تعداد اسلايدهاي پاورپوينت: 32 اسلايد سلول هایی رها شده از تومور اولیه به جریان خون(بذرهایی جهت متاستاز به بافت ثانویه)


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صفحه 2:
Circulating tumor cells(CTCs) Isolation methods and applications Sanaz Raeisi M.S of Biotecnology Supervisor:Dr.Zarei 11 June 2019

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Cancer the uncontrolled growth and division of cells without paying attention to cell's ‏ون‎

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Cancer in general population * The second cause of death after * More than 70% will di 2020 er until

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Cancer diagnose and survival! mEarly(stage1)m Late(stage4) 100% 92% 92% breast cancer colorectal cancer ovarian cancer

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We are vulnerable without early warning system * No good screening method for some cancers such as ovarian , liver or pancreatic . * Our weapon against cancer should ARE YOU PREPARED

صفحه 8:
“Seed in the Soil” Hypothesis Steven Paget - 1889 Tumor ‏تت‎ ۱ 1 ‏لامع مع ايلا‎ 00060 Cancer cells are the seeds and the microenvironment is the soil. “When a plant goes to seed, its seeds are carried in all (oligo ‏را( فا فا‎ ".ازه؟ اهوأمععمم — Stephen Paget, 1889

صفحه 9:
CTC : a circulating tumor cell that has enter into the bloodstream or lymp* ~*~ Cancer foci Circulating Tumor Cell

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10 Primary site of tumor formation Blood vessel and Lymphatic Cell survives and becomes a ctc

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EMT in cancer cells ۰ The epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a necessary step for the detachment and migration of cancer cells. * In this way migratory ability , invasiveness an nce of ‎Nema Primary phat‏ موه ‎Memtrane Piha cal caer cts‏ ‎ ‎Seen ptr ‎ ‎ ‎3 ‏گر‎ ‎6۳-۰ 0 ae oma Epitheism Pat ‏من‎ corm ‏اث‎ wer

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Advantages forward traditional method 1.tissue biopsy: It can be painful and invasive , not easily obtain 2.Lequid biopsy: ‏مهللا‎ أطال35أ١‎ painful , ea: 12

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Disadvantages of ctcs 1. Short presence time in circulation(1- 2.5h) 2. Heterogeneity nature of these cells. 3. Low amoun hem. .

صفحه 14:
Isolation methods 1. Biological Properties a. 6 2 © Erythrocytes © Leukocytes Immunoafinity 6 ‏وعم‎ 2. Physical Properties GR sizetdotormavitty | ts electrical properties, Whole blood

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Density-based isolation technologies based-density : OncoQuick and pot Centrifugation Diluted blood 4- — ~~ Blood plasma —» Ficoll solution Ficoll solution ‏ع4‎ wv Red blood cells PBMC + CTCs

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Size-Based isolation technologies that use size-based: Parsortix™, ScreenCell® and ISET®. Current Techniques poresize ‘Sie es ‏هعلوم‎ ‎slitsize (6 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 4 Cell Diameter (um) 16

صفحه 17:
Isolation based on biological properties * CTCs can be positively or negatively enriched based on the expression of surface proteins. * Separation of CTCs based on surface antigens of two types of technology: Immunomagnetic beads and Microfluidic device.

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Immunomagnetic separation * This approach utilizes capture agent- labeled magnetic beads for positive selection of CTCs using cell-surface markers(EpCAM). * Epithelial cell adhesion molecule over € x vote Om 0 | derive ‏دعا مك‎

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microfluidic * Positive selection of ctc using antibodies attached to microfluidic ‏عم‎ Non-cancerous Blood inlet

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* Technologies based on positive selection: AdnatTest , MACS®, IsoFlux™ , and the CellSearch® and MagSwepeer system. * Antibody based negative selection: Deple © d cells using 1 1 ‏سم للح جح حم جلا‎ anti_c 5 5 etic @ crc af * ox + + ‏که‎ White blood cell Magnetic depletion *G immunomagnetic beac

صفحه 21:
Cell search MagNest™ fcelsaye 4eelltracks 3 | Cell Search Epithelial Cell Kit ۳ ‏ن‎ Enrichment of CTC with anti-EpCAM ferro fluids Captures tumour cells with very low EpCAM expression CeliTracks® Analyzer It \w/ Linux operating system 21

صفحه 22:
Images of tumor cell CK-PE ۱ DAPI ‏اْ‎ Tumour cell neg pos pos : 0 ۱ ۳13 ‏ا‎ ْ i Leukocyte Leukocyte nucleus 0045 6 \ Tumour cell

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maintrac * Quantitative determination of vital cells. ٠ work processes: RBC lysis , sentrifugation , labled anti-EpCAM , adding propidium iodide, analysis a1 eee i ۳۱ 1 ۱ ۱ ۳

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Society of ctcs Circulating tumor cell can exist as a single cellular as hetero cellular cluster of cells that travel through Primary tumour Plakoglobin-expressing ell tumour c Metastasis

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Immune cells collaborate with cancer cel (a key to identifying new cancer therapie

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Ctc associated with platelets * Ctc interact with platelet during intravasation and trigger a factor called TCIPA on platelet. * TCIPA activates platelets allowing them to attach to ctc and shield them from immune attack. * Platelets can also transfer MHC ,further which allows evasion of immune destruction.

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Ctcs and neutrophils the neutrophils enhance the metastasis-seeding ability of CTCs by releasing specific messenger substances, such as cytokines. the presence of CTC-neutrophil clusters in the bloodstream also correlates with a poor prognosis of breast cancer patients.

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Clinical application of CTCs * CTCs as prognostic markers in cancer(CTCs enumeration) 25 <5ctcs/7ml blood >5ctcs/7ml blood 28

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* Screening and early detection Cancer screening aims to detect cancer before symptoms appear. blood tests, urine tests, DNA tests or medical imaging can be done.

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۰ A tool to monitor treatment effectiveness Do the metastase relapse? Does the tumor answer to our therapy or become resistant? Do our drugs work? Answer to all these questions come back to their numbers

صفحه 31:
, ۵ hel

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references https://www.maintrac.de/En/maintrac 4 https://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov/pmc/art icles/PMC6023422/ https://www.labce.com/spg1629022 t he_advantages_and_limitations_of_lig uid_biops * tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-51-fa.pdf aums.abzums.ac. it/article-1-410-fa.p https://www.sciencedaily.com/release, ¢/2019/07/190706131933 htm

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