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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “Native Americans”

Native Americans

اسلاید 1: Native AmericansNative Americans were the people who lived in America before people from other countries came here.

اسلاید 2: Native Americans respected nature. They took care of the earth and only used what they needed.

اسلاید 3: Native Americans used natural resources to meet their needs. Natural resources are things in nature that people can use.treeswaterstonesbuffalo

اسلاید 4: Native Americans lived in culture groups.The people in a culture group have the same way of life.A culture group is a group of people who live in the same region.

اسلاید 5: Native Americans lived in six different regions.

اسلاید 6: Each region had different physical surroundings. Others were mostly desert.Some regions had forests.

اسلاید 7: Still others had oceans nearby.

اسلاید 8: Each region had different natural resources.Each culture group used the natural resources in its region to meet its needs.

اسلاید 9: Those who lived near deserts used clay or stones to build their homes. For this reason, Native American culture groups had different homes. Those who lived on the Plains used buffalo skins to make their homes. Still others lived near forests. They built their homes of wood.

اسلاید 10: Many Native American culture groups built their homes in villages or cities. These are the remains of an ancient Anasazi cliff village.

اسلاید 11: Other culture groups, like the Plains Indians, were nomadic.They could not live in one place. They had to move around to follow the buffalo.

اسلاید 12: The physical surroundings of each region also affected how each culture group got its food.Native Americans in the Eastern Woodlands were very lucky. That region had forests, lakes and rivers, a nearby ocean, and good climate. These Native Americans could farm, hunt, and fish for food.

اسلاید 13: There were no forests in the Southwest region. The land was rocky and uneven. There were many mesas, or large rocks with flat tops. The Indians who lived in this region were farmers. They planted their crops on the tops of mesas.

اسلاید 14: Native Americans in the California Inter-mountain region were known as gatherers.

اسلاید 15: There were few natural resources in this region. These Native Americans gathered acorns, seeds, and fruits. They also dug up plant roots to eat for food.

اسلاید 16: Indians from the Northwest Coast hunted sea animals in the Pacific Ocean. There were many salmon in the rivers for them to eat. They also hunted animals in nearby forests.

اسلاید 17: Buffalo were a natural resource in the Plains region. The meat was used for food. The skins were used for shelters and clothing. The bones were used for tools.

اسلاید 18: The physical surroundings of the regions affected each culture group’s way of life in other ways, too.There was much clay in the Southwest. Native Americans that lived in this region used the clay to make beautiful pottery.

اسلاید 19: The Northwest Coast region had many forests. The Native Americans in this region used wood from the forests to carve tall totem poles. The carvings on each totem pole told about a family’s history.

اسلاید 20: There were many buffalo in the Plains region. Native Americans who lived in this region were hunters. The Plains Indians had special ceremonies before big hunts. They danced to the music of drums. They thought this would bring them good luck on the hunt.

اسلاید 21: Native Americans in the California Inter- mountain region were expert basket weavers. They made beautiful baskets out of grasses and plants.

اسلاید 22: Physical surroundings affected how the Indians traveled, too. All Indians walked. Plains and Southwest Indians got horses from Spanish explorers.Indians in the Eastern Woodlands, Northwest Coast, and California Intermountain regions used canoes.

اسلاید 23: Native American culture groups had different ways of life due to their different physical surroundings and natural resources. Let’s review. We know:Native Americans were the first Americans.Native Americans respected nature.Native Americans used natural resources.Native Americans lived in different regions.Native Americans had different homes.Native Americans got food in different ways.

اسلاید 24: Photo CreditsPage 1 - Spotted Tail’s family Western History/Genealogy Department, Denver Public Library Page 14 – Fruit gatherer Northwestern University Library, Edward S. Curtiss The North American Indian: the Photographic Images, 2001. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award98/ienhtml/curthome.html

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