کسب و کارمدیریت و رهبری

Maintaining Loyal Customers

صفحه 1:
QOatataictag boyd Custowers 02015 purcey 0 ام ما1 001

صفحه 2:
a: ores: Ouyeods: 0" Aetarcuctios ۰ Phivsophy * Custower Pores ۰. ‏ومع برجم‎ « ‏مبو)‎ Steps

صفحه 3:
۱ Dhe basis Por oll cur Oustower Loyalty ‏وجل ساماد‎ 3۵

صفحه 4:
۹ a © ۱. OP pears old . Data Board Public Lista: Pucpst COOS . Products: Cousanver Boods oad Gervices Core Ousicess: DLO . Otkers: Contrast DanPacturicy, Bxport!/P racic, PCowwerve . Doaysia, Giegapore, Cre, ‏حول‎ 0, Chieu, Wooy Kooy, Phiippices . GroPP Porce: + GOO ©. Distributors: + 26000 د هو و و ۵ 9 نصروله()

صفحه 5:
0. Gell through people . Rebtivaship & peuple shi . Cosppecsctiva Phat ص سطادة . هت . . ۳0 و عدص © 8 عمصاصصس © . من بط ۵ ۵ 5 ظ8 0 »D OO

صفحه 6:
ke cackor Por ‏مت اه‎ 3۵

صفحه 7:
@oods Retura Policy “1 doo't pare ‏اا‎ they retura a $SOO, pw thew $000.” Oordstirow does ut sell tires

صفحه 8:
۱ busivess, OO% to 00% vP test vustowers reported pa a survey just prior to dePevtiog thot they were sxitsPed pr very sultisPed.” LOR 0۰7۷ 0

صفحه 9:
“O01 is wore thao busicess. Oe stony believe thot every individual kus the vpportucity to otto a better ‏إجانظا‎ ‎though C1.”

صفحه 10:
نوسداه () ام عرش۲ا) عمب(0 ‎“Bet wore pevple, to buy wore thie,‏ ‎wore Prequediy, ut higher prices.”‏ “Retectiod acd Lopoly useless PF Do Cowersivn is ‏وه را‎ Gero ‏مرا"‎

صفحه 11:
Lopulty is Dseless... * Oirtud Cocsupivd vs. Red Oowsrppiot

صفحه 12:
* Wewy Cousuptivd # bopaty * Lopaty Wey Cocncopiod *Doday’s Pocus is va Loyalty, wt Ova neptioa. ‏اجه موز و‎ rePer Darketicny

صفحه 13:
‎ana to buy wore,‏ - سس ‎wore Prequeuiy, ut higher prices‏

صفحه 14:
Custower Povus (Ceepieg oo eye oo the right thio 3۵

صفحه 15:
qd. ‏اس‎

صفحه 16:
3۵ 4 ‏اوه 6 مرو‎ Ged (cow pour “Custower” 0. Oser ©. Distributor 9. becders @. Guper bewders 6.000 950 8 Corporate

صفحه 17:
ك2 اوه 6 مرو 4 3۵ ‎based va Oulue oP the‏ 0ك ‎Cusiower:‏ ‎Ore vP Custower = REO = Reveuwy x Prequeuy x Ovuetary

صفحه 18:
>a ۱۹ ed Dado Dargetiog based va Ochue oP the Custower? ٩ ۱9 515 Oia 13 ‏ادق سجاه‎ Oxtue Ov wird Duxtcize tow. ‏ارت‎ Preset Ouhe

صفحه 19:
3 Cee Road cae Ged ‎٠ ---‏ جم دجم ‎Oppositivs ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 20:
3۵ ۱ VAC Creer ner cree Lovuly = Cxpeneuve vs. Expevtaivas Gohatiod Gtrate gy: Oulue Disviplices

صفحه 21:
> لس ۹ 1 Croke "De ay te went kev” (beetle "Oeknily rece onl orev “@lvaye oo the heute ede” سوه من ‎price finalise‏ موه لاو ‎Oreo weuistion ppst ond "Dheyire very respetve"‏ rePereatd service ood ‏تسام‎ Lowest overall vost of ‏ی‎ ‎| ‏تافص‎ "cp very lovely thew" "@ ww-kavekes Piro" Thebes \ w be ‏ه‎ worse ‏اجره له نسم‎ Rekbe procket ond service

صفحه 22:
== We 0: ‏سر‎ Ged .

صفحه 23:
== We ٩: ‏دح سوه‎ > Opertiond ‏و ماو له ریت6 :ماه‎ key ‎prices‏ صاطهجای شب هه ‎Tone‏ ی ‎Prod Omer Ortves‏ سوه د ‎Prive Drove‏ ‎Quay ‏موه‎ 3 95 ‎

صفحه 24:
== We 11 ce @rodut beadership: Osique products ond services thot push the standards Prod ‏هس۳2 29) عم وق‎ koe 1 Drove ‏د‎ vst Oran ‏ی‎ 1 ret

صفحه 25:
== ae COs Ged . ‎Ieikoagy: Persowd service tolored to produce‏ مهن جوم مها تن ‎resus Por custower ood‏ ‎Produ Core Pirtier Rekiowhip tone 5 7 Genice 0 ‎y raed ‏سل‎ ‎

صفحه 26:
ی ا ‎SA‏ Lovoly = Best ubercative ‏اه عا له‎ Sohatiod Gtrotegy: Buse Retectivc

صفحه 27:
tty O: Guvicry ‎Custowers ue “ly” bevouse:‏ مره ‎dedvidud Retaicaships Cowricure (ot thot poict ic tive) ‏لك‎ ‎Product Ouiqueuess Prowntives ‎Ov better ‏ره اه‎ ‏حجناسه() ‎Ov keow ‏شاه‎ ‎Psyckoloqicaly ky

صفحه 28:
۹ (eee cel Ovaries CRO) aroun} ‏ك2‎ متس ره دع “Dp sutsPy vor — “OWroror tre ‏هه ات مت رجات‎ ۳:۳9 ‏ار‎ Ok 6 or uh ‏مورا‎ & Browse eter Process “Dkeot ‏حادصا لجه ححص جمدت‎ de or “Dy sutePy cur astowers, ia ‏وربور‎ require to kelp thew ‏سب ما مت با رت‎ Exerc Dur sire? Provesses wast we Exel?"

صفحه 29:

صفحه 30:
>a (eee cel Ovaries CRO) aroun} Ged )۳ ter Tax. Revedue. Casteto-cask pyre. Operatiog most Au Oxsiower Orwphitcts. Owstower Orquistica Rate. Produc Buakdbiliy. Croker Queliy & Gervice. Recewal Bocud Gubsoriptica. Disiributor Quack Orbievewed. Dv. of Orive Distributor. Dv. OC/Reqoad Gdes. Ostrbutor wi ‏مس‎ Onstower Outabase Bvatabiiiy. Peouragy oP (Poreccet (Placita. Ovutows Ieoprovewed. Respouse Dive ty Oustower Deeds. PerPert Order PuPikvedt. leveciory Murcover. Ducber oP EPPevive Gpousorieny Progra. Ou Deve Ortvery. Ov. of ‏ای( بت مشخ(‎ of ‏رع<۳۲)‎ DEP % oP stohP evoked va Oore Cowpeicuy Prexvework. Yo oP othP wik Ooreer Oevebpwedt Phra. (De. of trotcicny hours cowplted per SPP. Yo oP stoPP ‏سماد وا مه رن‎ Porto. GUC “ede. % ‏ود‎ evakrted va Outure okyeemect

صفحه 31:
Giratesp Cxuavple Okt we hove door ocd why

صفحه 32:

صفحه 33:
S.Ouwse Retention OP -wheels

صفحه 34:
= : ‏وت‎ y, Oxtue Oisviptices ‎Dench of Dorbet makes, Dehont Trey & Pred Devore, (99‏ سول ‎ ‎

صفحه 35:

صفحه 36:

صفحه 37:
ماع تون ۰ صا حافك كاوس وعدم رصا ۳ ‎Dove kanw-how‏ ۰ ‎vihers‏ ° Ceuckwark ugqeivst best ia chose * Goowr operctivas troiciogy Por ofl ‏وروی‎ نت ‎Ose disvipiues lke TQO Por‏ * ‎quelli‏ رو له وه له صا رو

صفحه 38:
رها ‎Custower‏ * ‎Capture honwledye ubowt pusivwers‏ * لح ‎٠ Onderstand custower‏ روم ها مس ‎Ceopower‏ * ححصه عا ند مهو ما یوق ۰ ۰ ‏طله()‎ expo hoowledye ‏عااملمره‎ ‎0

صفحه 39:
داعس م۱9 ‎Reduve tie to warket‏ * ‎Cowwervidize wew products Post‏ * ‎Coswre thot deus Plow‏ * ‎Reuse what viker parts oP the vospooy ove‏ ° 5ك من ‎Gusure there ae wutiple svurves oP‏ ۰

صفحه 40:
= : ‏وت‎ y, Oxtue Oisviptices ‎Dench of Dorbet makes, Dehont Trey & Pred Devore, (99‏ سول ‎ ‎

صفحه 41:
= : ‏وت‎ y, Oxtue Oisviptices ‎Dench of Dorbet makes, Dehont Trey & Pred Devore, (99‏ سول ‎ ‎

صفحه 42:
2 400 Ouke i easy to eu QOuhke it eusy to prepore * SO% drive-hru ۰ ‏وی زرا‎ ۰ ‏ما و وتو ولمم نز لها علو()‎ & ۳ Dake it quick Quake what custowers weet * “Past Pood” ٠ Crows warket Por ‏نجه‎ ‎۰ Pests cew products Pop Products Copvhkiogy Dicer © Ovcitored Piel tests *Odopted Proc: Bustteessweek , Pebruraqy ©“ COOP

صفحه 43:
= Wome Nene Nee eA Ged ° Ieoreesr sucha posts = Coxoples rekaicaships - they wil be rekuokre top throuchs the keel oP vedo hove relaicaships fr order to ewe = Crore w oxwpetior wil be able tw ove up wits a by eamuck oPRer ‏كل ونيشي‎ their switcher cost ‏متشه و‎ cyst, by provider vokble, but patra), services - ‏و6‎ Pebos, BRE, ‏,ناسمه‎ Cows ucts * Daler pour PP erty ‏مهو له وا وه او(‎ tp perspeize expec Por ‏اه با ج‎ - koe of Ostet - 1۵ 08 - 100, ‏«سسد‎

صفحه 44:
= Wome 00000 eae] Ged ۰ Preewpt DePeviow = Bias, ‏سس‎ Barrer = (Ceep track oP rastowers’ chaucfery ude prterta — Oe chead of the custower's devisiva pyle — Credit cards, Ouis * Cond wik Custowers = Oost sinners, vader wet rina Koskeces, wool! evoke a Rall roc oF ‏و موی ارت مر بط‎ repurchase deisioa = @rands orede eotioas = Deed kPewe customers to be os your side = ey. @pple, Baby prockects

صفحه 45:
ک() منصییمی) ‎PrvPies‏ او Progra x Lihesivle Matrix un, ‏عم موه‎ (eq. desiqa ued subwit pour DW! revipe, jewelry, oreetic; vard etc.) Gwichioy Techoiques (e.4. ‏اه اه ولد‎ credit wards) Orn packages شحو Reward prowravs (Poin) QDewbership Gubsmription ‏موه آم؟)‎ Orwsteters اه الموج ‎QRewieder & GA suggestion‏ رصیق

صفحه 46:
Sy Ore: ‏0ج‎

صفحه 47:
>a Gtratequ: Praework © Ory ‏عمط‎ ۰ dob Design ٠١ 0 ۰ Policies & procedures * Opvisiva wuhicg ٠ ‏طاول‎ ٠ ‏جمجاص ب 8) امجمصج هو(‎ ٠ CCC ud KPIs © Oevedraized & Caopower

صفحه 48:
= Wome ۹ en ۰ Dov © Physic Poviliics * eer support ۱ حي ۰ ٠ D&O Proqrave (ister) ٠ 10 ‏م6‎ ٠ ‏0ج‎

صفحه 49:
>a Gtratequ: Praework Ged © Role wodetacy * Onivd Dissiva Phiveophy ۰ Leadership Gipte 0 ‏سوه‎ ‎* Orteyaion & Cwpowervedt * C&O, Prowntioas ۰ Gee of Orgeuwy ٠ Gpedk requ ‏الوه‎ mustowers

صفحه 50:
3۵ ۱۹ Praework ٠ ‏ورراوروا‎ evervour it Custower Poms ٠ Geb wooed teas ۰ ‏مسج‎ ‎۰) ‎3 TM 58 © Profit shoring ۰ Oucener’s ole * Oukes

صفحه 51:
2 1 10 7 60 = : ۹ OE acces KE ARAH KEJAYAAN / | 7۴ ROAD TO SUCCESS engi Agen! ‏مهد مه‎ ۳0 nto ا و 0 سس ووو ده ‎saat aay‏ الغا كلها -209 3 11 ‎eon 1‏ ا ‎enw ee.‏ ‎ee‏ امد at pee ‏مس‎ farts enon Gps sere ‏مس‎ ‎‘reson (on) Spans Sanur teal AMS: eee {git trp aaa AAMT Siesziit ‏ا‎ يي 3 مع ‎se‏ سح یم مم سس مت موه میس رت BBS ‏م‎ ع م

صفحه 52:
C 1 ‏اد‎ © Poms pot ۰ ‏م0‎ ‎* Qualiy ٠ Ascovotiod & DiPPerectictica © Risk tabicry * Cerfhorwawe Oucageweut * Corpmute vbsessiva * Opvisiva wuhicg

صفحه 53:
1 = ۱۹ rasewors

صفحه 54:
رت ام ‎buck‏ .0 سل 9:۳ 000 Asters Gervice 0. Wirtcry 0 ©. evel ORO database (9 Odtue between Gernice und Cvatrol dP Peedback Proc the Pietd d. GO ©. Geparciay Gdes, Oorketiag, and DOG 9. Dew products @. Oisinterpretiog mustower ‏سرت تا‎ S. back oP Prouticers 9. OuckoP hice °. Oustowers = Proctice

صفحه 55:
Oext Steps ۹

صفحه 56:
Por CO1: 9. Product 0 (O.Cxtercd cetworks (dd. ied support 0 علهبم() .19 مه بای ملسم 49 0۵ (S.Carneted worketiacy CRO -OC Octicee . POrwwerve . Oustower Iota POO reduction -BPAP - Orerrciary «Dovey proyrans a. 0 0 5 ط Dro

صفحه 57:
0. Product Quatliyy 9. Custower Gervice ‏رن‎ 4106 ‏مس‎ deP ection 0. Wirtery 0.Get standards 19: tt everpow's bi, Custower phivsophy . Review GOPs » Re-vrieatate stahP > او() و و( Gpstew . 084 - Resvuves د © 0 و و 9

صفحه 58:
Drak ‘ou. oP copy oF sides! heooyooy@rui.cow.y 3۵

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