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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “ICT INDUSTRY OUTLOOK AND SKILLS REQUIREMENTS”



اسلاید 2: OUTLINEKnowledge Economy/SocietyICT SituationerSkills Needed in the Future WorkplaceNISSPChallenges Ahead

اسلاید 3: Knowledge Economy-economy in which knowledge is created acquired transmitted and used more effectively by individuals enterprises organizations and communities to promote economic and social development-relies on use of ideas than physical abilities and application of technology rather than the transformation of raw materials or the exploitation of cheap labor

اسلاید 4: Knowledge SocietyDescribes how “knowledge-on-tap will transform societies into smart communities largely through the impact of the ICTT convergence

اسلاید 5: Knowledge WorkersTechnical skills include literacy, foreign language mathematics science problem solving and analytical skillsInterpersonal skills include teamwork leadership and communication skillsMethodological skills include the ability to learn on one’s own, to pursue lifelong learbing and to cope with risk and change

اسلاید 6: ICT SituationerCountries with faster growing IT sectors have faster growing economiesIT sector growth is driven by spending on software and IT servicesIT sector contributes more to an economy where there is strong IPR protection

اسلاید 7: Opportunities for BPO Phils is an important offshore playerPhils has a different starting point Cultural affinity to the West positions RP well to work with and conduct business with US outsourcers

اسلاید 8:

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اسلاید 13: Technical Skills NeededFor banks-Mainframe COBOL, Java or Visual Basic. Micro progarmming aand SQLFor retail-Chowking,Novartis healthcare retail etcTelco-Database mgt (SQL, Access,Oracle, Sybase)business recovery and systems admin

اسلاید 14: ICT in EducationIncreases access to improving the relevance and quality of educationHelps prepare individuals for the workplaceHelps improve the quality of educationIncreases learner motivation and engagementFacilitates the acquisition of basic skillsEnhances teacher trainingTransforms the learning environment into one that is learner-centered

اسلاید 15: Skills Needed in the Workplace of the FutureDigital Age LiteracyInventive ThinkingHigher-order thinkingEffective communicationHigh productivity

اسلاید 16: Digital Age LiteracyFunctional LiteracyScientific LiteracyTechnological LiteracyInformation LiteracyCultural LiteracyGlobal Awareness

اسلاید 17: Intensive ThinkingAdaptabilityCuriosityCreativityRisk-taking

اسلاید 18: Effective CommunicationTeamingCollaborationPersonal and Social Interactive Communication

اسلاید 19: ICCT NSSP Summary

اسلاید 20: ICT Enabled Businesses &B2BEnhanced capacity-EnablingDemand for products & servicesICT CompaniesICT UsersG2CB2C&C2CDemand for productsProductivityEnhanced capacity-personalDemand for products & services Industry Overview

اسلاید 21: Purpose of the PlanA planning tool and source of advice on industry trends, training needs and objectivesBlueprint that will guide the industry’s skill development and training priorities for the planning period.A decision-making framework for both government and the private sector in determining their best approach for tapping the ICT manpower resource of this country

اسلاید 22: Structure of the PlanIntroductionIndustry OverviewThe key issues and directions identified by the industryThe action agenda aimed at achieving a stronger match between industry demand and education and training supplyA strategic plan for 2004-2005 with key result areas, strategies and performance measures

اسلاید 23: The plan identifies areas for improvements in the current policy and practice managing education and training to ensure that standards are implemented accordingly, continually updated and benefiting the graduates and the hiring companies as well.

اسلاید 24: Process of DevelopmentThe IWG Executive Committee spearheaded the preparation of NSSP: Developed using:Reports and information currently and readily available including :ITECC Strategic plan 20032002 Survey of Information and Communication Technology of the Philippine Business and Industry (SCIT), National Statistics Office, 2002The State of Philippines IT Manpower, The

اسلاید 25:   Industry consultations:   - Five Consultation workshops in Manila, Davao, Cebu and Legaspi - IWG and its subcommittees - Drafts presented to various ICT stakeholders and industry leaders / influencers - Revised continuously to reflect the various inputs

اسلاید 26: Summary of NSSPThe ICT industry identified as a key sector to lead the economic development.A competent ICT workforce — key requirement for economic prosperity.Deep concern within the industry that the overall supply side does not match industry demand.

اسلاید 27: Issues Identified

اسلاید 28: Issues Identified

اسلاید 29: 1. Define industry skill needs4. Deliver and disseminate use of standards3. Develop TVET ProcessesServices2. Develop TVET ProductsThe National Skill Plan Framework

اسلاید 30: KRA 1: Identification of Industry skills needs (Define needs) Goal - To identify and document the industry’s skill needs so that appropriate resources may be allocated for training and assessment.

اسلاید 31: KRA 2: Development of TVET Products (Develop Products) Goal - To assure the availability of sufficient high quality products so that industry skill development needs can be met.

اسلاید 32: KRA 3: Development of TVET Services (Develop Services) Goal - To ensure the availability of efficient and effective training and assessment processes which are compliant with industry standards and priorities.

اسلاید 33: KRA 4: Promotion of Industry Recognized Training (Deliver/Disseminate Outputs) Goal - To develop an industry training/learning culture based on a commitment to meeting industry training priorities and standards.

اسلاید 34: TESDA Priorities for 2003 - 2004 The Director General’s priorities call for the “full implementation of the competency-based TVET system over the next two years” as “both a statement of expectation and a vision of the future.” The ICT Plan developed by the industry is a blue print for the implementation of the competency based TVET system for the ICT sector.

اسلاید 35: Scope of ICT functions includes Systems AnalysisProject ManagementSoftware DevelopmentTechnical EngineeringInformation Systems and Security AdministrationTechnical SupportTraining and DevelopmentICT applications/use

اسلاید 36: Framework for ICT Functions and Occupations

اسلاید 37:

اسلاید 38:

اسلاید 39: Industry Makeup and OutlookInvestmentsIT spending in the Philippines for 2002 and 2003 period was US$961 million and US$1,079 million respectively, estimates for 2004 is US$1,236 million.IT spending is expected to grow however the majority of spending is expected to be in hardware and software. The human resource requirements are expected to be largely satisfied by skill upgrading of the existing workforce.

اسلاید 40: National Industry and Government PrioritiesThe national government views the ICT industry as a major economic resource. The government’s thrust is in promoting the country as an e-services center for Asia.There are 5 areas identified by ITECC requiring world class competence from Filipino workers. These are: 1.      Call Center.2.      Business Process Outsourcing.3.      Animation.4.      Software Development.5.      Medical Transcription.

اسلاید 41: The ITECC/Government objective is to create an ePhilippines through the following strategies: ·         Develop an IT Enabled Workforce. ·         Provide Government Services to Stakeholders Online. ·         Provide affordable internet access to all segments of the population ·         Create an enabling legal and regulatory environment. ·         Develop the country as a World Class ICT Services Provider.

اسلاید 42: Distribution of the ICT Industry and WorkforceWorkforce-Total IT manpower employed in the Philippines at 2002 estimated at 567,802. -Projected IT job openings of 34,976 in 2004.-The majority of the IT workforce is found in ICT Enabled Businesses. -The general business sector accounts for 29.1% of the IT workforce and the Education 19.5%.

اسلاید 43: II.Geographic -The majority of ICT work is in Metro Manila. Cebu City is also a location of significant ICT employment, as is Davao City. -In addition to these cities, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has identified other regional IT Hubs namely Cagayan De Oro, Demaguette, Clark and Subic. -The ICT Companies such as software development houses, Telecom carriers, IT vendors and IT consultancies are mainly located in Metro Manila.

اسلاید 44: Biggest Users of ICT -Telecommunication Sector -Banks and Financial Services -Education -Individuals -Government

اسلاید 45: Much of the ICT Systems development and administration work for national organizations is based in Manila, while ICT operations is the focus of work in the cities, provinces and regions, as well as Manila

اسلاید 46: Growth in ICT JobsThe occupations with the highest growth potential are:Ø      Software DeveloperØ      EncoderØ      Systems Analyst, and Ø      Information Systems and Security Administrator.

اسلاید 47:

اسلاید 48: Implications for ICT Education and Training

اسلاید 49: Summary of Skills Required by the ICT industryEntry Level Use Word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and reporting functionsSpecial ICT use Call center agents, medical transcriptors and data encodersICT Technical EngineeringSoftware Development/ProgrammingAnalyticalManagementEnglish Language ProficiencyCommunicationsEntrepreneurialGeneral Business Application/Orientation

اسلاید 50: Matching Supply and Demand-Quantity-Major oversupply of ICT programs and graduates, far more than what the local industry needs and can absorb. -There are more and more students enrolling in the IT mainly because of the notion that there are job opportunities in the labor market today. -In many regions it is estimated that about 80% of TVET enrolments are in ICT.

اسلاید 51: Some major national IT schools design programs and content determined by their marketing departments rather than being based on an accurate assessment of the job and skill needs of the ICT industry in the local area.

اسلاید 52: TESDA’s Registration Procedures do not require training providers to give evidence of local industry demand and support for programs submitted for registration.

اسلاید 53: Providers need to work with their local ICT industry to determine local job opportunities and skill requirements and factor this information into their program planning and provision.

اسلاید 54: Matching Supply and Demand-QualityThe low absorption level of graduates into the employment mainstream is an indication that the country’s education and training system is not producing the kind of workers needed by industry. Philippines has among the lowest level of IT skills compared to neighboring countriesIT skills are not aligned with the global IT services marketMany IT schools hire their fresh graduates to teach the next batch of students. Such teachers lack understanding and application of industry standards and recycle rather than add to the skills of the faculty and the quality of the programs.Some companies have blacklisted several schools due to consistently poor quality of the graduates.

اسلاید 55: Status of TVETFor IT specialist positions, employers give preference to graduates of four-year courses rather than graduates of TVET courses. There are several reasons for this situation including an abundance of IT college graduates for employers to choose from, company recruitment policies, and the low status of TVET in the eyes of parents, students and employers. Many ICT technician, middle management and service functions should be serviced by TVET level programs rather than degree programs.

اسلاید 56: Information on Industry Skills and Training Provision- Very little

اسلاید 57: Specifying Industry Skill RequirementsLimited information available on positions or skills that are most in demand either by the ICT industry.ICT courses for students do not translate directly to job positionsEducation and training system needs “industry agreed” information on the Industry’s competency requirements and priorities

اسلاید 58: Assessment and CertificationThe JITSE standard has been recognized by the Philippine government as a national standard for ICT industry and is seen as having potential to be used as a certification tool for a wide range of ICT programs.TESDA has discontinued its assessment and certification program due to concerns over the quality and relevance of these assessments and the fact that there was already a range of industry recognized certification programs in placeWide variation in standard of industryGraduates seeks an appropriate assessment and certification process to measure skills of graduates

اسلاید 59: Curricula and ProgramsTVET traditional standard two-year curricula too academic and inflexible. More short skill upgrading courses and IT should be integrated into other courses.Program Registration processes should ensure programs are kept up to date and outdated and inaccurate curriculum content is removed.

اسلاید 60: Program Registration and Quality Assurance Industry believes the TVET training sector operates without adequate regulation All ICT programs submitted to TESDA Provincial Offices result in program registration being issued. TESDA’s use of industry representatives in the review and registration process has been limited and inconsistent. TESDA’s procedures should require providers to give evidence of industry research and support for the programs being submitted for registration. The ICT IWG seeks a stronger and consistent involvement of industry in the assessment of programs for registration.

اسلاید 61: Competency-Based Training and Assessment Applied to ICTThe Director General has called for the full implementation of the competency-based TVET

اسلاید 62: Competency StandardsThe ICT industry is a global industry and as such the standards for the Philippines ICT industry need to be consistent with recognized international standards. The adoption or adaptation of existing appropriate standards has been embraced by the industry as the primary strategy for standards development.

اسلاید 63: Priorities for Competency Standards Development The National IWG has developed a set of criteria to assist in the selection of sub sectors and functions for standards developmentGovernment and Industry priorities identified by ITECCRelative employment size of the hub sector/functionCourse areas currently offered by TVET education and training providersStandards development work already in progress

اسلاید 64: The functions identified for standards development during 2004 are: AnimationSoftware developmentLegal transcriptionEngineering/Architectural Drafting/DetailingIT Systems Administration including networking, database, applications etc.User/office/personal applicationsTelecommunicationsComputer repair and maintenance

اسلاید 65: Scope of Standards and Qualification DevelopmentThe industry wishes to address the issue of consistency in the titles of ICT qualifications and programs; employers and students need clear and consistent terminology to describe to competencies held by individuals.

اسلاید 66: Reasons for poor quality of ICT TrainingCourses not being on the real needs of industryLimited technical expertise of teachersInadequate quality assurance and regulatory arrangements

اسلاید 67: ChallengesTeacher professional developmentSkills with particular applicationIntegration into existing curriculaCurricular changes related to the use of ITChanges in teacher roleUnderpinning educational theories

اسلاید 68: ChallengesEducation administratorsTechnical Support specialistsContent developersImplementation of the NISSPFormation of the ICT PMODesignation of Associations to take care of Accreditation Qualification and Certification

اسلاید 69: Our role as leaders….“Leaders are designers, stewards and teachers. They are responsible for building organizations where people continually expand their capacities to understand complexity clarify vision and improve shared mental models-that is they are responsible for learning.”Peter Senge

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