صفحه 1:
®10GEO010 808060: 6800006687 068086040 686680680 )۵00( PRIMGRY GIOLOGICOL BEROGOL PORMOLES (OCP)

صفحه 2:
TLE IDPORTOOCE OF OREGO1C 600۵860 ‏م0 مهو‎ 0 10 PSE. My SM enbugh UK eestg U سس ا سدع رتم ورة ‏ ی 6 ‎é € e‏ = موه ‎28m!‏ و Som’ 230m) Mya) tuo “toot + Orqucie wutertd courbes CO-BO% oP he tote Pray ervel oxwy of vata cotta [Serres cd سای( میت لس ‎d., COOP] ond ew wrk a 9090 tu he teoprd‏ 4 لممف<) 1998 روما ‎(O89; (O90; Oras et d., (OOO; (OOO; Robert et d., SOO‏ له ‎wand Onvtzry, (O9P; Dube‏

صفحه 3:
63800210 06800 60860۵60

صفحه 4:
Oko we secondary or<pric ueroscl? » Wow de we wodtel GOD? Obst ore the esttevated yobal سعط ‎wervsel particles?‏ ادجو سانننا ‎Okat are pricvary‏ ‎QOkat do we thick drives these ewissicus?‏ Okat ore the choheages fa vederstocdiog biogeuio pryeciz dervsol ‏لیا‎ ‎wight GOO ocd POBP be oPPevted by chevote chore?‏ نصا

صفحه 5:
698000006867 00۲608010 BEROGOL 0۵ [| Over 500 reactions to describe the formation of SOA precursors, ozone, and other photochemical pollutants [Griffin et al., 2002; Griffin et al., 2005; Chen and Griffin, 2005]

صفحه 6:
0۳۰۵ (ew) ‏اه‎ (۵00 رف مسا

صفحه 7:
)386/666۲/۲۳1۵۷۸۵ ۳0۲۳۹۲۳۹۵۵۹۵ ۲ .و مه حي دهن + 000 [Packew, (OOF) اوح واه ‎vapour prevourr, OO, =wolevuer wet oP‏ = گم رس هب2 داوس م2 ‎oePPrtedt tt prqacts phase‏

صفحه 8:
O10 0005 66 10۳00۳0۵۲ 8006 087 نس سل ‎(CsHeY 01. @xovspheric (Bbvenkrae‏ ۵ ‎Chewird reurtviy‏ .© ‎Monoterpenes(C,,H, 9. Phe ver prevour (or‏ 1 ‏6م‎ O okay) OP te proces Sesquiterpenes (C,,H,,) ۱ ۱ اوه 2 ‎CO®-prevusers‏ موم وله (ewtevire wre (Dx sorter) é = 7 ==

صفحه 9:
CODPOR1MG 606 ۳0۵۵۵ COCPR (90 Cwevew (Prowaee) ond 001 (eoprew/Dowerpres) SOA pot (153%) Og varktion: ۷26 ‏تسس‎ Krol xt d., GOOS (Phote-vnickaton (OL): Y=0.0-9% Orewa: Oy x d., COO? ‘Lig DOx: =P-CO% bow WOx: Y=90-90% 9

صفحه 10:
امه موس توطل وه ‎Oko oe‏ 2 Wow do we wodtel GOB? Obst we he estccded yb bracket? Okat are pricvary ‏ادجو سانننا‎ wervsel particles? QOkat do we thick drives these ewissicus? Okt ore the choheoges tr uerderstardtay biogeuie ‏امه مر‎ ‏لیا‎ ‎wight GOO ocd POBP be oPPevted by chevote chore?‏ نصا

صفحه 11:
09661۵6 ۵06: 06/۱۵/۲۳ ۵۲ (PPPROCO #0) * Ooknt wevkatstc description of chewy coupled to partiva. * Copies hundreds oP seve und rewire (ey. Dsster Chewrd Devkwiow, Leeds). * OB ea recotoas and roles have ot brea ‏جمس حوب‎ but are exiropokted Brow kaowa chews (by xrdoxy). )اه و موی 9060609 ‎xan: TORO‏ | | دبس coronation (a?) ‘These whore previwly Poud tro hey weeded ‏طا‎ erewes portiooay by o Pastor oP O- 60 wth te O00 te wack wow GO® Porwatod ot the BOP LORE ‏امه‎ ‎[vokwsrs of ot, COOP; COO].

صفحه 12:
MOOELIDG GO@: C-PROMOOT MOMOEL (®BPPROCOCH #C) ۰ ‏اه لس سس‎ [oe ‏اس و0۳ و سلجم‎ coed © ‏باس سحاد‎ «0129 ‏بسع ساسع أططااير‎ (a's (Cs) ‏اه ره سس‎ ‏مادم ان‎ ۳ | @xudirrsn (Cow,) ‏اسلا ببس مد لو(‎ > bv P(POO) ‏وطح‎ ‎@xccopbe: Biot bucket oP bexecir GOD hee ‏سس = اس‎ ‏ا‎ ‏نورد‎ ‏سعد‎ os Poa re ‏وود‎ at ‏مس‎ tt son ais 606 Brow wowerpres, seeuiterpeus wd OO0Or esterded to code ~18% of OB burden ‏رامیت امه بسن‎ 0000(

صفحه 13:
0۵۵60۵6 ۵0۵6: ‏و۵۵81 ۷ راون‎ GET (®PPROCC'1 #9) * Gxpoed he O-produnt wodel to ovasider weep uokatliy “bree” * Olows chewisiylphysics te wove oryunic woter uboy ‏موه و‎ > physicaly otracive * Loss oF ch 1 ‏ره‎ photos ‏هلو له طلست ان خام هی‎ Pr 1 (6000 سس ۵ تمسق وم مه هو ۵ إن | ما logt0 0" (ug m4) وس رام ۴ < ‏سس عون مهو‎ Observed O (Hg [۵000 ره مسا [60006 ,امه ]

صفحه 14:
0۵68601۲ 661۲106۲۵۵: 62۸۵006, ۵6066/۲۳۵ 6 esos orn 0 )6000( SOA (monoterpenes) SOA (isoprene) SOA (aromatics) ِ ‏هد‎ 3 = om a0] ‏امه‎ ‎Ee 0 soo 3 3 vom x. m0 00 1 vate Late tate :۳۳۳ patna TSENG ET pao) 7555553: poco [Medd ot ., ODO} ®COC6-Ohew wodel yobd goad budet 600 ‏مدمه‎ ‎Daye ‏مومت‎ ane Dower ‏ممعم‎ ee ۳006 ‏سر 90-400 مسب‎ Oroquierpres 6.0 ‏عستم‎ 9 606 - 06401 oF O© sowrve ts woes ‏تم‎ os ) ‏(صصيصط بادك‎ 700 80.98 موه زوم سییر

صفحه 15:
امه موس توطل وه ‎Oko oe‏ امجاصل تفه عطا تب( ۵0)09) اصلرت سب ملک بنصياك . ۳ . Oko we pricey bidbycd usrvsdl particles? QOkat do we thick drives these ewissicus? Okat ore the choheages fa vederstocdiog biogeuio pryeciz dervsol ‏لیا‎ ‎wight GOO ocd POBP be oPPevted by chevote chore?‏ نصا

صفحه 16:
۳6۳۱006۲۷ GIOLOGICCL BEROGOL P@RMOLEGS (PCCP) deenicke [BOOS] annpsts way be we kiree a source oe dstlsed st (DDO Poly) Oa wt oe COO ard 10 [Det et ol, COO1; Barer-et ., 6005: ‏رصم‎ ‎6006[

صفحه 17:
POOP: PREGEOT-TLROOELOOT TLE YER, 1D 20۲280 BOO RORGL 8 4 O87 Crrenny (19801888) مس اب اوه رس 0.2 > ‎Portes‏ ۳ ‎de‏ ‏3 ۳ لح :یی موه و( POOP # Praton = S-GO% ماس 5 Nerche, COOS]

صفحه 18:
۳8666: 666۲۲۳۹۵۷۵ 6060686 TLE GILG RADE 2 16 6 1 16 ۳2 0.0100 ماک وال 1۳۷۳0 تست ‎—Orllular‏ ‏وملعم 2 0:10 ۱۳۹ 0 ۳۷۳۵ 4۳40 سل ,لسن وی | 0 لت مت بو ای رس مس مشاه مسر ‎ov)‏ ( و امه Prove Der Dende ‏(مل لساطامو)‎

صفحه 19:
)20010 بسا ال ‎aerosol Pro‏ وی و۳ ‎wih sea spray,‏ اوه لبون ‎porretated wi periods of bickyical actviy.‏ Chlorophyll concentration (mgm) [O'Onurd et ob, EOE]

صفحه 20:
امه موس توطل وه ‎Oko oe‏ امجاصل تفه عطا تب( ۵0)09) اصلرت سب ملک بنصياك . ۳ Okat are pricvary ‏اس انوسی اموماتا‎ #( . Okt do we thick drives these ewes? Okat ore the choheages fa vederstocdiog biogeuio pryeciz dervsol ‏لیا‎ ‎wight GOO ocd POBP be oPPevted by chevote chore?‏ نصا

صفحه 21:
1۲ 0161/۲ 00۲10۵ 6 01881000000004 موس موه و6 < > Own PPent rebwr (ouPee boukr), Prony Por ‏وه باس‎ * Cours = vewprion, vol, devote, water > Cractnter rebwer (e.<, sorry) 2 ‏لاه( هسلج41‎ 2.x. pporeetookds ‏موه رل له و‎ ‏,صار مور‎ texte wily ۹

صفحه 22:
امه موس توطل وه ‎Oko oe‏ امجاصل تفه عطا تب( ۵0)09) اصلرت سب ملک بنصياك . ۳ Okat are pricvary ‏اس انوسی اموماتا‎ #( QOkat do we thick drives these ewissicus? امس وم يا بل موی و ‎Oke we the chofeages‏ . barkpts? - Wow wight GOO ocd POBP be oPPevted by chevote chore?

صفحه 23:
DEGEOR10G OC 10 1۳۹۱۷۶ ) ۳ 00 0 و ب)) طوجو و مز لول عمج موس 0 00 ‎ot ot. [PDDE]: cver‏ مسلسو را ‎coterted ta Loodod, Pookrrd‏ 016۵۵۵۵: ۳۰ ‏مه‎ saute oP cowpounds ches Ped we orqnic verbo, witout ‏عصكام صب جما مس( وله‎ 3-80

صفحه 24:
IWTERPRETIOG OREGOO1C 8660680 OEGCOREDEDTG CLOWCOGE: owe O8 wewrured, vos we soporte PO und GOB? Croke Prow Picbury Or Qudiy Cty [Onbadks of ‏اه‎ 6006 5 Undenuded OC Q:—Qr (ag Cim’) ‏مالس صا براه‎ Undenuded EC, Q, (g/m?) ام هه ۲ سس موه 20/00 ‎pheagey‏ + وی و ‎sixty DP‏ * CO =ebrwrctd rarbon (drool pwtevies ‏ریات‎ privorty Posed Purl)

صفحه 25:
IDTERPREMOG ORGOO1C PEROGOL ۵ ‏ی‎ BOR POORE TES. {QQG) ‎dia‏ مهس یی ‎ ‎ ‎wht OP: krborwbon whe PP: ogreoted ‏امیس پر أموصحه مب حلا‎ < 00 > COB ‎ ‏]2009 ,لك بس ‎[Ghoo‏

صفحه 26:
GCOLEG OF OE®GOREDEDT Above-Canopy Flux Measurements Oxidation Experiments & In- Canopy Gradient Branch Enclosures: Actual Emissions 4 QO Escape ¢ d 1 p Emitted Coartesy: Pata Lee (Berkely, ww EPO)

صفحه 27:
OIGPERECOEOT 687۳660 OOOELE GOO O®GEROOMOVOG TORCH 2003 — NEAQS 2002 UK PBL ۰ US PBL t $ ACE-Asia 2001 MCMA 2003 free tropospher: polluted urban measured = modelled 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Photochemical Age [hh] 4. Orwuewrws we chung, camp! doknich POD & GOO, toey awh w volevion ‏ب موه سا چم هه مسآ‎ ©. Ondeb we vkopiPed ‏بدم) تست‎ 9 prochot wel) 9. Dorel we bused oa kb cts (eppiodbhiy ty wobec voi?) ] ‏كانت‎ ef oh, 2OOO]

صفحه 28:
امه موس توطل وه ‎Oko oe‏ امجاصل تفه عطا تب( ۵0)09) اصلرت سب ملک بنصياك . ۳ Okat are pricvary ‏اس انوسی اموماتا‎ #( QOkat do we thick drives these ewissicus? Okt ore the choheoges tr uerderstardtay biogeuie ‏امه مر‎ ‏لیا‎ » Wow wrt GO® und POCP be PPevied by chord change?

صفحه 29:
Get Ready to Itch and Sneeze Awarmer planet could mean we'll suffer more (and stronger) allergies. Paul Toime NEWSWEEK From the magazip issue dated Aug 11, 2008 449 one of 40 milion Americans who suffer from hay fever, Lew/s Ziska carries an inhaler in his, Docket and takes a whiff to clear his lungs on bad allergy days. But hay fever is more than a personal-health issue for Ziska. A weed ecologist with the U-S. Departivent of Agriculture's Crop ‘Systems and Global Change Laboratory, Ziska is 9 leading researcher in the fledging field of allergies and climate change. His findings regarding ragweed, an invasive plant whose pollen is the leading trigger of fall hay fever, are nothing to sneeze at. Global warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide from burning fossi fuels appear to supercharge the growth of ragweed. And not only does ragweed grow larger and produce more pollen, its poten is more allergenic, studies show. People allergic to ragweed arent the only ones weho'l be sniffing more. Studies show that increased CO2 levels increase the level of tree polien, a common source of allergies in springtime. ‘There's evidence that warmer temperatures in Alaska have led to increases in yellow-jacket stings, bad news for people with bee-sting allergies. Not even your basement will be safe: fungal spores also proliferate in warmer temperatures and thrive when carbon-diowde levels rise

صفحه 30:
WOO O1IGLT 100880410 008 01۸/۵80 1 ۶ POTORE?

صفحه 31:
LOG: ۳86006008 00 ۳۹۱۸۷۶ Oberg werperd burded Reve clunt/previpickewied depoeticn ‏اجه‎ ‎recdaica > chantry GOO svwves (BOO) Chrere Didkener, DOOR

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