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Analysis and Design with UML

صفحه 1:
Analysis and Design with UML

صفحه 2:
What is the UML? UML stands for Unified Modeling Language The UML combines the best of the best from Data Modeling concepts (Entity Relationship Diagrams) Business Modeling (work flow) Object Modeling وستاع ه81 خعمه‌مهوع The UML is the standard language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system معط اجمطوتم بط رعع‌ععم»هس اج ات 0عوته عظ صهه ۲۲ ‎development life cycle, and across different‏ ‎implementation technologies‏

صفحه 3:
UML Concepts = The UML may be used to: Display the boundary of a system & its major functions using use cases and actors Cee me Cee ‏ا‎ ane diagrams Represent a static structure of a system using class diagrams Model the behavior of objects with state transition diagrams Reveal the physical implementation architecture with component & deployment diagrams Extend your functionality with stereotypes 5501000

صفحه 4:
Putting the UML to Work "= The ESU University wants to computerize their registration system - The Registrar sets up the curriculum for a semester 0 ‏ل‎ ter 1 ‏ا‎ 2 meet cet) Prats 1۳ tse oe Rr onCccmms Ce Tint, | Tite nC eta re ich B Crary semester - Students may use the system to add/drop courses for a period of time after registration - Professors use the system to receive their course offering Bey io oa cect tae oe ‏ا‎ ‎Po Nt even etic tity Cees cette tor tee oan ©

صفحه 5:
Actors An actor is someone or some thing that must interact with the system under development i a 8 9 مه Crome 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 6:
Use Cases = A use case is a pattern of behavior the 0 - Each use case is a sequence of related transactions performed by an actor and the system in a dialogue = Actors are examined to determine their needs - Registrar -- maintain the curriculum - Professor -- pea roster ‎Cent‏ تأستهممد -- غصع4ك4 ‎RG) 0‏ وصنلانط - ‎ig System‏ ‎Co) Mt ene ea Coton as‏ 2 ‎

صفحه 7:
Documenting Use Cases = A flow of events document is created for each use cases - Written from an actor point of view Lee CMMI ACC Cc Ul Cm Rem AIT Pe K amma ‏ات‎ ‎۰ ‏ری‎ contents ‏كله اسه كماد ععقه مكنا عط ه110‎ - Normal flow of events Seow CeCe mY) - Exceptional flow of events

صفحه 8:
Maintain Curriculum Flow of Events This use case begins when the Registrar logs onto the Registration System and enters his/her password. The system verifies that the password is valid (E-1) and prompts the Registrar to select the current semester or a future semester (E-2). The Registrar enters the desired semester. ۱ ‏نعل عط غععاعد ما مدو 01م عط عأمرصسممم تصع‎ activity: ADD, DELETE, REVIEW, or QUIT. ۱ ingeo Cc Be) er Cac Eee GCE Monterey iGo is performed. If the activity selected is DELETE, the S-2: Delete a Course subflow is performed. If the activity selected is REVIEW, the S-3: Review ‏ا قلاف‎ Cpe Ce Tuc aT If the activity selected is QUIT, the use case ends. 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 9:
Use Case Diagram Use case diagrams are created to visualize the relationships between actors and use cases = 7 1 Dies ere مه 5 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 10:
Uses and Extends Use Case Relationships As the use cases are documented, other use case relationships may be discovered. SGC wao iam eMC aus m Atle) COON aBC ecm Cor Coy ۳ ۱۱ e ‏ل ا‎ CNC el errant Cees cette tor tee

صفحه 11:
Use Case Realizations The use case diagram presents an outside view of the system = Interaction diagrams describe how use cases are realized as interactions among societies of objects = Two types of interaction diagrams - Sequence diagrams - Collaboration diagrams 02 مد لسع رو 99 6 لوط

صفحه 12:
Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram displays object interactions arranged in a time sequence BS 55 ‏تیه‎ ae [01 sata aera 9: ‏مه‎ ۲ LO) اجه سرصی 9 جسسصتتت | 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 13:
Collaboration Diagram ‎(can‏ ا ا ال ال ا ال ا ا ‎interactions organized around objects and‏ ل ما ععاصنا تما ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 14:
Class Diagrams = A class diagram shows the existence of classes and their relationships in the logical view of a system = UML modeling elements in class diagrams - Classes and their structure and behavior - Association, aggregation, dependency, and inheritance relationships - Multiplicity and navigation indicators - Role names ۳ موق

صفحه 15:
Classes A class is a collection of objects with common structure, common behavior, common relationships and common semantics = Classes are found by examining the objects in sequence and collaboration diagram ۱ SCRE ‏ال‎ Mista accy compartments ™ Classes should be named using the vocabulary of the domain - Naming standards should be created - e.g., all classes are singular nouns starting with a ۳:۱۱ ‏ات‎

صفحه 16:
ماه eee (eect Classes Orfeo 5 ‏0ك‎ ered

صفحه 17:
= The behavior of a class is represented by its Operations operations = Operations may be found by examining Se | enn interaction diagrams eae [۱۳۳ em ‏سح‎ تست

صفحه 18:
Le WC ‏ور‎ aK Mm Ly Attributes attributes = Attributes may be found by examining class definitions, the problem requirements, and by applying domain knowledge سم اف هاگ م9 Each course offering has a number, locations) and time 02 مد لسع رو 99 6 لوط ‎<a‏

صفحه 19:
ماه | [07 9 aa ‏بت‎ ۳1 fr 00 ‏سس‎ ‎eee eee poe = ۳ 0 5 ‏0ك‎ ered 1

صفحه 20:
Relationships 1۳12 ‏ج ۳۳۵۲۱06 وورتجاوطمنا‎ ۵۵0۵ ۲ communication between objects = Sequence and/or collaboration diagrams are examined to determine what links between ‏ا ا ل ا للا مک‎ behavior -- if two objects need to “talk” there must be a link between them = Three types of relationships are: ۳۳۳۰۲ ‏رای ری‎ - Aggregation - Dependency 02 مد لسع رو 99 6 لوط

صفحه 21:
Relationships PURO C EC SCE Be neta nn econ ase ones Cec Seer CR EOE e Ete nnn ۳/۳ ۳/۹ | CSE ee SCO ON Roce CRE Co tty PER AOR CTC Bc a rd - An aggregation is shown as a line connecting the related classes with a diamond 0 gear A dependency relationship is a weaker form of relationship showing a ‏امد عممل احعناه مطا معط بمنلووده د فصه غصعناه د جمعماوط ونطعده‌تامامر‎ ] semantic knowledge of the supplier A dependency is shown as a dashed line pointing from the client to the supplier 9 0 ee or er 1

صفحه 22:
Finding Relationships = Relationships are discovered by examining interaction diagrams - If two objects must “talk” there must be a pathway for communication BegarsmnkD oxen 3۳ 4 — ایح - = Coen oe ete

صفحه 23:
Relationships ماه ] 000000 | ۳1 ees) i Course 7 1 erecta) 55 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 24:
Multiplicity and Navigation Multiplicity defines how many objects participate in a relationships - Multiplicity is the number of instances of one class related to ONE instance of the other class - For each association and aggregation, there are two multiplicity decisions to make: one for each end of the relationship Although associations and aggregations are bi-directional by default, it is often desirable to restrict navigation to one direction Lee bts rat wea ‏الت ال‎ added to indicate the direction of the navigation عت مم

صفحه 25:
Multiplicity and Navigation 4 00 ماه ۳۹ id) 103 0 یوت 9 ٩ 0 ee or er سس یه سح

صفحه 26:
Inheritance د «هعساعط عوتحاعصه‌ناهام 2 كذ معصماتمطص1 ‎superclass and its subclasses‏ ‎There are two ways to find inheritance:‏ = لا ”© ‎Specialization‏ - ‎Common attributes, operations, and/or‏ = relationships are shown at the highest applicable level in the hierarchy Cees cette tor tee

صفحه 27:
Inheritance ماه ] 000000 ‎Diora‏ د ‎Cee aa‏ ‎oe e—__[e =‏ 3 ۱۳" 0 09 7 1 erecta) 55 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 28:
The State of an Object = A state transition diagram shows - The life history of a given class - The events that cause a transition from one state 16 ‏تعطامسة‎ 0 ‏ا ال ا ل ام‎ Til Cd = State transition diagrams are created for objects with significant dynamic behavior

صفحه 29:
State Transition Diagram 00 > سد ]سيد لج _ 0 2 سح 52 10 ett ee Co eee

صفحه 30:
The Physical World = Component diagrams illustrate the (۱ ۱ 22012 software components = A component may be - A-source code component - Arun time components or - An executable component 151111 oo)

صفحه 31:
Component Diagram 0 ee or er 1

صفحه 32:
Deploying the System = The deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software processes living on them = The deployment diagram visualizes the distribution of components across the Conca tahoe or & 10 ett ee Co eee 1

صفحه 33:
Deployment Diagram هه "" 1 cere 03 0 ee or er

صفحه 34:
Extending the UML Stereotypes can be used to extend the UML notational elements = Stereotypes may be used to classify and extend associations, inheritance relationships, classes, and components = Examples: - Class stereotypes: boundary, control, entity, utility, exception - Inheritance stereotypes: uses and extends - Component stereotypes: subsystem 02 مد لسع رو 99 6 لوط جم عم

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