صفحه 1:
QOatataictag boyd Custowers
02015 purcey
ام ما1 001
صفحه 2:
a: ores:
0" Aetarcuctios
۰ Phivsophy
* Custower Pores
۰. ومع برجم
« مبو) Steps
صفحه 3:
Dhe basis Por oll cur Oustower Loyalty
وجل ساماد
صفحه 4:
۹ a ©
۱. OP pears old
. Data Board Public Lista: Pucpst COOS
. Products: Cousanver Boods oad Gervices
Core Ousicess: DLO
. Otkers: Contrast DanPacturicy, Bxport!/P racic,
. Doaysia, Giegapore, Cre, حول 0,
Chieu, Wooy Kooy, Phiippices
. GroPP Porce: + GOO
©. Distributors: + 26000
د هو و و ۵
صفحه 5:
0. Gell through people
. Rebtivaship & peuple shi
. Cosppecsctiva Phat
ص سطادة .
هت .
. ۳0
عدص © 8 عمصاصصس © .
من بط
۵ ۵ 5 ظ8 0
صفحه 6:
ke cackor Por مت اه
صفحه 7:
@oods Retura Policy
“1 doo't pare اا they retura a
$SOO, pw thew $000.”
Oordstirow does ut sell tires
صفحه 8:
۱ busivess, OO% to
00% vP test vustowers reported pa a
survey just prior to dePevtiog thot they
were sxitsPed pr very sultisPed.”
LOR 0۰7۷ 0
صفحه 9:
“O01 is wore thao busicess.
Oe stony believe thot every individual
kus the vpportucity to otto a better إجانظا
though C1.”
صفحه 10:
نوسداه () ام عرش۲ا) عمب(0
“Bet wore pevple, to buy wore thie,
wore Prequediy, ut higher prices.”
“Retectiod acd Lopoly useless PF Do
Cowersivn is وه را
Gero مرا"
صفحه 11:
Lopulty is Dseless...
* Oirtud Cocsupivd vs. Red
صفحه 12:
* Wewy Cousuptivd # bopaty
* Lopaty Wey Cocncopiod
*Doday’s Pocus is va Loyalty, wt Ova neptioa.
اجه موز و rePer Darketicny
صفحه 13:
ana to buy wore, - سس
wore Prequeuiy, ut higher prices
صفحه 14:
Custower Povus
(Ceepieg oo eye oo the right thio
صفحه 15:
qd. اس
صفحه 16:
3۵ 4 اوه 6 مرو Ged
(cow pour “Custower”
0. Oser
©. Distributor
9. becders
@. Guper bewders
8 Corporate
صفحه 17:
ك2 اوه 6 مرو 4 3۵
based va Oulue oP the 0ك
Ore vP Custower = REO =
Reveuwy x Prequeuy x Ovuetary
صفحه 18:
>a ۱۹ ed Dado
Dargetiog based va Ochue oP the Custower?
۱9 515 Oia
13 ادق سجاه
Ov wird Duxtcize
tow. ارت
Preset Ouhe
صفحه 19:
3 Cee Road cae Ged
٠ --- جم دجم
صفحه 20:
3۵ ۱ VAC Creer ner cree
Lovuly = Cxpeneuve vs. Expevtaivas
Gohatiod Gtrate gy: Oulue Disviplices
صفحه 21:
> لس ۹
1 Croke "De ay te went kev”
(beetle "Oeknily rece onl orev
“@lvaye oo the heute ede”
سوه من
price finalise موه لاو
Oreo weuistion ppst ond "Dheyire very respetve"
rePereatd service ood تسام
Lowest overall vost of ی
| تافص "cp very lovely thew"
"@ ww-kavekes Piro" Thebes \ w be ه worse
اجره له نسم
Rekbe procket ond service
صفحه 22:
== We 0: سر Ged .
صفحه 23:
== We ٩: دح سوه >
Opertiond و ماو له ریت6 :ماه key
prices صاطهجای شب هه
Tone ی Prod Omer Ortves
سوه د Prive Drove
Quay موه 3 95
صفحه 24:
== We 11 ce
@rodut beadership: Osique products ond services thot push
the standards
Prod هس۳2 29) عم وق koe
1 Drove د vst
Oran ی 1 ret
صفحه 25:
== ae COs Ged .
Ieikoagy: Persowd service tolored to produce مهن
جوم مها تن resus Por custower ood
Produ Core Pirtier Rekiowhip tone
5 7 Genice 0
y raed
صفحه 26:
ی ا SA
Lovoly = Best ubercative اه عا له
Sohatiod Gtrotegy: Buse Retectivc
صفحه 27:
tty O: Guvicry
Custowers ue “ly” bevouse: مره
dedvidud Retaicaships
Cowricure (ot thot poict ic tive)
Product Ouiqueuess
Ov better ره اه
Ov keow شاه
Psyckoloqicaly ky
صفحه 28:
۹ (eee cel Ovaries CRO) aroun} ك2
متس ره دع
“Dp sutsPy vor — “OWroror tre
هه ات مت رجات
۳:۳9 ار Ok 6 or uh
مورا & Browse eter Process
“Dkeot حادصا لجه ححص جمدت de or “Dy sutePy cur astowers, ia
وربور require to kelp thew سب ما مت با رت
Exerc Dur sire? Provesses wast we Exel?"
صفحه 29:
صفحه 30:
>a (eee cel Ovaries CRO) aroun} Ged
)۳ ter Tax. Revedue. Casteto-cask pyre. Operatiog most
Oxsiower Orwphitcts. Owstower Orquistica Rate. Produc Buakdbiliy.
Croker Queliy & Gervice. Recewal Bocud Gubsoriptica. Disiributor
Quack Orbievewed. Dv. of Orive Distributor. Dv. OC/Reqoad
Gdes. Ostrbutor wi مس
Onstower Outabase Bvatabiiiy. Peouragy oP (Poreccet (Placita.
Ovutows Ieoprovewed. Respouse Dive ty Oustower Deeds. PerPert
Order PuPikvedt. leveciory Murcover. Ducber oP EPPevive Gpousorieny
Progra. Ou Deve Ortvery. Ov. of ای( بت مشخ( of
رع<۳۲) DEP
% oP stohP evoked va Oore Cowpeicuy Prexvework. Yo oP othP
wik Ooreer Oevebpwedt Phra. (De. of trotcicny hours cowplted per
SPP. Yo oP stoPP سماد وا مه رن Porto. GUC “ede. %
ود evakrted va Outure okyeemect
صفحه 31:
Giratesp Cxuavple
Okt we hove door ocd why
صفحه 32:
صفحه 33:
S.Ouwse Retention
OP -wheels
صفحه 34:
= : وت y, Oxtue Oisviptices
Dench of Dorbet makes, Dehont Trey & Pred Devore, (99 سول
صفحه 35:
صفحه 36:
صفحه 37:
ماع تون ۰
صا حافك كاوس وعدم رصا ۳ Dove kanw-how ۰
° Ceuckwark ugqeivst best ia chose
* Goowr operctivas troiciogy Por ofl وروی
نت Ose disvipiues lke TQO Por *
quelli رو له وه له صا رو
صفحه 38:
رها Custower *
Capture honwledye ubowt pusivwers *
لح ٠ Onderstand custower
روم ها مس Ceopower *
ححصه عا ند مهو ما یوق ۰
۰ طله() expo hoowledye عااملمره
صفحه 39:
داعس م۱9
Reduve tie to warket *
Cowwervidize wew products Post *
Coswre thot deus Plow *
Reuse what viker parts oP the vospooy ove °
من Gusure there ae wutiple svurves oP ۰
صفحه 40:
= : وت y, Oxtue Oisviptices
Dench of Dorbet makes, Dehont Trey & Pred Devore, (99 سول
صفحه 41:
= : وت y, Oxtue Oisviptices
Dench of Dorbet makes, Dehont Trey & Pred Devore, (99 سول
صفحه 42:
2 400
Ouke i easy to eu QOuhke it eusy to prepore
* SO% drive-hru ۰ وی زرا
۰ ما و وتو ولمم نز لها علو() &
Dake it quick Quake what custowers weet
* “Past Pood” ٠ Crows warket Por نجه
۰ Pests cew products Pop Products
Copvhkiogy Dicer © Ovcitored Piel tests
*Odopted Proc: Bustteessweek , Pebruraqy ©“ COOP
صفحه 43:
= Wome Nene Nee eA Ged
° Ieoreesr sucha posts
= Coxoples rekaicaships - they wil be rekuokre top throuchs the keel oP vedo
hove relaicaships fr order to ewe
= Crore w oxwpetior wil be able tw ove up wits a by eamuck oPRer
كل ونيشي their switcher cost
متشه و cyst, by provider vokble, but patra), services
- و6 Pebos, BRE, ,ناسمه Cows ucts
* Daler pour PP erty
مهو له وا وه او( tp perspeize expec Por
اه با ج
- koe of Ostet
- 1۵ 08
- 100, «سسد
صفحه 44:
= Wome 00000 eae] Ged
۰ Preewpt DePeviow
= Bias, سس Barrer
= (Ceep track oP rastowers’ chaucfery ude prterta
— Oe chead of the custower's devisiva pyle
— Credit cards, Ouis
* Cond wik Custowers
= Oost sinners, vader wet rina Koskeces, wool! evoke a Rall roc oF
و موی ارت مر بط repurchase deisioa
= @rands orede eotioas
= Deed kPewe customers to be os your side
= ey. @pple, Baby prockects
صفحه 45:
ک() منصییمی)
PrvPies او
Progra x Lihesivle Matrix
un, عم موه
(eq. desiqa ued subwit pour
DW! revipe, jewelry, oreetic;
vard etc.)
Gwichioy Techoiques (e.4.
اه اه ولد credit
Orn packages
Reward prowravs (Poin)
QDewbership Gubsmription
موه آم؟)
اه الموج
QRewieder & GA suggestion
صفحه 46:
Sy Ore: 0ج
صفحه 47:
>a Gtratequ: Praework
© Ory عمط
۰ dob Design
٠١ 0
۰ Policies & procedures
* Opvisiva wuhicg
٠ طاول
٠ جمجاص ب 8) امجمصج هو(
٠ CCC ud KPIs
© Oevedraized & Caopower
صفحه 48:
= Wome ۹ en
۰ Dov
© Physic Poviliics
* eer support
۱ حي ۰
٠ D&O Proqrave (ister)
٠ 10 م6
٠ 0ج
صفحه 49:
>a Gtratequ: Praework Ged
© Role wodetacy
* Onivd Dissiva Phiveophy
۰ Leadership Gipte
0 سوه
* Orteyaion & Cwpowervedt
* C&O, Prowntioas
۰ Gee of Orgeuwy
٠ Gpedk requ الوه mustowers
صفحه 50:
3۵ ۱۹ Praework
٠ ورراوروا evervour it Custower Poms
٠ Geb wooed teas
۰ مسج
3 TM 58
© Profit shoring
۰ Oucener’s ole
* Oukes
صفحه 51:
= : ۹ OE acces
engi Agen! مهد مه
۳0 nto
ا و 0
سس ووو ده
saat aay الغا كلها -209 3 11
eon 1 ا
enw ee.
ee امد
at pee مس
farts enon Gps sere مس
‘reson (on) Spans Sanur
teal AMS: eee
{git trp aaa
AAMT Siesziit
يي 3 مع
se سح
یم مم سس مت موه
میس رت
ع م
صفحه 52:
C 1
اد © Poms pot
۰ م0
* Qualiy
٠ Ascovotiod & DiPPerectictica
© Risk tabicry
* Cerfhorwawe Oucageweut
* Corpmute vbsessiva
* Opvisiva wuhicg
صفحه 53:
= ۱۹ rasewors
صفحه 54:
رت ام buck .0
سل 9:۳
000 Asters Gervice
0. Wirtcry
0 ©. evel ORO database
(9 Odtue between
Gernice und Cvatrol
dP Peedback Proc the
d. GO
©. Geparciay Gdes,
Oorketiag, and DOG
9. Dew products
@. Oisinterpretiog mustower
سرت تا
S. back oP Prouticers
9. OuckoP hice
°. Oustowers = Proctice
صفحه 55:
Oext Steps
صفحه 56:
Por CO1:
9. Product 0
(O.Cxtercd cetworks
(dd. ied support
0 علهبم() .19
مه بای ملسم 49
(S.Carneted worketiacy
-OC Octicee
. POrwwerve
. Oustower Iota
POO reduction
- Orerrciary
«Dovey proyrans
0 0 5 ط
صفحه 57:
0. Product Quatliyy
9. Custower Gervice
4106 مس deP ection
0. Wirtery
0.Get standards
19: tt everpow's
Custower phivsophy
. Review GOPs
» Re-vrieatate stahP
او() و و(
. 084
- Resvuves
د © 0 و و
صفحه 58:
Drak ‘ou.
oP copy oF sides! heooyooy@rui.cow.y