صفحه 1:
William Stallings Data and Computer Communications Chapter 16 Internetwork Operation

صفحه 2:
Routing Protocols I Routing Information I About topology and delays in the internet 0 Routing Algorithm I Used to make routing decisions based on information

صفحه 3:
Autonomous Systems (AS) 0 Group of routers 0 Exchange information 2 Common routing protocol 0 Set of routers and networks managed by signle organization 0 A connected network I There is at least one route between any pair of nodes

صفحه 4:
Interior Router Protocol (IRP) I Passes routing information between routers within AS 1 May be more than one AS in internet 1 Routing algorithms and tables may differ between different AS 0 Routers need some info about networks outside their AS 0 Used exterior router protocol (ERP) D IRP needs detailed model 0 ERP supports summary information on reachability

صفحه 5:
Application of IRP and ERP

صفحه 6:
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) I For use with TCP/IP internets Preferred EGP of the Internet Messages sent over TCP connections I Open | Update I Keep alive ! Notification o Procedures I Neighbor acquisition I Neighbor reachability I Network reachability 2

صفحه 7:
Marker Length Type Unease Routes ۳ Withdrawn Routes Totl Path Attributes Length مماناطاتعااة لامر Network Layer (b) Update Message Marker Length (4) Notification Message Octets 16 اه 0 6 Marker Length Tipe Version My Autonomous Hold Time GP Ldentiier 01 Lena Optional Par (a) Open Message Marker Length Tipe () Keepative Message Octets, 16 variable ١ Octet. 16 BGP Messages

صفحه 8:
BGP Procedure 0 Open TCP connection 0 Send Open message I Includes proposed hold time 0 Receiver selects minimum of its hold time and that sent I Max time between Keep alive and/or update messages

صفحه 9:
Message Types 1 Keep Alive ! To tell other routers that this router is still here 1 Update | Info about single routes through internet I List of routes being withdrawn I Includes path info | Origin (IGP or EGP) 5 AS Path (list of AS traversed) 5 Next_hop (IP address of boarder router) 5 Multi_Exit_Disc (Info about routers internal to AS) Local_pref (Inform other routers within AS) * Atomic_Aggregate, Aggregator (Uses address tree structure to reduce amount of info needed)

صفحه 10:
Uses of AS Path and Next_Hop 0 AS Path I Enables routing policy | Avoid a particular AS 0 Security Performance 0 Quality 0 Number of AS crossed 0 Next_Hop ! Only a few routers implement BGP 0 Responsible for informing outside routers of routes to other networks in AS

صفحه 11:
Notification Message T Message header error 1 Authentication and syntax 0 Open message error 1 Syntax and option not recognized 1 Unacceptable hold time 0 Update message error 1 Syntax and validity errors Hold time expired 1 Connection is closed Finite state machine error Cease 1 Used to close a connection when there is no error

صفحه 12:
BGP Routing Information Exchange ص Within AS, router builds topology picture using IGP Router issues Update message to other routers outside AS using BGP These routers exchange info with other routers in other AS Routers must then decide best routes ص ص ص

صفحه 13:
Open Shortest Path First (1) D OSPF IGP of Internet 1 Replaced Routing Information Protocol (RIP) J Uses Link State Routing Algorithm I Each router keeps list of state of local links to network I Transmits update state info | Little traffic as messages are small and not sent often I RFC 2328 1 Route computed on least cost based on user cost metric

صفحه 14:
Open Shortest Path First (2) 0 Topology stored as directed graph 0 Vertices or nodes 1 Router اناو ۲ O Transit O Stub 0 Edges ! Graph edge 5 Connect two router Connect router to network

صفحه 15:
Sample AS 0 ١

صفحه 16:
Directed Graph of AS

صفحه 17:
Operation 0 Dijkstra’s algorithm (Appendix 10A) used to find least cost path to all other networks 0 Next hop used in routing packets

صفحه 18:
Integrates Services Architecture Changes in traffic demands require variety of quality of service Internet phone, multimedia, multicast New functionality required in routers New means of requesting QoS ISA RFC 1633 ص ‎ie‏ از با اس

صفحه 19:
Internet Traffic 0 Elastic | Can cope with wide changes in delay and/or throughput 0 FTP sensitive to throughput 0 E-Mail insensitive to delay 0 Network Management sensitive to delay in times of heavy congestion Web sensitive to delay 0 Inelastic | Does not easily adapt to variations I eg. real time traffic

صفحه 20:
Requirements for Inelastic Traffic I Throughput 0 Delay O jitter | Delay variation 0 Packet loss 0 Require preferential treatment for certain types of traffic 0 Require elastic traffic to be supported as well

صفحه 21:
ISA Approach I Congestion controlled by I Routing algorithms | Packet discard 0 Associate each packet with a flow I Unidirectional 1 Can be multicast 0 Admission Control { Routing Algorithm 0 Queuing discipline 0 Discard policy

صفحه 22:
ISA Components ‘Admission Routing Reservation 0 et ‏او‎ Protocols) Protocol = Traffic Control Database Routing Database Chassitier af a i] QOS queuing Route Selection

صفحه 23:
Token Bucket Traffic Specification 0 Token replenishment rate R ! Continually sustainable data rate 0 Bucket size B 1 Amount that data rate can exceed R for short period ! During time period Tamount of data sent can not exceed RT +B

صفحه 24:
Token Bucket Scheme token rate = RIP octets per second = bucket size = B octets current bucket occupancy arriving | departing data data + ‏هكد‎

صفحه 25:
ISA Services I Guaranteed I Assured data rate 1 Upper bound on queuing delay 1 No queuing loss I Real time playback 0 Controlled load 1 Approximates behavior to best efforts on unloaded network | No specific upper bound on queuing delay I Very high delivery success 0 Best Effort

صفحه 26:
Queuing Discipline 0 Traditionally FIFO I No special treatment for high priority flow packets | Large packet can hold up smaller packets ۱ Greedy connection can crowd out less greedy connection 0 Fair queuing 1 Queue maintained at each output port | Packet placed in queue for its flow I Round robin servicing ! Skip empty queues ! Can have weighted fair queuing

صفحه 27:
FIFO and Fair Queue 3 7 (b) Fair Queuing

صفحه 28:
Resource Reservation: RSVP Unicast applications can reserve resources in routers to meet QoS If router can not meet request, application informed Multicast is more demanding May be reduced | Some members of group may not require delivery from particular source over given time | e.g. selection of one from a number of “channels” 1 Some group members may only be able to handle a portion of the transmission 1 a ae

صفحه 29:
Soft State Set of state info in router that expires unless refreshed Applications must periodically renew requests during transmission Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) RFC 2205 ص ص oo

صفحه 30:
RSVP Goals 0 Ability for receivers to make reservations 0 Deal gracefully with changes in multicast group membership 0 Specify resource requirements such that aggregate resources reflect requirements Enable receivers to select one source Deal gracefully with changes in routes Control protocol overhead Independent of routing protocol يد ابعر يكن بجر

صفحه 31:
RSVP Characteristics Unicast and Multicast Simplex Receiver initiated reservation Maintain soft state in the internet Provide different reservation styles Transparent operation through non-RSVP routers Support for IPv4 and IPv6 ‎eas‏ ابحم زاو ‎Sy‏ اس ‏ص

صفحه 32:
Data Flow Concepts 0 Session I Data flow identified by its destination 0 Flow descriptor I Reservation request issued by destination ۱ Made up of flowspec and filterspec | Flowspec gives required QoS ۱ Filterspec defines set of packets for which reservation is required

صفحه 33:
Treatment of Packets ‎QoS delivery‏ | د70 لو ‎ ‎ ‎——¥ 4} ttierspee ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Best-effort ‎kets P| delivery ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 34:
RSVP Operation

صفحه 35:
RSVP Message Types 0 Resv ! Originate at multicast receivers I Propagate upstream through distribution tree ! Create soft states within routers I Reach sending host enabling it to set up traffic control for first hop 0 Path I Provide upstream routing information

صفحه 36:
Operation From Host Perspective Receiver joins multicast group (IGMP) Potential sender issues Path message Receiver gets message identifying sender Receiver has reverse path info and may start sending Resv messages Resv messages propagate through internet and is delivered to sender Sender starts transmitting data packets 0 Receiver starts receiving data packets Sy mo eis oa oa

صفحه 37:
Differentiated Services I Provide simple, easy to implement, low overhead tool to support range of network services differentiated on basis of performance 0 IP Packets labeled for differing QoS using existing IPv4 Type of Service or IPv6 Traffic calss 0 Service level agreement established between provider and customer prior to use of DS O Built in aggregation 1 Good scaling to larger networks and loads 0 Implemented by queuing and forwarding based on DS octet | No state info on packet flows stored

صفحه 38:
DS Services 0 Defined within DS domain 1 Contiguous portion of internet over which consistent set of DS policies are administered | Typically under control of one organization ! Defined by service level agreements (SLA)

صفحه 39:
SLA Parameters 0 Detailed service performance I Expected throughput I Drop probability | Latency 0 Constraints on ingress and egress points Traffic profiles I e.g. token bucket parameters 0 Disposition of traffic in excess of profile

صفحه 40:
Example Services Level A - low latency Level B - low loss Level C - 90% of traffic < 50ms latency Level D - 95% in profile traffic delivered Level E - allotted twice bandwidth of level F traffic Traffic with drop precedence X higher probability of delivery than that of Y بحر يجن ابعر يكن بجر oa

صفحه 41:
DS Octet - Code Pools 0 Leftmost 6 bits used 0 3 pools of code points 0 Xxxxx0 I assignment as standards O xxxx11 ! experimental or local use 0 xxxx01 1 experimental or local but may be allocated for standards in future

صفحه 42:
DS Octet - Precedence Fiedl 0 Routing selection 0 Network service 0 Queuing discipline

صفحه 43:
DS Domains EF = vorver component EB = tater component

صفحه 44:
DS Configuration and Operation 0 Within domain, interpretation of DS code points is uniform Routers in domain are boundary nodes or interior nodes 0 Traffic conditioning functions ! Classifier I Meter 1 Marker I Shaper 1١ Dropper ص

صفحه 45:
DS Traffic Conditioner Meter Packets 0 Shaper/ Classifier ‏یت‎

صفحه 46:
Required Reading 0 Stallings chapter 16 0 RFCs identified in text 0 Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP volume 1

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