صفحه 1:
a & 9 5 ‏م‎ ‏سب‎ ‏ی‎ ‏م‎ ‎8 ‎5 ‎nN ‏دب‎ ‎= ‎= ‎ov ‏بسا‎ ‏اج‎ الا

صفحه 2:
Definition of a Short Story TelCsabout asingleevent or experience Fictional (not true) 500t015,000wordsin Cength Ithasa beginning, middle, andend Createsanimpressionon thereader ۱7

صفحه 3:
Elements of a Short Story MSetting 01 عه 1مك ا 1 لا 1 لا لا 011 أله ]0 لا لا BH Point of view واااو

صفحه 4:
Short Story Vocabulary Setting:Te((s the reader whereand when thestory takesplace. ۵ هه =_ = ‎a=‏ ‏= ‏>-—_ ‏= ‎a‏ ‏هه 5 = = = ك5 = = - = == = = = = = ۱ =

صفحه 5:
Short Story Vocabulary Characterization: Creation ofimaginary people whoappear tobereal tothereader. Thewriter givesinformation about thecharactersin thestory. VOODOO DODO DODO OD ONDOO0OS

صفحه 6:
Short Story Vocabulary Plot: A series of events through whichthewriter reveals whatis happening, to whom, andwhy. ۵ == == = ‎a=‏ ‏= ‏>-—_ ‏= ‏= ‏هه 5 = = = هه ۵ = = - = = = = = ”7 ك5 2 =

صفحه 7:
Short Story Vocabulary Conflict:Isa problemin the story that needs to beresolved. = = =_ = = هه = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = > = و 2 =

صفحه 8:
Short Story Vocabulary BE Climax: When the action comes toits highest point of conflict. 8 = = = = = = = ‎a‏ ‏هه 5 = = = هه ۵ = 5 = = = = = > ”7 2 = =

صفحه 9:
Short Story Vocabulary E Resolution: The story’sactionafter theclimaxuntil theendof thestory. The “conclusion” of thestory. 77777777۵

صفحه 10:
Short Story Vocabulary E Theme: The story's mainideas. The “message” the writer intends to communicate by telling thestory. VOOOOODO CODD DOO OOOO OONOS

صفحه 11:
١ ا Short Story Vocabulary E Point of view:The position of the narrator of the storyandwhat the writer sees from that vantage point. ا 1117 ار ۱۳ 1 000000009099000 /

صفحه 12:
Elements of a Short Story MSetting 01 عه 1مك ا 1 لا 1 لا لا 011 أله ]0 لا لا BH Point of view واااو

صفحه 13:
0 Story Great writersareabletousethe eCements of the short story with suchprecision that the reader is caught upin the action of the story. Thisisamarkofa good storyandour goal asawriter. VOdDOO NOOO ODD ODDO D0NNGO

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