صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
1. Alliteration: - ‘Repetition ofinitial consonant sounds - Example: Sister Suzy sat on the seashoreuntil suddenly she was swallowedbya shark. 2. Allusion: - Areferencetoawell-Rnown person, place,event, literary work, or workofart 9

صفحه 3:
27 ۸۶ - Asong-Cikepoemthat tells a sto 4.Blank Verse: - Poetry writteninunrhymed, iambicpentameter. 5.Concrete Poem: - Apoemwitha shapethat suggests its subject Examples George Herbert’s Easter WingsandThe Alter 9

صفحه 4:
6. Figurative Language: - Writing that isnot meant tobetaken literally Example: Hemademe so madi wantedto die. 7. Free Verse: - Poetry not writtenina regular rhythmical re or meter

صفحه 5:
8.Image: - Awordorphrasethat appeals 0 more of thefive senses 9. LyricPoem: - Highly musicalversethat expresses the observations andfeelings of a single speaker 70. Metaphor: - Afigure of speechin whichsomething is describedas thoughit were something else 9 Example: Heis sucha pigwhenheeats!

صفحه 6:
7,2 4 - Thefeelingcreatedinthereader bya Citerarywork 12,Onomatopoeia: - Theuse of words that imitate sounds Example: The buzz of the beewasvery Coud. 13. Personification: - Atypeoffigurativelanguagein whicha non-human subject is given human characteristics Example: Thetreewavedexcitedlyin thewind.

صفحه 7:
14. Repetition: - Theuse,more than once, ofany element of Canguage 15, Rhyme: - Repetition of sounds at the endof words Example:Rosesarered,violetsare bCue..... 16. Rhyme Scheme: 9 - Aregular pattern of rhyming wordsinapoem

صفحه 8:
777۸ - Pattern of beats or stressesin spoken orwritten language 18.Simile: - Afigure of speechthat uses likeor astomakea direct comparison between twounlikeideas My Coveislikearedrose, 79.Stanza: - formal division of fines ina poem consideredasawnit

صفحه 9:
20. Motif-Main or reoccurring theme. 27. Extended Metaphor -a comparison developed over several (ines of poetry. er 22. Pun-Double meaning

صفحه 10:
23٠. 0011: 5510110 [2011 - confession ofan activity or anemotion. 24. Elegy-Paystributetoa person (usually dead) 25.Imagist poetry -uses Cots ofimagestopainta ‎thereader.‏ ا لج

صفحه 11:
\ 5 هه Humor ° dumor in poetry canarise froma number of sources: - - 1208861 0.1011 - Bringing together of unrelated things ° Most funny poems have two thingsin common:

صفحه 12:
(۹ * Using more spirited(anguagemakes humorous situations even more humorous “The Porcupine” By Ogden Nash Any hounda porcupine nudges Can't be blamedfor harboring grudges. Iknow onehoundthat Caughedall winter Ataporcupinethat sat onasplinter.

صفحه 13:
If youtakeaway the rhythmawn rhyme, the humor vanishes. Any hound that touches a porcupine Can't be blamed for holding a grudge Iknow onehoundthat Caughedall winter Cong Ataporcupinethat sat ona piece of ‘wood

صفحه 14:
Limericks ° Alimerickis a poem offivelines * Thefirst, second andfifthlines have three rhythmic beatsandrhymewith oneanother. * Thethirdandfourthlines have two beatsandrhymewithoneanother. * Theyarealways light-hearted, humorous poems.

صفحه 15:
Limericks Thereoncewasamanwithnohair. He gaveeveryone quiteascare. He got some Rogaine, Grew outamane, And now he resembles a bear!

صفحه 16:
Limerick About a Bee Iwishthat my roomhada floor, Idon't caresomuchfor a door. But thiswalking around Without touching the ground Is getting tobe quitea bore.

صفحه 17:
دجم ‎her Limerick‏ مود Thereoncewasavery small mouse Wholivedinavery small house, Theocean’sspray Washedit away, AlCthat was left washer blouse!

صفحه 18:
VYouwill createalimerick similar tothis one... ThereoncewasamanfromBetijing. ALC his lifehehopedtobe King. Soheput onacrown, Which quickly fell down. That small silCyman from Beijing.

صفحه 19:
FilCin the blanksand create your own Limerick.

صفحه 20:

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