick the od systew is vat PP ocd the ue spotew turced po oto ‏ار مه‎ ۱

صفحه 24:
GOLC — Gystews Ieplewentaiza (Ovcitcrurd) ۶ ‏بلق‎ wwersis. ‘oplewesicivs provers thet itroduces the vew spstew ia vor port oF the orxocizaiod ‏مط د ك7‎ busts, wheo uew syste is working property, it i> fotcoduced io ther pars oF the orcosizaticd. ‎thet‏ و ماوت جوم لو( ای ره و مرو تیوه لوط ۲ ‎is pperciocl.‏ ویو تنوه وی ‎the‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 25:
موجه 6 من - ر0ظ8) © Buds of perPorwed to ussess the spstew's vapubiities ud i ‏مس‎ #P it is beta used vorrenty. © Gpstews oeed severd types of wordteanae. ODebuggtay: 0 process thot cvotcues throughout the the oP the spstew. ‏ب لمم ميك لجو وسو جر رصم ود عجار وطسرا ممم(‎ ‏حدس اسه سسصصاص جا‎ 1 ‏و‎ Phot odds ‏مصورو ع و مومت ره‎ - ۱ ‏و‎ systew without disturbicgy its Dperatioc.

صفحه 26:
Otercaive Dethods & Pools Por Opstews © Prowppiey. ‏امس‎ thot dePices oc inital fist DP user requireweus, builds 0 prototype systesw ocd thea iwwproves the syste ia severd iteraivas bused va were’ Peedbuck. © ott oppiodion design (UBD). © group —based tool Por designe.

صفحه 27:
BPR ‏روص ما بولطم ی روط‎ ‏اما او لوصو مه ای و الوا‎ tt Pures processes to ‏همع مه 60۲ ,هوجو حرط‎ Pro the redesiga of oa ieduiked process, to ‏مور و مج و همطل‎ to ‏مت‎ of ‏با با‎ BPM © ew waked Por resincturkny, (Dusiuess process ‏موم‎ (PPO), cobs workAow systems ond nedesia wehods. This ewer ‏وه الاو‎ tree ‏و و‎ preplen-prepk, qyarerie-nyaarerns, srt sprmecracieprrple ‏و‎ ٩ ‏وه اون موی مور اوه ما و‎ ‏و‎ ‎ee‏ مت ‎ ‎

صفحه 28:
‎Oppicatioa Genive‏ & توب ن) ‎(Providers ‎۶ ‏شوه مه مه مان وا بووین‎ IT ‏مرن‎ or ‏هت لول وشوو‎ or ‏امه مره‎ ‎© @pplcuiva service provider (PG) is ca agent or ‎locutica rotker thoc ofa mustower’s site. ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 29:
vaksatiacy & ‏عجر فصل‎ 4161١ Ievestwedt! @ruechits, Costs & Issues © @ssesstay the costs OP red posts: ore those cots thot rewoin he sue regardiess oP chocye fo the urtviy level. Por 19, Pixed costs tockide foProstructure post, vost oP VD services, ood ID ‏ل‎ ‎10/2 ‏كسامت عونا ودرمسى<) :(1"00/) وجاو مه خم اومن لو‎ vost oP ‏مه یی له وه روص‎ ٩۳ ‏.اوه‎ ‎© @svevsien the beurPits (Octuer) Ofgtarible bewePis. Brurhis Prow VP thot way be very desirable but diPPicul to place oo ‏دون تیصو‎ ۰ © Cowpartay the tu Chat 08 ‏هه‎

صفحه 30:
6 the Cost-Oeuetit ‏عنصررد)‎ © ‏.جادرراب 3)) اتأصمصنا- توصت جز 00080 يجو(‎ Osiay he DPO weed, ‏جاور رادجو‎ pouwvert Puture volues oP beueP its to their preseo-volue equivdedt by discountiag thes of he or<seizaticd’s cost oP Puerds. © Returns va nweskved. Ut weasue the ePPevivedrss oP woye wed it yeceraticg proPits with its available ussets. © Dhe bekess vee wprowk. 0 business vase is vo or wore spevitic upplicuives or proievis. ls wujor ewphusis is the ivetPicativg Por o specific required iestved, but tse provides the bridge beter the foital pro ocd its exerutivd.

صفحه 31:
عا ججياتيجها جوف ,متعجوويه جم له سحي جمعجوياة د ۳ ] ‎bee pare bear‏ بلجا ل تمصت ‎rol ose‏ ‎eke meee by neces‏ سمت لاسا ع لجسم ابيردت دسح ود ۳ [0 ‘Ones Raw be Pe Pe inks hr popes nore old ‏سسوم‎ le Race, eve ‏اسان مها سر تسه‎ با را هو موادت میم اف ی سا صقر ام ‎Prone‏ میج لسن ماه تمه مب proce walleye eras (eps leva, 3) ao (DOO) uke dora ome ‏رن‎ poset) 2 (Deberbny Po mpl TD pet na, cpa 6 ‏ما‎ ‏مو لقم‎ ۰ raccoons (0) od ‏لمم‎ ىا عوج 0029-06 جح اس لاس0

صفحه 32:
01 ۲ هه © Blob cord ‏حصحوا ان‎ © Gtkicd aed leqal issues. © Over iwobewedt. © Chkeee Oocngewent ۰ Risk Oucrgeweut Cheyer 05, ‏6ه‎

صفحه 33:
ome 4( ‎Oley & Grew, er. Ol righty rewerved. Reproductive or‏ طایل 009 ۵ ناو ‎oP hts work beyoud thal perwated t Orrin UP oP he ISPS Dotted Ores‏ متسود ‎Copyrht Oot wahout he express writes perwissica oP ‏جما‎ copyright over ‏سنوی‎ ‎(Rexnest Por Parker ‏و6 عم ) سبط با لمجطلی تما تاه نم‎ ‎loka Diey & Gow, lar. Nhe purckuser way woke buck-up copes ‏منت سا‎ woe aly und ‏امد‎ Por dinates or ‏.صصص‎ Pky Publbher wexneey oy repre Por ‎error, owen, ‏سس سا را تج سمل سر‎ oP theme prograsp Pro the use of ‎hye Poros canned here, ‏هه ‎ ‎ ‎

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