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دسي هه ‎SOCIAL NEDIA RO. 7‏ CHARLOTTE, N.C. 1 ۲ 2 9 0 Md ee 12

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L11180916¢ مسد سب ۱ ۰ 366( ‎we pews 2‏ ۳ امس سته 12 SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT FREE. ‘brandbuildes ta”

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2. It takes technology. 4 “brandbuilderta*

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. fe have... rocks) > 8 2 ... all of which are limited resources. it ۳ brandbuildert.*

صفحه 7:
۳" Ar hese resources 100% 8۰ ‏ضعه‎ of faci budget Head Count E-Marketing Each resource Advertising has a specific cost LT, Inbound Call Center ۱ Each resource Marketing ۳ 0 Sales Dept. 1 yields specific results Public Relations*ccounting ‘brandbuildes ta”

صفحه 8:
56 hese resources \ generate 100% 8۰ a enti business Head Count E-Marketing Losing even 1% Advertising of your budget’s efficiency Inbound Call Center |-T. could seriously ruin Sales bea ne your day. Public RelationsAccounting ‘brandbuildes ta”

صفحه 9:
= Okay fine. But if brandbuildert.*

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brandbuilder te’

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Now go figure out wha' Program you have to cut fund this Social Media thi Remember that our bonu: are on the line. brandbuildert.*

صفحه 12:
Ar Understand that a new 5 5061| ۱۷/6۵2 5 funding doesn’t appear 9 a 5 W out of thin air.: /hich buckets do we empt ) fill ‏ند ی‎ new one? ‘brandbuildes ta”

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SAY HELLO TO: ۲.۰ 4 “brandbuilderta*

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STURN 7 ‏ليله‎ MENT “brandbuilderta®

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۹8 Investment Expectation of return “brandbuilderta®

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‎OD‏ اك ‎ROI is a business metric, not a media metric. ‎ ‎ROI is 100% media-agnostic. ‎۱۱۷ measuring digital or social won’t get you anywhe ‎4 ‎“brandbuildert.*

صفحه 18:
4 Oren ‏...لوك‎ brandbuildert.*

صفحه 19:
rank my PR budget by 20 ‘and my outbound call budget by’ 40%. pw I can afford a team of soci, media Okay, hotshot, You have your Social Media doohickey. low I’d better see some rea brandbuilder

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Dudes, we are ON THI et’s start engagin’

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Twitternets? Ofrmy! Look at all the ne visitors to our website! and all of our FaceBook friends! ot Damn, we even hav ments on the blog! ‘brandbuilder 1

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Monitoring to base.. Our Google Analytics are through the roof! Even our social brandbuilder'ta®

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feasuring med eally rocks m) —¢

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Six Months ۱

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4 Vhat kind of mood is | || | ‏الى‎ The old man in today? Not good. le doesn’t care how many visitors the website gets, or how many lls we estimate brandbuildert.®

صفحه 30:
I'm sorry, son. If your Social Media program is generating revenue, we aren’t But why? ur website is getting mad hits, Jack! brandbuildert.*

صفحه 31:
We need to start ing this stuff to actual here to start? Let’s see At the beginning? brandbuildert.*

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$$$ $$$ investment > action » reaction * non-financial financial impact impact wwwthebrandbullderwordpress.com 4 “brandbuilder ta”

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wit RO1 (ve). $$$ $$$ investment > action » reaction {non-financial} financial impact impact wwwthebrandbullderwordpress.com 4 “brandbuilderta*

صفحه 34:
Website Vittoraiceessions ne complaints Click-throughs Positive 9۹5 ۳ YouTube views Retweets Coupons distributed Visitors to a brick & mortar store Positive WOM. a Delivered emails ۳ 7 _ Negative press Negative WOMmployment applications FaceBook friends _ Blog comments Social mention Twitter followers “brandbuilderta®

صفحه 35:
The investment-neturan relationship 933 $$$ investment # action » reaction > non-financial » financial h impact impact This is very important A bt ROL doesnt dive here wwwthebrandbuilderwordpress.com 4 “brandbuilder ta”

صفحه 36:
ONO are rier eae e Measure ROI Here —I $$$ $$$ investment » action » reaction * non-financial ® financial impact impact CNCT here) t wwwthebrandbullderwordpress.com 4 “brandbuilderta*

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4 Oren ‏...لوك‎ brandbuildert.*

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NF brand! 8% YoY Growth

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8% YoY growth 60% YoY growth brandbuildert.*

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wwacthebrandbullderwordpress.com 4 ~“brandbuilderte™

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— ee week 32 week23 ۵۵4 week 35 week 36 week 37 \wwwthebrandbullderwordpress.com 4 ~“brandbuilderte™

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ess ‏کی کي‎ Ae week 33 week 34 week week 36 wesk 37 وونل سا wwacthebrandbullderwordpress.com

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۳ 2 3K al 1 “Aug 5 ep Oct NovD wew.thebrandbullderwordpress.cor

صفحه 46:
Social Media ROI cones Transacting Customers Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sep Oct No wwaithebrandbullder 4 ‘brandbuildert.

صفحه 47:
F.R.Y. FREQUENCY, REACH, YIELD ow often customers transact. (transactions per month) ow many customers you are reaching. (net new customers) ow much they spend. ($ per transaction) “brandbuilderta®

صفحه 48:
ie latest numbers indicate at our YoY sales $ are up 60% Our individual transactions have doubled, as have our transacting Something’s working! Let’s figure out what. ‘brandbuilder 1

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positive mention negative mention overall mentions Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sep Oct NovDecJan Feb www.thebrandbullderwordpress.com ‘brandbuildes ta”

صفحه 50:
retail store | traffic Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sep Oct NovDecJan Feb vowwthebrandbullderwordpress.com ‘brandbuildes ta”

صفحه 51:
Cr Atm Oradea ac ‏سح‎ Social Media ROI senes website visitors blog-to-website, cli¢kthrough: 2008 2009 Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug ‘Sep Oct NovDecJan Feb wewithebrandbullderwordpress.com 4 “brandbuilderta*

صفحه 52:
overlaid all of our timelin and noticed that since our social me So is there a discernable patter 72

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Gtep S: Overlay of tievelices activities =>loyalty metrics etc. 4 “brandbuildert.*

صفحه 54:
Impact Impact Impact. No Impact 2008 2009 Jan Feb "Mar Apr ‘MayJun Jul "Aug Sep Oct NovDecJan Feb www.thebrandbullderwordpress.com Before | After 4 “brandbuildert.*

صفحه 55:
Gtep 0 How was this Social Media ‏عم اک‎ group Touched bygsM? Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sep Oct NovDecJan Feb www.thebrandbullderwordpress.com Before | After 4 “brandbuildert.*

صفحه 56:
ination, really. Isolating patterns, quantifying deltas, proving ad-hocs. Then all we have to do is gure out what the cos! ings and revenue gains are, and plug them nto the equation¢ ‘brandbuilder 1 How long will all

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۹8 Investment Expectation of return “brandbuilderta®

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his R.O.1. thing wasn’t at all about eyeballs! brandbuildert.®

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All things \ remaining the iP We may have proof of First things first: Prove ۱۳2 rari Media works

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Social Media program is impacting every aspect of our business except ۳ ‏غ3لانلا عذنا‎ ۷/9 TTT to make it work better. brandbuilder'ta®

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==More store traffic. Roger that, —_ . Dudes, we are ON THI et’s start engagin’

صفحه 63:
Finally, someone with some real metrics for me to sink my teeth into! brandbuilder

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20 ١ guess Social Media going to stick around a littl whi Yessir. doks like our budget is safe for not 4 brandbuilder te”

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Olivier Blanchard Principal, BrandBuilder Marketing 864.630.7398 4 ‏ره‎ 599 www.thebrandbuildermarketin g.com @thebrandbuilder (on Twitter) www.smroi.net ¢ brandbuildert.*

صفحه 67:
Slideography Slide # Source 3,9, 10, 12, 18-31, UFO (TV series) 37, 38, 48, 52, 56, http://ufoseries.com/ 59.65 4 btto://www.minnpost.com/stories/2008/06/18/2282/this doesnt compute as more women enter scientific fields their numbers In computer scien ‏وبري لصيو وروي‎ embers compuier scien Kim Jong ll puppet, from “Team America” http://blogs.rockymountainnews,com/bridget/kimionail,joa ‘wrandbuilder ta

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