
Preparing Athletes for Asian Games

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ASPIRE Preparing Athletes for Asian Games Prot br. Dieter Hackort Dr. Thomas Flock (Speaker) Doha, Qatar

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23 ۹ ۹ 5#

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ASPIRE Overview ¢ ASPIRE - a brief introduction * Sport Science Approach - Bio-Science Support - Social Science Support * The holistic concept for ASPIRE student athletes

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ASPIRE Background The Sports Academy is a visionary initiative from the State of Qatar. Our Vision Transform Athletes into Champions Build a stronger sports culture in Qatar

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Objectives للم ٠ 10 discover and develop sports talents * To achieve international excellence in sports performance * To provide an exceptional physical and ‏حم‎ ‎educational environment * To offer the highest international standards of sport sciences and training support ‏ما‎ * To integrate sports into the life of the people of Qatar <

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Facilities للم * State-of-the-art training facilities abiding by international standards ۰ The latest and highest standards of Sportemea methodology, outstanding medical, biomechanical and social services ‏بنت‎ * “Talent Identification Program”; constantly, adapting to the progression in international ‘High-Performance Sports’ * The Dome, the largest indoor sports hall ..°

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Facilities Biomechanical Labs (~ 1.000 sqm) - Movement Analysis - Digital Video Analysis - Power/Force Analysis - Mechanical Workshop/Sports Equ. - Electronical Workshop ysiological Labs (~ 600 sqm) - Performance Labs - Altitude Labs - Analysis Labs

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23 ۹ ۹ 5# The Dome

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ASPIRE Overview ¢ ASPIRE - a brief introduction * Sport Science Approach - Bio-Science Support - Social Science Support * The holistic concept for ASPIRE student athletes

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Biomechanical Analyses

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Sport Science Approach Bio-Science Support Physiological Diagnostics

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Sport Science Approach ent Identification Program 2004, | . step: basic motor abilities ‘ . step: specific motor skills and mental attitudes ‏بس‎ ‎. step: exercise and health status ما . step: February 8.000 kids, grade 6 and 7 2. step: March/April 400 kids < 3. step: May/June 90 kids - talents

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Sport Science Approach ent Identification Program 2005 |) . step: basic motor abilities ‏مم‎ ‎. step: specific motor skills and mental attitudes ‏يسم‎ ‎. step: one week screening camp in ASPIRE . step: exercise and health status ‏بنت‎ ما . step: February 2005 6.000 kids, grade 6 and 7 incl. female students <

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23 ۹ ۹ 5# Talent ID

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بیع ۱ Emotion Motivation

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ASPIRE The importance of sport “Wheel of success in sports“

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ASPIRE The importance of sport ‏بروه/اه ,زوجم - ل‎ “Wheel of success in sports“ |

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Sport Psychology Diagnos tics Mental Test and Training System at ASPIRE most advanced system in the world unique configuration

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ASPIRE Sport Psychology Diagnostics General information VTS peripheral devices

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ASPIRE The HoTT-System Sport Psychology HOTT = Holistic Test and Training Cyvetarm

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Sport Psychology The Ho 71-55 tem training situation Task Environ- ! physical, ment mental material, social ASPIRE raining is situation-specific relating to 2 targeted person-task-environment configuration.

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Sport Psychology Specifications of MTS performance tests personality tests questionnaires ASPIRE

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Sport Psychology Diagnos tics Examples * determining the range of attention - biological peripheral perception - stress-induced narrowing of perception ٠ reaction time analysis - talent identification - intervention origin * analysis of individual stress tolerance SPIRE - adaptive testing - origin for specific stress-coping interventions

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Range of attention (Nideffer, 1978, 1992; Baumann, 2000) broad long-term 2 2 external narrow ASPIRE Sport Psychology internal short-term“

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Broad vs. narrow range of attention Example: Football, mid-field ۱ i i measurement of * optical (biological) peripheral view (= 1702) => biological — requirement for excellence Qu * stress-induced reduction of peripheral attention => critical mental ‏ما‎ ‎5 aspect to maximize © = competitors \ performance < © = teammates

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ASPIRE Long-term focus of attention concentration ,Cognitrone’-test: Concentration under * unlimited working time * fixed working time, respectively time pressure A high level of concentration is * essential in every sports competition * especially in * racket sports, e. g. tennis or Squash * psychomotor complex sports, e. g. diving or gymnastics

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ASPIRE 0005-78 Reaction-Time Purpose * talent identification ٠ problem identification ۰ find origins for interventions

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ASPIRE Reaction-Time Analysis Problem identification reaction time -— decision time motor time

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ASPIRE Reaction time analysis Origins for interventions * motor or mental intervention * state or trait-oriented intervention * cognitive or emotional inte€Yyention WwW Reaction Ti degree of arousal

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ASPIRE Analysis of stress tolerance Adaptive testing 2 high level of stress-tolerance: is essential in every sports competition ٠ is specifically required in sports demanding fine motor abilities,

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Sport Psychology Mental Training E.g. iofeedback سمو ۱۵0۵1 0۴ 7762۳05 و ۰ ‎training in the frame of‏ بنت ‎HoTT = ao‏ ‎deliberate influencing of |‏ * ما ‎bodily functions‏ ‎heart rate L‏ - ‎respiration (rate, depth) — <‏ - - muscle contraction (EMG) - arousal (skin conductance) 2 ‏سس‎

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ASPIRE Overview ¢ ASPIRE - a brief introduction * Sport Science Approach - Bio-Science Support - Social Science Support * The holistic concept for ASPIRE student athletes

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is to develop (a) elite athletes SPIRE An holistic perspective on our student at

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