صفحه 1:
۱ Duta © ‏:قاس‎ ‎Oh & it so + reseed by ‏مورا‎ T. Ovss EL 06 0 6 ۳ 09۷/۶, , 09 © Coprakt OOOO, Larexa T. Doss, Debad Poor, “ker.

صفحه 2:
Larissa T. Moss Method FocusTnc.+ www .methodfocus.com+ methodfocus@earthlink.net *(626) 355-8167 Ms. Mossisfounderandpresident of Method FocusInc.,a company speciaCizingin improving the quality of business information systems. Shefrequently speaksat Data Warehouse, Business IntelCigence, CRM,andInformation Quality conferencesaround the worldon the topics of information asset management, data quality, data modeling project management, andorganizational realignment. SheCecturesworldwide on the-BI topics of spiral development methodology, data modeling data audit andcontrof, project management, aswelCas organizational issues. Her articlesare frequently publishedin DM Review, TDWI Journal ofData ‘Warehousing Cutter IT Journal, AnaCytictdge and The Navigator. She co- authored the books: Data Warehouse Project Management, Addison Wesley 2000, Impossi6leData Warehouse Situations Addison Wesley 2002, and Business IntelLigence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision Support Applications Addison Wesley 2003. Ms. Mossisa member of theIBM GoldGroup,a Friendof Teradata,a senior consultant at theCut ter Consortiumanda contributing member of Ask The Expertson www .dmreview.com. Shefasbeen a (ecturer at DCI TDWI, MISTIandat the Extension of the California Polytechnic ‘University, Pomona .Shecan be reachedat (moss@met hodfocus.com. © Cop rnft ODO, Leesa T. Does, Detod Pome, “ac.

صفحه 3:
@resectatiod Oulice ° Oko do we wed by dota quelip? ‏مه بل ربو6‎ © Wow we ‏وله جر‎ it today? act Pevive tevharby soho ۰ Oko do we howe to chore? ‏عديسفيواننه یسیون‎ ° Wow do we chop? 09 ‏سسب [كائهع سبد‎ ‎Pome, ‘har. 9‏ بل ۰ ما ,9069 مرول 6 ‎

صفحه 4:
ای ح )۰ سح ع )۰ اوه و وو()) * ٠ Outs is ‏عواموست‎ © Data is ioteyruted * Osta values Polow the bustcess rules * Oota vorrespouds tv established dowd ۰ Ont ts wel dePiced ood understood © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her.

صفحه 5:
Gyxopiows ‏الوم خن‎ dota * Op pour proqravs obec wi dota exceptions? ° Ore pou were vodhused ubout weaciay oP data? * 4s sowe DP pour date is tov stoke Por reporticc? ۰ Is pour dota being shored? Is it sharuble? ° Ore reports wowwistent? ۰ ‏و()‎ it take pour TT stoPP or the eo users kours ‏صا‎ ‎recounts tosvesisieat reports? * Opes werriey dato ped couse the syste to Pal? * Op beepers w of P ot cight? 7 © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her.

صفحه 6:
Oiny dota ‏ابص‎ © Deen (dePoull) okies ۰ ‏رود ماو‎ votes . © Deer cher not just * Oulepurpose Pickle ۲8 ‏ی‎ data entry + Cree fore kev ‏صا‎ errors * Ovatireadiotey voles ۰ Oiptaica oF busicess rules ۰ ‏موق‎ priwary key 8 Oocrusique privary key © Osstay dota ‏ماو‎ * Ceappropriae dota ‏روا‎ 6 ‏لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن‎ Pome, ‘Ia.

صفحه 7:
Overy (dePod) voor A ۶ DePouls Por woedatory Pies SSN 999-99-9 Age 999 Zip 99999 Income 9,999,999.99 2070956120232 ‏ی مد وا رو‎ profes ۴ ‏ره ار‎ 4 هجو لعج ۲ مورا 305 ملسون 9

صفحه 8:
“4 ۷ ” ۱ ۱ A ۶ DePauls wi ‏یی‎ SSN 888-88-8888 <X_ Ooererbuceu Income 999,999.99 <X ‏سوه‎ Age 000 <i Onrpg newer Source Code FFX ‏اج تسد سوه‎ 0 بت ‏ قت حی ‎ae oe‏ اس ور 9 هجو لعج ۲ مورا 305 ملسون 9

صفحه 9:
Oisstay Odes ° Opentivcd systews do ut days require inPorwotivod or dewoyraphic dott Gender Ethnicity 9 Age Income Referring Source j 7 Gee. ‏صا تتامو‎ code worketoy cocacks © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her.

صفحه 10:
۳ و یمن( © OG Pek! exphoty hos DPOY weave » Obick busicess vei euters the dota » Ot udtsat teve to history it was otered » OD uahue ta poe or wore other ‏جلاعا‎ ‎Appraisal Amount 0 25 redefines = 25 attributes ! Advertised Amo 7 Ons = = aw ‏ای از‎ Not mutually exclusive ! Only the value of one Sold Date is known for each record ! Loan Type Code redePed us... } ‏وود‎ WG erably to idee product ‏رام‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 0

صفحه 11:
Crppic udues ((1) © OR tec Pou it “(itched Gio” Pies » Osrxrily oor byte (iP oot oo bit) » Ish over (B, B, O, 4, ©, 9, ...) > Oocrnteliqest, csrictulive poder » Oto ‏سيج اه‎ exchusive [ ‏موز‎ mere el wm wnt br ‏مسد‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ad

صفحه 12:
عي ۱ Master Cd {AB CDEFGH I} tA, B,C} ‏سعد سد گک>‎ {D, E, FB <& ‏مرهج‎ ‎{G HI} XX ‏صمسود یمه‎ Ned a CODE TRANSLATION Liat ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 6‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎

صفحه 13:
* Dustrurtured text » aw disvercoble potera » pect be parsed address-line-1: ROSENTHAL, LEVITZ, A address-line-2: | TTORNEYS address-line-3: 10 MARKET, SAN FRANC address-line-4: ISCO, CA 95111 وسح ملحب وممصم دا ‎i DRESS. Aecblay‏ 6 112 جم" لحماه 0 ,0 ۲ مورا ,9003 ناسون 6

صفحه 14:
Coctradiniiag values ۶ ‏ون‎ to coe Piel one topvosistedt wi values fe carter ‏لا لاه‎ 1488 Flatbush Avenue New York, NY 75261 CX exw Ly Type of real property: Single Family Residence Number of rental units: ‏سیک تاه‎ EISEN, ‏سا اه لیات‎ heer © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. OF

صفحه 15:
Otkiion oP bustess rues A * @usitess Rule? Odustuble Rute Oortqayes wust hove » ‏موه(‎ Ieterest Rute ( Crile) » ‏منم‎ Ioterest Rute ( Poor) * Ousicess Rule: @ Orthay is thas higher thoa a Plo ceiling-interest-rate: 8.25 floor-interest-rate: ‏و‎ } ‏جوا ]نوتیز‎ ey to ‏لت‎ proce proPacbiny © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 6

صفحه 16:
‎A‏ جوا روم تهج ‎° bith history, Poy, stoned io pperciosral Pies ‎« primary hes ure vusiowarily re-used » way kee ‏مه ما محص ”ال د‎ ‎January ‘94: branch 501 = San Francisco Main region 1 area SW ‎August ‘97: branch 501 = San Luis Obispo region 2 area SW ‎۳ | ‏© هجو لعج ۲ مورا 305 ملسون 9 ‎

صفحه 17:
Oowrudique privary heps ‏ای متام ).و‎ « ‏ای موه تال‎ Customer Name Phone Number Cust. Nui Philip K. Sherman 818.357.5166 960601 Philip K. Sherman 818.357.7711 960105 Philip K. Sherman 818.357.8911 960003 >» Duliple ewpbyer ‏ای‎ ‎Employee Name Department Empl. Number July 1995: Bob Smith 213 (HR) 21304762 January 1996: Bob Smith 432 (SRV) 43218221 August 1999: Bob Smith 206 (MKT) 20684762 DIES WEES. —tecblay to code ewploper beurPts reuds © Conrad OOOO, Leresa TP. Doss, Detod Pores, “ow. a

صفحه 18:
Oisstoy data rektiocships A ° Oats that should be related to other data igo depeudedt (pareutchid) ‏مشاه‎ اس با موه یبا ‎®rack‏ » Branch number 0765 does wit exist ta the @RBOOW table سوت سس وتو © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 6

صفحه 19:
۱ ant be » tuo eutiy types wit the sowe hey vohes Purchaser: Jackie Schmidt 837221 Seller: Robert Black 837221 © Conrad OOOO, Leresa TP. Doss, Detod Pores, “ow. 6

صفحه 20:
Ikppact oP enoveves data 7 ۰ ‏له از جوا مه‎ to correct dota problews ۰ ‏مج مق‎ ceeded to correct data problews ° Doe ced ‏تلاو‎ required to re-run jobs thot obec 0 Die wosted arguing pver iaoousistedt reports ° Lost busicess vpportuaties due to ucravuituble data * Ouuble to dewousirate busicess potecticl ao bupout * ices wo be pod Por ware w place wits (pvernnved requicicas * Ghippieg products to the wrod vustiowers * Oa public relives with vustowers steeds to ‏روص وا جه مها‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏مع‎

صفحه 21:
ea Oly Bon “hapa DD end 1 Cy, Om On ver موه و سمه 5 موه و $s ogee $077,000 s9,009,00q $00,000] $ ao/eo0 ممه و موه و ‎see‏ $9,999,000 = 9 مج ‎OOK 2‏ ‎ken‏ 00 4 و « 308,070 9 اج موه ® 0 همه 03 دجم ممه 0 Pome, “ec. lo ‏مس‎ ‎0 wm suse $0.68 ‏و‎ ‏و‎ 0 ‘S000 $0.00 he "Phew (GMM bak rae) Cran cot oor لله مرجت يسا سسا اك او شم مس سوه ری شا مس رای سس هن ماس سا ,3005 باون 6

صفحه 22:
‎redueckrat dct 1‏ ی و ‎© Werkoor (ORO, disks) oad ‏یامه‎ (progres ‎wortteodure) costs ured us ores oP vorvoicted reduadaat dete ‎۰ Cntr tive itches to recoil toccusisteuries ‎*) Cxtea resources ueeded to repounle ‏وود‎ ‎* Onwise busicess devisioes wade due to ‏الیل‎ ‎ied ioovasisteat data ‎° Lost vpportuciies due to uoretable dat ‎© Overckargicy or pverpopswed Por products ‎* Duplicate shippicagy oP products ‏وی تذل لو مه لوب رو( ۰ اوه ‎© Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ee ‎

صفحه 23:
Ober Orn ‘Porwutios Oevelopwedt Ovst Badbstr ‘hap Deed Cay Tod Omer ‏سید‎ ‏أسمية | میم‎ Oa rad | ‏سفسسسين‎ | 8+ Ted | ‏عم | سفسية إستويمة | سسوية | سه‎ Ome ‏میم | تسه‎ | Ome | ‏اه‎ Gere | ‏تست‎ ‏0ك‎ ‎Gearon sheeted De ‏ممه‎ 0.00 2000 | 2000/00 Cane ei cermin pnp + ‏مود‎ 0 ‏مس ممم ميو و‎ — OF Ode Oe ardrereve eat ge + tow aon — genowo | 5 eoa0,hro aed carn ome ‏دض لم‌مموه و‎ Pedr coma ‏بين تعقه‎ ۳0 uso | seman $16,000} 000 an Polat oe ۳0۰ ۱ ‏ی‎ aed ee00oop ‏سمه .نمت‎ ‏سينا‎ 46 fe0,000,00p «00% dat arate prenpony LD” ert onan ol * Oeerane rome oferty decby aerng nd eck caer ‏رس‎ ‎0 empame ‏خدج ل‎ sou dan ‏ليق اعماج لجن‎ chew dao, err be pov ‏يي‎ cabs ese, resne peter daw rma nore) ‘hens HDD phan np lad he pend rd SED Cd vent © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 9

صفحه 24:
Oirny data — Wow did t koppeo? 7 S| é ‏بع اه‎ 8 8 S| 5/85 1 1 alr ۳ 2 ar 7 7 ‏ل‎ للملا مد ۰ 0 ۰ ‏تلم وم‎ ody doo © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. er

صفحه 25:
Wrong priority on project constraints! dadusttdl Bye: ۰ Cheuper, Poster, better ‏رای و‎ os possible © Conrad OOOO, Leresa TP. Doss, Detod Pores, “ow. es

صفحه 26:
۳ ۶ 277۶ - و رباص ‎Pie ts‏ یبا * Guero ‏نصا ها مه‎ side ood fo IP wants quotiy, but rarely ip the extea five quedo or toheo ty uchieve it. Quali odd eve oe polorized poostranis. ۰ Dke higher the quoliy the wore ePPon (tieve) i tokes to deliver. ۰ Cowpusies ure dived by shorter und shorter schedules. A= moe 72 YOu O00 © Conrad OOOO, Leresa TP. Doss, Detod Pores, “ow. ea

صفحه 27:
Cy can’t ۰ Mate ‏بوص حاصو(‎ technology * Cxstower Retaivaship Qocagesect ° Coterprise Resvurve Phocaiccy 6 ° Coterprise Opplcaiogn lotecpotica 3 ۰ ‏امیرمه() بلیوسی)‎ La et Peowe Veckwby COohioe مع ‎Pome, ‘Ia.‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6

صفحه 28:
Outs ‏هه(‎ .رف 00۵ ممصمل ع موت مدلا مره با ای و تم وگو ‎the eoiryprea‏ و مس رای عمج بو سود ] مرس مد 7 Dw recheck D deported views مسر مومس | مرو و ] ‏مك مسا‎ Deo tere COED] 7 Ace D chor reporter 1 read crafts reporieny Dee ost to chores car 0 Pewter chacs celery D racrecsed cata recherche وه مب و it sounds too good to be true, it is to good to be true. © Oaprntt ODO, Laresa T. Doss, Drtad Pome, ‘har. ee

صفحه 29:
Custower Rehtiowship Queagewedt CRO deters ... اجه مه سم سیر انیت هقی ومد ike pryonizatiocd bPetoe, oreatay cowpetiive odverctcce thous customer service excellence. The Rou: | syste O departed views 7 ‏سوه وق‎ chats او بو موم املسم 7 سس ‎Pore te too‏ [1 ] ‏رمرم‎ ones Phe Prower! 0 cet ‏مرس‎ ‎7 ‏مهل‎ que رسد 7 اه أدب -وصخاصد 1 1 ‏هه بو سم‎ D keeway pour ooxopeti اور لنوت موس 17 it sounds too good to be true, it is to good to be true. ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 9‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 30:
CGuterprise Qespurve locate ERE delivers... رت سای ماوت هط ار مهو و و موه موه و وا ام 1 ‏وس‎ The Red: 0 chet tater Days oowersion wl ores 7 ‏مرو‎ ۳ 1 Deno dey chat 0 chat quay D oper ction Pores ] ‏(جاطصجى) بلسي سدم [ صوص رصم‎ reports ‏اب ول آمسیی تا یمه ] و رو‎ 1 60 ‏اجه سا له‎ it sounds too good to be true, it is to good to be true. ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 90‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 31:
CGuterprise @pphouion ٩۱ EO delivers ... ‎rt‏ ی و با مرو ‎ob deporte‏ مهو اه توص روط ار ‏تحسم ای و ات لو ‎Te Pedy:‏ 2 سمل روف 7 | ‎beverage extoiery chats Dow re kteqroios‏ لول ‎2D sll cara‏ موسیگ لوا ‎bch‏ ‏مه ‎oP‏ جلجماطا لاد 1 مس رومججومو روم 7 ‎wrest he marred cht‏ و 7 ‎Paster chats delivery‏ ‎OO Rarer dhe arrears core‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it sounds too good to be true, it is to good to be true. ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 90‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 32:
Phe Prowise: Realy of KD: 7 ‏سس موف‎ rab Deo ‏اه کل‎ 7 ‏هم ] موه مك‎ coe RTI 11 Kistoraced cat Dee cosy 17 Pewter char delve ] ‏جم مسلاصات بوجاس ادس‎ ‏سفه ولمم 1 و وا موی‎ ] ‏مس‎ & oy meter coat ‏رو توا‎ 1[ ‏هه هه ۶و وحاص لجر‎ Odin n chert D hess re-sobieny scxre problears ‏ی مر‎ ‘it sounds too good to be true, it is to good to be true. ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 9‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 33:
Oks the ‏یط‎ You cannot keep doing what you have always done and expect the results to be different. Not even with new technology. “Dot wordt’ be ‏"لسيجا‎ ‎Operk, Grr Trek ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 59‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎

صفحه 34:
Oke do we howe to choo? . Ossess the curred state oP data qualiy of pour posepooy 8. Ocderstacd ced Pre the root causes Por data orotic ©. PerPorer dota oudiis requkedy (covethy, quarter) €. Gtop worker to isvlated “suie kices” > Gtop revreutey data S. Cearaly wacage pour dota the o bustuess usset (Coterprise IePorevation Dacageweut [(B10]) > @ssewble dota us ceeded Proc the data iweciory (euterprise dota wodel cod wweta data) > Grordandize ced recvorie date trocesPorewativas Por BVOO upphicaives (coordrated (PL steric area) ©. Gre dows project scopes ty tacorpornte data quel ood EID hve ©. Cwobed dota qualiy ced C10 untivites to of projets © Conrad ODO, Leesa P. Doss, Detod Pores, “ow. oF

صفحه 35:
...i¢ u cross-organizational discipline und ua enterprise architecture Por co tote<rated ovllertioa oF vperdivcd as well us devision support whick provide the bustuess oreremuciy easy access to their busicess data, word ull the to woke accurate business decisions. ... & wt bosiess we wud ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 56‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎ ‎

صفحه 36:
20% Data Delivery ~ Management ۱ Provide 9 Get control intuitive access over the to business | information _ Data Reengineering (Enterprise Information Management) © Oaprntt ODO, Laresa T. Doss, Drtad Pome, ‘har. 56

صفحه 37:
© Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏مو‎

صفحه 38:
Tedusindbage weet wodet 2 وج مهس سطاهسلتا ۱ ۳۵ مسب »| عد ‎Seats‏ | 25/ ,9 2 5 مس | [ ‎ol Lee = Fe‏ 0 > Gaw ad wrk ‏حر‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 56

صفحه 39:
‎Pome, ‘Ia. 59‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎

صفحه 40:
4ePorwoivd Bye: * Qeussewhle the eure ‏ووو مجامج‎ ° Qewe usets row ieciory vk proposilios © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 0

صفحه 41:
etree “RePavtoricg” Ie - Kent Beck rogvil= @pplicaiva © Oaprntt ODO, Laresa T. Doss, Drtad Pome, ‘har. 60

صفحه 42:
GoPiwore reuse vowept (C) ٠ Requreweus ooo be tested, ood koplewedted ‏و‎ sev ‏جل موسوم‎ * Goope ts very soot ‏جاطامج موی اجه‎ ° Devkowlogpy icProstructure ooo be tested ocd proves * Onte uokaves (per release) ore reliively scott * @rviett schedules ure pusier tv estwote becouse the ‏ای رو وا وود‎ ۰ ‏مجممممرج()‎ uniiviies coo be iteroively rePiced, koued, ued udapted 000: The quoliy oP the release delvercbles (ord uticvatehy the qualiy oP the opphicaives) wil be higher! © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her.

صفحه 43:
(0 enn ol Toei deg BI/DW Development Steps 1. Business Case Cross- Assessment ... = organizational 2.A Enterprise Technical Cross- Infrastructure .. organizational Data 28 Enterprise N Non-Technical Cross- Gane Infrastructure .. organizational ‘palais 3. Project Project-specific Planning .... .. Project-specific 4. Project Requirements Cross- Definition 5 organizational 5. Data Project-specific Analysis ...Cross- 6. Application organizational rototyping .. 9 Cross- 7. Meta Data Repository organizational analysis. Cross- ‏و1‎ Database organizational Design

صفحه 44:
(©) © Coexvitoent ty dats qucliy ecobedded ta the ‏ا‎ ‎۰ ‏ا‎ < principle ۰ ‏صجب وم مس مرس‎ > 6 © Oreck ho take @ corxooa kPoreioa achierkns FESOUTCES (voter prise dota come!) < policy ‏ام[‎ dowrstireu iPorordion cores to the requireweuts dePioiiza step Develo data ‏دحل جما جا ميت‎ ovate Step ‏وه دمص امه[‎ ‏لا رتم و لین‎ data wodels cad ‏ملك ی‎ ۰ ‏سا نون‎ devebpemal®TL processes 1 ‏اس مماسطط همست‎ < enforcement ‏بای ال مه رای لو تمه‎ oor ‏مجحب لعج یسوط مب رما‎ the ‏تا مر‎ os weta dott © Cop rnft ODO, Leesa T. Does, Detod Pome, “ac. CE

صفحه 45:
سوه ها ‎Base‏ ; اسر ۵9/۵۵ ‏سس‎ Ca اي © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. eS تسه

صفحه 46:
10 respowwtbiliies Orovess wodels ‏ناك‎ ‎rch ‎@ ee Discover, —_,| Coordinate, | © Outabases Integrate, 1 © Dera daa ‏ام‎ Document, | ۶ ae = Control Ovsivess weta dota 4 ‏مهن حك‎ ٠ Policy esiory ۵ AP corel ‏مره‎ ‎Procedures ‏ی یت‎ هم ‎Doss, Drtad Pome, “ler.‏ ۰ مورا ,0009 برممً

صفحه 47:
Quatre stewardship © Bvordoos oP the dota while ‏دز اذ‎ beta ‏لو‎ vr wwotctatced by thea * Create sterdacds ced procedures ty eusure thot policies cord busteess nudes ore koowe ood Poised * CoPorve udkereue ty poles ced bustcess rules tho! qoverct the data while the data is to their mustody © Periodical) wouter (cudt) tke qualiy oP the dota ‏جز‎ their mustody: * Ov ‏منم‎ os ‏هه‎ * Cua be u busivess persva pr aa VP persva “One whe wanages carters property.” ممم ‎Pome, ‘Ia.‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6

صفحه 48:
وه 0۵۰) * @uhoniy te establish policies ood set bustuess rules Por the dota verde thee patrol ° Oevide what the oP Pind euterprise dePicitica ood doouict ‏يز‎ Por the dota ‏ددمت عفجكلا علد‎ ۰) ‏له لجه‎ her cod users vo proper usage of their dota, © Crequedy, but at uboaps, the data prigtcrator * Cac be o person pr a power “Oue who bree the kecpal right tothe px © Orprntt ODO, Lassa T. Ores, Deed Pore, “kar. © oo of ۰

صفحه 49:
وان لمی مت و ۱ ‎Deranged‏ ] مس رومام ‎YY‏ ‏سس ‏سل ‎OOOO, Poets‏ و ‎Pome, ‘Ia.‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6

صفحه 50:
ای ۳ لعج سعط طم معط Payment Method Product, = r ‏موی‎ TS Payment} lee ‏كه‎ ‎۲۳-6 ‎۳0 ‎7 ‎= ‎at ‎= ‎۳17 ‎Salespersor ¥ 2 ۳ ‏تس‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. Existing Customer Potential Customer

صفحه 51:
Find the! Ovrtradctey yokes Otehttiva oP busters rules Qeused privary keys QOow-ucique primary keys ‏تا ول بو(‎ وا ال و ی ] + Overy ves حصا ومد مولیت ۰ لو ‎Opry‏ ۰ ‏مومسم‎ Piekks 0 ۰ PreePorw uddess heer © Cop rnft ODO, Leesa T. Does, Detod Pome, “ac. 90

صفحه 52:
۱ ۰ ‏)دز ماه اس رتاو نب‎ tov bron) ۰ ‏رون‎ wt be work the toe ord woe to eos every dota elect © Dot ol dota is equally ‏ادع مياه‎ * Oot dota cod be ceodsed * Yew de pou koow what to dec? ... ۳ ts the quesiod © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. Se

صفحه 53:
‎questions (()‏ میم ‎ ‎* Can the dota be deoused? nag Does the correct data exist anywhere? Is it easily accessible? ‎© Ghowd the dota be cleused? How extensive is the problem? How elaborate will the cleansing process be? Is it cost-effective? ‎9, boresa T. Doss, Detod Poms, “her. 99 ‎ ‎

صفحه 54:
(©) حمصاوصب بجوت !]> rag © OW oF we buldoy the upplicaica? What business questions cannot be answered today? © OW we we wt oble ‏نوی و‎ the business questions? Is it because of this dirty data? Is it because of these missing relationships? © Oil the ‏هی تلم و ناس‎ the vost oP the (۶ 9, boresa T. Doss, Detod Poms, “her. 9

صفحه 55:
Cotexpries vP data ‏مه‎ ‎Owes devel © Orica ‏مل‎ = Dot ol deta ‏هه راو‎ to ol pod users = Ol ontcdl data cast be ‏لمان‎ ‎- ‏مه نارامج(‎ Brekke ۱ ‏مرو‎ to the ‏نا رتم‎ wot ubsvhiely oical = Panther ‏ييا بعل يصوي شعو‎ ‏وان‎ us ‏بو‎ os tive claws — Vkose thot cocont be dlecased should be bucoped to oriicdl Por the: ued release حافك امم موص و عمهذا صا عله صا نت رل اوه حك صدة خا جره نا يسصميا0 - 112 جم" لحماه 0 ,0 ۲ مورا ,9003 ناسون 6

صفحه 56:
)0 — ‏واو‎ — preveciod © Ohkere should the dtp dota be cleuased? In the staging area of the BI application? In the source (legacy) files? © Okeo should it be ‏#لدصصمصاء‎ ‎Retroactively? ‎At data entry time? * Wow should it be cleused? Use data cleansing or ETL tools? Write procedural (COBOL/C++) code? * Oke ull we ‏حك‎ & preved dey date to he Ptr? Cowce Ona Rewragweriag ... Ted [Dad] Quay Oorrgeoed (TAO) © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 90

صفحه 57:
Coordirated BTL stacy ‎Guerre Ons 295 0-5‏ یمرن ‎Onaga‏ مسا ‏سوت ‎Or Ow Gore! rev‏ ‎Cw)‏ تا موجن ان ان ‎rite‏ هت تن فا پر نو وه قار ‏س0 ‏ا ‎ ‎Oo) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏سحي سس +09 اسر ‎ ‏سس ‏مب( ۵0۵ مسق ‎al‏ ‏سب ‏یه 60-۲ ‏مو ‏1 جد لحماه !ا ,حدم( ‎1١.‏ ددرا _ 0005© يوون © ‎

صفحه 58:

صفحه 59:
© Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 99

صفحه 60:
CT te-vus! record vows , OUTPUT |# Output Records PROCESS SS ‏ها‎ = ۳ + INPUT MODULE = RECORDS Ss # Input Records = © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏مه‎

صفحه 61:
ات مرول وس را۳) lecords Per First Output Domain + [fecords Per Second Output Domain + kecords Per Third Output Domain + ‘ejected Data Values © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ea

صفحه 62:
ات اون طسو را۳) ‎Per First Output Amount‏ $ سح ‎OUTPUT.‏ ‎MOUNTS,‏ ‎- ‎aml ‎AMOUNT! ‎= ‎tal $ Per Second Output Amount ‎EJECTEL} tal $ Rejected Amounts ‎MOUNTS ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎|_, PROCES INPUT ||| MOUNTS} ‎_ ‎Total $ Input Amounts ‎Total $ Per First Input Amount ‎+ ‎Total $ Per Second Input Amount + Total $ Per Rejected Amounts ‎© Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‎

صفحه 63:
مزا ‎data, eppevicly‏ ۱ حول مه ۰ ‏مور‎ oF dota pwoers, 0۲۹ 09 سوه ووم‌صو لجن 9 هجو لعج ۲ مورا 305 ملسون 9

صفحه 64:
Outs qualiy wouturtiy Cron Dt wb level oF 4 a. OQ wotuniiy is Deter proPibe 7 on a ‏تسيا‎ 5 cherry BND 9 ‎rs kn‏ ها ‎a aed progres‏ : یی ‏يك ‎short OQ wrtuds &‏ هم اب ل | سدس | © ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Crowe 7 ‏هی‎ ‏تست | 3 امد‎ 0 fl a “| Opkeotration ‎ ‎ ‎6 ‏لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن‎ Pome, ‘Ia. Or ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 65:
OQ vepebliy weturiy woe ((1) (Corer: Lory Corboh) COO Level 0. Ouvertaiaty - Ooovesrious ond ‏بستكي‎ > — Data quay problews are devied. > Op Porerd dota qualiy processes ‏سحام‎ > Data quali) faltaives ane ad hor oad chai. واه الط ‎oo‏ ول و ‎success‏ وق« 0000 ‏مرب .9 امصا‎ - Nhe big Bho! ood lip service > Dats que) problews ane achar hedged. > Dao problews arr otached oF they coe up. > Orman Puan ‏مدل ام و و‎ quai iii, ‎raker thaw the orcrizatioc.‏ مره موه وه رون« ‎© Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 96 ‎

صفحه 66:
(Corer: Lory Corboh) COO Level 9. ‏ایو ولمم‎ > ‏مرف رو وت‎ toes DPR. < Caerprerwide dota ‏لم وج موه رل‎ > Dota qual problews ane corrented ut he source (where possible). > Data quahy KeproUEeU process ir Ketiirratzed. COO Lae &. Disdow - Oching ‏ماد ه‎ ‏و و موم(‎ resprasbiy Por ‏مدل‎ quit. > Data gay (uP reports to a chieP oPPicer (O10, CKO, COC). » Dot gun) porreniva chomes to data dePert preven. « Ol eters array one ‏لام‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏وه‎

صفحه 67:
(Corer: Lory Corboh) COO Level S. Certainty - Dirvoca « ota dePert prevertion i the wats Pore. > Data quay i oa iaiegral port oP the bustaess processes. > Ol ‏بو رام مج و مه توص‎ processes. > De ature of ‏اوه رهم‎ © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏مو‎

صفحه 68:
ee Orqeatzaiodd tezpact * Cross-or~pizeiocd tusks cod respousibities we wt well dePiced ٠ Date qualiy respousibiliy is oot ‏له له‎ ۰ Ocha oP date is ot vedersiood or appreciated © Crvjects ore oPted vost justified usiay the ‏جه ماص لوا‎ sweat wodet * Resour reqineweus ore ut well dePiced ° Ikvpert oo uppicaion developwedt ewpire * Op reward Por data shoriery * Resistowe to chore و اس © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her.

صفحه 69:
© ‏نی‎ oad VP ‏)مشاه‎ ( ۰) ced busttess vlaborativa (“portcership”) ٠ ID aed VP ootaboraivs (“partcership”) © Ceara” ead User eure ‎Pome, ‘Ia. 9‏ لدب ۲ مورا ,9005 لسن 6 ‎

صفحه 70:
مان PO cpllaboratiop collaboration] ‏“*[م»ه ] 000 * * معن‎ 00 ‎Ober‏ |‘ 1 سور یات ‎Ccterpree‏ ‏۳ 000 ۵0 ۵۵ دص ی ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏هجو لعج ۲ مورا 305 ملسون 9 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 71:
dS steps to [oa] 1۱۲۶ (a) Onderstoad the root causes Por pour correo dott chavs. 8. @vvept respowsbilyy © “Ves, itis pur Pout” Por betcry tc this wees. * Ooveptiog respousibiiy is a prerequisite Por choo. © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. 20

صفحه 72:
49 steps to [0G] recovery (©) e /\ من ©. ‏ما ن طب‎ ٠ )( ‏نج افجلا بيج‎ keow better”, the devision is pours: Gtay stuck or chop. ٠ Phere cod be ww wore Pose hopes Por oy siiver bullet ‏امه یاوه‎ 60. ‏سس رید‎ causes © Oko we the specific root causes Por ‏ال اوه‎ fo pour or<proizaina? * Cowes root couses Ure DOWN, Sow Ure wt. © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏هم‎

صفحه 73:
dS steps tw [0G] revovery (9) e 6. ‏ما0‎ ce * Adoesd't water “whose Pout” itis trot the ۲۳۱ ‏هه‎ Exist. ۰ IP west colborde wit the busicess vo wweuniy to oP et chor. واه موه نمی موه وونی) ۰ امین ‎wih busicess‏ /\ 9. edly change ‏یه‎ ‎٠ Oho will be the cowiers? ۰ Chooges wost be systesnio ocd holistic, ut isvhited aod sporedic. © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏هم‎

صفحه 74:
49 steps to [0G] recovery )( من 2 Gpred te word © Do ebro chanes, here wust be “sowetkiog in ® Por everybody. * Otherwise, chooges tiqyer condety cod unde results in resistoae or ‏و‎ موه ۳ .6 وه و لیوا ‎yet‏ وه و موه رز ۰ 9 ۰ ‏لور‎ people in chore phasic. * Cross-oryenizeivcd ‏روط‎ one phased ic. © Conrad OOOO, Leresa TP. Doss, Detod Pores, “ow. PP

صفحه 75:
49 steps to [0G] recovery (S) e من /\ 9. Cronies changes ٠ Gowe chooges ore eusier to iopleswedt thot vikers. ۰ ‏عم من موق‎ o higher puyback. (0. ‘koplewedt changes * Gvervocr oPPevted by the changes wost hove oo Dpportaily to review ond upprove the pho bePore iwplexpectaiivd. © Conrntt OOOO, Laresa T. Oss, Detod Pome, ‘her. ‏هم‎

صفحه 76:
49 steps to [0G] recovery (©) e /\ من وج ۳۳و فحت( .00 وه لا مد له اوق ‎٠‏ ‎Ore the chooges ofPeciiag cour whersely?‏ © ا له و اجو ‎Ootkiey is perPect the‏ * ۰ Oke wight work io vor orqecizeive wap uot work ia ‏اس‎ هم ,9009 لسن 6

صفحه 77:
O®ibiograpky *Adelman, Sid, and Larissa Terpeluk Moss. Data Warehouse Project Management. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000. *Aiken, Peter H. Data Reverse Engineering: Slaying the Legacy Dragon. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995. *Brackett, Michael H. Data Resource Quality: Turning Bad Habits into Good Practices. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000. *Brackett, Michael H. The Data Warehouse Challenge: Taming Data Chaos. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. *English, Larry P. Improving Data Warehouse and Business Information Quality: Methods for Reducing Costs and Increasing Profits. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999. *Hoberman, Steve. Data Modeler’s Workbench: Tools and Techniques for Analysis and Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001. +Kuan-Tsae, Huang, Yang W. Lee, and Richard Y. Wang. Quality Information and Knowledge Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. *Marco, David. Building and Managing the Meta Data Repository: A Full Lifecycle Guide. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000. *Moss, Larissa T., and Shaku Atre. Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2003. *Reingruber, Michael C., and William W. Gregory. The Data Modeling Handbook: A Best-Practice Approach to Building Quality Data Models. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. *Ross, Ronald G. The Business Rule Concepts. Houston, TX: Business Rule Solutions, Inc., 1998. *Simsion, Graemex,aje Mtanleling.EssentialsAnalysis,Dasign, and Innovation. ۵

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