صفحه 1:
Creative Problem Solving Buddy D. Ratner Based, in part, on: Fogler and LeBlanc, “Strategies for Creative Problem Solving,” Prentice Hall, 1995 A set of tools for:

صفحه 2:
The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People Tt) eile em OO NAM TUM aL ‏ا‎ Looe 1989 bY ‏رک‎ aE} Vd عاع اللا لاوطا - غ531 عطغ حممء؟ ممع عط عدذأاو يدوألا » ‎you're going‏ © List priorities © Think WIN/WIN » Understand -- listen, listen, listen / learn, learn, learn © Synergize -- make the whole more than the sum of the parts ‎CAN Led‏ وروت رد ‎

صفحه 3:
Effective problems solver develop a mind set of effectiveness © Physical: exercise, nutrition, stress management ® Mental: reading. Thinking © Spiritual: value clarification, meditation ® Social/Emotional: empathy, self- esteem

صفحه 4:
A Recommended Approach to Problem Solving ° Define © Generate Solutions ©» Decide a course of action » ‏غ1 غمع جرع اممرا‎ ® Evaluate

صفحه 5:
ا 4 ۱ Two wilderness hikers chanced upon a fierce grizzly bear. One of them pulled his running shoes from his pack and rapidly laced them up. His companion yelled in astonishment, “Are you crazy? You can’t outrun a bear.” His reply as he took off down the trail, “| don’t have to outrun the bear. All | have to do is outrun you.” Defining the real problem. A difficult task! ‏تلرزرتله۱‎

صفحه 6:
Investigate A Wea was installed in a chemical plant to deliver a ighly corrosive solution. After six months, the solution corroded the flowmeter and the corrosive liquid leaked on the floor. The plant 0 رای وت روا یت یا هو ک تلاوت »وا - زیر كلدت corrosion. An extensive search was carried out, both time- consuming and expensive, with no success in finding the perfect flowmeter. The real problem is preventing the flowmeter from leaking, ‏غموام عط‎ crew finally decided that the flow meter leaks at six months. ‏ععقامعه‎ it every four months.

صفحه 7:
"۱7۳۵ The Problem (a “how to”): ® Know about your subject (read, collect data, think) © Talk with others, especially experts © Expose yourself to the problem -- firsthand 2 aa your ‏ترا‎ -- are you sure you’ve got the problem? ® Should the problem really be solved? ® Gather more information © Hypothesize -- test the hypothesis °® Brainstorm -- come up with solution alternatives

صفحه 8:
Step 1. Collect and analyze information and + ® Don't jump to conclusion - Start with a open mind - Look at the big picture ©» Learn as much as you can Determine what information is missing and what information is extraneous The information should be properly organized, analyzed, and presented Communicate using drawings, sketches, and graphs Display numerical or quantitative data graphically

صفحه 9:
Problem Definition Techniques تیال ‎ote eee Ra‏ ا ات ۱ ‎nea ae CCN I Ce os‏ و ای تست تن ای ی رل ری ‎ea‏ نت ات ات یت 0 .و مقط ال ا ا ا رز یت ا ا ‎Bete es Lg‏ ل ۱ ‎Sa nL rs‏ Be RU Re eo) ‏دوم‎ 1

صفحه 10:
Step 2. Talk with people familiar with the "7۱ ۰ ‏جوا وصفاعق ععنصه‌تو متعقط مطا وصتوجمللمطه عیمقاطه عطا اعهم وصفاهوز‎ للع تاوتعصة علعق وصتطاعصدهة فصماكمعفصن امد مل نامث صعطتها صمتاهم مله 0 Cetera ent C hates Here is a problem encountered by a major hotel a number of years Seen er Mee cena RRO NO and frequently caused backups in the lobby area. ۱ tic Rawr of rooms and a significant loss of income. قط لعصمة صعصد زللقناكةء دمت هكم ة خصوء متف وستعمع طمعنره ,سمسومل عط ‎SSMS‏ ل ‎was too‏ 1 وحن انیا ۳ تفت ریت۱3 ل یت

صفحه 11:
Step 3. If at all possible, view the problem first hand Sates a NAIC eR ce LsEr) Sonnet Marne a ‏6ظا که عمهناهاعم‌عاهز‎ ound OMSL Naa ee er کر ار یلیل ‎product (PVC). The main piece of equipment was a large reactor with a‏ ‎Coralie La cia taco Ie MITA MNT cota eet tol eae Caterer‏ wae On ‏و‎ When the plant was started up, the plastic was dark, nonuniform, and way off design specifications. ل ‎ea Tae)‏ ا ا م ا ی بای ‎M COT‏ ا ل ل ۳

صفحه 12:
Step 4. Confirm all findings ©» Cross check and cross reference data, facts, and figures Challenge assumptions and assertions 300 وداءء لمعم ‎ele Colm‏ نات یازور ‎recycling their "cooking" chemicals used in the paper‏ رورا لباک تیا After two years, the process had yet to operate correctly. Courtland Construction was the supplier of the recycling equipment. Courtland presented data and information from an article in the engineering literature that they claimed proved Boxright was not operating the process correctly. ‎Rea‏ )1( صا مماغقصعمكصا عتطغ لع لالهمة غطواعلامه8 معطلا ‎hme)‏ ا ل ا ل ا 5 ‎industrial-size equipment or processes.‏

صفحه 13:
Problem Definition Techniques اعدو بتر 222/772 TECHMAMES.

صفحه 14:
۱2 Find out where the problem statement came ۹۹ Let ‏ی‎ ‎۱ ‏ین‎ ‎۱ ‏ار یر ار‎ ‏ار سر یه ره یتست‎ en ‏هر‎ ame M Ure rite Mectarste(ie te ‏مزه مماغقنغعزه ع0‎ ‏از‎ ACN Nella eae NOR ZOU Se Rr Mac CTA) ‏اک یر‎ The Case of the Dead Fish * The Situation: "Design a new waste treatment plant to reduce the ‏"وام اقتصعط 876 درم عغدوي عأكامة‎ © Who Posed the Problem? (company upper management's) رت رس ‎Ce net ae eure ee‏ ۱ (ووع6م علالأد وعم ملعل ما عأموبنا لإمهم مرمع) ‎ks‏ ل ‎(company has decided to treat the symptoms)‏ ‎Has sufficient data been collected? _‏ © ونه وا كعنم ! مبياه كأط 165و علطا كعع مومع أناه) ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
Style 2__ Exploring the Problem Exploring the Problem Identify All Available Information Recall or Learn Pertinent Theories and Fundamentals Collect Missing Information Solve a Simplified Version of the Problem to Obtain a "Ballpark" Answer ‎and Visualize What Could Be Wrong with the Current‏ ی ‎Situation‏ ‎Brainstorm to Guess the Answer Recall Past or Related Problems and Experiences ‎Describe or Sketch the Solution in a Qualitative Manner or Sketch Out a Pathway That Will Lead to the Solution ‎Collect More Data and Information ‎After Using Some or All of the Activities Above, Write a Concise Statement Defining the Real Problem

صفحه 16:
The Case of the Dead Fish طواع مدهط عطع ‎٠» Otte‏ © Our engineer initiates his own investigation » |dentify Available Information - toxic discharge, river level low, large number of dead fish_Learn Fundamentals - call biologist about what could kill fish Missing Information - a fungus in nearby lakes could kill fish, temperature was ‏ات‎ high, fish dead a and down the river ott - ish dying because of fungus not discharge More Information - an examination of the fish concluded that any did die of a fungus not the discharge Define the Problem - Identify ways to cure infected fish and prevent healthy fish from being infected

صفحه 17:
Style 3 Present State/Desired State "You can't get there from here" Present State/Desired State - help us verbalize where we are and where we want to go. Present State statement should match the ‏ری ی کر تست یت رت رت رات ار یت ات۱9‎ Ay solutions to problems that are not in the Present State The Situation: "During WWI, a number of aircraft were shot down over Germany. Many of the planes that made it back safely to base were riddled with bullet and projectile holes. Present State Desired State -Many bullets penetrating aircraft Desired state -Fewer planes shot down Present State- Many bullets penetrating aircraft Desired State -Fewer bullet holes

صفحه 18:
Style 4 -The Duncker Diagram The Duncker Diagram The Duncker Diagram points out ways to solve the problem by making it OK not to reach the desired state. There are two General Solutions: 1. Solutions that move from the present state to the desired ‏لت‎ 2. Solutions that modify the desired state until it conforms to the present state Functions Solutions are possible Ae to the desired state Specific Solutions implement the functional solutions 9 ‏ره ا‎ Solutions - What to do. Specific Solutions - How 0 00 6:

صفحه 19:
Duncker Diagram ‏ی إمنسة بصعت ] مين ماقي‎ State Possible Paths to the Desired Stato Possible Paths to Make Prasanl Slate OK ERE ERP Solutions to Implement Solutions ‏ها‎ implement Paths ‏السب ما‎ 7 Maka Present State OK

صفحه 20:
Kindergarten Co Teaching Is becoming increasingly more difficult Quit Teaching Make it OK NOT to quit a ۱ Finda Retire More Leisure Lower Stress New Job Time Level CSpecific Solutions) 1 | 1 1 ۳ ۲" ۳ 1 Office Substitute Teach Teach Teacha Ghango Stronger manager teach every hall’ different schools sayin other term days ~ grade choosing Gob share) teaching material © The real problem was how to lower her stress at her workplace

صفحه 21:
To Market to Market ‎Cereal not getting to market fast‏ موی ‎‘enough to maintain freshness‏ —— ‎CGShSaSolatiom) Getcereat to market Make it OK for cereal NOT Seat oe faster to get to market faster ‏سس گس وود مومس ‎Build Moro improve Stop Make Corsat Comnce‏ ‎Pinnts Closer Transporation Making Stay Fresher Customers‏ ‎Te Market System Cereal Longer That Siightty Stale Cereal ts ‎1 ‘Good For You ‎CSpocitic Sontions) ‏کت‎ ‎Hire faster Donet Ghanerjets ‏توا .موه‎ tucksand woay to daliver, chemical tghterand Tormor race About productto foslowdewn more impor. cardrvers speed ‘locations the spotling meable to ‏مج ایا ما‎ reaction ‏فد اد‎ ‏فال امام ام مهو ‎

صفحه 22:
# 4 Statement-Restatement © “A problem well-stated is a problem half solved" Similar to Present State/Desired State Restating the problem is important to inject ideas Finat Prooiem Statement

صفحه 23:
Problem Statement Triggers °© Vary the stress pattern-try placing emphasis on different words and phrases. Choose a term that has an explicit definition and substitute the explicit definition in each place that the term appears. » Make an opposite statement, change positives to negatives, and vice versa. ° Change "every" to "some," "always" to "sometimes," "sometimes" to "never," and vice versa. © Replace "persuasive words" in the problem statement such as "obviously," "clearly," and "certainly" with the argument it is supposed to be replacing. ©» Express words in the form of an equation or picture, and ۷۱6 ۰

صفحه 24:
Style 5 - The Kepner-Tregoe (K.T.) method The Kepner-Tregoe (K.T.) method ‎ace aa‏ رز وا ‏(رعوعو۲ن) وطنطهز؟ ۰ ‎ame ce aoa ec)‏ ت۱۳ قر ی نت کرت را ‎Cell‏ ‎High (H); Medium (M); Low (L) NE as) Oe ee Nees Td ‎Problem analysis (PA); ۱ ‏را ارت‎ )04(: Potential Problem analysis (PPA) ‏:دهع 147 عرمع. ‎Ed‏ یت 00 دع اكأناوم ادال رت ‎WS Te Cuter ‎0 ‏7لع اناما دوين وطلانا ‎0 ‏#أمغ مومحم غذ كقننا بإطلانا ‎Why is it unimportant? ‏ل ‎ ‎

صفحه 25:
Key Tricks in Creative Problem Solving Key Tricks in Creative Problem Solving ۱ tes suk renee neu) 000 Explore alternatives Cary - matrix 0 ‏ل‎ Ae CERT rete) Ue Rel cg feed re eae Rech eestor ‏ار یرت‎ Coxe lm Maat Lel eo eas) ۱ meee ian) ‏"نامل لماع أباع8‎ 5 0 Use these tools in any order 0 Does it solve the problem? Handling criticism 2121 CN eRe eel)

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