صفحه 1:
Organizational Theory,
Design, and Change
Text and Cases
Fourth Edition
Gareth R. Jones
Basic Challenges
of Organizational
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 2:
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the four basic
organizational design challenges
confronting managers and
2. Discuss the way in which these
challenges must be addressed
simultaneously if a high-
performing organizational
structure is to be created
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 3:
Learning Objectives
Distinguish among the design
choices that underlie the
creation of either a mechanistic
or an organic structure
Recognize how to use
contingency theory to design a
structure that fits an
organization’s environment
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 4:
Design Challenge 1
= Differentiation
= People in this organization take on
new tasks as the need arises and
it’s very unclear who is responsible
for what, and who should report to
whom. This makes it difficult to
know on whom to call when the
need arises and to coordinate
people’s activities so they work
together as a team.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 5:
= The process by which an
organization allocates people and
resources to organizational tasks
= Establishes the task and authority
relationships that allow the
organization to achieve its goals
= Division of labor: the process of
establishing and controlling the
degree of specialization in the
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 6:
= In a simple organization,
differentiation is low because the
division of labor is low.
= Individuals typically perform all
organizational tasks.
= In a complex organization,
differentiation is high because the
division of labor is high.
= Total process is “divided up” so that
individuals perform separate tasks.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 7:
Organizational Roles
= Set of task-related behaviors
required of a person by his or her
position in an organization
= As the division of labor increases,
managers specialize in some roles and
hire people to specialize in others.
= Specialization allows people to
develop their individual abilities and
knowledge within their specific role.
= The identification of roles leads to
authority and control issues.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 8:
Authority and Control
Authority: the power to hold
people accountable for their
actions and to make decisions
concerning the use of
organizational resources
Control: the ability to coordinate
and motivate people to work in
the organization's interests
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 9:
Subunits: Functions and
= Function: a subunit composed of
a group of people, working
together, who possess similar
skills or use the same kind of
knowledge, tools, or techniques to
perform their jobs
= Division: a subunit that consists
of a collection of functions or
departments that share
responsibility for producing a
particular good or services
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 10:
Five Function Types
Support functions: facilitate an
organization’s control of its relations
with its environment and its
Purchasing, sales and marketing, public
relations and legal affairs
Production functions: manage and
improve the efficiency of an
organization’s conversion processes so
that more value is created
Production operations, production control,
and quality control
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 11:
Maintenance functions: enable an
organization to keep its departments
in operation
Personnel, engineering and janitorial
Adaptive functions: allow an
organization to adjust to changes in
the environment
Research and development, market
research, and long-range planning
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 12:
Managerial Function
Managerial function: facilitate
the control and coordination of
activities within and among
Top management, middle management,
and lower-level management
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صفحه 13:
Figure 4-2: Building
Blocks of Differentiation
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 14:
Vertical and Horizontal
= Vertical differentiation: the way an
organization designs its hierarchy of
authority and creates reporting
relationships to link organizational
roles and subunits
=" Horizontal differentiation: the way
an organization groups organizational
tasks into roles and roles into
subunits (functions and divisions)
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 14
صفحه 15:
Figure 4-3: Horizontal and
Vertical Differentiation
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Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 16:
Design Challenge 2
= Balancing Differentiation and
= We can’t get people to
communicate and coordinate in
this organization. Specifying
tasks and roles is supposed to
help coordinate the work process,
but here it builds barriers
between people and functions.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 16
صفحه 17:
Balancing Differentiation and
= Horizontal differentiation is
supposed to enable people to
specialize and become more
= However, specialization often limits
communication between subunits.
= People develop subunit orientation.
* Subunit orientation: a tendency to view
one’s role in the organization strictly from
the perspective of the time frame, goals,
and interpersonal orientations of one’s
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 17
صفحه 18:
Integration and
Integrating Mechanisms
= Integration: the process of
coordinating various tasks,
functions, and divisions so
that they work together and
not at cross-purposes
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 18
صفحه 19:
Seven Types of
Integration Mechanisms
i. Hierarchy of authority: “who
reports to whom”
2. Direct contact: managers meet
face to face to coordinate activities
3. Liaison roles: a specific manager
is given responsibility for
coordinating with managers from
other subunits on behalf of their
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 19
صفحه 20:
Types of Integration
Task force: managers meet in
temporary committees to
coordinate cross-functional
Teams: managers meet
regularly in permanent
committees to coordinate
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 20
صفحه 21:
Integration Mechanisms
Integrating role: a new role is
established to coordinate the
activities of two or more
functions or divisions
Integrating department: a
new department is created to
coordinate the activities of
functions or divisions
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 21
صفحه 22:
Examples of Integrating
Integration Mechantem
Gn order of increasing, Example (2.8.
im Johnson & Johnson)
Salesperson reports co Diaper
Division sales manager
Diaper Division sales and
‘manufacturing managers
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departments Is given respon-
Sibiliey for coordinacing wich
A.commictes is formed co find
ew ways to recycle diapers.
A permanent J8 committee is
Srtablished to promote new
product develapment in che
Biaper Division
One manager takes rexpansi-
bility for coordinacing Diaper
and Baby Soap divisions to
enhance their marketing
Avteam of managers is creaced
te take responsibility for co-
ordinauing Jae cencralizacion
program to allow divisions
Co chare skills and resources.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 22
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Ineograves by specifying
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‘io coordinate actividies
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جه سس بون ماسم
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Of hie or her subunie.
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‘committees vo coordinate
بصن زا ام امه
Managers meet regularly in
ESordinate ncdwces
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Coordinage the actvities
of ewo or more functions
‘or divisions.
Avnew department is created
to coordinate the activites
of functions or divisions.
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Direce contact
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Task force
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Incegraing deparement
صفحه 23:
Figure 4-5: Integrating
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Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 24:
Balancing Differentiation and
= Managers facing the challenge of
deciding how and how much to
differentiate and integrate must do two
1. Carefully guide the process of
differentiation so that it develops the
core competences that give the
organization a competitive advantage
2. Carefully integrate the organization by
choosing appropriate integrating
mechanisms that allow subunits to
cooperate and that build up the
organization’s core competences
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 24
صفحه 25:
Design Challenge 3
= Balancing Centralization and
= People in this organization don’t
take responsibility or risks. They
are always looking to the boss for
direction and supervision. As a
result, decision making is slow and
cumbersome, and we miss out on a
lot of opportunities to create
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 25
صفحه 26:
Balancing Centralization and
= Centralization versus
decentralization of authority
= Centralized: organizational setup
whereby the authority to make
important decisions is retained by top
level managers
= Decentralized: an organizational
setup whereby the authority to make
important decisions is delegated to
managers at all levels in the
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 27:
Balancing Decision-Making
= Decisions about how to
distribute decision-making
authority in an organization
change as the organization
grows and differentiates
= Balancing authority is an
ongoing managerial task.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 27
صفحه 28:
Design Challenge 4
= Balancing Standardization and
Mutual Adjustment
= People in this organization pay too
much attention to the rules.
Whenever | need somebody to
satisfy an unusual customer request
or need real quick service from
another function, | can’t get it
because no one is willing to bend or
break the rules.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 28
صفحه 29:
Balancing Standardization
and Mutual Adjustment
Standardization: conformity to specific
models or examples that are considered
proper in a given situation
Mutual adjustment: the compromise
that emerges when decision making and
coordination are evolutionary processes
and people use their judgment rather
than standardized rules to address a
Formalization: the use of written rules
and procedures to standardize operations
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 29
صفحه 30:
Balancing Standardization
and Mutual Adjustment
= Socialization
= Rules: formal, written statement that
specify the appropriate means for reaching
desired goals
= Norms: standards or styles of behavior
that are considered acceptable or typical
for a group of people
= Socialization: the process by which
organizational members learn the norms of
an organization and internalize these
unwritten rules of conduct
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 30
صفحه 31:
Standardization versus
Mutual Adjustment
= Challenge facing managers is to
find a way of using rules and
norms to standardize behavior
= However, at the same time,
managers need to allow for mutual
adjustment to give managers
opportunity to discover new and
better ways to achieve goals.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 32:
Mechanistic and Organic
Organizational Structures
=" Mechanistic structures:
structures which are designed to
induce people to behave in
predictable, accountable ways
" Organic structures: structures
which promote flexibility, so
people initiate change and can
adapt quickly to changing
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 32
صفحه 33:
Figure 4-6: Mechanistic
and Organic Structures
Organle structures result when an
‘organization makes theso eholcos.
‘Joint specialization
Eployes work together and cootdnatatheir
ations to find the best wy ofparfoming atask
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alles inthe oganzaton. Most crumurvestion
+ MutualAgustment
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cooxnattashs, and narkprocessisrletiely
Mechanistle sbuctures result when an
‘organkzation makos those cholecs,
* Indhidual pectaztion
‘eer ههد
«Simple rtegrating Mechanisms
Horarcty ofaxthorty coal datinod andi the
major iegrating mechani,
+ enaliation
|Authoryto contol tas is kept atthe top ofthe
tgerizaton. Mostcommunicationis vial
+ Standanzation
FEdensive uses adeaftulasand S0Pstacoorcnate
‘asks, and woikprocess sprecitable.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 33
صفحه 34:
Figure 4-7: Task and Role
A. Individual Specialization in a B, Joint Specialization in an Organic
‘Mechanistic Structure. A person in ‘Structure. A person in a role is
8 role specializes in a specific task assigned to a specific task or set
or set of tasks. of tasks. However, the person is
able to learn new tasks and
develop new skills and capabilites.
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I Tasks
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 34
صفحه 35:
Contingency Approach
= A management approach in
which the design of an
organization’s structure is
tailored to the sources of
uncertainty facing an
= Organization should design its
structure to fit its environment.
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 35
صفحه 36:
hose Fit
Organization and Its
Poor Fit
Orgzization 1 Environment
۳ Degree oft
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 37:
Differentiation, Integration, and
the Environment
= Investigated how companies in
different industries differentiate
and integrate their structures to
fit the environment
= Three industries that experienced
different levels of uncertainty:
1 The plastics industry
< The food-processing industry
The container or can-manufacturing د
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 38:
Findings: Lawrence and
= When environment is perceived
as more unstable and uncertain:
= Effective organizations are less
formalized, more decentralized and
rely more on mutual adjustment.
= When environment is perceived
as stable and certain:
= Effective organizations have a more
centralized, standardized, and
formalized structure:
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 39:
Differentiation and
Degree of Uncertainty
Yariable Plastics Industry Industry ۳
Uncertainty (complexity
dari, richness) Heh Moderate Low
Structural Variables
dlifereniation Heh Moderate Low
Cross-unctionl سم
integration و Moderate Low
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 39
صفحه 40:
Burns and Stalker
= Also found that organizations need
different kinds of structure to
control their activities based on
the environment
* Unstable and changing environment:
Organic structures are more effective
= Stable environment: Centralized,
formalized and standardized
characteristic of mechanistic
structures are more effective
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall
صفحه 41:
Uncertainty and Structure
‘Simple sbucture ‘Complexstructure
Low dfferentiation High diferertiaion
Lowintegration High intogation
Decentralized decision mating
Mutual adjustment
Copyright 2004 Prentice Hall 41