
Anabolic Exercise for Health

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۱ Inactivity and Chronic Disease “Indeed, with the possible exception of diet modification, we know of no single intervention with greater promise than physical exercise to reduce the risk of virtually all chronic diseases simultaneously” Booth et al, JAP 2000

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“there has been an epidemic Cost of emergence of . modern chronic Chronic diseases in the Disease latter part of the 20" century” “costs in the USA are now approaching $1 trillion”

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Only fighting half of the battle: being reactive ¢Medical research and treatment is focused almost entirely on secondary and tertiary prevention ‏كنت‎ prevention is cheaper, more effective, and far less painful 3

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“There is no pharmacological intervention that holds a greater promise of improving health and promoting independence in the elderly than does exercise” Evans & Campbell, Journal of ae

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*leading cause of death among Australians in Cardiovasc 2000 °49,741 deaths or 39% 192 16 of all deaths. . . *coronary heart disease in Australia 53% *stroke 25% eheart failure 5% *peripheral vascular disease 5% Australian Institute of Health and Welfare a A NAPS aTia te TI RATER OND:

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‎ac ce A Ce ale aca al‏ م۱

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*Loss of muscle mass and function °60% of over 80yrs eAnabolic exercise most effective strategy to prevent or reverse sarcopenia

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Grdunds, M.D. Biogerontology, 2002

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* Diabetes is the a world's fastest 22 Diabetes It's Australia's sixth leading cause of death *Over one million Australians have it — but 50% are as yet unaware eFvery 10 minutes someone is Giagnhes eri tahetesaustralia.com:au/

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Age-specific prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance, 1999- 2000 Age (years) Men% Women 2 4.9 2.1 ماري 8.5 4.8 35-44 112 5.4 45-54 ‎ae) 192‏ 55-4 )22,9 70۳۹ 65-74 20:7 25:5 7۳ Source: Dunstan et al. 2001. *Metabolic stage between normal and diabetes *Risk factor for Type 2 diabetes °Also greater risk of heart disease Much higher in physically inactive AE Be ets a

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ECU ¢“In addition to controlling weight, physical activity also improves the body’s ‏رصتلاعط متا وا تاتوجهو‎ helping to lower blood sugar.” ¢“Even a single bout of vigorous physical activity will have an immediate effect on insulin sensitivity.”

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°Exercise improves insulin resistance *Beneficial for Resistan preventing and treating type 2 ce ۲ diabetes Exercise e Aerobic exercise and hindered in older, ۰ obese, co-morbid Diabetes patients eAnabolic exercise sate and effective Willey and Singh. Diabetes Care, c 2003

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Physical Activity and Diabetes *It is estimated that appropriate levels of physical activity could prevent 30-50% of new cases of Type 2 diabetes *Benefits for preventing and treating diabetes occur only with regular sustained physical activity

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Anabolic Exercise and Osteoporo sis 61 ۵۷ 1 Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehahilitatinn 2002 °Evidence is conclusive *Lifelong physical 9۵2۱۵2۵۱2 999۵6 preventative effect eAnabolic exercise - greatest efficacy °Example* °1 year study of strength and endurance training °1.3% increase BMD in training group °1.2% decrease fo (+2۹ ۳

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*Increased function e.g. stair climb and descend, chair rise, walking Anabolic *Reduced ratings of Exercise pain Reduced stiffness *Studies report anabolic 2 2۵ exercise to be “safe, effective and well tolerated. in OA patients”

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Anabolic Exercise and Rheumatoi d Arthritis Hakkinen, A. 2002 and 2003 °Feasible and safe in selected patients with well-controlled RA *Significant improvements in strength, pain, and fatigue Without exacerbating disease activity or joint pain.

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*People who are physically inactive are < nearly twice as likely to Physical develop colon cancer ivi (Colditz et al. 1997). activity ¢Physical activity is also and associated with around a 30% reduction in the oe risk of women of all risk ages developing breast cancer (Thune & Furberg 22001

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*Disease and treatment usually results in debilitating fatigue Research examining exercise programs pre surgery and/or during treatment ¥ Increased vigor ¥ Reduced muscle and bone loss ¥ Enhanced immune function Y Possible increase survival Y Positive psvchological

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¢Physical inactivity - risk Mental ‏1ه‎ Illness, ¢Mechanism unknown ¢Physical activity - strong positive effect ¢Slows progression of disease eAgeing population - dementia will become major problem

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eEpidemiological studies into Alzheimer disease indicates physical activity ~ appears beneficial, as does a diet with high levels of vitamins B6, B12 and folate, while red wine in moderate quantities also appears | protective Epidemiolo De A eR ee ES eee eRe Yee gE a eee ee meee ELE

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Cholesterol aa ¢Exercise and nutrition demonstrated effects on: *Lowered TC *Lowered LDL-C eIncreased HDL-C *Lowered triglycerides Scranton, R,, et al. Predictors of 14-year changes in the total cholesterol to ۱ a ea Ie ‏الفمسمل تمع سمعتع صا .صعتم صذ‎ 147)6(:1033-1 038, 4

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Hypertension *Exercise can lower BP in patients with stage 1 and 2 essential hypertension eAverage reduction in BP is 10.5 mm Hg ee Kokkinos, P. F., P. Narayan, and V. Papademetriou. 001 Hertel ieee ae oe 3

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Obesity and Overweight aa Combination of exercise and dietary modification is the only effective long- term strategy for controlling body, weight 3 ۳ ae

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°Multifactorial Falls - ۰۲۳۵1۱06 0۴ 0۳۹1۱0۵1 ۵ 2/۸ interventions proven successful eAnabolic exercise reverse loss of muscle strength and slows bone loss - critical ا ينا

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Edith Cowan Universit Seen eae ar 77 ‏هل ناو‎ Oe pea eee eaters ECU's origins go back to 1902 when it began as a Peerage ma SORT ee 506020 ‏ل‎ Te ۱ esa Oe eee) Churchlands, Mount Lawley and Joondalup and a regional campus in Bunbury, a city 200kms south of ‏تروط‎ Dee Re Ree ee eee ge ec Den Eee eee Bat ea rere 1 Rar em cane) lore te ee eM er tas oe eet) Pee ee aed eae eee ema ‏براتصب‎ ا ‎ae AE ae Sh ie Aa‏ ور

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°Certificates - 0 ort ۱ offered ۲ ‏ا لدان‎ Fxercis 6 0 Science Wellness *Degrees offered :3 *Bachelor of Science 0 ” 1۳۹ (Sports Science) *Masters and PhD by research إلا , °*Masters of Exercise

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لامع ‎ECU Wellness‏ °Training and certification * Professional development 2 F/O ap ye Ltn eye ‏سك بسي‎

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