صفحه 1:
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صفحه 2:
Leadership? * Dre obiliy to spire ‏وولو‎ wed suppor Por those ‏صا يحانم‎ achieve you's © Dre hued Pastor thot bieds @ yup toyether ued wotivotes if touvarcds yous

صفحه 3:
Leadership ‎wore thon yivier people icsteuctioas werd seri‏ وا ‎theo‏ ربمم ‎that they ure varied oul. Th weces‏ ‎sv thot they wot to parry Dut icstructious becouse‏ ‎they Peel it is right Por thew ced the Whole ycup.‏ ‎wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC ‎ ‎

صفحه 4:
Leadership 5 Okat are pour thoughts ‏تاه‎ what a beerder is? wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC

صفحه 5:
Leadership aspires on stiwutates vikers to achieve yous 4oPlieuwes peuple to ot io pow dinero bets people work — wt wuher thew BO POINT ECHNIC

صفحه 6:
دعاص ولوس ر| ‎robe‏ روصم و جه حاصه برط ‎dePueuves vikers‏ ‎wodel‏ ‎Rewoves burviers to people oo achieve‏ كوأصوص !أو ‎Gupporicg, <puidicy,‏ es ‏ه‎ yood kaowledye oP the work aed iodusiqy they ure ic wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC

صفحه 7:
beuders pou kup? ۰ W090 sevoeds write dow os woop people pou vousider to be teaders us pou oot wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC

صفحه 8:
Lewers Oertsoa Ooadeta Welea Clark loka Key eter Chia @uarck Obuwa ®vw Querd Clzubets Oi Cues Richie ‏هه(‎ ‎Oprak OinPrey wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC

صفحه 9:
Leaders ia ‏یه‎ Rickard @racsoa Pawaki Orotkers Oinistry oP ‏مه‎ Croewe Purcer — Plight Creare! op Deck Stelios Wei- occas -Casplet/Wotets Poa Ryaa -Ryaair Witoa Pacviy — Witoa Wotel Oka Pkowes Ovvk reddy boker oka Oudersoa - Crathi Pours wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC

صفحه 10:
جح وج ری wy OTAGO re POLYTECHNIC

صفحه 11:
Tusk Our * O breP history oP leadership

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