کسب و کارمدیریت و رهبری

Decision-Making Processes

صفحه 1:
Once Gevea (eran Danie (Processes

صفحه 2:
A rie Vaz 0۹ 9 21 020-07 9 Dergers/ 6۱ 9 200 0205 ‏عم‎ ۳ AE]

صفحه 3:
۱٩(ز ‏مر مر‎ ٩ ‏یاک مب‎ nies (0 Orc ot accel casks ‏لا‎ eed “Ovpre ‏ار‎ Ete =r Pace Ooo reais esac ‏ی را‎ ani about Sexes) EAU racer ciea “Requires ۲۲717 ۲2 ۱771777727

صفحه 4:
٩ ۷ (Variance emi] @Provess “Required «2 ‏دص‎ beled ‏ل‎ be ‏ل ل‎ SEANCES SL ALE LASSI ‏مت‎ O(N ed ceed a ea Re) XC ess! ‏>كصاادصص ابخاعورروم برط‎ ۱ ‏ا‎ ake Prat eny

صفحه 5:
للا ل ‎۱۹۱/۹0٩۱2۹2۹‏ ‏20006 ‎٩‏ ۱ 2 ات ا نز ‎Giepe‏

صفحه 6:
Grow ‏را(‎ ‏5ن‎ care RODincr er cane Reranch Dene ctced bel essere ‏رک کتک ا رت‎ ۲ ‏ما اراک رس مر‎ ‏الا مسر روا موم‎ 1 exc ach @ lat Nn Paci cact ‏یرو‎ Oss Oot (Otay) Or aed 5

صفحه 7:
۱ ‏کر‎ in the C 2 اسر( information is Hold joint discussion duct a simpli limited and interpret goals local search Managers have and problems many constraint Use established Share opinions procedures if appropriate Establish problem Managers have priorities Create a solution diverse goals ifneeded opinions, values, Obtain social support experience for problem, solution ‘Adopt the first alternative that is acceptable to the coalition

صفحه 8:
لاک لب رس ما٩‏ 2 4۳ اسر( 036770 ‏روط و‎ ee eee kaa Rea « ‏م0‎ ‏ماع و(‎ meray Cran si he kad ON eed ce ene 0 0 ee ie ena 0

صفحه 9:
7 از رد۱ ار را مس( ما بت رم رم ۹ PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION PROBLEM SOLUTION When problem solution is problem identification is uncertain, Uncertain, applies applies Political and social process is Incremental, trial-and-error Needed Process Is needed Build coalition, seek agreement, Solve big problems in little steps And resolve conflict about goals And problem priorities Recycle and try again when blocked

صفحه 10:
(0 ‏ا‎ 2 (eine Oevisiog Oodels Certain Individual: Individual: Rational Approach Bargaining, Coalition Computation Formation Organization: Carnegie Mot Individual: @ individual Judgment Bargaining and Judgment Trial-and-error Inspiration and Imitation Organization Organization: ie and Incremental Incremental Deci Process Model Uncertain

صفحه 11:
A ne ee eae a 6 ‏مرا‎ ‏0ن‎ 0 رس رز عند اك ‎ONC‏

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