صفحه 1:
ما۱ تست تس مت ‎STE een errant Ki ce KOO EO)‏ 1] ISLAMAPHOBIA Islamaphobia Myth 2 : “Jihad” Basic Tenets of Islam Myth 3: Islamic erat Fundamentalism 0 Myth 4: Islam & women 1 1 ,تلقل .21 (©) 12624

صفحه 2:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Definition ‎reported & studied is CO(OK), OG, PBOCT., &‏ یا ‎Russia‏ ‏ا ‎CM ee‏ انا ‎Ce a ER el ae a a‏ ‎Ge ‏و ام‎ ce 0 i ieee ees gt Vac eRe Rca Me occ re pace) ‎QDiktest Pore - terdukyeure fo seetay Ishi as deplorable & ot ۱ eee as a ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 3:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Features © Deqaive sterevippes ubvut Isha os the cea theeut to western vivitzaicd Pter SA eon enc OE pI ence ce a a CD Ow Weak Ow Ow” © ‏زا‎ oP Oustes us barbaric, inratiocal, Pasa, supportive oP Teague acca Von eters Bal Cha as! Nee ae Ne ae Mec ae eR cae igs eee ee oe eee ea 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 4:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Consequences Prejudice pefamatio 2 Profilin ‏ةا‎ ‎2 SlandePiscrimnati, Verbal & Stereotyp Attack by°™ Breach Physical ing Media Alienation of Cjyi] Abuse libertie Vandalism & 5 rN aH) if [۷۲05066 > shops Murder 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 5:
Source: www.CAIR-net.org 10۳ We 0 224 191 166 74 17017 ISLAMAPHOBIA: Consequences 13 56 149 222) Violence ۱۹ Hate messages/Harassment False arrest/ Intimidation by authorities Airport profiling Workplace discrimination School discrimination (C) N. AL-Ali, 2001 ۱۳ 126/4

صفحه 6:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Consequences 1995/1996 80 1996/1997 240 1997/1998 284 1998/1999 285 1999/2000 922 2000/2001 366 2001/2002 525 Source: www.CAIk-net.org 12624 (C) N. AL-Ali, 2001

صفحه 7:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Origins a rere Ce oe a eR CN aS ccd © Onsudes & Iaquisiiva - (d-d0k: S Cectutes oP Woly Dar acpaicst Pete Otero (Oca (Deeb pec ‏ممتي ا ا مو‎ ۱ ‏ی‎ can Aas) Ol. ere RON SC amare aa Rcd tolerouve ta his essay (Gpricebourd) ‎et omen A ee Olean oat RC lecrem RO red‏ فا ‎oe Si hee (OS)‏ و ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 7

صفحه 8:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths ce ed ‏ا‎ ‏مس ها‎ oP sowe bearded leader Ne RM 01 ‏ال هه‎ ی ی و و ۱ ۱17 اي ل اي يك لس ها I daa _ 12624 (C) N. AL-Ali, 2001

صفحه 9:
BASIC TENETS: General Sa ae el ea ac a OL cal © O vaiversd wessaye - cooPires prevediay Divice Pacis rae war nk Deere ‏ا‎ od Rd oS Raa ca aa aia cane ‎vie a tretbe eee eee Ble‏ و ‎(bse see (he (Gig) Olen teenth re‏ ا ‎ie eee ey‏ ‏ها رت ۱ ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 10:
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Faith oS eee Nec as ‏لا نيا‎ ای 0 رف و ی ۱ ل نا © Cote & Destiny - yood & bad 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 11:
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Islam نات ON Ce 1 pee ee eee Fog eon OR ee o reenact Eero 0 0-00 ‏(صهه لعج <ه‎ ‏ی‎ (tte etree [eX ner ree re) 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 11

صفحه 12:
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Islam (CNOA OM ONC a 12*64 (C) N. AL-Ali, 2001

صفحه 13:
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of 12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 14:
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 15:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths OO Rc ed ee, Bo heck Bes “Woy Ow’ by a ‘Paton’ oP sowe bearded leader 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 16:
Myth 1 - islam is a monolithic bloc © Ora LP Biker Duskos te the word - Oy 1% ane Orebs: © Loarest Duske popkiia ta Intros GODIN. SSO Rrwots, (DDO “enka, OF ta COME m COR OCN oun | eateniae an) ۱ O00 penta tt Colo Renaraee CC rne ee nee cee ead ae ON cele OP eee Toten nae entree ee] 12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 16

صفحه 17:
t&p://islamicweb.com/begin/population. htm Myth 1 - Islam isa monolithic bloc ل 0 0 12*64

صفحه 18:
European 2% African-American 30% با ‘Southeast Asian _/ 2%

صفحه 19:
Myth 1 -.. Can be mobilized by a fatwa: 0 eta cee tere acer eee Ne eee eee ne ROE Tce en te eed 9 yey ers. (ne eet eee eee eer et Geen eee eee eer) ۱ ce) OX oe ao) oe 12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 19

صفحه 20:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths CD ae RI ON a od ‏مت وس هرت‎ 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 21:
Myth 2: Islam condones violence against non- Misins == ‎aa‏ ا ا" سر ‎12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 21

صفحه 22:
Myth 2: Islam condones violence against non- =—Muisins =" ۱ aca ee 0 eS eR ae Pak acd Re cae ca pedal ea al racic Meee) SR ae a aC (Rae a MS) cn) Lae at Reece ape a © AP the vher side woot peuce thea woke peace F:00, 0:00 OS Re a Oe Ea ee joke) ‎Cn RE acd‏ و ات ,له رمجمومن ,رای وا ال وا مسلط و ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 22

صفحه 23:
Myth 2: Islam condones violence against non- 1۱ dN ‏ا‎ ele ‏ل‎ kOe ea ane ‎re‏ ل ل وه 0ك ‎Seer kOe ‏فاخن‎ ‎eee eee ee ne ee ee ‎12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 23

صفحه 24:
24 ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths (08 1 Dente. tp Iskrie - 0 religious dup oP the Purdaweutubst. RR Ta eee Bk Pe oo 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 25:
Mivoa 5; ‏لا‎ 6110115111 15 - a fundamentalist duty, ‎sed ty dete Oust that believe ict‏ - مس ها سمل و ‎Ge rd Ora RN ocala ace‏ ‎© Onigtodhy used to desoribe Protestocts & viker Okristiac yavups adopticsy ees ca ee conan NRC cod ‎RA Naeger EM Ecco ee ay ae eee ort eis Reece oad ‎© Qusiskoedt Por tenrisw! exevutios, pruriPpdva or ext G19. Mra Pirst. ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 25

صفحه 26:
۱۱۰ ۰: 16110116110 is Islamic-a fundamentalist duty NE ree aaa aM rc aad ‎Rcd‏ ا ا ل م اي دنا ل للم ‎acd‏ يميا يا ا لي ا ل انا او ‏)9/00 تم مت ری ره ‎۱9 ac AU aro eee ‏ا‎ ‎Cee NEN ct aU Naa 0 ee etal oe ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 26

صفحه 27:
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths i 0200 3 a 12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001

صفحه 28:
Mivoa 4; Islam is oppressive of women Professional Working Women 12/26/24 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 28

صفحه 29:
Mivoa 4; Islam is oppressive of women لت ۱ ۱ ۱ RS Sen ae ee Ti - 19696 ‏ستا‎ ل ل 0 وی رطس لا کت انس اجك ما يل امه بر فا و بو ۶ ‎DN a OC el‏ ‎he ee‏ ا ‎ees a)‏ ۱ 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 29

صفحه 30:
Mivoa 4; Islam is oppressive of women Orne aN ao Sa Ne a a ac Da © Right to pw & ickert property ‎SE edie cd‏ لا ‎0 NO a ac ae NCR ne ae San elie aa ‏2ك ‎ace a‏ لي ل لي ل 0 ا 0 سم ‎(C) N. ALAli, 2001 30 ‎12624

صفحه 31:
Mivoa 4; Islam is oppressive of women 0 ‏اما‎ ‎Ses EC aon ‏تست‎ ا را ‎ic‏ و رها مه با صممج ۶ ‏نها موه مس بو صرق‎ cae air SR Ole * )](5 ‏جصاكان دمج ع2 جصاصصصمص‎ oe PA cL Can cae 12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 31

صفحه 32:
Mivoa 4; Islam is oppressive of women Panazir Bhutto Barve te) 88- لمكت لا 0000 001010 0 9 ١ Banglade ‏2۵و۷6‎ ۳ sh 91-6 Sukamap ۵ utri 1 4 8 1 10 ۷ ٩ Hasina Wajed ۳ on. araiBangladesh 96+ 32

صفحه 33:
References ‎as aD‏ 0ت ‎Aladex! wuw..iskciciy cowl eos quel POPIO1 bie ‎Oe DC ol nC ca Oks ae Real ‎wuwtkewoderueiyica. coc ‏وم‎ ‏ام ‎San RO‏ مس هت ۱۸ ‏يلي يديك ‏فييك ‎OS CS CO OP ane ane ar Dt Ole ac Ra mene ne ane led ‎0 Gud, Orieutiisw: Destervers Oowepiivas oF the Orient; ‏لك‎ ce ec AC ‎12624 (C) N. ALAli, 2001 33

صفحه 34:
