صفحه 1:
Outline ٠ Definitions of Research/Evaluation * Purposes of Evaluation / Research * Science and Scientific Management * Research/Evaluation as Process * Types of Research / Evaluation

صفحه 2:
Definitions * Evaluation = Process of judging the merit or worth of something * Research - application of scientific methods to answer questions - controlled inquiry directed at increasing knowledge/establishing truth * Evaluation Research - combine the two

صفحه 3:
Research Evalu 7 Evaluation Research

صفحه 4:
Why Evaluate - the Academic list ۰ To assess merits of alternative programs ¢ To discover whether & how well objectives are being fulfilled ¢ To determine the reasons for successes & failures. ¢ To uncover the principles underlying a successful program. ¢ To refine, revise, update or track a program

صفحه 5:
Why Evaluate- "The Real List" 1. Because we are required to 2. To make better decisions. 3. To learn from experience 4. To justify programs 5. To kill programs

صفحه 6:
Purposes of Research « Answer management questions - applied research ٠ For sake of knowing - pure or basic research « Answer research questions - methodological * Develop/test management alternatives - developmental research ۰ Assess worth or merit of programs - evaluation research

صفحه 7:
Research Purposes - II * Exploratory * Descriptive ¢ Explanatory * Predictive

صفحه 8:
Ways of Knowing or Establishing belief or truth ۰ Tradition ٠ Authority * Repetition/ Tenacity * Science

صفحه 9:
Science Method of Inquiry logical - induction - deduction self-corrective empirical * Body of Knowledge * systematic * abstract * general * parsimonious

صفحه 10:
Scientific Management * Application of scientific principles to management and decision making - systematic information gathering - empirical, objective, self-corrective

صفحه 11:
Process -- Steps Evaluation * describe program * evaluation criteria * program scoping * evaluation methods * gather data/analysis * conclusions Research * define problem * objectives/ hypotheses ٠ literature review * research methods * gather data/analysis * conclusions

صفحه 12:
Types of Evaluation by Program Stage * formative (conceptualization/design)] * process (implementation) * summative (outcomes, impacts, efficiency)

صفحه 13:
Types - By Approach ¢ Standards - norm-based - criterion-referenced * Goals and objectives * Impacts or effects

صفحه 14:
Types- by method * Qualitative - quantitative * Secondary data - Primary * Survey - Experiment ¢ Internal vs external ¢ Who - Peers, participants, superiors, subordinates, scientists

صفحه 15:
Evaluation Criteria ¢ Effort - qnty and qlty of inputs * Performance - qnty and qlty of outputs * Adequacy - meet needs? ¢ Efficiency - benefits/costs ٠ Equity - distributional issues, fairness

صفحه 16:
Process Evaluation * Identifies how and why program works - attributes - recipients - conditions - effects * single or multiple * intended or side effects * timing & duration, long/short term * cognitive, affective or behavioral

صفحه 17:
Types by program area/subarea * Emphasis: Parks, Tourism, Interp, Program Mgmt, Commercial Rec, ... * Program : lands, facilities, personnel, budget, marketing, PR, maintenance, design, policies, plans

صفحه 18:
Types of Research * Basic - Applied * Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory, Predictive ¢ In-house / out- house © by discipline - sociological, psych, economics s by topic - boating, wilderness, legal, tourism, ... ۰ by method - survey, expmt, ...

صفحه 19:
Examples of Evaluation Studies * Community needs assessment * Feasibility study, SWOT analysis * Program Audits, Market audit * Cost/benefit anaysis ¢ Impact assessment ٠ PPBS, MBO, GPRA, CAPRA, LAC, ... * Peer review * Importance-performance analysis

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