صفحه 1:
Ouversity DP Outs, Dark 02-6 , 2000© Gat Pb (Professor of Pronto @hivsophy, Ouversipy oP dpudshya, Soi VF, soci.pihbstrre7 @belstah.Fi)

صفحه 2:
Course proynnne ٠ Ded, Dack @: Obst is sviewe? The svieuiPic ‏اس‎ Dke vies ond yous oP svieue. Daturcisa und retaivisw,. ۰ Dru, Dack 9: Phe issue oP ‏لته‎ redisw. Aeteoduciag progpemaist philyepphy oP svicare (ia retatiod to the redo issue ord your). ٠ Cr, Dack 91 Praxpvatisw (oad its history) io the phospho? ‏له سوت لین لت )یی‎ ‏صاج ,تا‎ — Dhe ponivipoots ooo presect their pw brieP papers,

صفحه 3:
۰ ‏ات0 و۵‎ "tede”, "svieta’): ‏رو متسه با‎ = he research prowess = he resulslovuieuis oP svieuiic research (he svieuiic workbiew) ° "Guiewr is systewatic, rofivod! osquistica oP ce ‏.ای‎ ((heaparccta & Dircihuviz) = Ohetis (sew, previously uokwwa) huowkke? (he chesicd ‏عسي‎ ‎DP ‏:ارس‎ iusiPied true belek) = Oho ‏ما روط‎ sviewse wad ee where)? = Whee spetewuticiy (jo sieuce ued cbewhere)? مد او - اه راشای ,نموه لها ,لوا ری * سره متسود

صفحه 4:
۱6 ۲7۲۲۱ 77 * Cotecce (oad Peckwkpy) Gtudies (SPC): taterdsrizkrary, ‎P ).‏ #توصاصكاتها لمه ججمجاعد نا اطعا ‎Okt exaniy‏ - ها ۱ ‎ewpiricd).‏ ‎= Phe ‏و ار وان‎ does ‏و راو‎ Posts che ¢ srr ‏اطع بط‎ whol scieuce cach iy be the. (OP. the ‏زمره‎ of ‏روص فارطا ‎Pore bebePs but wits how we‏ لهچ جروت اس اوه صز اه ‎our beket is.)‏ بكلاصم ‎Pore ord‏ تايس

صفحه 5:
(Phivsvphy oP sviewe und other ureus oP phivsophy *) @roblews to the phipsophy oP sciewse ure deeply ‏وی‎ wit other philssophicd problecws, ‏:كج‎ ‎= Detaphysice: do the objects ‏اه راو اما او مه و‎ ver (ord oF ‏رما مقس‎ etv.)? (Nhe probe of redisw.) = Cpetewriy: whol ts sviecihic honwedke? ((Phicsophy of ‏مه موه‎ bee sees ‏اس رومام ای تام مرو و مه‎ spent exes oP ‏اس سوه‎ ( = Dowie! what (vakd) srieciic Pereace tive? له ما مس و وه بل توا اه روا ‎trv or‏ موجهل ‎rePer to iadepeadeaty existe euies, oad are‏ 0[ ‎Rabe (a the correspoadeare sree)?‏ = @kics oad pottical phicsophyt & scieuse ‏حابن رسای و سای‎ fet oP rehired cert srt ‏و موه و ما‎ = @hicsophy of rekon: does soieare reP ute rebyirr?

صفحه 6:
نی ان روام‌مسوزط) ‎qeurrd ud speviul‏ @everd phivsophy oP sviews! problews cowed to of ‏تمه‎ ‎disviplues (iactudy the hucvouiies): tru, iPereue, explacatiog ‏میج‎ Pir. Gpecid problesws ia retoioe to dPPeredt svieditic disvipiues, r. حا عجان عدت سفن لجس قفي ‎(Phivsophy of wahewutos! de‏ = swutkedaticdl truth? 35 ‏بعسعه أ مسو اسع جو سور سسا امسو‎ اه اه رال جما ‎of We,‏ سوه حصا :نووصاماطا شان بوامصوصاد!0) = جملا اه وود ‎oP the post, the‏ رو با ترا اه روا او جوا ,امن با مورا ‎inukvalues oP chairs‏ و بط ,مه له تاو وه ‎of edison:‏ روط ‎etc.?‏ .ونا

صفحه 7:
= ‏هایس‎ ond ‏نصا‎ ore oot son Por there oust sche. — freinnmeddtiow: kunwiecke koe poly ireirocrectal vokir, ct reer ‏سا‎ 0۵ = ‘Prt (homuutecke) & uckicbe oe sunk, Por ts pura sche ‏سس‎ vo). — OP. soso redsw! here bo ‏تراهط سب او‎ CPs, oad srieure ors of ‏بل‎ out what i's the.

صفحه 8:
٠ OO woderde ‏راهمجممطود ع9 موم اتود ما وله شوه‎ valuable ood upphouble to practical problew-solvie, eves thous the priory wotivativa Por seehioy hoowledye is ut iostrvectal ۱ vurivsity. * @usic research: howledgeliruks Por its puva sake. — Gordes ue of re (or ruhthe) heores obou he way he world ‏يها‎ * Oppled research: ‏ردو‎ volvable hoowledye, upplicable ‏صا‎ ‎provticd problews. = Opp ing he resus oP busic research, svicuists ‏مق اه علقي ةاجن دجيف‎ to various problews we Pace it cur practices. = "Qesin sviewe” (Dickow): desiqnay ‏ها موه و‎ u pracicd problew, etc.

صفحه 9:
Goiewe ud uso interests 8 Ringed Woberwes! coturd svieuce is wotivated by o teckoicdl foterest (qoverciay ature), he hua sviewes by a ‏موه وه‎ interest (lberoticg ‏موی و وم‎ ‏چا خاه ال سا رصوله تشه امسطو) سامت موه‎ ‏ری )"مساو‎ Workkever). ۱ iedepesdtedt oP teckoicd dowicaticd oP ature possible ot ol? — © wopr issue io sview» ued ‏.تام نو اوه‎ Gkould svieuiPic researc ‏مود‎ be seu os a tool Por busiwess, cad soviet ki ‏لسعو‎ ‎— Dhe vole-ldewuess vs. volue-iedepeodeuse oF svieuiPic research (we wil retura to this problew ia dur course).

صفحه 10:
Oppled ‏موه‎ ۰ ‏راو‎ the results oP applied researck ore unt thevreticad stitewedits ubout the way the world is (as ia basic research) but ‏صا ادمرب بر :وه ولمم‎ achieve youl, ‏امه تور مج‎ ‏و‎ (cP. vod Orkt (G09). = AP pou wad ty ure « poled wik od kPeviva, pou pucht iy use catbirios. = AP pow wad ‏اص سرع نيا موسو روات جد‎ Per pour custear bowb, pou puch tp buikd a like this... ارت اه لنوت سوه ورس ما ارت مت و بط .0.0 + ‎Nhere ty days roo Por‏ اف ‎oy based we wt wordy‏ موی مج اجه ,سیم و نمهب و ‎udkrticad deresica of what hied of‏ — ‏ره نطو‎ hue rufkvolues! they ore true or Pulse stoteweuts ‏واه‎ ‎he retatoas betwera ukvs aed he weuus uevessary Por uckieviey those 55-3

صفحه 11:
اوه له وا مرن ماو وه بو و() ۰ reseurck in, exp, he Polpwiey svieuitic disviplives: — Dediice - @yricuhurd sview? — Education — Potticd sviewe = AWistory (oP ideas) ٠ 4s it dhuwoys possible to drow uo cleo distociion betvero basic ood upped research? ‏مرو ,حون‎ the wost "basic" research problews witht be wotvated by the potectial opplicabiipy oP the results oP research.

صفحه 12:
© Cows eto: epistewe (hu wiedke) us. tebtrer (shill). — Pevkaloqy: tehbor + ype, "the study/doviriee oP shits”. 41s teckarloyy just upplied sviewe, or the poustructioa oP opplicaicas upon upphed research? Or is (ooutewporery) ‏هتسه سوه‎ depecdedt vo tect? — Goiews (day) cevessody requries ‏.عدصت أدصكصاصكامجا ه‎ - Revwbyy coo be urdersiond very brody (oP. doba Dewep, beny ‘Wickwen): cay tools ioteliqewtly used to provi huevert purposes ore techurlogical — tochudiary, e-g., hrc. * Phipsyphy oP teckurlowpy studies the catune oP ‏ای از مامتها یی‎ اه موه ع و جر ۳ مرج( ‎(Qewry, ‘Lickcan).‏ © Gotiewe ocd teconlogy studies? tobtay serivusly the tevlavloyical coctext oP woders sviewe. Ooreraiviy?

صفحه 13:
اسب امه ۳ ٠ ‏جلا جز إمجا(ل) #جخالمجامد جاصعصوصر جز ددا(‎ dePiciiza oP, or the: ‏امه ,سا اس‎ wetkod’? * ‏او امه لا عه با طسو مصاج‎ © Dke problew of dewrarmation (Kad Popper (OS®): how to dower betwerd svieure od pseudo-sviewe (.y., wetuphysics — oP. logic exwpirivisw, the Oieoca Circle)? - 0.0. Pseude-sciews wee wt be cooP used wi wwersviewe. Cleat, ‏رتور اه هه را و‎ yropkoby, ۲۹0 ‏رح‎ are ‏ان سي رال‎ ‏مله د مط يه حيو اس ی وا و ع اروت‎ brat PUP ke orierta ‏احاتم عنا نا لمحسه مه تاه تسه و‎

صفحه 14:
»]۱۳ ‏لاس نزمه‎ (cod) ۰ ast etfs ) ‏“مسد د‎ wethod), or are there sever? - )( ‏صاصلجحاصب عس) جمطوصبه امس عصام وداج‎ opicvisw): there is ‏امه او وه بان‎ wethod, ood tooo be discovered (CP. logicd exopirivisw, the uaiy oP sviewe wovewent). — QDetkodolodicdl plurdisc: there ore severd dPPeredt, equal vorrent svicditic wethods (e.y., rePlectiogy the diPPereaves of sviewes). — Radic ‏لاه تام‎ coarchisw (Pout ‏اوه" سس‎ qwes!”) — oP. rekiiview.

صفحه 15:
»]۱۳ ‏لاس نزمه‎ (cod) Chores G. Peirce, "Phe Pixctiva oP BeticP” (JOP? ): Pour (d) the wethod oP tecrariy (©) the wethod oP cuthoriy (9) the wetkod oP whol is cqreruble to ‏نش هموح‎ wetkod, the o pripri wethod) () the svieuiPic wethod زج مور امه رود ‎OP wt‏ روط رل ‎erterim‏ © ع ‎hick, hope, et.‏ - One bebe shank be Pec bye” ‏سبحم لصي"‎ "المحدي ذا ما خن لول سا مه وه او سا اس وه و اجان مور تم مسجت با وا ماع( ‎(hick Peirce Poured).‏

صفحه 16:
»]۱۳ ‏لاس نزمه‎ (cod) On the busts oP Prince's (oad vikers’) ‏مه عط من ناه‎ wetkod, we swap exophusize the Pollpuien "corer sioces” oF ‏)روط لت‎ piers): وان - — Publicay وحومهة الس - — GeP-corevivewss تون = Proyessvewss robles: who is supposed to set these criteria, Prow whic perspenive, vo what yrurds? Is this the tosh oP the phivsophy DP sviewe, or of the sviediPic ‏وللیی موی‎ research ] ite? = Drexkiond (cuicaepus) vs. ccturdkzed phibsophy of svicae!

صفحه 17:
۰ ‏وا یی(‎ is op Pirst philpsopkp” — a cutpuowous phivsvphicd persperive over und ubpve svicue seh (D.O. Quine). ° Roker, sviews vad phizsophy (of scieue) west be sero oF ‏موه‎ wis Pack viker. — Dhe problew of vircukriy: P sviewe toe, iestead oP aay prior, sore ‏ی‎ وا موه تا وی و خر و اما ‎DU IORTVE orients, does ١ ave oy Poverciiz ot ol?‏ - AWew does this sitvatioa dPPer Pros, e.x., the ‏اهلد جرا‎ hike thatthe Bible establishes itr owe auhoriy as a sacred tex? * Octurdish choheayes the trediiccd corweive woture oF the phivsophy of scieuce! the worws oP svieuihic research vaca be estublshed Pro vutside svieuce.

صفحه 18:
Crow vaturdisc 0 ‏۶اه‎ © Oe wo shetck the Policy loose argued ٠ )0( Octurdiisc: there is op First phipsophy thot could woreaively ‏وه مار مس‎ is, or whet it vught to be, Pow o perspective Wag vutside svivue tse. (Prewise.) : yecerd phivsophicd ۳ were pseudo-problew. (Polos Pro (1). Phe structure oP tke unnpedt could be wade wore explicit by oddiag the prewise that the oriterta oP sviewe vod cy be setled either svieure-intercrly Dr svirure-extercly.)

صفحه 19:
‎(coud)‏ دددان ۲ 9 اهنت م۳ ‎(0) Chere ‏و ری لح و‎ oF the Kistoricd phase of the ‏و او وه و وس وه راو‎ shares whol i (pod, proper, ‏باه ,(0) اجه () مجاهت سوه (م‎ ‏سا و موه وا تن اهامای رو‎ deat pests.) (8) Chere oe, nthe hetry of ‏بصوب اس وه تسد الط وه‎ ‏موه تس‎ of the orienta oP (cord, proper, correrd) scieare ocd of ‏و توا ی و موه وم مص بجي و تور‎ of Peat, ‏مرا‎ . Cat parenkprm, soiree ‏هام‎ ( (8) Therefore, we wast aocept ‏مرها‎ the oniterta of srieare (cr ‏و رو‎ rekive to the historical stage oF scieare (or a paniokae sviedPir devipkar), u ((Cuboiea) parudkey, u perspevive pr pool oP view, 3 ration, o bool scully oxi, 0 uke, a sped cox! or sere cher that wohes tt posable Por ‏خی‎ io pursue their decipher. (Poke Pron (2) ond (#).)

صفحه 20:
(Prow ‏مارا 0 متسه‎ (coud) Dke ore ubove is unt strictly deductively valid but ot Pasi be trocsPorwed into a wore explicit, ‏تمه لا راو هصن جلك‎ by oiddicy rehively obvious prewises. i seews thot relaiview Polls Proce the coturaist decial oF there the worwolve criteria oF the svieciPic wethod. Cholleoge! is there a wide ycued optic available, ‏وی ه‎ Por oF coturdisc wis wo reodicdly reliivist couse quedces? (Oe'l exaiee this issue fo ‏ماو‎ io ‏بولطم اج‎ of ‏.ند‎ (

صفحه 21:
رشاو خام جووسرص ”) Oord retaivisc Coxnitive rehtivisc = Couephed (vapbyrd) relive = Percept reiivisw (cP. he hear ood coacepHadeucess oF observe) ‎(retaivicw abut truth)‏ رما ال ‎otters oF‏ اس واه ال تیاه شا شا مورا ‎retiree)‏ ‎Ov exhaustive survey oP dPRered rehtivisws is possible here. ‎Oor ov 11 ioplicg thot word ood ‏ارت وضو شوه‎ ‎ws be costly distacuishuble. ‏ی موه ,لصو رای ‎"Relive to...”‏

صفحه 22:
(#مكنهمادم أن جدمتمصججمه رون ‎oe DP‏ شاه موی تن .0.0 رسمه عمط ۳:۵ QO. Ceperubeud: ucarchiow, "copihiy yes”, ‏وود‎ wethod” سای رصم مرو الم ترس ‎QR.‏ O. Proc! caturd veiployical atitude (DO) Ol these (very dPPerect) upprouckes — ta the phipsvphy oP ‏وت‎ ‎cand elsewhere — risk lostey troes-multurdl ced tecas-paradigeratie ‏و وت لها زره‎ dew) exavples oP ‏لا دكت مشاه مج‎ ۱ rekttivists! (Buen ‏راصح" مصجا مها موه تم هو‎ every ierbiva is ll ای ارام مرو جا ما خر موه موه ‎tre?‏ امه ‎Phiv): te rehiview were‏ )موه مایب =

صفحه 23:
° Dke problew of rehiiview ts 0 ovestoct choleage tc the phivsophy DP sview, espevidty coturdized phipsuphy oP sviewe rejection trodtiiccdl "Pirst philpsopkp”. 411 cacast be avoided; cor skoukd we siwply suo to retaivisw. * Octuraists ane right to reject way ubsvhutely cuiowswous, svieweE- exterod "Pirst phiysvphy”, but hey risk som Picton oorcativiiy ord ‏ولج‎ up wits (rocicd) retativisc. ° Oe west oooinuvusl seek the widde youd: ‏تاره و‎ adequate coturdisc, a Porc of cotucdiss whick ‏دن جاح‎ (but werely reierprets or revouveptudizes) the tretiiccrad wrwdive task of the phipsvphy oF sviewsr.

صفحه 24:
Pragwutst philpsophy oP sview er * @raxpvotisw is vor trodiica io the philsophy oP ‏وتو‎ ‎(ced philvsophy wore yecerdy) thot hopes to oPRer suck u widde youd. ٠ Chesicd prageuist phipsophers (oP svieure): — OG. Peirce — the svieuiPic wetkod — Otho dawes — perkups ‏اه و تسوا و‎ Pields (&.u., ‏رم خن روهار‎ - ‏اه تسوا تاه موه تاه - روررو(ا) ول‎ iaquiry — GW. Dead — prexpvatsdw oad the soci sviewes — Devprenpvatists: Rony, Witaqy Putco, et of.

صفحه 25:
له رانا رعنومومم(۳) وتو ‎oP‏ وس عاا Co ‏فص اه جر وا - مه (ططل) وه مور‎ or ‎is a trubs-serbiay ctv?‏ مجهت وجل سام نجل لمات بول سمو ‏( ماه جر )و اه روبص و6 ‎019 desorpive quesion: hay svieuce bees, or should abe, ‏ه‎ ‎inuk-sechiny anivip; have ‏صاصادجي سم‎ believed iio be, oad shoud they have? ‎Ron's phaoordits! secrets ("we hove to stat Brow where we oe”) ‎roma Por tree‏ کارت ره او سا موه و رل با و ‎niki corwaiviy, oad thereby wih 07 resources to ‏مره راوج‎ ‏امنا تممه تر ملس ‎Rony spews tp rekice episiewic (svieuiPir)‏ = ‎Pro‏ و طسو ره وه و و متسر ‎where we ae...).‏ ‎= Cues Rony wil hove ‏وا‎ use ‏او ره‎

صفحه 26:
Pragwutst philpsophy oP sview er (coud) ٠ Gower avootages of progemaiss (to be discussed ict swore dete hater): — Ooderde cotucdisc: svieuve is pot oP the ooturd work, + Op sharp cuir vy. vulture dickviowy. * Oorwaiviy co ‏ی با‎ ("served cature” Por us, us the ‏خام لس‎ rotund betes we are — of. loko OoDowell). + Cwerpur? — @otireduntiocisc, phucdiss7: op "ucity oP sviease” but the

صفحه 27:
Praguutst philpsophy DE sviewe (coud) ٠ Odvoctages oP pregevaiica (ovat): + Dke rediow four wil, tc the Polowieg, be adopted os the cat ‏سوه مادام‎ Por ke deReuse ofa preceratet opproack ie ike phibsopky oP svirure. — Pobiog serivusly the sovio-historicd (iacludioy techuvtyicdl) podtents oF svieure und foquiry (oP. Dewey, Wickwar, et ul). + Perks even (ube oon be interpreted oo proceratet?

صفحه 28:
Pragwutst philpsophy oP sview er (coud) * @raxpvoisw, however, dsv kas its problexws: — Is the progeotists’ wap oP ypiacy bepood the reise vs. ‏موه مه‎ suovessPul, or does it oolopse back to ‏باه اه ,مشاه مرش وه ,اهر‎ ele? (OP. ‏مها ولمم‎ declisw.) — Wow coo we adequately uficuate ‏وتو عا‎ wrwuiviy (oP svieure) pragevaiists iuist va? — Dhere is ww short vat to wordier the problews of reltiview ood coturdisa. ued progpwutst phivsophy oP sviewe ‏اه‎ ‏له له عم راو مره عا مهو میم‎ oP possibitiy, to critica dialogue wits other upprouches ic the phivsophy oF sviewe.

صفحه 29:
Dewey, J. (IOC9), Phe Quest For Oertaay, Prowisk trowstaics by ۳۰ ‏و05‎ ‎Ourkkeys voruuters, Canes, Webichi, JOO9. Peyerched, P.(IO?S), Pyatet Detod, Orrse, beeen. Pre, 0. (O99), The Chub Bae, rev. ed. (st ed. (O09), Vhe Daversiy oF ‏صرحا‎ Press, Ohixxp. dawes, D. (JOOP), Progwuisw, Wavad OP, Canbrike, OB, ISS. (The ‏حول ما و لو‎ IO vk, Warrard OP, 0۵۰ ) Kuba, P.G. (IOP O), The Grrurture of Grieuihic Revokious, Oud ed. ((st ed. (908), The Ouversiy of Chinnp Press, Chirag. ‎Crit GrieuiPic Reatew, OrPord DP, OrPord.‏ ,(1999) 1۰ ,مسا ‎] 0.6. (I990-G0), Onlerted Papers, O ute, Warvard OP, Ouwbrike, OO. ‎Perce, C.5. (IO98-90), The Bssratd Prive, © vole, aco DP, bowicxioa. ‎] 6. (1999), Girructurtay te Dork, Bota Phivsephica Penica SO, Detstab. ‎(COO9), Oaurutziay the Trosceadeud, Wucaiiy/Prowehes‏ .6 متا ‎@ovks, Pokerst, DS’.‏

صفحه 30:
Gueoygested ۲ (coct'd) Popper, KR. ((OS9), The Lovie of CriewtPic Discovery (OOF), ‏بل‎ ‎Lodo. Popper, WR. (999), ‏لا لاه( ویو( لو موس‎ Prey, W. (O90), Reakew wit o Wud Pace, Waverd OP, Cuvbriceer, OO. Prt, W. (JOOS), Prageatew: Pa Oped Question, Blachwel, OxPord. Prev, W. (COOP), The Ortlaper of the Pact/Odue Dickoirny, Warvard DP, Oxrrbricee, OB. Quine, 0.0. (1999), Outebaird Reta, oad Otker Bary, Orkrobia OP, Dew ‘York. Quine, 0.0. (1998), Prow Grohe te Griewr, Waverd OP, Cavbridge, OO. Rory, R. (IOP 9), Phibsephy ood the Dior of Date, Priaceios OP, Priccetva, Ou. Rory, R. (1988), Orwequewes of Propratsw, Worvester Press, Brichioa. Rory, R. (1990), Prue cod Prowess, Ouvbrike OP, Cacvbrictce.

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