صفحه 1:
Guceeday ow ۰ OGpstews
صفحه 2:
® Discuss the analytical skills
® Describe the technical skills
© Discuss the management
® Identify the interpersonal
صفحه 3:
Relationship between
system analyst’s skills
and SDLC phases
eterpersowd shils
عم ماود له لته Crved *
عم مار امن ملل ۳۳ +
كلاد اسب ۶
اس *
اه م۳
عم مب *
حاا سای ©
عددام م1 *
و سوه( ۰
صفحه 4:
Analytical skills
for System analysts
© 005 wil Poe vo pur sets oF occ
اناد Mey oe:
ادا مووره) -
لایس م6 -
عع الس ةم
لج سرجه robles —
صفحه 5:
Analytical skills for System
1 System thinking
® Systems and its characteristics
~ System is an interrelated set of components, with
identifiable boundary, working together for some
® Asystem has nine characteristics:
~ Components-. -Subsystems
~ Interrelated components
- A boundary
- A purpose
~ An environment
~ Interfaces
~ Input
~ Output
~ Constraints
صفحه 6:
ee en Se eh ek Se ی ee eS
صفحه 7:
System characteristics
سس و ©
دده لصوم خن موه سس اندم جأطاصلصطا مه *
WU spetew, ubv odled u subspotew
1۱ جامعدج وصجج لجر
° Oppeudeuwse oP oe subsystew va var pr wore
© Coury
۰ Dhe tee trot wrarks the tostde ood mutstde oP a
spstew und trot sets OPP the syste Pore ها
ادكو انوع
صفحه 8:
System characteristics
© Pups
۰ Dre vverd موی( سس أدب of o spstew
© موی
۰ Gverviktoy extercd to 0 spsiew thot tcteructs wih te
وجببا ه
۰ Port oP poot where uo systew wert ts
wired or where subsystews weet ruck vier.
صفحه 9:
System characteristics
© Coxstrutct
۰ 6 مرو و مرن نت با von woowpisk
© نج
۰ ورص!() vu systew tokes Prow اوه عا ١
order to PuPil ts purpose
© Ouput
° Okntever u systew retucss Prow tts eowiroaved it
order to PuPil ts purpose
صفحه 10:
food restaurant as a system: Exar
ironments: customers, food distribution, banks, e
Storage Office
Contour ف
صفحه 11:
Open and Closed
e Ope systew
° © spstew tt tterocts Pree را میا لا
fobteg topul od اناويح دماص
© Closed sustew
۰ @ systew trot ts put DPR Pro ts euviroovedt und
wes wt tert wik ft
صفحه 12:
Logical and Physical
system description
® Logical system description
* Description of a system that
focuses on the system function and
purpose without regard to how the
system will physically implemented
® Physical system description
° Description of a system that
focuses on the how the system will
be materially constructed
صفحه 13:
Benefiting from systems
۰ Whe Prot step to spstews بل to be oble to بلجل
sowetieg oo pyr.
° (ealPy where the bouadary tes ood of oP the relevodt cpus
° Oswalzieg اعد د oF hires cad ther reaiccship os syste
بط pou to trowkhie موه هن physicd stuciod tio wore
* Op tevewprstivn
- Che systew tip subsysiews, we ماو روط ام وراه موه
sepandely ond devover P our or wore subspiew مهن لد جا
~ Ie rodbled سصاط صا عت te probe wik لمح
صفحه 14:
Inventory file
lanagement reportRestaurant
Kitchen order|
aily inventory
ProduceDepletion amounts
Customer order
Goods sold
4.0 >
Daily goods sold amount_Teport
flow diagram for fast food restaurant IS
صفحه 15:
Organizational skills
© @adpst shoud umderstand
تمه توا work
۰ Poles
* ,عط صاصو ادبو ubbrevidioes, وه لو
° Chortlosy tere sirdesy oad phe
* Rob oF teckel
* Dhe Postiows ud procedures oP هلجم و
pou we worktay Por
— Wow te deported pperdes,
* te purpose,
° te rekiccehip wik vier deportoest
° te rehticoshiy wih metowers un suppliers
— Oko te experts are to dP erect subject aes
صفحه 16:
Problem Identification
9 (Cound 999( ۵ ts te
sitvaicg wad desired (vuipu) situaiod.
~ The process of identifying problems
is the process of defining
differences, so problem solving is
the process of finding a way to
reduce differences.
- Analyst should able to compare the
current in an organization to the
desired situation.
صفحه 17:
Problem analyzing and
solving Skills
صفحه 18:
Important system
© Deere oe severd vier spstew poweps
wits Wwhick systews undpsts werd to bevowe
:ع اا
* Oevowpostivn
* Ooddorty
۰ موی
* Cokesioa
صفحه 19:
® Definition: The process of
breaking down a system into
smaller component
~ The purpose of decomposition is to
allow the system analysts to:
* Break a system into small, manageable
* Focus on one are at a time
- Concentrate one component
pertinent to one group of users
~ Build different components at
independent times
صفحه 20:
Modularity and
® Modularity
~ Dividing a system up into chunks or modules
of a relatively uniform size. To Simplify the
redesign and rebuild process
® Coupling
~ The extend to which subsystems depend on
each other.
~ Subsystem should be independent as
possible. If one subsystem fails and other
subsystem are highly dependent on it, then
the other will either fail themselves or have
problems functioning
صفحه 21:
© © whee fs he exten to whick u
subspstew perPorxws « state Pucriioc.
صفحه 22:
Technical Skills (1)
© Maw wrerts OP pow job ws a spstew unt we
وی vriected.
© Dhe Polowieg octuites will kelp you stay up-to-date:
— Rec trade publcaioas
— ote proPessicad sovietes
~ Otead classes or teuck ای لوا هه
— teed wou courses pr trusty sessioes oPPered by
تا سر
- رون ولمم م9 920 vr trade
- موه ۲ و۳ buletia, sew yous
صفحه 23:
Technical Skills (2)
© You shoud be Pawitor we possible wik «طاددس و(
صفحه 24:
Management Skills
© Cpstew uns we dwost dws wewbers oP
Prviect tewss wed are Prequediy ushed ty feud
© Qeanewed shis we very webu Por copocr td
fexdership role.
© Were oF Pow chess oP woonewed shils:
— 0- موه
- 6- Prvect
- 6- )
— @- Okage worrewedt
صفحه 25:
1- Resource management
© :طیلب
~ Predicting resources usage
~ Tracking and accounting for
resources consumption
- Learning how to use resources
~ Securing resources from abusive use
~ Evaluating the quality of resources
صفحه 26:
۰ Qesorbe pour wiversily اه wu
— Okt ts the top?
— Oket is vuput?
— Oho ts the bouctary?
— Oke ts the vowpoveds ued heir وا او
- ۳ لصوم
— مرو و۳
© Draw a denon Of is spstew
صفحه 27:
6 یی pours ta terws vP pour obiites of rack
verse workiey اوه رها نان fsteciry,
vortiog, preseutccy, Paviitattacy a <pvup, ord
wurqduy expeciiows. Ohkere we pour sires
ed weeks? Okvy? Okt coc pou do to
وجل اجيج vo pour sirewgyhs und sireayhes wes
صفحه 28:
Interpersonal skills
® Communication skills
® Interviewing, Listening, and
© Written and oral presentations
~ Meeting agenda
~ Meeting minutes
~ Interview summaries
~ Requests for proposal from contractors and
® Working alone and with a team
® Facilitating groups
® Managing exceptions