کامپیوتر و IT و اینترنتعلوم مهندسی

Principles of Computing and Information Technology Lecture 2 - Hardware

صفحه 1:
>صاكح ‎٩۰۳9‏ اه رانمون) اه وطم۳۷) ‎Veckalowy‏ bevture © - Wardware Oudy Osa ©chool of Lbray, Orohue & dePorcation Gxntes, DOL

صفحه 2:
Coe eer er ene LS certo Ee Oke we wil cover todo © Wistory od develppwedt oP powputers 0 * Processors Orwory ٠ WO devices|periphercts: — put devices — vuiput devices = store devices eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche? e

صفحه 3:
He eds Darren rnp of Omapnten ‏مم1 لجن‎ ‏ی‎

صفحه 4:
ee eee eee erro Ee ®ut ubv... ٠ GOES doko Org Deuvaad - © Dke Ovg Oeuond Couwept - Nhe vowputer us a! — Gequectuly-executed — Gored Propane — Duckice eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 5:
Coe eer er ene LS certo Ee Ovw Oeuwuca priwipes ° Dke ochitecture oP a powputer pousists oP ther wid parts: CPO, wewory, ved ‏ول شوه و‎ (dota bus) whick core ‏لب ول ره و توا‎ ot o fie betwee the tv. ° Dke wewory isu faeur vevior oP data words ‏ار‎ are اك

صفحه 6:
Coe eer er ene LS certo Ee Ovw Oeuwuca priwipes * Dke prograd whick directs the uniiviies oP the CPO is stored io the save wesory us the data Wwhirk is to be ‏تون‎ by the proycow - the powputer is u stored ‏و مر‎ اك

صفحه 7:
Coe eer er ene LS certo Ee Ovw Oeuwuca priwipes ٠ ‏عهه تمصع مه ول مرها فص صم جز جردو"‎ fudeed betuerd poe date ype cod covther. ‏مه وا و‎ fuheredt weadiay to the Words whick ure stored ict weoory. Vke ioterpretaicg of a word is Pred aly by the vowtert ut the fie the Word is Petched Prow weworp. اك

صفحه 8:
ee eee eee erro Ee Ovw Oeuwuca priwipes ٠ Giowe the device pooeeviog the wewory ord OPO vara poly trocsnit oe word of u five, festruntivas ‏امه‎ pxvevited sequential. eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 9:
ee eee eee erro Ee جعأماصواام م2 مون) ° dust ‏من‎ ۰ ...Qut the basis Por the physicd wooiPestaivd oP octet ow puters ۰ Persisteure of the Ova Oeuwann wodel © Represeuted it powputer systew urchitevture ٠ Ooderd dverqeue Prow the wodel 9 اك

صفحه 10:
Coe eer er ene LS certo Ee Cowwputer syste urvhitevture ow the vowputer is physicdly built (at the ‏مشاه‎ ‏موه‎ bevel) اه مرن “lack box” wodels ve dita logic woodel> 0" اك

صفحه 11:
0 00 ae eae ‎a‏ اك

صفحه 12:
0 ee eee eee erro » , MEMORY 1/0 DEVICES ands Draronrs - Pricer of Orr ‏لالم‎ Pech

صفحه 13:
0 00 ae eae PhircHevel block ‏ممبحف‎ =a ‎LoGic‏ أعد سر ‎‘OPERATIONS: OPERATIONS.‏ ‎ ‎ ‎9 ‏اك

صفحه 14:
ands Draronrs - Pricer of Orr ‏رویط لالم‎

صفحه 15:
9 ee eee eee erro The boy yor © Basis oP of cowputers ۰ @kysicd piece of nina ۰ Cixed inputs — Trak tables اك

صفحه 16:
0 ee eee eee erro © kaPeedder c اك

صفحه 17:
we اك ۱ ‏و‎ ‎i

صفحه 18:
ee eee eee erro Ee جادبره عندحوجج ۱ ۰ )(۳ ۶ — Dive tokeo ty “Reick” oo fosteurtioa Pro wesppry urd exer” itis the processor — “Cxenue” possibitties - deterxpiced by iustructica set — Gpeed of execuiiva - detercviced by ‏طلسه) له امه‎ tie) ۰ Oh és it sv ‏و‎ 7 eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 19:
He ل ل Qekive speeds eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 20:
Coe eer er ene LS certo Ee he Ovg Oeuwace ‏لاه‎ ‎© Gpeed is retaivel! © Dorkiey ud the problews ٠١ 5 0 لو ۰ archet provessicy مشاه مولو() ۰ ‎eo‏ اك

صفحه 21:
ee eee eee erro Ee QOewory pes © Priweay ve Sevouday * Obtkate vs wewvhatle * Oewory pes! — RGD, ROM, PROD, ERROO, CEPROD — Chips, 6100s, O10 Os, pics, ‏معدم‎ — GROD, DROD, OROD, ORODO, EOO ROD, GORGD, DOR ROO etc etc etc! ‎ea‏ اك

صفحه 22:
ee eee eee erro Ee apt devices © Data ioput vs dota paptune = Dota faput is the vrightal aeaive oF data it digital Pore — Onto capture is the pouwersivd oP eadstiog dota foto digital Pore ٠ apa device types eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 23:
هه He ل ل eput devices eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 24:
ee eee eee erro Ee Output devices © Ward us Oph copy = Weord copy is persvoordt ued portable — Got copy is vol! * Output device types eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 25:
ee eee eee erro Ee risters: ۰ ‏اون‎ vs page * Iwpet ve uosricppuct © Oaswkeel, Ont watrix, Lice printer ۰ dakiet, Bubblejet ٠ Drerwdl trowsPer جرا ۰ Plotters eds auras ~ ‏وس‎ of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 26:
ee eee eee erro Oupul devices * OOO — Outkode ray (ORT) - 0 - — Proswa * Ovive ۰ COM * Others? eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 27:
ee eee eee erro Ee Gtorage devices * @usiv storage ‏و‎ ‎— Gequectal ‏د‎ ‎— locked ٠ Gerd ond rondow uvess ee eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 28:
ee eee eee erro Gone devices ° Orda = Dugeetic — Optical + Pope ohane — Gold stot eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche?

صفحه 29:
ee eee eee erro Ee Gtorene Porsous © Whe ceed Por Porcvatiog ٠ Oueetic ope — Cussetielowtridye, reel, DOT * Ouquetic disk — Poppy, Ward, — “GuperPoppies”, portubles|rewovedbles © Optic — CO-R (DOOR), CO-RYO, DODO, DOO-RO ٠ Gold-state devices ‎eo‏ اك

صفحه 30:
ee eee eee erro Ee ‎devices‏ م66 ‎۰ Whe Pature ocd developed treads — Giicks, cards, ood who bows wot color? - Dhe dewise of the disk? — Revediratsaica? 0 Cucdavedtd coosidercdicns: - - ‏جوصدمه خم لجوم8©)‎ — Cost — Ovkroe ‏هه اك

صفحه 31:
on 0 eee ce ene caer oe ۸ Ths week's previcds * Excel busics © Gicople koedout, bockup woterias vo the web — see ۰ ‏و()‎ detail (oad wore cowplex persia) boter ic the fer اك

صفحه 32:
ee eee eee erro Ee What's t Por this weeh! © Wistory oP Ovxsoputtery site - hitp!//ei.cs.vi.edul~kistory/ * Oru bit Aashier ‏اهاط‎ ٠ Wow GrbP Dorks (tech stuPP explaiced!) ‏اج تسس جد سرمحمص | أنصها‎ * Oext week — GoPiware.... eds auras ~ Prac of Overy ed “eb eras Poche? oS

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