صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
http://www.carm.org/islam/grid.htm ae ieee 3 ae ore er ay Poem) 0 ‏الح‎ a ts here 1 2۳7 Ce are 3-5 00 ‏تا‎ ‎aye ‏انين‎ eR

صفحه 3:
http://www.carm.org/islam/grid.htm ry Prien en ‏همم فص‎ 0000 ee ay 7. all ca

صفحه 4:
WHAT DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE ABOUT JESUS? _ Isa (Jesus) is mentioned 3 times in the Quran. It describes his virgin birth, calling him the “son of Mary” 23 times. . [655 15 91۷6 2701 ۱۵۶۵۲۱۲۱ ۱۱۸۱۵5 ۱0 ۲۸۶ than any other, prophet (including Muhammad.)

صفحه 5:
WHAT DO MUSLIMS THINK OF JESUS? . The Quran also mentions the miracles of Jesus, refers to “the gospel” 12 times, and calls Christians the “neople of the book.” _ In addition to the Quran, Muslim — traditions associate Jesus with) the end of time and the judgment day, and Muslims often 2۷ 0 Jesus for healing or gerd Saris ‏تاه‎ ‎considered to one who has power.

صفحه 6:
WHAT DO MUSLIMS THINK OF JESUS? _ However, there is no other religion like Islam in that from its inception it has promoted a specific, total, and emphatic denial of the major truth claims of Christianity. _ This may partly be because of Muhammad's misunderstandings of the corrupted Christianity of his day, but it may also be explained by Islam’s desire to demonstrate that it Bas\stiperseded all other religions as the 135 0 ‏کت رتیل‎ ‏ا دهد رت‎

صفحه 7:
ISLAM'S ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANITY _ That the Bible of the Christians is corrupt, unreliable, and inferior to the Qur’an. _ That Christians follow untruthful doctrines: the doctrine of the Trinity is especially considered to be blasphemous and sinful. 7 : _ That Jesus is not the divine son of God, because God is too exalted to have a son. _ That Jesus was not cru La and was not resurrected; that he f Savior or mediator and did not< ie the sins of mankind. ۳۳

صفحه 8:
WHAT DO MUSLIMS THINK OF JESUS? “That they said in boast ‘We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.’ But they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them. And those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no certain knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. Nay) Allah raised him up unto Himself) and Allah is exalted in Power, Wise.” (Qur'an 4:157- 158)

صفحه 9:
WHAT DO MUSLIMS THINK OF 5 IES Muslims believe that Jesus hid in a niche in the wall and one of his companions took his place. کاه209 ۲0۵۴ ۱۵۱۵ 0۱۳06۲5 ۶ لطس سرا تین Judas to look like him instead. " Leelee eta ere i ‏ینزید سل تزتیاری‎ oir) agi iia minute. غأدط 15 دی تن تربار دنادع رز اانا مع سر ند بر نت ‎but that God took him up into‏ Bree falsely

صفحه 10:
Who Is Osama Bin-Laden? _ Who is this man, and why does he hate our nation? _ He is a religious leader who is contending for his faith. _ Men like Bin-Laden are primarily motivated by their religious ideology.

صفحه 11:
۱۱۱۶ ۱۳۵50۶ ۵ ۵ in Medina—the City of the Dranhat 0-100 ١ ae ‏عادو‎ em

صفحه 12:
DID YOU KNOW? .. ۲۱16۲6 216 ۲۸۵۲6 ۲۱۱۵۱ ۶ oda Muslims (about 1 out of every 5 people on the planet); the U.N. projects that by 2055 at least half of the global birthrate will be Islamic. _ Muslims have targeted the United States with an aggressive missionary program, Saudi Arabia has given millions of dollars to Harvard and) the University of ۸۲۱۵۱۱5۹۵5 ۲۵ ۲۱۱۸ study centers,

صفحه 13:
DID YOU KNOW? US cre eae more Muslims than Episcopalians in America; and, within ten years, Islam may be the 5660۱۱ ۱3۲065۲ ۵ the United States. _ Between 1989 and 1998 the Islamic population in ‏تسه مر تین /متدیل نی تززری‎ there are now estimated to ‏یلیر 2 لین اك ا تا كلما حزما‎ Muslims in the U.S.

صفحه 14:
Muslims Have Aggressive Missionary Efforts In the ۳۳۹ Jannah.com Dedicated to Islamic Mukimedia | lain ‎—§a‏ ازج مر ‎ ‎2 IslamOnline.net ‎Aira ial att ‎

صفحه 15:
DID YOU KNOW? _ Muslim chaplains already serve in the armed forces, 2110 ۲۱6۲6 ٩۲6 ۷۰۵۱۱۷ ‏دذاكناال!‎ ‏لديا‎ meetings on Capitol ۱۳ ) Aslam ts the fastest-growing religion ۱۳ ۸۳۱6۲۱۵, 2٩ 2110 ۳۱۱۱۵۲ 0۶ 5۲۵۱۵۱۱۱۲۷ 0۲ of our people...”

صفحه 16:
Contrasting Worldviews Shortly after the end of the Cold War, Samuel Huntington, professor of government at Harvard, predicted that in the future serious competition would lessen between nation-states or political ideologies. Instead, Huntington predicted anera of growing competition between civilizations: i.e., religion) ethnicity, and cultural values. Ott oat oa a. ۳۳ 5000200 Oo Nae elle ee

صفحه 17:
ISLAM & CHRISTIANITY: Contrasting Worldviews = Muhammad put his = Jesus told his disciples 6۳۱6۱۸۲65 ۲0 ۱۶ ۵ to “put away the and confiscated their sword” (John 18:11); property and wives; healed'the one wound ‏يتا‎ LT Me inflicted by his followers to fight for followers (Luke 22:51); Ce 1 allowed his enemies to ‏مأ ععأل سل تن زرد‎ take ۱5 ۱1۲6 )1 ۲ 316۱6 ۵۵۵ iss 2:21-24); and prayed paradise; and died a from|the cross for natural death after ۲05۱ consolidating his ‏ات فدح مع ثلامم‎

صفحه 18:
THE FIVE PILLARS OF ۱۱ : EER ‏لط تاوق 0ل دارا"‎ Aah 20 Muhammad is his prophet” ~ Salah: Turning to Mecca to ۲۵۷ 5 ۱۳۱۵5 ۵ 97 ۱ the Muslim comi 1 Hajj: A once-in-a-lifeti Mecca

صفحه 19:
WOMEN & ISLAM _ Muhammad was given a “special revelation” to have some 13 wives (other Muslim men can have only 4) _ His favorite wife was Aisha: she was 51 ۷۱۲۱۵۱۱ ۲۳6۷ ۷۷۵۲۵ engaged, and nine ‏عند قط عط معطنر‎ ' Was consummated —

صفحه 20:
WOMEN & ISLAM _ The Koran requires ۷۷01۸6 10 ۳6۲۱۵۱۳۱ Cave) )33:59( 2۳0 ۵ ۹ strictly segregated from male society. _ Woman is to be seen “as Satan” when a man is sexually tempted. One of the traditions of Muhammad is that the majority of people 1 going to hell are women.

صفحه 21:
WOMEN & ISLAM _ Aman may divorce his wife by repeating “I divorce you” 3 times. ” In court, a woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man and ۱6۲ ۵۲۱۵۱۵۵۵ are lesser. _ The United Nations ha condemned the Taliba in Afghanistan for th brutal treatment of women.

صفحه 22:
WOMEN & ISLAM _ The Quran teaches: ۱۱0۱۱۲60۱۷5 ۷۲ ۵ therefore obedient, guarding the secret for God’s guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; 0۵۳15۱ ۲۸6۲۳ ۵ ۳ couches, and beat them” (Surah 4: 35)) bY

صفحه 23:
Who Is Osama Bin-Laden? ۷۷6 ۳6۵۵ 10 3۷010 ۲۷۷ ۰ ۰ ۳۱۲5۴, ۷۷۵ 5۳۱۵۵۱0 avoid dealing in stereotypes and prejudices. ۲۲ ‏و‎ ۲۲۰۸۶ ۲۵۲ ۱۵۲ ۵۱۱ ۵۵۹ support the use of terror, They are Considered liberal. But second, it is a mistake to ‏عط دععقطك دصداكا 11314 عن ذاعط‎ same mindset as Western civilization: it does not. The teachings of Islam foster a very different worldview.

صفحه 24:
Conny كز 0020000000005 3 Reece) Jesus was not Crucitied, (4 ere eae ee ee een) eee) 222111 od 20 000 66 ES ellie 2 07m S| 7/1۳ 223000 0000 ence es eee 5221077 ۱ (Isiah 43:10; 44:6-8; Matt. 28:19: 2 Cor. 1314) ۱ “a eee) ference reer eee reas Holy Spirit, 3rd person in the Godhead. He will bear witness of jesus ‏مهو‎ 1۵26 0000 ee 00 Man is fallen, a sinner (Rom. 3:23) Disciples were Christians (Acts 11:26). ۱ eee ce Petes atest oe) ee ene eee [۱

صفحه 25:
= The Muslims repeatedly claim that the Bible has been corrupted and that the Qu'ran is the only trustworthy scripture in existence: This is why Muslims often attack the Bible. But this cannot be acording to 116 0۱/۲37۰ ‏ع1‎ Quran) Says that the books of Moses, they ۳505, and) the gospel were all given ‏کب‎

صفحه 26:
« ۲0۳۸۵۲۷۱ - ۰۷۷ gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of messengers,” (Sura 2:87). = PSALMS - "We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, Ismai'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and solomon, and to David We gave the ۳۲5۵۱۳95, )4:163(۰ « 6058۴1 - ۰۱۲ ۱5 ۲۱6 ۱۷۷۵ 56۲ ۱۵ thee (step | ‏زا‎ iia) truth, the Book, confirming what went béfore it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) andi the Gospel (Of Jesus) 015111 Mellel Meo an-ln). ine) 11 1 1 uae criterion (of judgment 000 1d wrong),” (3:3). Also, "And in their footsteps ‏اد‎ 1116 50101 Mary, confirming the Law that 12 before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein Was 0 and light

صفحه 27:
= We see that the Qu'ran states that the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel were all given by God. With this we Christians heartily agree. But, the Muslims claim that the Bible iS Corrupted and fulll of contradictions. If that is so, then it would seem they donot believe the Qu'ran since the Qubfan says that the ۷۷۵۲۵ ۵7 60۵0 ۳ Be altered:

صفحه 28:
™ "Rejected were the messengers before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Ouraid' did reach them: — is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah. Already hast thou ‏تست‎ ‎some account of 09 messengers,” (6:34), "The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment i 1 truth and in justice: None can change His words; for He is the one who 1991۳ 3710 ۵۷۹ ۳ (6:115). 5 ae "For them are glad tidings; 1 in 2 life of the present and in the Hereafite 6 lange can there be in the words, Hiss indeed the ‏عماعمناك‎ a pun ee Oe 61

صفحه 29:
HOW DID ISLAM BEGIN? _ To understand the mindset of fundamentalist Islamic terrorists, it is necessary to comprehend the worldview of Islam. _ We cannot understand that mindset apart fro} the history of the ‏ا"‎ 5 beginnings of Islam, ۳ ۳

صفحه 30:
UNDERSTANDING ISLAM © Coastland University

صفحه 31:
۷۸ نفوستی ۸ ‏رتیل‎ ‎Buraydah+ Ad Damma Muhammad was born in Mecca around 570 A.D. The Arabian peninsula of the sixth century was a tribal society marked by chronic conflict. Many religions were present, including polytheism, animism. Tudaism. Zoroastrianism. and

صفحه 32:
the Life of Muhammad: An Overview* = 1. Muhammad married the wealthy widow Khadija,who provided him economic security, became one of his first converts to Islam, and gave him a daughter, ‏یات‎ = 2. He experienced in a cave visions from Allah through the angel Gabriel which he identified as revelations and later codified into the 9 8 ‏و‎ book from God. [Taken from Dr. G.W.Braswell, 1 ۹ ۳

صفحه 33:
the Life of Muhammad: An Overview = 3. Muhammad preached monotheism and attacked the polytheism and animism of tribal worship at the kaba in the center of Mecca, resulting in notoriety and persecution. 4, He won as a convert Ali, who Ea married Muhammad's daughter Fatima, fathering tw e and Husain, and becoming the first 11113117 07 ۲۳۱۶ 5۰

صفحه 34:
the Life of Muhammad: An Overview = 5. Muhammad escaped to Medina in 622 A.D., an event known as the Hegira; the Hegira begins the Islamic calendar. = 6. There he established the umma, the community of Islam; built the first mosque; organized) an) 2 and played the roles of pi judge, ‏لت ری ینت‎ and prayer leader.

صفحه 35:
the Life of Muhammad: An Overview = 7. Muhammad set out on a conquest of the Arabian peninsula, subduing the tribes (including Jewish tribes), killing thousands, collecting booty (including concubines), and consolidating his power. = 8. He gained many Wives and concubines, his favorite being Aisha, with whom he consummated marriage

صفحه 36:
the Life of Muhammad: An Overview = 9. When Muhammad gained control of Mecca in 630 A.D. he purged the kaba of idols and established it as the place of pilgrimage to worship Allah. = 10. Muhammad died and was buried in 632 A.D., leaving behind) no official successor. = THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD IS PIVOTAL TO UNDERSTANDING ISHAM TODAY. FOR ITS SIGNIFIGA ‏ا‎ ‎DEEPER LOOK AT HIS” iene

صفحه 37:
The Significance of the Life of Muhammad: A Deeper Look HIS VISIONS IN THE CAVE: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE KORAN * Muhammad had admired the Jews and Christians because they were the “People of the Book.” ‏لبا‎ * By contrast, his own 8% divided, warring, idolatrous people had no “book” of = their own.

صفحه 38:
The QUR’AN ۶ ۱۱۵۸۱۳۱۵۱۸۱۱۴۸۵۵ ۲۳۱۵۱9۱۵ 6 ews and Christians would impressed with his book, but they were not. emo) ee initially accused him of 01556111۳۱۵۲۱۳۱9 6۳۱۵۲۱۵۱ ‏عه‎ ‏اد ار شنت(‎ = It would be difficult to over-exaggerate the importance of the Qur’an to Islam\ today. To Muslims 1115 1116 incarnate Word of God in Arabic.

صفحه 39:
The Hadith (Traditions) The sunnah (what the Prophet Muhammad said, did, or approved of) is the second source of authority in Islam. The sunnah is comprised of hadeeths, which are reliably transmitted reports by the Prophet’s companions of what he said, did, or approved of.

صفحه 40:
The Significance of the Life of Muhammad: A Deeper Look THE FLIGHT TO MEDINA; THE HEGIRA * July 16, 622 A.D. is the decisive event in Islamic history. The Meccans were on the verge of killing Muhammad when delegates from the Meiers tribes of Medina came t Muhammad to request | leadership and pledged) fight for him. كك

صفحه 41:
Medina, 200 miles to the north, provided Muhammad Vien ome mCi md Cite ol Hail 1 Al Juba: Buraydah- ad ‏سس و‎ ™ Medina staf QATAR ae RivapH® 4! Hufare

صفحه 42:
Consolidating Power in Medina = Medina was inhabited by warring Arab and Jewish tribes. = To appease the Jews, Muhammad proposed Friday as the Sabbath and praying to Jerusalem 5 times a day. When they refused, he chose to pray facing Mecca. = Muhammad adopted) Abraham as patriarch through is [es of Sills

صفحه 43:
Consolidating Power in Medina) = Muhammad engaged in numerous battles and the Jewish tribes were expelled or executed. Ina battle with the last Jewish tribe around Medina, 700 to 800 men were slaughtered and their Wives and) children taken as booty. = Muhammad later married a Jewish widow and continued) to have a high regard for Jewish Tiles een and the “People of 16 560616

صفحه 44:
The Significance of the Life of Muhammad: A Deeper Look THE CONQUEST OF THE PENINSULA * The rapid spread of Muhammad’s power throughout the Middle East is an amazing story, < | © را علو ع ۱ ۰ ا 6 ‎area? Dr. Evertt Huffard‏ ‎c= 5‏ کل ۱ رت ۱۶۵

صفحه 45:
WHY DID ISLAM GROW IN THE MIDDLE EAST? 1. IT FILLED A MORAL & POLITICAL VACUUM IN THE SEVENTH CENTURY. _ The “superpowers” of the day, the Byzantine and Persian empires, had become corrupt and soon collapsed. _ Islam was able to fill ‏للم ددرت‎ From “Why Islam?”, Gospel Advocate, May 1991, p. 12-14

صفحه 46:
WHY DID ISLAM GROW IN THE MIDDLE EAST? 2. ISLAM CLAIMED A UNIVERSAL ALLEGIANCE TO AN ALMIGHTY GOD. _ It was a contrast to ‏مزا تزرت‎ Arabia and the icons of the Eastern church. _ The God of Islam is preeminently a God of “power.”

صفحه 47:
WHY DID ISLAM GROW IN THE MIDDLE EAST? 3. IT OFFERED A SIMPLE RELIGION. 05 تسس تنل لت تنل ‎Judaism and the‏ ‎Eastern Orthodox‏ تست در لبتبلالیت complex and ‏و‎ _ Islam asked only that ‏كلا‎ 20۳06۲6۳۸۲۵ 266۲ ۲۱6 ۰5 ۳ Sey cutee miter) monotheism and a 51۲۱6۲ ۵۲۵۱ ۰

صفحه 48:
WHY DID ISLAM GROW IN THE MIDDLE EAST? 4. IT CREATED A POWERFUL, ALL- ENCOMPASSING THEOCRACY. رز لت تلد تیار ۱ the sword erate enemies, political or religious. فك ‎fe‏ امه ,عامصقاء رمع 759 ‏عاععء:6‎ 0:1 patriarchs died Ae natural death from the 15% to the 20% century. 9

صفحه 49:
WHY DID ISLAM GROW IN THE MIDDLE EAST? 5. THERE WERE ‏لا رای (ای‎ FINANCIAL BENEFITS TO ISLAM. Sem elie ig relief from minority ‏تکیت‎ _ Arabs were slave traders: Africans who converted were less likely to be sold. - ۷1۱۱۵۲۱۳۸۱۵ ‏لعااععع:‎ ‎1/5* of the spoils of war; his fighters received 4/5ths.

صفحه 50:
The Concept of Jihad = Since Islam was a militant faith from the beginning, it was natural for Muhammad to teach the doctrine of jihad. 7 9 116 ۷/0۲۵ means “struggle”; while it is often used in a spiritual sense to apply to the inner sthuggle of every believer, it also ‏ك2‎ 0 0 defense of the Islamic faith,

صفحه 51:
The Significance of the Life of Muhammad: A Deeper Look THE DEATH OF MUHAMMAD AND THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER During his lifetime Muhammad had established a “theocracy” with himself as the head. He did not, however, provide for an orderly succession of 8 power, an oversight whichihes had political and religious ۹۳ Jace ‏ف لك‎ 4 ٩

صفحه 52:
AFTER HIS DEATH, ISLAM SPLIT INTO FACTIONS رت ‎Another faction‏ ۲ 6116۷60 ‎Muhammad intended‏ ‎for Ali, his son-in-‏ ‎law; to take over.‏ ‎These partisans (or‏ 0 Stele SUNNI One faction held the successor to Muhammad should ‏فط دمع علقم د عط‎ Quraish tribe, chosen ۸: e Abu Bakr, an early convert, was chosen as the first “caliph” (or “leader”)

صفحه 53:
ISLAM SPLIT AFTER HIS DEATH, INTO FACTIONS ع111لا5 The two sons of Ali, Hasan and Husain, are regarded i’ites as the second and third imams. Ali, Hasan, and Husain were ‏عع 0ن د اد‎ 7 2s 9 Shifites believe the 12 Creelman d= alae) 071 | SUNNI The early period of the caliphs was the “golden age” of Islamic conquest. 1۳6 ‏ع3 ونازطن5 وطصطتلةء‎ Damascus, Iraq, Jerusalem, Egypt, and Persia. 90% of all Muslims today are Sunni. Bin-Ladin’s stated goal is to restore the age of the caliphs.

صفحه 54:

صفحه 55:
ISLAM & CHRISTIANITY: Contrasting Worldviews = Islam began with a = Christianity began as brief period of 3 36۳5 6۰۱۷9۲6 ۷ persecution and and flourished in spite quickly became 61 ‏لع نامتخصم‎ powerful. persecution. 5 = Jesus claimed to be = Muhammad claimed 2 ‏حلركايك ليلعت حلينا‎ ts to be a prophet of true God. the one true God. maith 4 5 ۳ ١ [ ‏عط ۲۵5۱5۲6 5ناىء‎ ۱۱۵۵۵۵0۵۵4 temptation of Satan amassed political ۱ foreign over an power and created 8 ly kingdom an earthly kingdom. ‏:ا‎ 4:8-10, John 18136-37۰

صفحه 56:
ISLAM & CHRISTIANITY: Contrasting Worldviews = Jesus told his disciples to “put away the sword” (John 18:11); healed the one wound inflicted by his followers (Luke 7۶۰۰۱ ‏پر یرال‎ enemies to take his ‏خيلا‎ (i Peter 2:21-24); and) prayed for those ۱0 ۷۷6۵۲۶ "him (Luke 23:34.) 9 3 ® Muhammad put his enemies to the sword and confiscated their property and wives; commanded his ۲۵۱۱۵۷۷6۲5 ۲0 ۲9۳۲ ۲ ۲۳۱6۱۲ ۲۵۱۲۳, ۲۵۷9۳۱۲ ۵۲ ۲۱۵56 ۷/۵ 60 battle would enter Paradise; and died a natural death after consolidating his power and wealth.

صفحه 57:
ISLAM & CHRISTIANITY: Contrasting Worldviews = The “story” of Christianity makes an explicit distinction between the temporal and the spiritual; the “story” of Islam is one of an all-encompassing system of religious, political, and military power. = It is true that Muslims may be ‏معطت ”لبكععدعم“‎ 3 eel ayia 360 democratic nation. When they hold the reins of temporal power in an ۱53 state, however, it is ۵ | a different reality for non-Muslin ‏ی‎

صفحه 58:
Why Muslims Say they Do Not Advocate Terrorism ~God does not forbid you from showing Kindness and dealing justly with) those who have not fought you about religion) and have) not driven you out of your homes» God Joves just dealers: (Quran, 6058)

صفحه 59:
Why Muslims Say they Do Not Advocate Terrorism = The Prophet Muhammad used to prohibit soldiers from killing women and children, and he would advise them: {...Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child.} And he also said: {Whoever has killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the fragrance of, Paradise, though 15۳3 rance is found for a span 0 Ne gee

صفحه 60:
What Western Muslims Do NOT Say = “When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom) from them, until war shall lay down her burdens” (QUr’an 47:4) = “There is no nation ‏للا قاط‎ 6 shall destroy or sternly punish ‏دلب دیدرت‎ Day of Resurrection. This f creed) in the Eternal Book” (Qur,

صفحه 61:
What Western Muslims Do NOT Say = “As for those who are Slain in the cause of God, He will not allow their works to perish. He will give them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made 1909 to them” (Qur’an 47:6) ۲ ۰50۳۸ 0۴ ۷5 3۲6 ۱۱۷/5۱۱۲5 5110 501۶ 6 ۷۷۲۵۳0006۳5۰ ۲۳۵5۵ 1112۲ 13۱۵۱3) ۲ pursue the right path, but those that do wrong shall become (Qur'an 72:17) wa.

صفحه 62:
WHY IS THERE A RESURGENCE OF ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM TODAY? 1. Islam has always been an aggressive religion. - 2. The clash between modern nationalism (many of the Middié Eastern nation ‏5ع]ةأد‎ 316 1655 6331760 65 old) and) tribal loyalties. - 3. Dhevestablishment of the MOGern hation of Israel.

صفحه 63:
WHY IS THERE A RESURGENCE OF ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM TODAY? ۰ 4. ۲۱6 ۳۱۵۲۵۱ ۷/۵۵۱۱655 ۲ an increasingly secularized Western ‏ار‎ 5. An increase in Arabic emigration to western Europe and America. ~ 6, OIL!

صفحه 64:

صفحه 65:
Comments ™ Ideas have consequences. = The need to understand; “shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” = “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the ‏کر و‎ that you have. ‏کت‎ do this ‏رب‎ ne mos and respect...” 1 Peter 3: 16 ١

صفحه 66:

صفحه 67:
1823 1879 30AD 622 660 600 563 1440 500BC ۸۱۰۳ _---

صفحه 68:
World Religions

صفحه 69:

صفحه 70:
‎۱٩۱۵۲۲۱ - ۲‏ فده

صفحه 71:
‎iced‏ لاك ‎=/slam ‎(“submission”) ‎is the religion of all who believe that Muhammad was God’s prophet. ‎

صفحه 72:
Theology =Monotheism BShirk (Idolatry) No other God’s BAllah was the supreme god of polytheism in that area, ® |n Arabia the sun god ۱۷۱۶ ۵ 25 female, the moon 85 1816. The moon god Was referred to as Wein 3

صفحه 73:
Anthropology = Adam was the first man, created in heaven and removed after he sinned = Mankind was created innocent but chose to sin ۱ - Mankind is misled but moe fallen - We are intrinsically weak, frail, and imperfect. We are ‏تس‎ of God, 5 ‏و‎ aa ‏هه‎

صفحه 74:
Qur’ an ™ Dependence on the Jewish Talmud, Jewish apocrypha, Christian apocrypha, and Zoroastrian doctrines ™ Borrows important practices from pre- Islamic and pagan Arabia)such as those surrounding the visits to the hills of Safa and Marwas in ‏12لا‎ Peel ceremony, and also the throwi ones against a stone pillar symbolizing) Satan

صفحه 75:
Qur’an (Koran) ‏تس‎ 2 "Muhammad a Kern elas a)

صفحه 76:
Salvation ® Consists of both belief (iman) and action (amal). = Belief consists of: - Believe in the oneness of God - Believe in the prophecy of Muhammad - Believe in angels 1 - Accept the Qur’an - Believe in life after death - Believe that God 1 9

صفحه 77:
Salvation ™ Good works consist of the five/six pillars: Ee & - Reciting the = confession (shahada) eee Fasting Almsgiving Pilgrimage to Mecca = Jihad

صفحه 78:
Final) Things = This life is a preparation for the next ™ Every person will taste death = Two angels will question the dead in the grave (Munkar and Nakir) : ™ Unbelievers will be tormented in the grave and after the final resurrection = The “Final Hour” willl be ‏در‎ lV disintegration of ۱ a Ad| Universal sin

صفحه 79:
Jesus Christ 0ط وأ 5لادء[ " 5 ۳ ۳۱6۱۲۱۵۳۱۵۵ 010 0ه 016405 2 3سا ‎verses and 15 suras of the Qur’an‏ = |s called the Messiah, the Word of God, and the Spirit of God ™ He is a prophet to the Jews ™ Foretold the 9 ‏ار‎ 0 (Jn 14:26) ۲

صفحه 80:
Jesus Christ ™ Is not God or the Son of God - “It is not befitting To (the majesty of) God That He should beget a son...” (19:35) - “They say, ‘God hath begotten A son..No warrant Have ye for this!)(10:68) - “Say not ‘Trinity’: desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is One God: glory be to Him: (far Exalted is ‏وت روز‎ having a son. (4:171)

صفحه 81:

صفحه 82:
Jihad = jhe word means ‘striving’ or ‘struggle’ = Often used in the sense of personal Striving in the path of God. ™ According to Islamic law there are two domains - Dar al-Islam, the house oF Islam - Dar al-Harb, the house of War

صفحه 83:
Jihad =*The more common interpretation, and that of the overwhelming majority of the classical jurists and commentators , presents jihadjas armed struggle for Islam against infidels and 200519025 (Bernard Lewis, professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University) ١

صفحه 84:
Jihad and) Non-Muslims = (9:5) “Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleager them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem.” ™ (9:29) “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that sie) o)(olol= nly which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Prophet, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they 276( 9 6 People of the Book, until they pay the jizye ff with willing submission, and feel ‏رس‎ subdued.”

صفحه 85:
Jihad and) Non-Muslims = (47:4-7) “When you meet unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays (clown its loads...And those who are slain in the Wey of God) He will not send their works astray. He will guide them, and disposejthein minds aright, and He will admit them arte that He ‘

صفحه 86:
Osama Bin Laden =™Born in 1957, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia =Father became a billionaire during the oil boom of the 1970's (construction) = Degree in economics and) business 7 1 ‏را‎

صفحه 87:
Osama Bin Laden = In 1996 bin Laden issued a fatwa, a formal religious decision calling on Muslims to kill American. troops in Saudi Arabia.

صفحه 88:
Osama Bin Laden = 1998 Fatwah 9 - *...to kill Americans and their allies—civilians and military—is an individual duty for every 5 ‏ا كل 11ل‎ 7 © country in which it is possible...” -“...to liberate the al-Ac Mosque” and to remo’ armies from the lands of Is

صفحه 89:
Osama Bin Laden =Three complaints -Americans in the holy land - Oppression of 1۳30 -American support of Israel

صفحه 90:
Taliban = “Students of Religion” = Mullah Mohammed Omar ™ Seized the capital, Kabul in 1996 and established an Islamic emirate. ™ Bin Laden’s organization helps to) keep them in power,

صفحه 91:
Wahhabi Reforms = Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdi al-Wahhab, 18 century Arabia @ Purification of Islam = Encouragement of original thinking ™ Focus on the here and now = Militant methods ‏ده‎ 0

صفحه 92:
Interesting Facts = A poll of England’s Muslin community revealed that 98% would not fight for Britain; 48% would fight for Osama or ‏ورزر‎ = Over 30% of Muslims in Kuwait ‏كه‎ that Osama is a freedom fighter. = Former Sudanese President Sadiq el-Mahdi has prophesied that ‏را‎ WU) dominate the world by 2010. 30 = 28 of the current 30) confi include Muslims. 4 ۱ ۵ 0

صفحه 93:
Resources ™ Websites = WWw.answering-islam.org = www.rim.org = WWW. probe.org ™ Books = Answering Islam: The (pases ۶ 3 Light Of The Cross, Norman Geisler & Abdul Salééb Islam Revealed, Dr. Anis A, Shorrosh The Islamic Invasion; a 10-1 Fastest Growing Religion ١816 MiKo The Oxford History of; =e John L. Esposito ee 59

صفحه 94:
۵ ve! ~ Speak the truth ۱۳۳10
