کامپیوتر و IT و اینترنتعلوم مهندسی

Managerial Support Systems: CHAPTER 11

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صفحه 2:
CHAPTER OUTLINE 00.0 Oucengers ood Devision Ouhkicry

صفحه 3:
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Opscribe the powepts oP worayeweud, devision whic. Ovrsoribe wuliticrecsiccd dota ccdsis ced dott Ovsoribe digital dashboards.

صفحه 4:
LEARNING OBJECTIVES (continued) Ovsoribe dota visudizaiod, ord explain yeryraphicad Orscribe orf ivial ivteligeae (B11). Opficg oa expen spstew und ideutPy its powpoorcs. Orsoribe coturd loogquage processicg cod coturd ‏اوه هه مت روص مه‎

صفحه 5:
BLUE Chapter Opening Cz Mounuin AN IBM* COMPANY

صفحه 6:
11.1 Managers and Decision Making

صفحه 7:
The Manager’s Job and Decision Making ۱ dere): ‏امسر هه‎ roles ‏امه واه‎ roles Oevisivad roles

صفحه 8:
The Manager’s Job & Decision Making (continued) QOcevistoes ved Oersivg whic لس

صفحه 9:
Decision Making Process erento, Testing o ‏یی‎ or ‏ول‎ 1

صفحه 10:
Why Managers Need IT Support Phe aber oP otercaives to be cousidered poustodlly moreuses. Orvisiogs wet be wode urder fie pressure. Opvisives ure wore vowplex. Oevisiog wokers oon be io ‏و لو مها توالت‎

صفحه 11:
A Framework for Computerized Decision ل نمی Nature of Decision Operational ‘Management Strategic ‘Support بعد ‎ee ae‏ سح وم ‎1s.‏ سح سوه تیه ‎ee Soo‏ ‎cog tea‏ ‎cose recs‏ | ی ‎Credit evaluation, Building now plant, pss‏ نمی 5 ‎‘budget preparation, mergers and acquisttions,‏ 1 ل ع ‎i‏ ‏ار : ‎ce) | atone‏ ‎z ane‏ ‎Ml os‏ يميم ‎enn‏ سین buying sofware, buying hardware, sdovelopmont, aural networks approving loans lobbying social responsibilty planning ‘Support Needed } is, Management Ets, £8, management science | science, DSS, EIS,ES | neural networks,

صفحه 12:
Problem Structure > ‏حول از‎ deds with the problew structure, the cooticuud7 roca, Poze highly steuctuned to highly Gtructured Oustructured Gewistructured

صفحه 13:
The Nature of Decisions The second diceusivd oP devisiva support decks ‏ار‎ ‎the votre oP devise Operator ‏امه‎ QOucageweu coat! Gtroteyic phasic

صفحه 14:
11.2 Business Intelligence (BI) wo pes ve 1 Gystews: © Dkose thot provide dota ocasis took © Oulidkoecsivad data cadets (or coher ocalticd Provessiny) © Data eiciery © Oevision support systews © Dkose thot provide ‏ام( لصو و توا‎ © Oigital dashboards:

صفحه 15:
How Business Intelligence Works (Figure 11.3) Faw Oats and Data 9 ‏متس‎

صفحه 16:
Multidimensional Data Analysis Prowides users with a look of what is hoppesiog or uot kas koppeced. lows users to ude date it suck a wap thot they

صفحه 17:
Data Mining Qute wrotag perPorws two busic opercicc: Predictiog treads und behaviors

صفحه 18:
Decision Support Systems (DSS) — Osvisiva support spstews "= O66 ‏حادم‎ ‎7 )8 ‏جك ادكه ببامشاصع‎ 5 ‏وهی مان‎ © Coobseekiog ‏كص ادحه‎

صفحه 19:
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) Qevsirs Qoow

صفحه 20:
Organizational Decision Support System (ODSS) Orqpratzatcod Oerisiva Support Gustew (O0GG) is a OGG that Poouses vo oo oryoizaiocdl task or ‏ترش‎ evolving ‏مهو هن‎ oF ppercives urd

صفحه 21:
Digital Dashboards Orit Doskboards: © Provide rapid weve to tively toPoratios. © Provide dren were to wocngeed neporis. © Ore very user Pricady oad supported by yraphics.

صفحه 22:
Sample Performance Dashboard (Figure 11.4)_ Prema neo

صفحه 23:
Another Example of Dashboard

صفحه 24:
Executive Dashboard Demo VOe_Oxer Dah OdOr_CxerOuck.hteot

صفحه 25:
A Bloomberg Terminal (Figure 11.5)

صفحه 26:
Management Cockpit (Figure 11.6)

صفحه 27:
11.3 Data Visualization Systems © Dke Power oP Otsuntzativa © ‏مور‎ though o picture is “Wwortk o housed words,” we have to be very corePul ubput just what we one Deri. © Rewewber, vo the ‏,اوه‎ itis “user beware!”

صفحه 28:
New York City Police Department

صفحه 29:
Example of data visualization Woes QRosiicry at the TEO Tuk

صفحه 30:
Types of data visualization systems Cexxruphic IePorxaiva Gystews

صفحه 31:
Geographic Information

صفحه 32:

صفحه 33:
GISMO C1600 is a yeruruphic iePorviod systew developed Por the city oP Oprvulis, Oreqou.

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Virtual Reality

صفحه 36:
Technology of Data Glove

صفحه 37:
Virtual Reality manipulation with data glove

صفحه 38:
Driving Simulator

صفحه 39:
Flight Simulator سب اوه

صفحه 40:
VR Head-Mounted Display at Dentist’s Office

صفحه 41:
Virtual Tour of a museum

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صفحه 43:
The VirtuSphere

صفحه 44:
VR Body Suit

صفحه 45:
11.4 Intelligent Systems oteliqgst systews> Ori ivi ictetigeuce (B11)

صفحه 46:
Expert Systems Cxperise Cxpert spstews (BGs)

صفحه 47:
Expert Systems (continued) Whe trosPer oP expertioe Pro oo expert too vowpwter ocd thea too user wolves Pour uvivities: ‏موجه ولجاننجه)‎ C(cnuedye nepresrutaios Coowledye icPereuriay Clapwledye troasPer

صفحه 48:
The Components of Expert Systems CQeowledye bose ۱ Puce Oser interPuce (@hackboard Cxplocaivn subspstew

صفحه 49:
Structure and Process of an Expert System Consultation Environment Development Environment ۳ ‏اقم ده نو‎ | spect nodent eas reg planaion tn 96 ‏الل !ا‎ oe 1 ‏انیم‎ ‎ston ‏عو ع‎ = Reconmenica -=——e]_fws conchsions ‏سم‎ ‎jon 1 knowledge ‏ا‎ : ' 1 5 I ۱ ‏ون نموه‎ | | ۱ ‏الست و هدوت‎ | ۱ ۱ 1 ۱ ۱ 1

صفحه 50:
Natural Language Processing & Voice Technologies )سس ی اس () (ععاص) كاععدمد / لول ‎QOctturdl fragquage‏ 1 ‎loogquage yeneruivd voice syotkesis‏ سوه( ‎

صفحه 51:
Neural Networks

صفحه 52:
Neural Network Age, Income, Give Marital Status ۲ mortgage ۲ Occupation, 3 Give mortgage, Employer, Time 4 but at higher with Employer interest rate Mortgage Reject Amount Desired mortgage Input Layer Middle Output Layer (Hidden Layer)

صفحه 53:
Seuolves devision ia gray anes. HOW MANY... = trueshots?

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