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Introduction to Solar Energy

صفحه 1:
Introduction to Solar Energy An overview of the }, technologies and > applications aul ۵ == == = ‎a=‏ ‏= ‏= ‏هه 5 هه 5 = = = هه = = ” == == = = = ”7 ك5 2 =

صفحه 2:
On July 4,7997,the Pathfinder spacecraft ۵ astopon Mars. The next day, the rover Sojourner rolledout of one of thelander petals ontothesurface of theplanet tobeginits mission of exploration. = = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

صفحه 3:
Sojourner was abletomovearoundtheplanetand examine rocks like this one named “Yogi” -Cocated 20feet fromthe Pathfinder (ander thanks tothe power generated by thesolar panel onits back. ‎ana‏ 9 0-35 اي ‎١ 8‏ تا ‎ee‏ ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏ده ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏هه ‏= ‏> ‎

صفحه 4:
Dramaticas this was, it wasjust oneuse of solar energy. Tomany students, exciting projects like this arewhat solar energyisall about. But there reallyismuchmore tosolar energy technologies, how they are beingusedand how they impact our lives today. This presentation will introduce youtothe entire field of solar energy. = |" صر = = = = = = = >= = = = = = هه = = ‎eo‏ ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏2 ‏=

صفحه 5:
Let's begin our overview of solar energy by asking: What do yousee here? (fon fp ‏كل‎ Takea close look. 5-2 isthis theprofileofa beautiful young lady, or thefaceofanugly, old woman? They're both here, but fora variety of reasons that make up your own individual psychological make-up, some of yousee one woman, some the other. فا

صفحه 6:
When people think of solar energy, the same thing often happens. Some seeit as something for thefuture, others seeit as something that ishere today. هه |" == = ‎a=‏ ‏= ‏5 ‏= ‎a‏ ‏هه 5 = = = هه ۵ = = ” == =_ ‎eo‏ ‏= ‏= ‏”7 ‏ك5 ‏2 ‏=

صفحه 7:
If youthinksolar energy is something to beusedinthefuture... EE youmay be picturing something like this solar array used by the space shuttle to providefor power needsinouter space. Therearepeoplewho think that solar energy is something not quite down-to- earthand not ready to use today. OOOO OOOO OOD OOOOONOS

صفحه 8:
‎solar‏ ات هار ‎energy as something that's beenaroundfor along‏ ‎time.‏ ‎Solar collector for heatingwater » ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏را ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‎

صفحه 9:
= >For hundreds of years, people havewantedtoharness * thesun'spower for weapons, heating,andmany other Suses tomake their Civesmore comfortable. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = =

صفحه 10:
Actually, thefirst solar water heating collector appears tohave been builtin the 78" Century by a Swiss scientist whoconstructeda simple wooden box witha glasstopanda black base. It trappedsolar energy,andthe collector reacheda temperature of 790 degrees Fahrenheit. = |" صر = = = = = = = >= = = = = = هه = = ‎eo‏ ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏2 ‏=

صفحه 11:
Sowhichview of solar energy --for thefuture or for today - iscorrect ? Probably alittle of both. Solar energy will certainly playan important rolein thefuture energy needs of our planet, but it’salsoheretodayand ready for hundreds of usesin homes, businesses,andindustry. لاا

صفحه 12:
Thesunisaninexhaustible power supply. It brings enoughenergy to our planet every single day tomeet a full year’s worthof energy for everyoneon Earth. And during thepast century-backto7897,in fact,when thefirst solar collector was manufacturedin the UnitedStates, U.S. industry has developedavariety of products that haveproven bothreliableandcost- effectiveinmeeting all kinds of energy needs. <-> = = = = = = = = = = = = ۵ ‏هه‎ ‎= ‎3 ‎= ‎= ‎= ‎eo ‎= ‎> ‎7” ‎2 ‎= ‎=

صفحه 13:
م۵۵ 1۲۵ و6 ۵۲ 0ص 0.1 :50 فاص که ]ها اوه م10 ‎part of Key West, Florida,are charged by thesun‏ ‎during the day toprovide power for street fightingat‏ ‎night.‏ ee 8 Solar Wonders, ©2007 Florida Solar = — —= 4 = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = 2 = = = = = = ۱۱۱۸۱

صفحه 14:
But tomany people, solar power today meansjust reliable calculators, watchesandother simple home products like this Cantern that use solar power instead of electricity to charge the batteries. = == _= = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = =) = 2 =

صفحه 15:
They don't realize that millions of peoplearoundtheworlduse solar energy because it is theonly available, reliable power source for many of their basic needs such aslightingand water pumping. ۱777777۸

صفحه 16:
Meanwhile, do-it-yourselfers havelongtriedtobutldtheir own solar systems to take advantage of thefree power providedbythesun... ۵ هه == = ‎a=‏ ‏= ‏5 ‏ده 5 ‎a>‏ ‏هه 5 = = = هه ۵ = = - = = = = = ”7 ك5 2 =

صفحه 17:
Theowner ofasmall Caundryin northern Florida triedtobuildhisown concentrating systemfor water heating. (Wedon't know if thesignin the background was put up before or after this homemade systemwas built.) عم و ‎or Not!‏ 9 AX UMuSUAL AND EXCITING MUSE ۱۱۱ ۱۱ ۱ pa = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

صفحه 18:
But we do know that growing publicconcern about environmental problems... Solar Wonders, ©2007 Florida Solar (۱ ( ۸۸ VOODDDODODO DODO DDO OOONOOS

صفحه 19:
1 ‏همه اه امه روا وس اعقاو وتان‎ emissions, hasin recent yearsturneda great deal of attention toenvironmentally friendly solar energy systems. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = >

صفحه 20:
The nonrenewable sources weuse today - including coal, oil, kerosene, diesel, propaneandnatural gas-areall Cimitedinavailability,andarealso partly toblame *۰"«۰"77 ۱ ۱۷ (۱۷۱۷/۱/۱۸

صفحه 21:
Meanwhile, thereis oneenergy source that isfreeand inexhaustible. It’slikea giant nuclear reactor-only this oneislocated 93million miles awa ۱۱۱۷۷۷ ۷ ۰ ۱۷۷۱ ۱ ۱ ۷ 0 ۸ ۱ ۸ 0 ۸ 6 © 2007 Florida Solar Energy CentebqRsPOndarscezanat ratitGtieof the University of Central Florida.

صفحه 22:
It’snot uncommon aroundtheworldto see solar systems usedalong withthe traditional ways of Cifetobecomean integral part of people's lives. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = ol = = = > = = = i=

صفحه 23:
The house of thefuture? y This zero-energy housein the Netherlands has 30m? of PVpanels for power generationand 12m? of solar colCectorsfor water andspace heating. ooo OOOOH HHO D OOOH ODDO OOOS

صفحه 24:
Nomatter what the future will belike, onethingisfor certain: some type of energy will be needed to power it. © 2007 Florida Solar Energy CenteBq¢RSPOndarre S2QAmF lett Gbleof the University of Central Florida. ۱۱۱۱۱۷۷ ۷۷۷۰۷ ۷۷ ۷ ۱ ۸ ۷ 1 "۱۱۱۱۱ ۱ ۱۱۱ ۱۲

صفحه 25:
What witt ‏و9۳۳‎ sour ae 1 ard Tryarr 5 = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > اه ل

صفحه 26:
Discussion Questions * Why doyouthink solar energy is not used more today? Doyouthink governments shouldadopt measures tousemore solar energy in the future, or rely on fossil fuelsasCongas they areavailable? * What aresome of theeconomic, social,and environmental issuesinvolvedin theuse of solar energy? فا

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