صفحه 1:
Pattern Matching
Operators, Functions and
صفحه 2:
Here is a simple use of patterns in defining a function
add2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
idd2 0 b
idd2 a 0
idd2 a at
\ pattern can be
A literal 0 ‘a’ True False
Y A variable any argument value will
match this
Y Wild card “_” any argument value will
match this
vA tuple pattern (p19°p2e's gin} matches a tuple with
? Modul
‘teen hin acme aon leases:
صفحه 3:
following table shows the weekly sales in a company,
Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sales 15) 5 7 18 7 0 5
We want to know that given a week n,
What is the total sales from week 0 to week n
What is the maximum weekly sales from week 0
to week n
Function to calculate total sales given a particular
gate’: Int -> Int
Weowill-first represent the table of weekly data,
sales 1= 5
sales 2 = 7
Operators, Functions and 3
صفحه 4:
finition of totalSales (using guards):
totalSales :: Int -> Int
totalSales n
|jne= = sales 0
| otherwise = totalSales (n-1) + sales n
We have used recursion in the definition of our
functions. This type of recursion is called primitive
The first clause is called the base case and the second
tbtakSaleschlled the recursive case.
= totalSales 3 + sales 4
= (totalSales 2 + sales 3) + sales 4
= ((totalSales 1 + sales 2) + sales 3 )+ sales
= (((totalSales 0 + sales 1) + sales 2) + sales
3 )+ sales 4 Operators, Functions and 4
= ((((sales 0 + sales 1) ¥°@¥fes 2) + sales 3 )
صفحه 5:
ction to calculate maximum sales(using quards):
maxSales :: Int -> Int
maxSales n
۱ د - = sales 0
| otherwise = maxi (sales n)
maxSates tt
ales 4
۱22 (sales 4) maxSales 3 _
1axi 7 (maxi (sales 3) maxSales 2)
laxi 7 (maxi 18 (maxi (sales 7 ‘maxSales 1((
۱221 7 (maxi 18 (maxi 7 maxi (sales 1) maxSales 0)))
laxi 7 (maxi 18 (maxi 7 (maxi 5 __ sales 0)))
1axi 7 (maxi 18 (maxi 7 (maxi 5 15(((
laxi 7 (maxi 18 (maxi 7 15))
laxi 7 (maxi 18 15)
2 58 Operators, Functions and 5
8 Modules
صفحه 6:
Pattern matching could have been used for defining
these functions. Pattern matching may be used when
we have a number of equations. Each equation can
become a pattern. Let’s now define totalSales and
maxSales using patterns.
totalSales 0 = sales 0
totalSales n = totalSales (n-1) + sales n
maxSales 0 = sales 0
maxSales n = maxi (sales n) (maxSales (n-1))
The underscore “ ” (known as don’t care) can be used
as a pattern and we use it when we do not care about
the value it matches with.
isZero :: Int -> Bool
isZero 0 = True
Operators, Functions and 6
False Modules
صفحه 7:
More Types
Operators, Functions and
صفحه 8:
Char is a Haskell built-in type. Characters are put inside si
"70009 ,2 ها 2 رد نم 1
Some characters are represented using a backslash
“\” before them.
Examples aretab ‘\t’, newline ‘\n’, backslash ‘\V’
single quote ‘\’’, double quote ‘\
The ASCII code of the characters can also be used for
them. For instarren aes Bye U Ve esent م
ASCII codes 97 to 122 represent a-z
ASCII codes 48 to 57 represent 0-9
Operators, Functions and
صفحه 9:
There are two useful built in conversion
chr :: Int -> Char
ide> ordre :: Char -> Int
ide> ‘\114’
ide> chr (114)
is a function for converting a lower case letter to capital.
: Int
= ord ‘A’ - ord ‘a’
pital :: Char -> Char
pital ch = chr (ord ch + offset)
, we did not have to define offset. We could have simply sai
pital ch = chr (ord ch + (ord ‘A’ - ‘ord ‘a’))
however good practice to define offset as ewe have.
Operators, Functions and 9
صفحه 10:
Other functions
toLowr:: Char -> Char
toLowr ch = chr (ord ch - offset)
isDigit :: Char -> Bool
isDigit ch = (‘0’ <= ch) && (ch <= ‘9’)
isChar :: Char -> Bool
isChar ch = not (isDigit ch)
Operators, Functions and 10
صفحه 11:
A string is a special list consisting of characters.
Type String = [Char]
Here are some strings:
“Haskell is a functional programming
"\72el\1080\t world”
operator Haskell.g FdovO TOMAVHHESenation operator.
ide>putStr “Massey University”
sey University
ide> putStr “\99u\116”
ide>putStr “oranges\napples\npears”
Operators, Functions and 11
pears Modules
صفحه 12:
Floating Point Numbers
Type Float is used for calculations involving floating
point numbers.
Examples of floating.peint numbers:
Type Float is not used very much. Floating point
arithmetic is not
very precise in Haskell because of the limited space
allowed for the
internal representation of floating point numbers. A
type like Double Operators, Functions and 12
صفحه 13:
yme built-in floating point operations:
Float ->Float -> Float
+551" (example: x** y:)
Float ->Float
cos, sin, tan, abs, sqrt (square root)
Float ->Int -> Float
“~ (example: x*n)
Float ->Int
ceiling, floor, round, truncate
Integer ->Float
pi (the constant pi)
An example: sin (pi/2) * pi
Operators, Functions and
صفحه 14:
Using Integer and Float
Main> answer + 2.8
ERROR - Unresolved overloading
۷ Type : Fractional Int => Int
* Expression : answer + 2.8
Prelude> answer + truncate 2.8
Prelude> fromInteger answer + 2.8
Prelude> floor 2.8
Prelude> ceiling 2.8
Prelude> round 2.8
Prelude> truncate 2.8
Operators, Functions and 14
2 Modules
صفحه 15:
Function to compute average of weekly sales
Operators, Functions and