کامپیوتر و IT و اینترنتعلوم مهندسی

Blueprint for Sustainable IT Acquisition Reform

صفحه 1:
IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC) A non-partisan think tank, 501.C3, representing; |., UofMD, UofTN, INSA, ICH, SSCI, ISSA, AIA, Center for American Progress, PRTM Blueprint for Sustainable IT Acquisition Reform Leveraging non-traditional expertise and benchmarked standards of practices outside the reach of the Defense Industrial Complex Chairman Mike Wynne, 21* AF SEC, Mike.Wynne@IT-AAC.org Marv Langston, IT-AAC Vice Chair marv@langston.org Kevin Carroll, Vice Chair, Kevin.Carroll@ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org 703 768 0400

صفحه 2:
Briefing Summary ‏سس‎ QO Purpose OToday's Situation QoOur Proposal to Assist DEN QO Way Forward Recommendation ocd = “Together, these steps will help to catalyze a fundamental reform of Federal IT, which is essential to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Federal Government” White House, OMB Director info@iCHnet.ora | www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 3:
The 1P-BBO porkersky beleves te DepGeo ek IP Orqustos Tak Porve ud weed wress b ep hoy ‏دواد بو و صمت لم5 حصا جوج‎ 2 prone weded to pvercowe coors Paks puters od oihird ‏جامد فحجص!‎ feat have preveuted previne aeupe by where Pobwiny obey: PO peed — wheve (0-99 cok puck tees vee P-O yours, ‎develo, rote, cmd Peay vir oe "bry br”‏ لیا ‎+ ‏و موه اه ساموت - موی عون‎ speed - Ose estibbel staudards ced ‏خی موه‎ phair ‏بات 020 بل‎ 1۳ ceeds = Prow ‏ات( روط‎ CO ‏تایه رم لو بل ند‎ ‎"11١‏ اس ,روت 6 ات۱۵ ,1 ۱ - م0۳ م0 لت 0 من لس مه ‎info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 4:
Today’s Situation -- as highlighted by the (Z) HASC Panel on Defense Acquisition Reform اسان سایق ‎TT propotr have Pound soe‏ موی لت وی با ان ملق ی ب ورن مایا امین بت 09 ۱ kite oer over bucket, wth he prio ovet rows emvewdka the origed bucket wore tks 09%. © OP the 1D propos thot ore coopeted, he Prod prockct opotatce poly 0% oP he orgy spec Ped Prutees. As was pointed out in testimony before the Panel, the traditional defense acquisition process is “ill-suited for information technology systems. Phase A is intended to mature technology; yet information technologies are now largely matured in the commercial sector”. Weapon system acquisition processes are often applied to IT systems acquisition, without addressing unique aspects of IT. “the weapon systems acquisition process is optimized to manage production risk and does not really fit information technology acquisition that does not lead to significant production quantities.” Defense Acquisition Panel, HASC

صفحه 5:
> The IT Acquisition Lifecycle is more than pe just contracting ‏#طعاص اسلا ممطل).‎ © ‏اص و9‎ hrne en mere opminty, uercee werk ennaney TD prone earl ores por. GOW ce ce ee ta bee eoxanamerchd arb tr Seon clench © Devers Bedbtoy! entin ffectr Prooren O cred Ochee Grea ‏رات(‎ eames. (Br cot ‏خر‎ ١ cre ‏اس اس‎ ‎teen onbery Devers‏ جو طبار یش اجه ماس سم کلم ند ((0) س ‎case dove hey muck‏ مها ت رسای سور ‎enter oP mk spas hr equ Weep. “Wore Peay wh he rok arma oe‏ یه ‎Gini © fer dovipker of Frat he teen nl‏ را سس ‎prong, can rhe‏ ‎© Reqeewrus ‏ایح و ول سا روا لها سای مور شمه موه‎ 04 preso wren ty de wore uth bow, we wet ‏اممجلط باس عن لطداسي دوي مول أن لسرب مقن تر هقد د سرج ی[‎ acon ‎alte ere Maree‏ و امعط فم قامس ها تا شهب اهنیا ‎id‏ كاله ست كط لل يذ ‎het bo‏ ی بدن مسري ‎ret GOD nck cand erry, Pad oF bee BO ex eres‏ الوسم و لسجه را لوي سمدم بسو سد 0۳ ‎0 1 ‏سس رد ام ا ا ا‎ hey, Dt eho ve of fe "ec ob emo ‏اس یاس لمحم ديد اه سا عن بلاج اس ملس‎ Woe oa ‏ان‎ ‏هه تساه سا ماد لمت عس هرس هم‎ pron ‏مصخي 11 حور ی سل 72090 فده مسي بعلي مه‎ ved FT ‏دعیی) تمس‎ chart OOD), tw ork ‏ها وی فا الاب رال سل ی دعس بل مس تال‎ catchers. Phe Sent ple YT we ‎Budhow: Orin he beta usher of ebony j breed ow mvalecred booed research umn Propo oom. “Phes tt‏ بو یی ‎et‏ ا ا 0 ‎۰ ‏سس مهو لو یسم‎ wo Gerare onl GOD porte eeu dante Por erento of ID (heat YP, ‏اسه مس ممه‎ dries Pore» Orviae Level @perts (S14Da), CoP aorare ver Gert (Ocak) cred Ob ‏هت مج 6 ۳ موجه‎ ow recy Feed fe ‏اج اف شمه میت با ماو شاد وس و ميت‎ ‎“IT Reform is about Operational Efficiency” ‎info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 6:
DoD IT Acquisition Challenges “We are buying yesterday's technology tomorrow” ۳ عمجا سبحا عا بو ‎ay‏ عمط لوا ی اجه رومام نم سوه ‎MOTE: “OED rekree o4 POROOr & tektengt roe‏ 060 © ‎Pate”‏ اد سای © OF Corre ‏سره‎ Beard CODD: PD> ceed opr serene ‏و اجه ای موی بای تيهنا لجح لا ما لام گس‎ ners. (P(Ds Presper hf rsh ore shes hie ceva ty ener bared Prine ‏سرت ساب سم‎ many Pore had ا ‎prove (DoD unk aymencm wenperereny ee erent‏ بز ‎Dire cert 1D ta C900)‏ بجا ججمطجصف سحب (:00:1490)) :0سا معي تس جمد سلجف ‎by hick meme oP‏ تما سانجا زوس ‎seek hk‏ سم چم : 006 6 0۵00 0004 هر مس ‎extn‏ با موی وی باس بجاو با © 060 CODD: Orpre Cyetwe Cre Gohters Broktchire ae Depend ‏سا سور‎ bea ‏اس‎ nek, reread woth ‏مت‎ YP Deng carta ftw sen Po he Pont pene rr سج یساس روما مهس سیم تلم وود اساسا موه ۲ ‎Deer‏ نات توص و حسف فحن مجو ‎tre merce owen prow‏ # BOOS ROT 0090۵۲۲۵۵ ۵۵: 6۵۵ ‏وا موم مت تا مشب سوام سوه له‎ Heme wh aun ‏مه سرد سم‎ (POR OOM re ene be beter nore مسج ‎he Pood pared UD‏ سم ‎Gey OOM COD: DAD tad eo o warkba YP Brag tote proce fea te‏ لك ‎“Weapons systems depend on stable requirements, but with IT, technology changes faster than the requirements‏ ‎process can keep up,” he said. “It changes faster than the budget process and it changes faster than the acquisition‏ milestone process. For all these reasons, the normal acquisition process does not work for information technology.” DepSec Bill Lynn statement at the 2009 Defense IT Acquisition Summit hosted by IT-AAC info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 7:
Federal IT Acquisition Root Causes compromising mission effectiveness and costing tax payer $40B/year ی ساسا ,ناه شبن نامه الصا رت 6 صف روا( ‎(OO@, OL) ry Pore on eoopkeee ve wore.‏ جات وم ‎wp CS % oa exwpkner without aay‏ وله و ©. Booed have (COW, OO 106, POR, OrvOOF) kok ePrvewed. = Crecueuiy cowpounded by Oxthoe lexdewed sad DKS; = DOOBE, JOAWEG, OOO, L1O1 were deokred Por Dearne Opotews, vosopete walls vtendards ged orkouprd tp “lackey Deed Practice. 6. CoP oF Ioterest varPproed, opted resourves wed expertor ‏السو واه‎ = POR probbie Qouraaery wah vented mierevis ta kupkxmzutaion shoul oot voy “Okteoe Pires” iy byes rues ‏سيجعجملي سكاني يعن عن‎ = Opteral emurces ta 1D Progrnn pheiry, work research, aed sokeoa ‏بمستحصدييت‎ ‎| ‏#متصصت فدات‎ wo red world best pronto aad trap vatzer oP the worker. Otrrckards bodes & woxeproPt reseurcks Ketter uener ‏لاف‎ yu can’t solve today’s problems with the same thinking that got you there in the first place” Einstei info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 8:
Root Cause (cont.) ۸, ‏الصالاظ) مها‎ = Prerhirrd 3/5 ‏تمسعصكم “11 للتمسخخصصت ذا لسسطصم عسى 0005 :)10 نسب‎ ed beot practice. = DoD hack orgie coevhunioy Por teppier Revues oP he worhe, cowverntdl expertoe, oe red work! koorey borced. Puble Oervir oryectzuie (eck, ory, ODOr) oPieu Pt out oP he ‏مج‎ ©. Qureut 10 Provevers ta cPbet wily best pravicey oud deve ‏انیت "مسرت با تیاس"‎ = Oi peu Rewer (JOUWO), Orohteoree (DADOP), Pevk Dovevowren (MRLIO8O), Drorev Owe (DOO) axed Promaewert (DADGOOO) crn! Baterprioe Dexrnewert (OD) process ore doormen! wend Rew Wik Past pared (/D coarket (Vicks Paperwork Redutra Wet, COD, exnl OOD UID) 6. ۵ (POO. deve pio pipe suki! = Creiedy urderunny diy eptubbh oxucnn & kieroperdd: eruirukine perueen which ‏یت‎ ‎Por PO% of every 1D prow by. Ooxpepty lie GOD, Obed Oop crn] Service bevel ‏مت میرن تما وج موی(‎ a cbse i thes obi.

صفحه 9:
Critical Success Factors for Sustainable IT Acquisition Reform 49 peas oP studes suqcest the Polowteg oticd success Putors Por sustacable IT @rqustioa RePorw. Oy ww IP Crqustios provevy wil wed to weet he rue oP kaw: © Ore replace rack oP the exttey 1D Orquestra evyole buldker blocks (per OO® report) ord addeewy the ‏میات سوت‎ oP ter Pert pared ID warket (JOM, DOOGP, DOOGOOD, OGO1) Det be dered Prixy ovanverctd bevt pravioes (OO) Dl Oe word Ok Open by keverenge existe ‏اروت امن همست‎ (QO, DDD) Obed Pavor okenkirds oP practoey provewees dey provers ta hee worker 22 ‏لفق‎ be bowed va Opra, rexerene bed waters (OO@ (UCD) 2 ‏سا اس‎ wanhk, servaey onesie (ODDO Orca OOF) 2 hark be wewurche, reprudble orn swetiodhk, wil supportey ‏مسمسلاب وممصم‎ ood wearin (‘UR 6006( info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 10:
Leveraging Existing IT-AAC Investments can significantly reduce time, risk and cost (. Corbiched oa dieroave, code! Pree iho rds cowpored of fee works op comes cod woot respected pubke service mies, ©. Corbtched Root Cause oP Paker t Dol 1D Drqueston ced her ‏بادرس صصص‎ derived Prox; over PD cwapr sakes, © surveys, (21 niervews, 0 Leoderskiy Dorkchope aud ٩ ‏وی‎ 9. Beorkwarked Iekery 1D Droktecure & Doquston Best (Proctces wd Oournoa Pahwer, ( oP Porkce GD. @. Resrarched ax valkhted poopro stamdarde oP procter thot wok oxPready redken rts ood coat of 1D Bespestion RePorce PP Ports. 8. Crores Ply pled dlercave (1D Boqueivs processes coverky; requrrurds, archircure, weck worrsrwmeds, buskrss Care ‏واه هلوت رای‎ ©. Conbiched Decewa Doak ‏موه لس ۳ یه مه له رح امس‎ 0. unis OBO, whack eotdblehed an dhersave 1D Bextstes Preece) Curreakin, ©. @erbiched on 11D korwedk ‏امن‎ oP tous of trousers phir severd ‏لوهجم موه ۲۱۳ موم تمد‎ practtowers who are uke wah DDD vise. info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 11:
ane What IT-AAC Proposes to the DepSecDef to assure Sustainable DoD IT Acquisition Reform G. Operket che Gry Borde, Brtblek Drees oP OPPectrarer: ty dlr sne reemurces wol wager to prove aid eeu upper © he Depew el ۲] ‏سا اطفه تسم اس همم‎ tortor. (burke Pork oro ‏مسق محاطاات ب‎ Cesare ‏لحت‎ ‏سم‎ Por Gee DIP ore Oped ORB tiem of propane, hare, Rect ol ‏موس‎ 5 ‏سیون‎ oot nse ‏ورس رنه نموه لب سوه‎ (proce, rk, amy reeturcen nl erate) ua pba pater. Repurpine ext Anke cevelared by oleae neta, BOO, OCB, OP OBB, PEOG, OCG, IWOOT, 42, ADAP, RODD, Bare, DDD, Crmhet ‏مسجت سوت‎ loot ee ceca ‏طسو سوم‎ Ortend Cac (Paras 2 Dek 1P-OB0 Ovaket Rerkews Domrewowd hte rte byte eee “Operas” oP YT Doxgtetru promeny, (ide xt YP CBBO Leer} | ‏مهو سسوم ارفا‎ (ICD), orchactre (DDD), eck emer (MRL), ‏مه وه راجت‎ eke, ev ‏معفحه‎ ‏سم‎ سا بمب 1۲ سوه سس ‎ob ehery 1? Orgsrars Orel Prevtore,‏ م0 103/00۲۲۵ ممری تروق ‎enrnhath hatha drmenbs bers previ nt heats, Riche‏ یج جك ‎oP prcctoee‏ تلا ساسا 5 ‎cra re‏ امنحع ‎hey re ke procpsrem ther‏ | و 2 ه مد ‎Perks tet wines Gretna OD, LAR OKO proceen‏ رعسب 0 ها ‎wth‏ "مسرب" معفوت6 1۳ بل سقم مت ‎we‏ ,60۵ ۵۵ ,0000 ۳۵ ,0۵ و ,۵۵۵۵ ,۵۳۸ 10 تسس ‎] DOO w woke IP Boaters con purvinks wer meri programs, Brkt nt DOD's YP ‏مسج عصان‎ cxptars baochucrtl ‏سم ما همم له موم بسا وا‎ ‎info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora ‎Phase Phase 1 ‎Phase 3 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 12:
۴ 56 ۰ ۶ Continuous Process Improvement for Sustainable Acquisition Effectiveness |. DorkPorce Beopowernedt: Botbksk robvet 1D Braunton Prarie oad Deviorieg proorcne uk the ۲۱۵ tee bar ‏امه 00/۲۳۷۵ من‎ Buk oul Bent Proctcry Olarnkve wih reveubke ‏مس ماوت‎ peer onl ‏ما و وم رح ماو وا‎ 1. Pavttcted 10۳۰ ‏پجوی‎ std hokbery! (Boidbiok (Siuke WLokler ‏اجه )انس( ,موی‎ Lexnkeroky (Porno ‏لا )اه مت جات نو جا‎ vohar) ewhworkry ood Dorset research: ‏بان‎ her hu ieke su. Dorekar red world wets od erie robs. Leverenty 1O W's deve cetoork oP experts od experton ‏هه لو م۳ مامت اب‎ (har recs oP he pombe). Bey Badee! Dhu 1) ‏لوط لح بسا میج پیت (میمی) سوت 8 وروی مس‎ (ohored server), vi GOO, ۲۳ kePramiructre, Onn Oowrateny bent priory Toices Bal ore oy taney Pera 1 Denese buerd va proved puddewe to delver. Levers provent . Orqieton ‏تایه‎ Roadway: Sireunke narra (SecOOF, OO) 1 ‏ما سس مسجت‎ مصصوت لاو ‎Grey (Brand One hol marron re‏ مساو وم اجه و موه نم روت ‎uy). Leverage wxttey provesmen ced kaw,‏ با )لا مها اج info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora 4. ۷ © Technology 7 g Process ۷ People

صفحه 13:
Np ۳ ‏مر‎ Recommended Actions for Agency Heads operationalize Sec804 and Gates Efficiency Initiatives بصاس موی ۱ سعد ذا سبي لج سا 0( میمرت مج ‎oqites Boonairw‏ ماه ‎lei (Pore oa ckeroect uk pony‏ بت سس و و 6۱ لو مه له روم و له سول ما ملس موی امه وس موی ‎rok‏ 1۳ ‏مس له تسم لو مان سل‎ of ‏امه جات و2۳۳‎ oP tke stake hokler's to opiate crt to ] ۳ ‏ی‎ deBrase user, (e, researchers, aeadecom, Rmeuaiors. (stoke kokter uke) Briere DOO ‘eckery Oost Prenwey Oba rateney: bois he hoowkek cep. Ocpure ace revee red world erewice ‏او‎ ‏يمست ممم مسمس يي شيج‎ erm nc ee ‏ی‎ مر هس و اه ‎Onriory: (Recicr duplraoa oul meveare taeropercbiiy by‏ و1۸ 17 و0 ‎copdiire & server kel can by ready kvercnard (bse keer).‏ مه روج و سل روص هر ‎bara Prow brik Pokies aml surcmmare: CODES, DBOC, CPOE TOPE, OM COC.‏ ما و ‎se‏ رس اس ‎tt have proves to wort; Gervice‏ و ‎“opr‏ مها گرا رهطم ‎Deckwkxy Dssesswed, Oowprart- based Orcktechrs, Dwvirira Codtce‏ ] ‎oer‏ موی ما و ام موی ان ‎Pracon & Deion: estdiich want Pro‏ سوه سوه ‎chomp)‏ لفح ‎De. (deur‏ موت يا ‎info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora ‎oO ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 14:
‎hy‏ هب0 اس ‎BP, Oar, 0600, OT, B68, OWE, 08 PROOGCOO, 0160, O18 ‎PO, 000, BPO, 0 004, 007, ove ‎۵, ۵۵0۵ OPO, Day CHOEG, PPO, BPO, 60 OP, ay, OG0O, PS ‎PG, OGO ‏و‎ ‎ ‎IT-AAC Baseline Assessment of Alternative IT Acquisition Processes ‎Opes, ‏تسس‎ ‏طذدسیت اسر‎ ‏و مه ‏مه رم ‎Genes Based‏ ‎COTEIOGS ‎omeed, oppor PR ‏اس ماه ‎COTE bared se‏ ‎vic sont‏ سيا ‏000 موس موس ‎ ‏سب ‏موه ‏0 ‏)0@©( ‎Ocke Grea‏ ‎wl Bete‏ سره ‎Dever‏ ‎O0G FEO Re‏ ‎GE1GOERT‏ ‏مدت :00 سبط ] ‎۵۵00۵۵0 ‎000 ‎200000000 ‎OW Oke ‏طلى © »۵ مولید)‎ ‎ ‎۱۳ ‏۳ سرا ‎LP ects‏ ‎er need Por COTS, GO, OGG ‏و0‎ ‏رس ‎Onw,‏ سوم ‎bok‏ سره هر ‎A Denes dover,‏ بخ ‏اجه( ‏۳ ‏هه ‎0 ‏مهار‎ Por ED) info@IcHnet.ora ‎ ‎OG, 1 ox ‎DADE ‏سره‎ ‏مومت‎ ‎Dred ‎۳0۳ ‎Dearne ‏عاد سا مه ‎OAD SOOO Over Ceres Lhe ee (BODY ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
IT-AAC Coalition of the Wil Industry Participants (partial) وه وه سس رپس( مالس ‎Prange‏ مسف ذا ص0 ,11" مها رس ال leks Dider, 10° ‏رداق ولمم‎ BGO 0 مهن( بت رفص بط ‎Lary‏ ~ سس روا عناق سوه له ,سا 4 ی لممحا 0۲ ,سین اما ,له لیا ۵0 تن 0 و مه سل ~ ات رن لس 00 اسر تسف ‎of Pb‏ ات امس مه ماما تزا ‎Pokey, OF OO‏ ‎Oommen‏ & مت او بط مس سل ‏مت ها ملسم سا ,10 رسپ 51 - سین بسا 566 ۵60 06 سس ‎Day Brae, Borne OF BO Oreeer‏ ~ ‎he Gane, Power Omron GOP ‏سجس حل‎ ‏سسا ‎0 ‏اس ‎Prine OF mee Grae‏ 66 مه لاه( ما قاجا بل حاسمت مسلط (م) 000 ‎ODOR‏ 0 رد سس راتس (س) 0 ‎Crk, PD, DoD Crh of Orbe Pokey‏ لاسما ‎Dae Ober, Pram 8D ONL, BHOS‏ ساسا ‎Aare cle Gur eye, Persea BP BO Orci ‎Or Gamers Graney, Force DRO CA ‎ernkd Ver, Pormer Deyn Orectr, BO, Porcrer Dey Sre Por ‏با رسوسی( 01۳۵0۵ ترا 0 بط مق‎ IO Cob ‏0 و 0 چم 050 شم سل (مم) ‎Ui Gerard‏ ‎VED‏ 0 تما لس ‏م00 الب مسج 000 091 00 سس انس ‎OP Geer (rt) Pod Orbos, OBO, 000‏ ‎Deane ‏رها شین ان سس مه‎ OF ‏سس‎ ‎Gets Corral, Porn Pray PEO BAS, 10 Corp ‏سحا‎ ‏لجل‎ Bags, TP-BBO One Oke, PRP Dre ‎info@ictnet.ora

صفحه 16:
be ‏)مه مومس‎ ۳16۵۸/۱۵۹ D1 Gere Ongar, Pore DLS OO, C10 FHB OTR ‎Ober, JO C40, OG PRODGCOD‏ ساس ‎Grak Darcie, Profimmrnd Gn, Lone Presearaal Geert ornate ‏م‎ ‏سا‎ ‎Dawe Deed, Derma ICO, Day ‏من وروی مه( ,موم( مومت ,جوا ول ‎Onto “hecigree‏ 1 ‎(bys Lyon, Guy Ohms Rok Det, OG Brey ‎xara Oke, Depry O10, O8 ‎xx Pane Perky, Depts C40 veal PEO Berpetins, OGD ard OPPs wl Gobormbr, ‏تسم‎ Rehtere, GD LO OA ‏امس رین رو ,10 ‎Gre Oergbee,‏ ‎(irunet Dhicherl, CABG WO, sons Pome Gourd ‎Or Pend Mite, Deyn O10 nnd ‏اس مرهج‎ 0 ur Gree, OPO, DG Orr Come ‎| Prtey, Oeteree Bogota Deaeraty ‎Berry Banks, ‏سمرت ا مسا‎ Dormer, Deine Drapes ‏تس‎ ‎| ‎۱ ‎CO‏ رسمومم( 1۱ دا راب0 بط ‎Derry Bebe, O10, (BA, Geer oF be OF ‏راما ساسا‎ Dernas OM, Crores of te DP ‏سسا ‎IT-AAC Coalition of the Wi ‎Government Participants (partial) ‎ ‎ener Ayo, Deol een, rey CIO ‎AP, Degas‏ وا لهس اس ۱ ‎yw ven Pree ND (eh) ‎Axe ery, 208 oy Dot ® Gary Drbkr, OO Drmeve Dewy PDO C1 ‎dooms Darin AP al Ohl Boars Ofer HDD ‎“Lh Unb, 809 Ovear Orem Derren ‏سا ور‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ry eas, 8D 0 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Sane (Babak) Daron, CADRE, OND OF Chee Ober, Panne Drea, (MO OF, Day Cem Dre ej 10,00 ‎info@ictnet.ora

صفحه 17:
Leveraging Patterns of Success Alternative IT Acquisition Processes already exist! USAF: Procurement of E-FOIA System using AAM Completed AoA, BCA, AQ Selection in just 4 months. BTA: Assessment of External DoD Hosting Options using AAM $300 million in potential savings with minimal investment JFCOM: MNIS Evaluation of Alternatives for Cross Domain Solutions Evaluated 100’s of Options USAF: Streamlined COTS Acquisition Process. Applied to Server Virtualization. Established optimal arch million savings GSA: Financial Mgt System consolidation using AAM. Moved FMS from OMB “red” to “green”. Eliminated duplicative investments that SaVEW SZOOMT GPO: Developed Acquisition Strategy for Future Digital System Led to successful acquisition in 90 days, enabling stake holder buy in and source اسب سس Navy: Assessment of AFLOAT Program - CANES SOA & Security Strategy Eliminated hi-risk 100Ms in potential savings USMC: AoA and BusCase for Cross Domain, Thin Client Solutions Greatly Exceeded Forecasted Saving in both analysis and wo BTA: Apply AAM to complete ‘AoA and BCA for DoD SOA Project Reduced pre-acquisition and implementation on time, on budget and 80% cheaper cycle time and cost of Analysis by 80% 3 (Aimonths' vs 48)>perability Clearinghokba Be NARADRMSieveloping role as an honest SACEMMMateroperability. Iochnologies, no matter what the source is especially needed. Such eforts should be supported by any organization that wants t0 stop ‘putting all ofits money into maintaining archaic software and obtuse data formats, and instead start focusing on bottomline issues of Droductivity and costoffectve use of information technology.“ OSD Commissioned Assessment of Interop. Clearinghouse (Mitre info@icHnet.ora www.lCHnet.ora 2000)

صفحه 18:
Backup Slides in case you want to do something about IT info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 19:
1 IT-AAC understands IT Acquisition Dilemma Wave 3 Solutions can’t be acquired using MilSpec processes... pe وان سم ‎Dae O‏ 2۳ جوا راجت و سو 60۶ ۷ ام و مر ججروب رجو وجا لج م0 ۷ 9 ‏لمحا0 - صمحه1‎ 0000 Sere tet a ۲۳ ‏وس د‎ Y Orkdoy Prootood raphy her beoowe rari gee 1's ‏عجو سه ممه ور‎ Y ‏قعص سم سوسا سنا جرصات لف‎ whercblies haw beoowe wore oricd ‏و‎ ae ۶ ‏لوط یطوق‎ ts bo werver card chet poner bewy ‏هناهد من سح‎ devebpcoed ocd poral pote ‏موس‎ Do ۵00 ۰.8 | Pockcohnd) ‏سج‎ ®

صفحه 20:
Resource Optimization Considerations 0. 6۵806: Devt vuted Por qwrt wate RED ord Oourve Orkevsoa, 9, 9 ‏ط‎ Devebpwrdt Oree (800), Trade Beeorratow: اسهم ای همست مت سا مه ‎OP Peek‏ ‎Oe.‏ ,ساره ری واه ‎oP‏ سوم ‎9. ‏موی‎ etnies, bobo & ‏مه تا( نموه‎ of ‏ام سنا‎ reach, plotter of ‏مان رو‎ ort vet prove ki ‏وی بل‎ (DPPeeive tr VD & axis ‏مج‎ ‎. Ovwukowier, B&BO Prue: xeric Por JOO end sourve ekvton P Pree oP ‏وهای وج‎ or kopkrnectatoa hieresty. Qua wate OO ‏دز عسوم‎ retin. ‎6. ‏نو و0 ,1602 ,موم‎ Phe rene oP kmvatioa. Dost oPPeoive onl eho way oP ‏مه بط‎ ‎aa. Orest svurve of retrwer owe oats od best provtory.‏ ۳ تور ‎6. ‏موق‎ require! Opitotned Por keys souk: kovkectaiza oad pubpurnien. Love siyaPicadt earns oP scae cred ‏بواتادف بو ساسمصاتصة‎ Rechte. ‎info@ictnet.ora www.ICHnet.ora

صفحه 21:
یس | os rocerte ‏اسيم‎ os rocerte ‏اسيم‎ Value Chain Optimization Trade Offs ,سسا ‎Peck OP,‏ ‎Opes Gowse‏ | ‏دسریم‎ ‎۳ ‎[aso POR COT new ‏مج بر‎ مود Creve oF bey ctv = ,1080 سب ۵5۵6 ees oe ‏سس‎ ——— سمخ ome عد ميا ال ها ,هت | گت ان عم | وی | ‎ee‏ ‎ade (2.9)‏ <a fame lead Bor he لطعم سبط | جرج | ممست 600۰ > rrp dae For ‏سمو‎ ymin Oot Pree pears (2,9) eres pF preter, ‏سم‎ hay meee Be Over Orxee, Cocenrtiee oP a ع ميا 06009 وب سس ‎raed Bee‏ 6 26 روم اون سیم ‎crakear (2, 9)‏ ی رن | مس ‎ber‏ ‏(0)) سوبس سوم ‎aber comer‏ () سید سس ص رون | میس ی (0)) سید مها

صفحه 22:
۱۲-۸۸ = Efficiency 1 Transforming & Informing the IT Acquisition Lifecycle Structure: Public/Private service think tank composed of multiple universities/UARCs, non-profits, research institutes and renown experts working collaboratively for the common good. Dedication: Ushering in benchmarked industry implementation & gevempnce best practices and lessons learned, Align and Streamlining IT cquisition Lifecycle for greater mission effectiveness. Capabilities: Root Cause Analysis, Service Oriented Enterprise, Architectures, Grey Beard Program Reviews, Decision Analytics, Performance Metrics and Technology Assessments. Focus: Business Systems, Cyber Security, Info Sharing, IT Infrastructure, Heat IT, Net Centricity, SOA Infrastructure (core government mission threads) Results: Assured Mission Outcomes through organizational alignment and. continuous process improvement... Measurable, sustainable, and. repeatable processes°& OULCOMESra — www.iCHinet.ora

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