کسب و کارمدیریت و رهبری

conflict and negotiation

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of ‏ماو‎ (a

صفحه 3:
Conflict Conflict: “The process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.” Functional (Constructive) conflict serves the organization’s interests while dysfunctional conflict threatens the organization’s interests. Chel @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 4:
ywn’s Conflict Continuu Optimum leval of conflict leads to HIGH effective dacision making and high performance Low Low Level of conflict HIGH Too litle confict Too much conflict causes performance causes performance to suffer to suffer Okeke ®. ODM. Orcerezctexrd ‏خر روموت‎ Pete Level of organizational performance

صفحه 5:
Conflict and Unit Darfarmainan z = Unit perfermance —e 3 ‘High Dysfunctional ۳ © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. Chelpow @. ODM. Oreertzatred Bekeer. Daversay of Tek.

صفحه 6:
Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of ‏ماو‎

صفحه 7:
he Conflict Process Stage | Stage ll Stage Il Stage ۷ Stage V Potential opposition Cognition and —_ Intentions Behavior Outcomes or incompatibility personalization Conflicthandling Increased 2 intentions Overt conflict group Antecedent conditions 00 00 7 ‏ات‎ * Communication "Collaborating > — behavior © Structure isi i * Personal variables Ney vo Mm ee ۹ | roy * Accommodating et ee Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 8:
Pc Conflict Process | اب ' 7 7 \ ‎ok‏ ع Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 9:
A Conflict Model Latent Conflict: Latent conflict is essentially conflict waiting to happen. Felt Conflict: Felt conflict is experienced as discomfort and tension. Perceived Conflict: Perceived conflict is the awareness that we are in a conflict situation. Manifest Conflict: After conflict is perceived and felt, it may or may not become open, or manifest. Conflict Aftermath: Conflict is likely to breed more conflict and, when it does, that conflict is likely to take..on drdife.OLiLSsOW ‏سب سم‎

صفحه 10:
tcomes of Conflict * Functional Outcomes from Conflict — Increased group performance — Improved quality of decisions — Stimulation of creativity and innovation — Provision of a medium for problem-solving — Creation of an environment for self-evaluation and change Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Brhever, Daversay of Toker

صفحه 11:
tcomes of Conflict * Dysfunctional Outcomes from Conflict — Development of discontent — Reduced group effectiveness — Retarded communication — Reduced group cohesiveness — Infighting among group members overcomes group goals Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Brhever, Daversay of Toker

صفحه 12:
” Line - Staff Conflict Y Intrapersonal Conflict Approach-Approach Approach - Avoidance Avoidance - Avoidance Interpersonal Conflict Intergroup Conflict Cross - Cultural Conflict Task Conflict هک کی Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzatred Brkaver. Daversay ‏ماوخ‎

صفحه 13:
Incompatible personalities or value systems. Overlapping or unclear job boundaries. Competition for limited resources. Interdepartment /intergroup competition. Inadequate communication. Interdependent tasks. Organizational complexity. Unreasonable or unclear policies, standards, or rules. Unreasonable deadlines or extreme time pressure. . Collective decision making. . Decision making by consensus. . Unmet expectations. . Unresolved. OF SUPPEESSEG.CONAICL 0 re SN. GTB CoN ‏خ‎

صفحه 14:
sources of Conflict * Different beliefs due to unique background, experience, training * Caused by specialized tasks, careers * Explains misunderstanding in cross-cultural and merger relations Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 15:
sources of Conflict Three levels of ” ae اجه 155-7 ۳ = Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 16:
sources of Conflict ۳ *Lack of rules guiding relations * Encourages political tactics Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 17:
sources of Conflict Lack of opportunity --reliance on stereotypes Lack of ability -- arrogant communication heightens conflict perception Lack of motivation -- conflict causes lower motivation to communicate, increases stereotyping holo 00, OD. Orceizatoad Betas. Daversy of Tetra.

صفحه 18:
Example of Overlapping Authorities A. MATRIX STRUCTURE @ Two-boss employee Product team ‎Daversay of Toker.‏ رهظ مهب .000 ما6 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 19:
flict Management Styles: Orientations * Win-win orientation —You believe parties will find a mutually beneficial solution to their disagreement ° Win-lose orientation -You believe that the more one _ party receives, the less the other receives -Tends 1۵ escalate conflict, use of power/politics ۱ ‏مد ی‎ Cholpour @. O00. Orceritzatoad Petasr. Daversy ro.

صفحه 20:
1 ۲۱۵ ۱۹/۲ ۱۳۸ 0/10/0271 ‏و۵‎ ۷۷ Employees Are Having a Personality Conflict . Follow company policies for diversity, anti- discrimination, and sexual harassment. Investigate and document conflict. If appropriate, take corrective action (e.g., feedback or B Mod). If necessary, attempt informal dispute resolution. . Refer difficult conflicts to human resource specialists or hired counselors for formal resolution attempts and other interventions. Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre. در ۲ YE

صفحه 21:
Minimizing inter-group Conflict: An Updated Contact Model Level of perceived Recommended actions: Inter-group conflict tends to increase when: Chelpow @. ODL. Oreertzared Behever. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 22:
kills and Best Practices: How to Build Cross-Cultural Relationships Behavior Rank Be a good listener 1 Be sensitive to the needs of others ۲ Be cooperative, rather than overly competitive Tiey Advocate inclusive (participative) leadership Compromise rather than dominate 4 Build rapport through conversations Be compassionate and understanding Avoid conflict by emphasizing harmony Nurture others (develop and mentor) اتن 2 كب مم6 Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 23:
56 Stimulating Functional Conflict Devil’s Advocacy Dialectic Method Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 24:
Conflict Management Styles a a 3 & High 2 0 ب & 8 uw 8 = Low © 0 High Low Concern for Self Okeke ®. ODM. Orcerezctexrd ‏خر روموت‎ Pete

صفحه 25:
flict Management Styles 2 ie eer’ = 3 gz <= ‏حت‎ 1 5 = aie ۲ 2 3, ‘Compromising ‎qe <‏ َو 5 ح 5ه | ‎Accommodating‏ 9 __ 5 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Uncooperative Cooperative Cooperativeness ‎Chel @. ODM. Oreertzatod Dekeuser. Daversy of Ts

صفحه 26:
flict Management Styles Competing. Involves trying to win at the other party’s expense. Generally leads to antagonism and festering resentment. Avoiding. Attempts to avoid or smooth over conflict situations. Generally unproductive. Accommodating. Involves acceding completely to the other party’s wishes or at least cooperating with little or no attention to one’s own interests. Compromising. Involves an attempt to find a satisfactory middle ground (“split the difference”) Collaborating. This problem-solving style is mutually beneficial. Requires trust, open sharing of informatiQn, ADAuCTEALVE Ne decoy, Nedeo

صفحه 27:
Conflict-Handling ntention: Competition When quick, decisive action is vital (in emergencies); on important issues. Where unpopular actions need implementing (in cost cutting, enforcing unpopular rules, discipline). On issues vital to the organization’s welfare. When you know you're right. Against people who take advantage of noncompetitive behavior. مور وه رهظ هسب( ‎Cheb B. ODM.‏

صفحه 28:
Conflict-Handling tention: Collaboration To find an integrative solution when both sets of concerns are too important to be compromised. When your objective is to learn. To merge insights from people with different perspectives. To gain commitment by incorporating concerns into a consensus. To work through feelings that have interfered with a relationship. Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 29:
Conflict-Handling Intention: Avoidance When an issue is trivial, or more important issues are pressing. When you perceive no chance of satisfying your concerns. When potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution. To let people cool down and regain perspective. When gathering information supersedes immediate decision. When others can resolve the conflict effectively When issues seem tangential or symptomatic of other issvfeser & COU. Orgreraccd Beta sr. Daversiy ۶ ‏بط‎

صفحه 30:
Conflict-Handling ention: Accommodation When you find you’re wrong and to allow a better position to be heard. To learn, and to show your reasonableness. When issues are more important to others than to yourself and to satisfy others and maintain cooperation. To build social credits for later issues. To minimize loss when outmatched and losing. When harmony and_ stability are especially important. To allow employees to develop by learning from mistakes. holo ) 90000. ‏مسج م0‎ Petar. Daversy of Petron.

صفحه 31:
Conflict-Handling ntention: Compromise When goals are important but not worth the effort of potential disruption of more _ assertive approaches. When opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals. To achieve temporary settlements to complex issues. To arrive at expedient solutions under time pressure. As a backup when collaboration or competition is unsuccessful. Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 32:
View of Ethics in Conflict Management ° Utilitarian ° Golden Rule * Kantian/ Rights ° Enlightened Self Interest * Justice Approach Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 33:
Approaches to Conflict Resolution Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 34:
mmunication Guidelines to Buil More Productive Relationships . Be honest; say what’s on your mind now. Be open. . Be specific; provide examples. . Don’t use the words never and always. . Listen in depth; reflect and paraphrase what you hear. . Ask questions to clarify the meaning of what the other person is saying. . Focus on behavior that the other person controls. . Maintain good eye contact. . Focus on only one specific issue or behavior at a time. . Don’t interrupt. 10.Stay there. Don’t walk away mentally, emotionally, physically, or psychologically. 11.Be direct and tactful. 12.Use I statements rather than you statements (e.g., “When this happens; I feel ...” rather than “When you do this, it makes me feel COND VARWNE 13; Bo ‘t attack the other person by ridiculing, taunting, or otherwise being rude and hostile. 14.Don’t defendtyeurselihy. blaming others.aveiding,.or withdrawing.

صفحه 35:
Negotiating Negotiation: “A give-and-take decision-making process involving interdependent parties with different preferences.” ODM. Oreertzaced Dekeutor. Daversy of Petre. 6

صفحه 36:
Distributive Bargaining Negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources; a win-lose Integrative Bargaining Negotiation that seeks one or more settlements that can create a _ win-win solution. holo 00, OD. Orceizatoad Betas. Daversy of Tetra.

صفحه 37:
Distributive Versus Integrative Bargaining Bargaining Distributive Integrative Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Available resources Fixed amount of Variable amount of resources to be divided __ resources to be divided Primary motivations | win, you lose | win, you win Primary interests Opposed to each other Convergent or congruent with each other Focus of relationships Short term Long term Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 38:
Zone Party A's Party 35 ۵ Party B's, target resistance _ resistance target point point point point Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 39:
Integrative Approach: dded-Value Negotiation * Clarify interests. * Identify options. * Design alternative deal packages. * Select a deal. * Perfect the deal. Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 40:
Situational Influences on Negotiation ° Location ° Physical Setting * Time Investment and Deadlines * Audience Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 41:
Decision-Making Biases That Impede Negotiations Escalation of commitment The mythical fixed pie Anchoring and adjustments Framing negotiations Availability of information The winner’s curse Overconfidence Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 42:
Effective Negotiator Behaviours * Plan and Set Goals * Gather Information * Communicate Effectively * Make Appropriate Concessions Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Brhever, Daversay of Toker

صفحه 43:
mproving Negotiation Skills Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 44:
HE METHOD - Fisher and Ury * Separate the People from the Problem * Focus on Interests, Not Positions * Invent Options for Mutual Gain * Insist on Using Objective Criteria Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 45:
Gowe esseuid requireweds Be punctual , adverse decision could be made during your absence Be participatory , silence means consent. Be vocal and visible Have good networking , getting support from other Parties on your position Understand other issues [] decisions are made in “package deal” manner, need to judge progress of other issues under negotiation Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 46:
اب2() رین( ۳۳۵ ‎Ost‏ 1. Mediation 2. Arbitration 3. Conciliation Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 47:
Lies . Puffery . Deception . Weakening The Opponent . Strengthening One’s Own Position Information Exploitation . Nondisclosure . Change of Mind Distraction 0. Maximization Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 48:
Stroop Test red PB green brown 5۲2۷ ‏رب‎ reeset) white Fit) ‏ل‎ ‎UTS 20625 wa بر ۲۵ white (acl green green + 8 red ۳0۲۵۷۷۷ ۲ Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 49:
Stroop Test * The automatic _ processin of words interferes with the task of naming the colors. * Selecting an appropriate response involves conflict between the right and left half of the brain. * This conflict is involved in many thought processes and emotional responses. = Source: PRS AeO: ‏سوه مه مس‎ Petr.

صفحه 50:
1 Mistake:1 There is no “I” in ‘customer’ © © © You Okeke ®. ODM. Orcerezctexrd ‏خر روموت‎ Pete

صفحه 51:
Sellers Talking Time? What is the Structure of Talking in Negotiation? Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 52:
ale University (30 minute Talk) On dS wit Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 53:

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