صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Prolog: Facts Queries ?- likes(jerry,cheeze). yes ?-likes(X,john). X=mary; X=tom; no

صفحه 3:
SS ‏با‎ ‎Rules ‎X is brother of Y if X is a male and X and Y have the same parents. In Prolog is_brother_of(X,Y):-male(X), parents(X, Father, Mother), parents(Y, Father, Mother).

صفحه 4:
a Backtracking population(us,275). population(china,1262). ?- concen(X,Y). population(nz,4). X= us Population(india, 1000). Y = 91.6667 ; land(us,3000). X =china land(china,4000). = . land(nz,250). Yr SES land(india,3288). eine concen(X,Y):- Y= 16; population(X,P), X = india land(X,L), Y = 304.136 ; Y is P*1000/L. No

صفحه 5:
max(X,Y,Y) :- Y>X, !. max(X,Y,X). ?- max(1,2,X). X=2; No 9 max(X,Y,Y) :- Y>X. max(X,Y,X). ?- max(1,2,X). X=2; 8-1 No De

صفحه 6:
SS ۲ Lists ][ [a,b,c,d,e] [5,8,3,9,7] [the, boy, run] ist can be split into a head and a tail: [H grades(john, [70,87,90,58]). ?- grades(john, [H|T]). H=70 T= [87,90,58] Recursion and Lists member(X,[X| _ ]). member(X, [ _ | Y]) :- member(X, Y). ?- member(1, [3,4,5,8,1,9]). Yes

صفحه 7:
1/0 put(Ch). get(Ch). get0(Ch). tab(X). nl. read(X). write(X). File /O tell(Filename) telling(X) told see(Filename) seeing(X) seen

صفحه 8:
fifidall(X,Term, List). =e ee male(andrew). X= andrew; X= mary; oes X= john; ennifer; male(george). X= george; X= eve; male(greg). xe : male(adam). a greg; female(mary). X= adam; female(jennifer). 2 Perera ‏تك‎ adam, eve). ۲ parents(john,george,ma B= ‏ا‎ 27 ۳ X= andrew; parents(greg,adam,eve). parents(jennifer, ?- findall(X, male(X), List). adam,eve). List= [andrew, john, george, greg, ada parents(andrew, ?- findall(X, female(X), List). adam,eve). List= [mary, jennifer, eve] ?- findall(X, parents(X,adam,eve), List). List= [greg, jennifer, andrew]

صفحه 9:
۹۹۰۰۰۰ nctor(Term, Functor, Arity) 2 2 ۱ ۲ ۲ arg(N,Term, Value) functor(likes(mary,john),Fun,Arity). Fun = likes ?- arg(2,likes(mary,john),X). Arity = 2 X = john Yes Yes 9 ?- arg(2,likes(mary,X),john). X=likes(mary john) functor(% Func A ‏د عد‎ john rity). X = likes(mary, john) Func = likes Yes 0 arg(3,parents(john,george,X),Val) Arity = 2 pe X= _G346 functor(parents(adamjohnmary)E, | (= y-o0° N). Yes F = parents e ‎arg(3,parents(john,george,victori‏ دع ور ‎a),Val).‏ ‎Yes ‎Re eg

صفحه 10:
SS ‏با‎ Games Robot control Natural language processing Expert systems Image processing Parsing of context-free languages Compiler writing VLSI Design Relational database کت ‎Dat Syn Bere‏ مت خی

صفحه 11:
SS A ‘simple grammar for expressioris expr ::= term | term addop expr term ::= factor | factor multop term factor ::= ‘x’ | ‘y’ | lbr expr rbr addop ::= ‘+’ | ~’ multop ::= ‘*’ | ‘/’ Tbr es ‘(’

صفحه 12:
expr --> term. expr --> term, addop, expr. term --> factor. ?- phrase(expr, Ly, '*', '(', x, term --> factor, multop, t'+', x, ')']) factor -->[x]. Yes factor -->[y]. ?- phrase(factor, [y]) ۷99 factor --> lbr, expr, rbr. addop ->['+']. ‏ی‎ yy) addop -->['-']. ?- phrase(factor, [y , '*', x]) multop -->['*"']. No multop -->['/']. ?- phrase(expr, [y, '*', x]) . Ibr -->['(‘]. eS: rbr -->[')']. ?- phrase(factor, ['(y, *', xy).

صفحه 13:
SS A Grammar for a very small fragment of F sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase. noun_phrase --> determiner, noun. noun_phrase --> proper_noun. determiner -->[the]. determiner -->[a]. proper _noun -->[pedro]. noun -->[man]. noun -->[apple]. verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase. verb_phrase --> verb. verb -->[eats]. verb -->[sings].

صفحه 14:
Oppivaicns Explanation Facility Working Memory Domain Expert(S) 5 _ Knowledge User Interface Inference Engine Base Knowledge 5 owledge ngineer Formalized Knowledeg

صفحه 15:
bora Chess Ocehatica: @ Wore couse is a couse wilh ot cost vor postive titer. 0 Wore chouse therePore betas to vor oP Pour coteqories: Fh oe eons ttre crm tera © ride bar the Porn: ۳0-9 0 ...۵ ~PROQ@ ‏تس‎ logically equivocal 7 ۳0۸66۶ ... ۸۲ << 6 hus, ‏کرت مرن ما ون‎ cay ovecber oP couric but Cxavples: ~arra(X) O wort), ‏ل ل ان‎ at) ‏عسي ۵ را ۲ص 0 (۷ سس‎ 1:( PC is paredt oP YY! aed ۲ ‏و وه و‎ LD thea ‏وه وا‎ oP TD.

صفحه 16:
(xavples: wani(svorutes) poreu(eizabeth,chorles)", © veqnted qo | O postive tierub, uf bust | cequtve tera, اوه با خن ماو سل ‎the oexaied yoo‏ ,وا واه وا ان امن اه امش و ‎Wo be proved‏ Dre wl clawe: O postive vod O cexniive liercds. @ppeus voy oF the ead oP ‏ممم و‎

صفحه 17:
٠" ‏2227ل‎ roby * is desiqned to represen Word chee, ¢ does backward chaiciagy val, * ‏جز‎ a Pal Durdeg equivded ‏كوادك بو ور‎ ‏اه ره ارو وس موه كمه رععصسيوهها‎ ‏رتور‎ hrogquage cod. Oodera Proloy iwpleweutativas kave (BO Pontes, Past

صفحه 18:
Prolog Grammer Program ::= Clause... Query | Query Clause ::= Predicate . | Predicate :- PredicateList . PredicateList ::= Predicate | PredicateList , Predicate Predicate Atom | Atom( TermList ) TermList ::= Term | TermList , Term Term ::= Numeral | Atom | Variable | Structure Structure ::= Atom ( TermList ) Query ::= ?- PredicateList . Numeral an integer or real number Atom ::= string of characters beginning with a lowercase letter or enclosed in apostrophes. Variable ::= string of characters beginning with an uppercase letter or underscore Terminals = {Numeral, Atom, Variable, : comma, period, left and

صفحه 19:
۹۹۰۰۰۰ Comparing Prolog and Haskell Syntax In Prolog: * functions are not evaluated - they are like data constructors * the language is untyped * variables begin with upper-case letters or an underscore * predicate and function symbols begin with a lower-case letter * the list constructor functor is [ | ], not :

صفحه 20:
Prolog relations variable; indicated with jn ending start with upper case start with lower case separated by commas . (when body is needed) separated by semi-colons full stop | (always inside brackets) Haskell functions fixed; if fewer arguments, then return a function start with lower case start with upper case separated by spaces = (after possible alternatives) preceded by | (or can use iftthen-else) off-side rule (or semi-colon) (inside parens when potentially ambiguous) اي —_ Kinds of objects Arity (number of parameters) Variables Values Clause parameters ‘Head-body separator Alternatives Clause ending List constructor

صفحه 21:
SS ‏با‎ ‎۲۵7۵۲96 ][ =[] reverse (h:t) = (reverse t) + + [h] reverse([], []). reverse([H|T], R) :- reverse(T, RT), append(RT, [H], R).

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