صفحه 1:
Orrieza Charan 6 ‏سوق له‎ al (Ooreza Chavon) ¢ scorsharn@qwal. oo @coed (Pertrad Boy): ‎Khor Interac Deiversiy (M10)‏ وا ‎8009-800 ‎

صفحه 2:
۶ IBM Corp. was founded with the name Computing Tabulating Recording (CTR) in New York on June 15th, 1911. ¥ CTR was then renamed in International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924 IBM developed Sequel in 1974 and got renamed 2 years later to SQL (Structured Query Language). ¥ In 1975 IBM had for the first time produced a PC (Model 5100) ۲ IBM 5150 PC with Intel 8088, PC DOS 1.0 and 63 watt of power supply in New York on August 12th, 1981 ۷ At the end of 1981 the PC was successful with IB! DOS on the market ۷ The biggest IT company of the world is IBM

صفحه 3:
7 15805 1.0 )1981( ¥ Windows 1.0 (1985) first for single workplaces and later added network support ¥ Windows NT 3.1 (1989-1993) “ Up to 200 developers had programmed at the same time 6 million code lines (source code with language C ) Y Windows NT 3.51 (1995) ۲ 450 developers ¥ Windows NT 4.0 (1996) Y record times up to 800 developers

صفحه 4:
۲ Windows CE 1.0 (1996) ~ new product line for small devices ¥ Windows 2000 ¥ 1400 developers ¥ 29 million code lines ¥ development costs one billion dollar ¥ Windows Server 2003 ۷ 5.000 developers ۷ 50 million code lines of assemblers, C and C++ ” Windows XP ¥ Consumer and Business Windows Edition is to be ¥ alias Whistler

صفحه 5:
©1206 MOG (Wek Operatay Gyster)

صفحه 6:
رم رت ۱/9 ‎try‏ ماعلعق - معهته راعه متدماءهعنه ماعلم4 - نهد رد ‏دمل ماء ملك كه لمعاصوه روط - ملك ‏وتماء عمل أمعتصياء فوسفطء - عتفطء رقع ‏موممعة عط مهوكء - 05 ‏لخدماء وصتة ه عكمعص - ۳ ‎copy - copy of one or several files ‏5عترماءوعتل نره 5165 04 ومتقدعع - ‎cor‏ ‎00 aa Recomm ince nl ‎Nr NOM ng eet rer eae srr ect‏ - امک 0 ‎ROS nee tna ocr ers) ‎Pits - ‏وكمطا ذه فده غمة مره 5165 5ه دوكتاطتاغة فط وسامطه‎ fdisk - partitioning or modify of the hard disk ‎00 nomi ‎POT CR Rea namo Mi Torte p uta ‎۱۳ tect a mesa eartey ‎Bente ent Tmo mctterectelMs ls AC ‎ ‎Eine

صفحه 7:
MS-DOS 1.0, formerly QDOS/86-DOS, can use at maicimum 128 Kbyte RAM, FAT MS-DOS 1.25, suppart ror couble-censity Roppy atsks MS-DOS 2.0, support for 15M 10 mbyte Naracisk, directorys and DD 5.25" floppy disk drives with up to 360 Kbyte MS-DOS 3.0, Support ror nigh censity Roppy ask drives with 1.2 mbyte ang harddisk devices wath 32 mbyte capacity MS-DOS 3.1, first tiem with network support MS-DOS 3.2 MS-DOS 3.3, extended for IBNYs P5/2 computer, supports now bigger 3.5" harddisk drives and Roppy disk drives, multiple partitions, character sets for different languages MS-DOS 4.0, XMS support, partitions with up te 2 gbyte, graphical shell, bue MS-DOS 4.01, supports multiple partitions bigger than 37 mbyte, bug fives MS-DOS 5.0, Major Release: MS-DOS 5.0n, bus fixes for Undelete and Chkdske MS-DOS 6.0, Competition to Novell's DR-DOS 6, DoubleSpace, Anti-Virus program, Defrag, Mave command, Improved MSBACKUP and several boot configurations, memory optimizer MENMAKER, DOS Shells delivered separatel on floppy disks. MS-DOS 6.2, DoubleSpace becomes incompatible to the previous version, Scandisk, improved of DISKCOPY and SmartDrive: MS-DOS 6.21, because of Inw conflict with Stac Electronics DoubleSpace fs MS-DOS 6.22, Microsoft licences double disk of Vertisort Systems and designates if in DriveSpace, last official standalone version MS-DOS 7.0, MS-DOS component for Windows 95, LFS support through VFAT, more DOS programs are delivered on the Setup CD-ROM in the “eldmsdos" directory S-DOS 7.10, MS-DOS component for Windows 95 Band higher, supports the MS-DOS 8.0, MS-DOS component for Windows ME, Last MS-DOS version 1981 Aue. 982 aug. 1903 March 1984 Aue. 1984 1985 1987 Aprit 1991 June 192 1999 Aue. 1994 Maren 1994 May 1995 Aue. 1996 Aue.

صفحه 8:
0 ea Poa cid ea ۳1 60 ‏ا‎ ‎1 ‎s¥s ‎18 ‏ات‎ ‎0 ‎Pr 5 3 3 DOSSHELL INI 390 28.05,06 21 83 Datei(en) 2147161 Byte 26421248 ‏اعم؟ عايو8‎ مع د05 Se Ca) ۱00

صفحه 9:
۷ input with the correct syntax is removed from the user. Y user interface can be served with one computer mouse ( + keyboard) minimum requirement ¥ 0 ” two floppy disk drives Y 256 Kbyte of main memories default applications ” Paint, Calc, Write, Calendar “ Notepad, Card file Y terminal emulator are provided.

صفحه 10:
Windows 1 Windows 1.02 Windows 1.03 Windows 1.04 (Oe boca nO) 1985 Nov. 1986 Jan. 1986 Aug. 1987 April

صفحه 11:
MO =O a Laat ‏لتنا‎ تاي ا ام ,1985 ,زه 1ك عومعمة مومع زا (م) أطو تيمم ا از ی

صفحه 12:
Microsoft Windows MS-DOS Executive Version 1.01 Copyright @ 1985, Microsoft Corp. Go Disk Space Free: 497416K Nenory Free: 450K 00 NOTEPAD. EXE ۱ ۱۵ ۲۸]۱/۲,]۲۸۲ ۰ MOD

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
1992 April 1993 Nov. 1984

صفحه 15:
Hilfe Fenster Hilfsmittel SEIS) SSIeis) 15.48.08 15.49.54 03:11:00 06:63:28 15:54:02 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 15.48.28 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 03:11:00 =| Datei Datentrager Yerzeichnisse Ansicht Optionen C: [EXPERIMENT] EEE fe [=e] Ges + Ga dos 2110180 + C2 install 505 0 « 2 ۳ 530 3 + © spool Danwendun.gp 5195 0 ‏دهد‎ D autostar.orp 48 0 Diawess dl 11284 93 Dawclasst ot 19456 01.11.1993, D awclass2 di 18432. 01.11.1933 DB awtaxio.d 18944 3 D awtiprot i 11778 9 Dews0.d 12000" ۵۵ EE) bootiog tt 1737 0 ‏مم مهل‎ 43072 113 Bicaic.hip 27184 01.11.1993, [El canyon mid 30883 01.11.1993, ‏م علو لا‎ 94720 93 Bi cardfile hip 27322 9 ] ‏اجه‎ 148529 9 2210180 22.1010

صفحه 16:
“OSNews. coun Missasalt tenet Fealacer Programm Manager ‘Optonen Bite ‘Ancoge: Super VEA (1024/68, 26 Farben eine Schul Motes Misa odes DB 5 Netewoik: Microl Windows Network Wetton 11 Basie) Fa Miccoaatt TOPAP 32 5 ‘Windows: Setup fer Daiel_Optionen Fenster Hille |

صفحه 17:
” completely new design ¥ 32-bit applications are supported fully ¥ DOS applications can used virtually Area of application private users PC Games Office use network client 55 Structure information ۷ 32-bit operating system Y up to 512 MB RAM addressable Y file size up to 4 GB

صفحه 18:
4.00.950, Windows 95 base version (Chicago) 4.00.950a, Windows 95 A (OSR1) 4.00.1111b, Windows 95 B (OSR2), first time with FAT-32 support Windows 95 B (OSR2.1) 4.03.1214c, Windows 95 C (OSR2.5), Y2K update 1995 Aug. 1996 Feb. 1996 Aug. 1997 April 1997 Nov.

صفحه 19:
ع ‎ono ix‏ = Allgernsi | GerdteMarager | HadwareFictile| Leistuncsmetkmate | مر ‎Mice Vindowe 95‏ 4000600 عمسم ا ما ‎SS‏ ‎Doe Deatsten Arch 2‏ Ss 8 sl ‎Drucker Eirgebcifen|‏ ی ‎Anzeige‏ وین من ‎Energe Hardware Inienet Kernwétie: Landererstetungen‏ ‎o » & & # ‎Mat urd Fe Mane Modems Mutinecia ‏سار‎ ‏مهوت ]| ادص میت ‎Pstart|‏ ‎

صفحه 20:
2 امو 6 5 ومطمرة مدلا ‎ose‏ : هه ‎a2‏ Eater HypecTexminl InteretPiegianme — Mutinedis Spice Sytenprogianne ‎١‏ ی ورگ ‎050 ‎ ‎Ba ‎‘ey Onine Feaistieruna Pairk PODirekweibind, Fechnet ‎fen ‎3 i : 3 a ae ES ‏لالحا عصصديوه ممع‎ Vientate ‏ید‎ Zeicretaele ‘Datei Boataton Anscht 2 ‎0381 ‎Dsagnentioune ‏رنه‎ ‏ص خخ هف | لا ‏۱ انه امايق و ‏هد 29 2 كه شط و ‎COAVedergebe Laulsaketegeling Medienwedergab> Reswouerdnzsi.ScanDisk ——_Systerimanter, ‏3 سس 1 لس ‎Systemaragram. == [Spiele [gi 728‏ =[ مومد قا سم “ه85 ‎|actveMavieDate,.. AciveMovie Seu, ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 21:
۶ innovation mainly detail improvements and bug fixes hardware component ۷ USB support ¥ several monitors Y prepared for DVD movies Y file system for the installation of Windows 98, FAT32 is recommended Area of application home user PC Games Office use network client 5

صفحه 22:
1998 Windows 98, version 4.10.1998 June 1999 Windows 98 SE, version 4.10 June service pack 1

صفحه 23:
a] ey Ap comer hart Ee

صفحه 24:
f= AY ror oo 8 =| ۳۹ صمي ‎So‏ ۳ ‎sian‏ رب ۳ و و ‎Pastas‏ ‏و ‎Sores‏ .5 ای و ا سیگ ‎lien‏ 25 ۱ ‎monn‏ چا ‎hen‏ ‏4 و نمه معضمة ی ‎ese [Sunaoco ROM Gua)‏ & ام سس = cr ey تا ‎resto‏ [te] aston

صفحه 25:
‎sur)‏ زا ‎ ‎¥ successor of Windows 98 SE with some selected features of Windows 2000 ‎¥ MS-DOS is furthermore necessary for the system start ‎New Feature ‎Y create compressed folders Y search function ‎’ Registry was extended ‎System Environment ¥ up to 512 MB RAM addressable Y FAT16 - FAT32 File system

صفحه 26:
©1206 ‎DE (teen‏ رز(

صفحه 27:
سوت وا Nec cat ea)

صفحه 28:
Windows NT (New Technology) version 3.1 came as a Workstation (Client) and Advanced Server operating system ¥ allows 32-bit applications and makes them available each up to 2 GB of virtual memory ¥ protected memory area if an application has a crash. Y support for up to 2 CPUs Y The file systems NTFS, HPFS and FAT16 are fully supported Minimum requirement of hardware ۷ at least an Intel 386 microprocessor with 25 MI ۲ 12 MB of RAM(max 64 MB) Y 75 MB of free disk space

صفحه 29:
Disk Performance Administrator Monitor User Manager =| Remote Access Service (Common) [~|~ 2&2 & S Remote Remote Remote Read Me Access Access Access Admin Monitor Window Help File Options

صفحه 30:
Cy Keyboard Printers Sound MIDI Mapper Mouse Desktop Network Cursors و خو Devices fF Ports Hl ‏هه‎ 55 46 B Date/Time ty Services Settings He ‏إلا‎ Fonts Intemational System

صفحه 31:
The home edition is suitable for user which worked with Windows ME & If the user have used Windows NT/2000 private, in business or both, the Professional Edition Optional FAT32 and NTFS are available as a file system for the installation partition. XP Professional x64 was published in April 2005. ¥ 16GB RAM ۲ 16 TB virtual addressing can display window elements in high color (Luna multi-user function

صفحه 32:
Standard features of Windows XP - Home and Professional Fast user switching Remote assistant Simplified user interface Windows Media Player Internet Explorer 6.0 Windows Movie Maker Special features of Windows XP - Professional Edition ASR - Automated System Recovery Backup/recovery function File system encrypting (only for NTFS) Use of multiple monitors Send and received Fax support use of more than one processor(SMP)

صفحه 33:
تک رز( Version 2002 Sept. Service Pack 1 released 2004 Aug. Service Pack 2 released 2008 April Service Pack 3 released

صفحه 34:

صفحه 35:
” Vista Or Longhorn ? Aero interface ¥ three-dimensional effects Y transparent representation ۷ To see all visual features a graphic card with DirectX 9.0 support is required. Minimum Hardware Requirements Y processor with 2 GHZ ¥ 512 MB RAM ¥ at least 10 GB of free hard disk storage.

صفحه 36:
automatic update maximum support of 4 GB RAM for all 32-bit versions. Windows Vista 64-bit Home Basic are already 8 GB supported, Home Premium 16GB Ultimate more than 128 GB RAM. Microsoft published at the 26.05.2009 the second service pack for Windows Vista for the download. The download size is depending of the chosen language and architecture with at least 302 MB Bluetooth stereo headphones now possible Support for 64-bit CPU VIA Technologies

صفحه 37:

صفحه 38:

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:
64 bit and 32 bit version Kernel is based on "MinWi October 2007 improved language and handwriting recognition, useable over touch screen new user interface introduced by Eric Traut in Windows XP mode Basic data of Windows 7 minimum requirements 1 GHz CPU 1 GB main memory (+2 GB) 16 GB free storage(+15 GB Free) DirectX 9 graphics card v 3 ۷ v

صفحه 41:
اه[ هر ۱ ل 6 | contot Pane Home View basic information about your computer | Pesce rower | 9 ‏سس‎ ‏مرج و‎ ‏بدو سه و‎ ۳ 0 © a Sten inde Media Center se pes {0 sown) Dal Ce Pees tibe 20 Gt ‏ط‎ | موه تنج تنس دج هه 5 ممعي 2ك ديك سوسمت ۹ موم ام مل عم ‎Computer‏ مت و چا Compute ‏بس‎ sor. 9 ‏ونس يست‎ ‏“موده يق‎ Ful computer sor. A Nester compute name i Computer descrip oy + ‘Workgroup: |worecRouP سسسسه و ۳ ‎activate Ac‏ ماد دج ‎ ‎ ‎

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