صفحه 1:
م0 وت مجان
هروه سنا عس مه Pandy oP
مت دار
صفحه 2:
منونمم ۳() نز يلواریی)) ۲و S Oiews
ta people's coknby ۱ ماه سرام ۰ بو بانج
Deuctay ty ar reprewected ta te objet
سيجناصةا روت ساسا مسج
Praca right hracudedk objets Or watery koou eck =
ها تا
صفحه 3:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
Dke Koowiery Orgucizaica
۳ 7 0018100 000
7 N
کر 0000و
صفحه 4:
Our beurcicgy Oyeada
تس مجاهت من
لاله ده تمه و تما
موس لیم Oke
۱7 لام | موی ها تمه وه موه تیه
صفحه 5:
Coteyories oP لانیسم)) امممتومم)
( “Dhe Ropes kone wed by orcgrutzaied wewbers to perPoren tet
work نمی وا مه of ther workbs.
“Doot hoo heck ty hard to verbulte bere itty expreszed throu
سای وروی ced voc be reduced to rues ood انس
] beew podPed or wade touybke, unl pau therePore be
حالس لته رانسسر
Dapher kanwkeke: way be vbjeotbared or ruke-based.
فجي اسه تجسن نت ‘he shared weunopine wad belePy obo
مرن وی ,ماس راکو
1۱ belePy oe weed to woke voke ood stgePioour ty a
ول oval اش
مالسا هجو( جوا Dhe wore teh) titrated the
موی ل مت سا سوت fe wore
صفحه 6:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
اماس صا وس
ايساسا ما راودا
Qonwtedge Cowersion
(@exndva ed Peres (298)
صفحه 7:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
CQonwledye Cowersivd Ouse
(vcr ond Dake (BSS)
Oba 4 ای مب حا بدنلا سب proche?
6 st
ALow w woke toy breed? or Oke von Detrwhts cb?
صفحه 8:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
صفحه 9:
ee Grek Coulter 0قسف counter
0 هه
Premeworls — eeudecke Ores Oconee هه
بو Ow
* Oly & keowteke PORTBOT ww?
+ Okt KDOOLBOOO eo we brave word weed?
+ Obes w or ODLTORO?
* Oke uALOOO?
+ Oke ud WPLOOBOT?
- سبط تنصل 7
لاس 01060 مد لب نم *
7 ۲ میهافم چب لب تیصلا -
“ow ull we ORGONE cow boowkerke?
* صمت بسنا 11 hep?
bow tb we roprove 7
© CW.Choo FIS University of Toronto
صفحه 10:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
Orhtes & Gtroteqy: Kanwledee t7 Oukue
Oreo Orw Ocho
(Geanrhy ceo Dota)
© brew wae ty bverane honwiedye od kPorumion ty ores orcentzctorrd uch,
Ooo oryrerte امین dl P ام
(acho ont yet 20ND)
صفحه 11:
Ctroteyy (©) 6 عصله()
terre | EP | ree | OH | rere | ey | سس
پهسه Cade bbe
تسه یه ++ ++
صصص سحهة | t+ | ++ ++ ] ++ | ++ ++
Lessor Learued
اسم ++ ++ ++
تنج ++ EH £
Rewer oP KD $a: 3
2 ++ ++ :
Rebroadey &
بسن tt | tt
Aheproved Quay
2 ++ ++ ++
صفحه 12:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
KO Results
٩1۰ 1996, BP “brought $2000 to the botiow tae -
doruveded وشوو tributed to KD - pus $POOD wore tely
but oot pet booked”
®uckwoo bubs faoreused its برا دجام اصن لمج نيجه GO%
QOow Chewird Ov swed $POO uo peur ia the re-use oP potecis
Cord Ovtor Cp swed wore thas $9000 ta the post 9 pews
WE reduced tts cost per vat by GO%
oak Xerox reduced its dispuickes bAIG%
Rocke seads cul its products Por PO upprove O works
صفحه 13:
۵ دا دیهه یرو منرمععیم مر یمه
عحصصطظ) 6 عطام؟)
صفحه 14:
Process & Proviice: Cantey Oreutiogy Opole
howled Prow pricey sore موی رل
لا Odd, rePe “raw keowleske” tale “proveserd *
braced, vase sider ییا ربوم یی
صاطدومممه ۱ Orqacize proveveed keowledke ued woktey *
Drede 9 piruture Por ches tay holed
Packagay, pubishing, dboewtratay hooker *
Poper, odice, Toirocet, pubPinders, kaowledee porta
اه مه( »| he whole oye, devia جيجه( *
architects Por orquaiztey, pubbehiag, cavitary Porardion
صفحه 15:
نوناک معا ری وا
Provess & Provtice: Structured KD Provess
Acquisition | Indexing Filtering Linking
Knowledge Management Process
Source: Adapted fom a KPMG orasortation.
صفحه 16:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
KO Exacple: Gureka
The need for solution creation
ماعط 16 rcs ۵96 وا
صفحه 17:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
KD Exccople: Cureka
Community of Product Leaders
(Product Leaders, oe Product Specialists...)
3۳۳ ۱ hay ۱۸۰6
= 3 Reject
€ i ; Discuss
~20,000 Service People, ~50,000 calls/day
(Technicians, Hotline,
hail aa
صفحه 18:
Cureka Goreeo
ie 7 Lost Edned: 1995/10/24 ‘Success Rate:
Status: Valted 1+ Show Tip Details
Histon ] کج 2 Wale Nn
Dietict: Tin Chins MN Seen: 2 Suited 101971996 O83530Nichae Poss,
‘Submit Date: iqyia/iac6 Tip Number: nos007)
Doc. Type: Tip
SUBJECT: Xerox costed جع همه
‘hen rumang Xerox comtee stock from Tray رد custoner gets Jax
Wd essage that "Paper width 13 too narrow
Contrary to what ye have heen taught, vith this stock load curl
‘ay 3. Instruct custayer how to check for curl in paper and flatness.
ation transport with antistatic fluid. The fluid will hold up for
approximately 10,000 to 15,000 copies. Any question f2el free to contact xe
~Hichael Fosus C58 Tuin Cities District- Eaployee # 930124.
10 FIS University of Toronto
تسس سس 3
لح سح
5 5 + ه ۳1 8
Next Rec. Prey. Reo. Find Back hed Edit 4 Help _Done\ Fined oe
صفحه 19:
طاصیظ) :ام KO
Curks Ont
+ Pub depoyed ts Pree (1898),
ممه )066©(
+ OPPexdy depbped tr OG )066©(
* 18,000 newer واه سود
we whe were
دول ۰ 9۶ 09,000 ما حول *
* 0% rechetos to service hoe ond جوم
* ewer buybrokes rds
پوت هت تست ما میت
+ Oversight 5 1 3
سس AR Rg atgk ج
+ Validation Doo g
ad |
7 ۵۱ 0۳۵ نا
tat ۳ al ابوث
۳2 ۹
‘and Validation Process”
+ Authoring
+ Use
صفحه 20:
تسف oud اونا ot
۳ سوم 410
هه و
Ow بو
+ "Back تفداص shod carry hoouderke oP
Oder 80,000 colexpes hie every verier od”
مر "Oe take pride ta sohAa hard problews”
"قاد سحن لحيل علدا جا جين و03"
۰ جر هن Proctor:
Boer "Oxreke but va sowekton tohichoce dd wet”
“Thay share beau hey ret tu be reopen
1p abort, voter, vikktos, iPr
+ Oper reorqtios
versity of Toro
وه موه و oP crake رو هجا اجو 09" *
people” 28,000
* Lepepe, vtroddour opptocion
+ pe keoulecke baw, swarck rotor
۰ لد مایت امین
صفحه 21:
تسف oud اونا ot
جسلهه 0
نسلل سنس" ١ معيو Geoulrke @
Ow ما
* Durbrotrad kow heowledye preiew vce Por
Odes te مهتم
Craw ایو زا shortogher لمعيس و
* DePre rolee ced resprcetbiities Por
Robe fecersky, evorchotos, topbeuretrs
سس ۱ sicher ted prowe
لاس۱ shorty cod brace
* Orlberdel site 3 process to ect),
Ghee 1101111 1 [1
+ 09 جات جبتحاس صا سيسحت aed kearcten,
0ك ot ce pot oP work prac
versity of Toro
+ میلو5) tools tot support
تس feet, لطس هه اجه ,موه
ميحد بجا ودار ل 9 *
دك لت ماه ره انم
صفحه 22:
© مرك الت FIS University of Toronto
Cnstower service i او
est way & to “Polo the cone”
uid expen مد وه و ویو
exe هجو وه ما موه
Deckeiciccs عارامم لجموممحطلی ,لها عامه
Orw kouwdedye is vatrable, should be shored
“Zhe cowoaniiy 10 the expert systew.”
:اناب 9
eter pretation:
صفحه 23:
© مرك الت FIS University of Toronto
Cnwlede Creuiod
« م
A 5 7 رز
Gm 7 07
ye > emule
> سس ۶
10000 ۵
Doct, سجس حاتم كان مومه لمج تجا ماك vette:
لو تاو peachy tps i الط
Pore 3 odturd poweoly oP pravtoe و تشه
ومس سرمت ,اح ,مام ممصي Dons oP peer
صفحه 24:
© CW Choo FIS University of Toronto
08016100 08
وی اوه سمل ووت)
عسي Devhuiviows shoud use veaiedy produced doa
ureha Prt io Proce, Oaaads oF “experienc”
Deplyxcedt ia OG ceeded approvd Prow
سین اه Service
صفحه 25: